This is Rainmap's TODO list. It contains a log of the features left to implement, bugs, and serves as a changelog between versions. User Interface (HTML + CSS): - "new/edit" scan form - allow for target file upload - two save buttons - redirect to "view scan" and provide cost, schedule, run options - add port boxes to SYN and ACK - verbosity: "regular, verbose, extra verbose" - most popular ports - 100 [rid of 'fast mode'] - 1000 [default] - other opts based on credit system boundaries - radio buttons between 'topmost popular'/'range' - "run now" and "save" submission choices - view scan results - add -oN to list of supported formats - improve XSL output, especially colouring of open vs. closed ports - notify when scan is done via AJAX - ability to diff with a previous scan result - full scan results emailed (with diff as requested) - email text version only if below certain size - settings on profile page - email options for: - completed/failed scans - scan output (text) if below certain threshold Administrative Interface: - generate/view usage reports (scan types and options) - view abuse notices - display more information for various elements, i.e. the scan listing should display who owns them etc Scan Execution: Worker processes: - message types: - 'settings-update' updates blacklist and global options - update local scan-specific settings (i.e. blacklists) [try to keep in-memory, not on disk] - scheduling - cancellations happen at DB level - schedule using a celerybeat task every 15 minutes