from django.forms import ModelForm, ChoiceField, BooleanField, \ CharField, IntegerField, ValidationError from django.contrib.auth.models import User from core.models import Scan, UserProfile from NmapOptions import NmapOptions import re DEFAULT_SCAN_OPTIONS = "-sS -PE -PS443 -PA80 -PP -sV -O -sC -T4 -v" class ProfileForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = UserProfile fields = ['mail_results_err', 'mail_results_all'] class UserForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = User fields = ['username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email'] mra = None mre = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UserForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if 'instance' in kwargs: up = kwargs['instance'].userprofile p = ProfileForm(instance=up) self.fields['mra'] = p.fields['mail_results_all'] self.fields['mra'].initial = up.mail_results_all self.fields['mre'] = p.fields['mail_results_err'] self.fields['mre'].initial = up.mail_results_err def clean(self): super(UserForm, self).clean() cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data mra = cleaned_data.get("mra") mre = cleaned_data.get("mre") # mail on all but not on errors? does not compute. if mra and not mre: raise ValidationError(u"You'll need to accept emails on errors, " "or not accept them at all. Your current selection is " "ambiguous.") return cleaned_data def save(self, commit=True): model = super(UserForm, self).save(commit=False) model.userprofile.mail_results_all = self.cleaned_data['mra'] model.userprofile.mail_results_err = self.cleaned_data['mre'] if commit: return model class ScanForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Scan fields = ['name', 'targets', 'schedule_date'] opts = NmapOptions() ### UI Elements # host discovery sn = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Ping (disables port scanning)', help_text=u'disable port scanning') Pn = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Skip discovery / assume online', help_text=u'treat all hosts as online') PS = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'TCP SYN') PA = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'TCP ACK') PU = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'UDP') PY = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'SCTP') traceroute = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Trace the route', help_text=u'Trace hop path to each host') # scan techniques sS = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'TCP SYN Scan') sU = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'UDP Scan') # port specification p = CharField(required=False, label=u'Port range(s)', help_text=u'Only scan the specified ports') F = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Fast mode', help_text=u'Only scan the top 100 ports') top_ports = IntegerField(required=False, min_value=0, max_value=65525, label=u'Most popular', help_text=u'Only the top most popular') # service/version detection sV = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Detect remote services/versions', help_text=u'Determine service/version info') # script scan sC = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Scan with the default scripts', help_text=u'Run the default NSE scripts') # os detection O = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Detect the Operating System', help_text=u'Enable operating system detection') # timing T = ChoiceField( label=u'Scanning speed', choices=[(3, u'normal'), (4, u'aggressive'), (5, u'insane')]) # output v = BooleanField(required=False, label=u'Verbose') def _isHostname(self, entry): '''Check if we have something that can be a hostname as defined by RFCs 952 and 1123. To note, underscores are not allowed, though Windows systems may sometimes use them. We consider them invalid here. Hostnames must be qualified - generally this means we require a TLD. >>> _isHostname('--packet-trace') False >>> _isHostname('') False >>> _isHostname('12345') False >>> _isHostname('127.o.o.1') False >>> _isHostname('') True >>> _isHostname('') True ''' if entry.endswith("."): entry = entry[:-1] if len(entry) > 255: return False # "too long to be a hostname" else: if entry.count("/") == 1: entry, cidr = entry.rsplit("/") if not self._isCIDR(cidr): return False elif entry.count("/") > 1: return False # only one CIDR group allowed if not"\.[a-z]{2,}$", entry, re.I): return False # "not a qualified hostname" invalid = re.compile("[^a-z\d-]", re.IGNORECASE) for label in entry.split("."): if (not label or len(label) > 63 or label.startswith("-") or label.endswith("-") or return False return True def _isIPRange(self, entry): '''Check if an IP range has been specified. No checking is made to see if this range includes non-public IPs, only that octets are valid. ''' if entry.count("/") == 1: entry, cidr = entry.rsplit("/") if not self._isCIDR(cidr) or "-" in entry: return False elif entry.count("/") > 1: return False # only one CIDR group allowed octets = entry.split(".") if len(octets) == 4: for octet in octets: parts = octet.split("-") if len(parts) == 2: try: start, end = int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]) if not 0 <= start < end <= 255: return False # numbers out of order except: return False # Parse error (range must be numeric) elif len(parts) == 1: try: if not 0 <= int(parts[0]) <= 255: return False # IP octets take values between 0-255 except: return False # Parse error (range must be numeric) else: return False # too many parts for this to be a range else: return False # too many octets to be an IP # all checks passed, must be a valid IP range address return True def _isCIDR(self, cidr): '''Quick check if the given value could be a CIDR mask''' try: cidr = int(cidr) if 0 > cidr or cidr > 32: return False # invalid CIDR spec except ValueError: return False return True def clean_targets(self): '''Validate that the targets passed to the scan match the formats that Nmap knows how to handle. We currently only list problematic entries in the error message(s) and it's up to the user to fix these issues. ''' data = self.cleaned_data['targets'].strip() entries = re.split("[\s,]+", data) # track errors so that we can inform users of all of them at once errlist = [] for ent in entries: if not self._isIPRange(ent) and not self._isHostname(ent): errlist.append(u"%s is not a valid target specification" % ent) if errlist: raise ValidationError(errlist) return " ".join(entries) def clean_p(self): '''Validate that the specified ports follow our given subset of options, such as ##,##,###-###,##-###,## ''' data = self.cleaned_data['p'].strip() if not data: return data # empty, nothing to check here # track errors so that we can inform users of all of them at once errlist = [] chunks = data.split(",") for chunk in chunks: try: portlist = chunk.split("-") num_ports = len(portlist) if num_ports < 1 or num_ports > 2: errlist.append(u"%s: specify range as 'start - end'" % chunk) elif num_ports == 1 and int(portlist[0]) > 65535: errlist.append(u"%s: ports to be scanned must be between \ 0 and 65535 inclusive") elif num_ports == 2: start, end = int(portlist[0]), int(portlist[1]) if start > end: errlist.append(u"%s: the starting port should be \ lower than the ending port." % chunk) if start < 0 or end > 65535: errlist.append(u"%s: ports to be scanned must be \ between 0 and 65535 inclusive" % chunk) except ValueError: # values below 0 also get 'trapped' here errlist.append(u"%s: not a valid port specification" % chunk) if errlist: raise ValidationError(errlist) return data def clean(self): cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data # make sure Pn is given without conflicting options if cleaned_data['Pn'] and ( cleaned_data['sn'] or cleaned_data['PS'] or cleaned_data['PA'] or cleaned_data['PU'] or cleaned_data['PY']): raise ValidationError("Cannot assume online AND enable discovery\ options.") # make sure sn is given without conflicting options if cleaned_data['sn'] and ( cleaned_data['sS'] or cleaned_data['sU'] or cleaned_data['p'] or cleaned_data['top_ports']): raise ValidationError("You have specified a Ping-only scan, but\ still specified port scanning options.") # Always return the full collection of cleaned data. return cleaned_data def __init__(self, owner, *args, **kwargs): self.owner = owner super(ScanForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if 'instance' in kwargs: self.opts.parse_string(kwargs['instance'].command) else: self.opts.parse_string(DEFAULT_SCAN_OPTIONS) self.fields['sn'].initial = self.opts['-sn'] self.fields['Pn'].initial = self.opts['-Pn'] if self.opts['-PS'] != None: self.fields['PS'].initial = True if self.opts['-PA'] != None: self.fields['PA'].initial = True if self.opts['-PU'] != None: self.fields['PU'].initial = True if self.opts['-PY'] != None: self.fields['PY'].initial = True self.fields['traceroute'].initial = self.opts['--traceroute'] self.fields['sS'].initial = self.opts['-sS'] self.fields['sU'].initial = self.opts['-sU'] self.fields['p'].initial = self.opts['-p'] self.fields['F'].initial = self.opts['-F'] self.fields['top_ports'].initial = self.opts['--top-ports'] self.fields['sV'].initial = self.opts['-sV'] self.fields['sC'].initial = self.opts['-sC'] self.fields['O'].initial = self.opts['-O'] self.fields['T'].initial = self.opts['-T'] self.fields['v'].initial = self.opts['-v'] def save(self, commit=True): self.opts['-sn'] = self.cleaned_data['sn'] self.opts['-Pn'] = self.cleaned_data['Pn'] if self.cleaned_data['PS']: self.opts['-PS'] = '' else: self.opts['-PS'] = None if self.cleaned_data['PA']: self.opts['-PA'] = '' else: self.opts['-PA'] = None if self.cleaned_data['PU']: self.opts['-PU'] = '' else: self.opts['-PU'] = None if self.cleaned_data['PY']: self.opts['-PY'] = '' else: self.opts['-PY'] = None self.opts['--traceroute'] = self.cleaned_data['traceroute'] self.opts['-sS'] = self.cleaned_data['sS'] self.opts['-sU'] = self.cleaned_data['sU'] # CharFields can be empty, but that means None to us ports = self.cleaned_data['p'] if ports: self.opts['-p'] = ports else: self.opts['-p'] = None self.opts['-F'] = self.cleaned_data['F'] if self.cleaned_data['top_ports']: self.opts['--top-ports'] = str(self.cleaned_data['top_ports']) else: self.opts['--top-ports'] = None self.opts['-sV'] = self.cleaned_data['sV'] self.opts['-sC'] = self.cleaned_data['sC'] self.opts['-O'] = self.cleaned_data['O'] self.opts['-T'] = self.cleaned_data['T'] self.opts['-v'] = self.cleaned_data['v'] # save model, use the parsed command string model = super(ScanForm, self).save(commit=False) model.command = self.opts.render_string() if commit: return model