This document contains information on the steps necessary to install Rainmap. ## INSTALLATION ## ### Rainmap - Web Frontend ### Rainmap is a Django project. If you have any prior experience with Django, you should be able to skip a number of steps below. Generally-speaking, you don't *need* to use any of the things below and can opt for alternatives. For example, if you want to use MySQL, that's possible. If you want to serve with `mod_python`, despite it being dead and buried (as a project), you can do that to. - install CentOS 5.x or higher (Rainmap was originally developed on 5.5) - add EPEL: and install dependencies: `sudo yum install erlang python-psycopg2 postgresql-server postgresql-python httpd mod_wsgi python-simplejson python-ctypes python-devel python-setuptools python-pip gcc gcc-c++` - RabbitMQ is available from the EPEL repository, but we recommend installing the relevant RPM from the official site: - configure RabbitMQ - remember to adjust your hostnames and iptables rules if you want to enable clustering - configure PostgreSQL with a `rainmapdba` user and `rainmap_db` database. - configure Apache; please refer to `contrib/rainmap.conf` for a sample - enable `mod_wsgi` by editing `/etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf` - make sure you remove `mod_python` if already installed. More information: - - - - we recommend you install Django & `django-registration` from source: - django: - django-registration: - and `celery` with pip: sudo pip install django-celery # celery - install `supervisor` from source from - configure `supervisord` to be able to have `django-celery` automatically restart itself as needed; please refer to the sample files `contrib/supervisord.conf` and `contrib/supervisord/celeryd.conf` - if you don't already have the Rainmap code, grab it by following instructions at or via Subversion: svn co --username=guest --password="" svn:// rainmap - we suggest you create `/var/local/rainmap/` and move `rainmap/src/public` and `rainmap/src/django` in this location: - the `django/` folder contains the application logic - the `public/` folder contains static files - symlink or move `$DJANGO/contrib/admin/media/` to `public/admin-media` (where $DJANGO is the folder where Django is installed in) - you'll need a `` in `/var/local/rainmap/django/rainmap/`; start from the `settings.example` file provided, and read the header comments for things to change (DATABASE, EMAIL and SECRET_KEY), then rename the file to `` - start the `postgresql` and `httpd` services - start `supervisord` - go to `/var/local/rainmap/django/rainmap/` and have Django create the required database tables: `./ syncdb` Congratulations! You should now have a working installation of Rainmap! If you encounter any problems with this install guide, or want to submit patches, please use the nmap-dev mailing list at ### RAINQ - RabbitMQ Worker Nodes ### Only the code in `src/celeryd` is needed for worker nodes, and you may place it under i.e. `/var/local/rainmap/` Please use the `contrib/supervisord.conf` and `contrib/celeryd.conf` files for samples on how to configure Celery and Supervisord on worker nodes. Only a subset of packages are required for worker nodes: sudo yum install erlang python-simplejson python-ctypes python-devel python-setuptools python-pip gcc gcc-c++ - install RabbitMQ from source as before - install Nmap from source - install `celery` via pip - make shared storage available, i.e. via NFS. For now, all nodes must have the location that is defined in `` on the Django app server, i.e. all nodes use /var/local/rainmap/storage/ - you most likely need to use no_root_squash in /etc/exports if you use NFS - The storage location must be read-writable by the webserver (apache) user - the Django node MUST be part of the RabbitMQ cluster, as it is responsible for sending out emails and performing database tasks. Refer to `/contrib/supervisord/celeryd.conf` for instructions on how to limit tasks on the web-app node. - enable clustering for all RabbitMQ nodes: ## APPENDIX A: Configuring PostgreSQL ## These steps were taken for a new installation of PostgreSQL. If you already have an instance, you may skip some steps (and we're assuming you know enough about PostgreSQL not to need too much hand-holding.) - in "/etc/sysconfig/pgsql/postgresql" set "PGDATA=/var/lib/pgsql/data" - then execute: sudo service postgresql start su - postgres psql -d template1 -U postgres From the SQL command line, change the PostgreSQL user `postgres`'s password: ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD ''; \q Modify `/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf` to require password authentication for local connections. Comment any existing lines at the end of the file, then append: local all all password Create a user on the PostgreSQL server. The Rainmap config file expects the username to be `rainmapdba`: createuser -P -s -e rainmapdba Enter password for new role: Enter it again: CREATE ROLE rainmapdba PASSWORD 'secretpassword' SUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN; CREATE ROLE Create the database. The Rainmap config expects its name to be `rainmap_db`: createdb --encoding=UNICODE rainmap_db -O rainmapdba CREATE DATABASE Then restart the PostgreSQL server: sudo service postgresql restart