#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ***********************IMPORTANT NMAP LICENSE TERMS************************ # * # * The Nmap Security Scanner is (C) 1996-2024 Nmap Software LLC ("The Nmap # * Project"). Nmap is also a registered trademark of the Nmap Project. # * # * This program is distributed under the terms of the Nmap Public Source # * License (NPSL). The exact license text applying to a particular Nmap # * release or source code control revision is contained in the LICENSE # * file distributed with that version of Nmap or source code control # * revision. More Nmap copyright/legal information is available from # * https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html, and further information on the # * NPSL license itself can be found at https://nmap.org/npsl/ . This # * header summarizes some key points from the Nmap license, but is no # * substitute for the actual license text. # * # * Nmap is generally free for end users to download and use themselves, # * including commercial use. It is available from https://nmap.org. # * # * The Nmap license generally prohibits companies from using and # * redistributing Nmap in commercial products, but we sell a special Nmap # * OEM Edition with a more permissive license and special features for # * this purpose. See https://nmap.org/oem/ # * # * If you have received a written Nmap license agreement or contract # * stating terms other than these (such as an Nmap OEM license), you may # * choose to use and redistribute Nmap under those terms instead. # * # * The official Nmap Windows builds include the Npcap software # * (https://npcap.com) for packet capture and transmission. It is under # * separate license terms which forbid redistribution without special # * permission. So the official Nmap Windows builds may not be redistributed # * without special permission (such as an Nmap OEM license). # * # * Source is provided to this software because we believe users have a # * right to know exactly what a program is going to do before they run it. # * This also allows you to audit the software for security holes. # * # * Source code also allows you to port Nmap to new platforms, fix bugs, and # * add new features. You are highly encouraged to submit your changes as a # * Github PR or by email to the dev@nmap.org mailing list for possible # * incorporation into the main distribution. Unless you specify otherwise, it # * is understood that you are offering us very broad rights to use your # * submissions as described in the Nmap Public Source License Contributor # * Agreement. This is important because we fund the project by selling licenses # * with various terms, and also because the inability to relicense code has # * caused devastating problems for other Free Software projects (such as KDE # * and NASM). # * # * The free version of Nmap is distributed in the hope that it will be # * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Warranties, # * indemnification and commercial support are all available through the # * Npcap OEM program--see https://nmap.org/oem/ # * # ***************************************************************************/ import os import signal import sys import configparser import shutil # https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.8.html#bpo-36085-whatsnew if hasattr(os, "add_dll_directory"): os.add_dll_directory(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) # Cause an exception if PyGTK can't open a display. Normally this just # produces a warning, but the lack of a display eventually causes a # segmentation fault. See http://live.gnome.org/PyGTK/WhatsNew210. # 'append = "True"' is to work around an error when using PyGTK with # Python 2.7 that otherwise causes an assertion failure. See # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=620216#c10. import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("error", module="gtk", append="True") try: import gi gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk except Exception: # On Mac OS X 10.5, X11 is supposed to be automatically launched on demand. # It works by setting the DISPLAY environment variable to something like # "/tmp/launch-XXXXXX/:0" and intercepting traffic on that socket; see # http://homepage.mac.com/sao1/X11/#four. However this breaks in a strange # way if DISPLAY is set in one of the shell startup files like .profile. # Those files only have an effect on the shell, not the graphical # environment, so X11 starts up as expected, but in doing so it reads the # startup scripts, and for some reason the first connection (the one that # caused the launch) is rejected. But somehow subsequent connections work # fine! So if the import fails, try one more time. import gi gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk warnings.resetwarnings() from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higdialogs import HIGAlertDialog from zenmapCore.UmitConf import is_maemo, SearchConfig import zenmapCore.UmitConf from zenmapCore.UmitLogging import log from zenmapCore.UmitOptionParser import option_parser from zenmapCore.Name import APP_NAME, APP_DISPLAY_NAME, NMAP_DISPLAY_NAME import zenmapCore.I18N # lgtm[py/unused-import] from zenmapCore.Paths import Path, create_user_config_dir from zenmapCore.Name import APP_DISPLAY_NAME from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higdialogs import HIGAlertDialog # A global list of open scan windows. When the last one is destroyed, we call # Gtk.main_quit. open_windows = [] def _destroy_callback(window): open_windows.remove(window) if len(open_windows) == 0: Gtk.main_quit() try: from zenmapCore.UmitDB import UmitDB except ImportError as e: log.debug(">>> Not cleaning up database: %s." % str(e)) else: # Cleaning up data base UmitDB().cleanup(SearchConfig().converted_save_time) def new_window(): from zenmapGUI.MainWindow import ScanWindow w = ScanWindow() w.connect("destroy", _destroy_callback) if is_maemo(): import hildon hildon_app = hildon.Program() hildon_app.add_window(w) open_windows.append(w) return w def is_root(): if 'NMAP_PRIVILEGED' in os.environ: return True elif 'NMAP_UNPRIVILEGED' in os.environ: return False else: return sys.platform == "win32" or os.getuid() == 0 or is_maemo() def install_excepthook(): # This will catch exceptions and send them to bugzilla def excepthook(type, value, tb): import traceback traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb) # Cause an exception if PyGTK can't open a display. Normally this just # produces a warning, but the lack of a display eventually causes a # segmentation fault. See http://live.gnome.org/PyGTK/WhatsNew210. warnings.filterwarnings("error", module="gtk") import gi gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk warnings.resetwarnings() Gdk.threads_enter() from zenmapGUI.higwidgets.higdialogs import HIGAlertDialog from zenmapGUI.CrashReport import CrashReport if type == ImportError: d = HIGAlertDialog(type=Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, message_format=_("Import error"), secondary_text=_("""A required module was not found. """ + str(value))) d.run() d.destroy() else: c = CrashReport(type, value, tb) c.show_all() Gtk.main() Gdk.threads_leave() Gtk.main_quit() sys.excepthook = excepthook def safe_shutdown(signum, stack): """Kills any active scans/tabs and shuts down the application.""" log.debug("\n\n%s\nSAFE SHUTDOWN!\n%s\n" % ("#" * 30, "#" * 30)) log.debug("SIGNUM: %s" % signum) for window in open_windows: window.scan_interface.kill_all_scans() sys.exit(signum) def run(): if os.name == "posix": signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, safe_shutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, safe_shutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, safe_shutdown) DEVELOPMENT = os.environ.get(APP_NAME.upper() + "_DEVELOPMENT", False) if not DEVELOPMENT: install_excepthook() zenmapCore.I18N.install_gettext(Path.locale_dir) try: # Create the ~/.zenmap directory by copying from the system-wide # template directory. create_user_config_dir( Path.user_config_dir, Path.config_dir) except (IOError, OSError) as e: error_dialog = HIGAlertDialog( message_format=_( "Error creating the per-user configuration directory"), secondary_text=_("""\ There was an error creating the directory %s or one of the files in it. \ The directory is created by copying the contents of %s. \ The specific error was %s %s needs to create this directory to store information such as the list of \ scan profiles. Check for access to the directory and try again.""") % ( repr(Path.user_config_dir), repr(Path.config_dir), repr(str(e)), APP_DISPLAY_NAME ) ) error_dialog.run() error_dialog.destroy() sys.exit(1) try: # Read the ~/.zenmap/zenmap.conf configuration file. zenmapCore.UmitConf.config_parser.read(Path.user_config_file) except configparser.ParsingError as e: # ParsingError can leave some values as lists instead of strings. Just # blow it all away if we have this problem. zenmapCore.UmitConf.config_parser = zenmapCore.UmitConf.config_parser.__class__() error_dialog = HIGAlertDialog( message_format=_("Error parsing the configuration file"), secondary_text=_("""\ There was an error parsing the configuration file %s. \ The specific error was %s %s can continue without this file but any information in it will be ignored \ until it is repaired.""") % (Path.user_config_file, str(e), APP_DISPLAY_NAME) ) error_dialog.run() error_dialog.destroy() global_config_path = os.path.join(Path.config_dir, APP_NAME + '.conf') repair_dialog = HIGAlertDialog( type=Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, message_format=_("Restore default configuration?"), secondary_text=_("""\ To avoid further errors parsing the configuration file %s, \ you can copy the default configuration from %s. Do this now? \ """) % (Path.user_config_file, global_config_path), ) repair_dialog.add_button(Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) repair_dialog.set_default_response(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) if repair_dialog.run() == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: shutil.copyfile(global_config_path, Path.user_config_file) log.debug(">>> Copy %s to %s." % (global_config_path, Path.user_config_file)) repair_dialog.destroy() # Display a "you're not root" warning if appropriate. if not is_root(): non_root = NonRootWarning() non_root.run() non_root.destroy() # Load files given as command-line arguments. filenames = option_parser.get_open_results() if len(filenames) == 0: # Open up a blank window. window = new_window() window.show_all() else: for filename in filenames: window = new_window() if os.path.isdir(filename): window._load_directory(window.scan_interface, filename) else: window._load(window.scan_interface, filename) window.show_all() nmap = option_parser.get_nmap() target = option_parser.get_target() profile = option_parser.get_profile() if nmap: # Start running a scan if given by the -n option. page = window.get_empty_interface() page.command_toolbar.command = " ".join(nmap) page.start_scan_cb() elif target or profile: # Set up target and profile according to the -t and -p options. page = window.get_empty_interface() if target: page.toolbar.selected_target = target if profile: page.toolbar.selected_profile = profile if target and profile: page.start_scan_cb() Gtk.main() class NonRootWarning (HIGAlertDialog): def __init__(self): warning_text = _('''You are trying to run %s with a non-root user! Some %s options need root privileges to work.''') % ( APP_DISPLAY_NAME, NMAP_DISPLAY_NAME) HIGAlertDialog.__init__(self, message_format=_('Non-root user'), secondary_text=warning_text) if __name__ == "__main__": run()