RadialNet 0.44 -------------- o Fix bug caused by gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader that don't recognize image type in Windows. Now gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file() is used (thanks to IndianZ). o Added new version of XMLTreeParser.py called XMLHandler.py. o Added new version of bestwidgets. o Change radialnet.py file name to radialnet.pyw to application starts with no command prompt on Windows. RadialNet 0.43 -------------- o Clean __init__.py files. o Added vendor to address field when addrtype is MAC. o Added new version of bestwidgets. o Fixed bug caused by list key error on NodeNotebook.py. RadialNet 0.42 -------------- o Fixed bug caused when tcptssequence xml node has no values information. o Improve the coherence in animation. RadialNet 0.41 -------------- o Create a solution to fix the gtk issue that don't show text in BWTextEditor class correctly (thanks to Luís Bastião). o Due to encoding problems the encoding of all file was changed to utf-8. o Created a new logo and About dialog. New logo was used as window icon too. o Added a Info module that contains the program information. o Added a Image superclass in gui/Icons.py file. Change gui/Icons.py filename to gui/Image.py. o Added a Path class to hold directory base. This make possible RadialNet runnable from any directory. RadialNet 0.4 ------------- o Incorporated a HostsViewer class that lists the hosts in a left list and show its information in a NodeNotebook in the right side. It can be accessed in the new Tools button on toolbar. o Added a complete OS Fingerprint and Sequences view with other general informations in the NodeNotebook class. o Create a set of class to make more easy follow the Gnome HIG 2.0 specifications and the creation of complex composed widgets. This set is called bestwidgets. o Create a class and file named NodeNotebook and move node noetebook pages to it. o Added a Application class to solve user interface issues like hide and show of widgets. o Improve command line options with ArgvHandle class. And add a file chooser dialog to interface to open Nmap XML files from the GUI. o Enable visualization of host with no traceroute information. These nodes are link to localhost and has black dashed connections. This make possible for non-privileged users use the RadialNet. o Remove statusbar from node's window and put hostname in title. o Added a new notebook to node's window with all traceroute information. o By default latency numbers are hidden, ring gap is changed to 30 and fisheye spread factor to 0.5. o Convert frames in control panel to expanders to grant to user see only he need. o Move actions toolbar menu to right control panel. And a information button was added. They are placed in a "Action" expander. o Include "Option" expander in "View" expander. RadialNet 0.31 -------------- o Improve the animation by coherent calculus of children positions. Using some angle conditions we can perform a better animation. o Reduce excessive processing on some update methods that check values in RadialNet class periodically. RadialNet 0.3 ------------- o New services viewer on pop-up windows. With NSE script output support with a text viewer. o Clean the interface hiding some controllers if no needed using toggle buttons. o Added option to enable/disable slow-in/slow-out animation in options list. o Fixes wrong English messages in the program (thanks to DePriest, Jasey). RadialNet 0.2 ------------- o Improve icons apparency, size and position. o Added latency mean for each edge as text and width of edge. The edge's width is normalized between 1 (min value) to 5 (max value) pixels. o When a node is a group we draw a black circle if localhost ( is grouped on it. o Change mouse button events to a toolbar. The options. We include buttons to guide mouse actions. Three options are added, one to change the center of visualization, another to group node's children, and more one to fill node's draw region. o Added region fill feature. When clicking in a node with this option the hierarchical region that a node use to draw its children is filled with a chosen color (red, yellow or green). o Added different draw properties for unknown nodes and edges latencies. If a node is unknown we draw a white node with blue stroke, and if the edge latency is unknown we draw it dashed. o Decrease draw complexity. Reducing the number of draw method and making the methods for draw node and edges more intelligent. o Fixed division by zero error when number of frames is less than 3. This happens because the interpolation method need a number of pass great or equal to 3 (thanks to Hiroshi).