@echo off echo Setting installation variables... set PythonDir=..\..\nmap-mswin32-aux\Python set PythonEXE=%PythonDir%\python.exe set DistDir=dist set LibraryDir=%DistDir%\py2exe set GTKDir=%PythonDir%\Lib\site-packages\gtk-2.0\runtime set Output=win_install.log IF EXIST %PythonEXE% GOTO GGTK ECHO No Python found! EXIT 1 :GGTK IF EXIST %GTKDir% GOTO GWork ECHO No GTK found! EXIT 1 :GWork echo Writing output to %Output% echo Removing old compilation... IF EXIST %DistDir% rd %DistDir% /s /q > %Output% echo Creating dist directory tree... mkdir %LibraryDir%\etc mkdir %LibraryDir%\share mkdir %LibraryDir%\share\themes mkdir %LibraryDir%\share\icons mkdir %LibraryDir%\lib echo Copying GTK files to dist directory... xcopy %GTKDir%\bin\*.dll %LibraryDir% /S >> %Output% rem intl.dll is a special case; has to be in the executable directory instead of rem the py2exe subdirectory. xcopy %GTKDir%\etc %LibraryDir%\etc /S /I >> %Output% xcopy %GTKDir%\lib\gtk-2.0 %LibraryDir%\lib\gtk-2.0 /S /I >> %Output% xcopy %GTKDir%\share\themes\Default %LibraryDir%\share\themes\Default /S /I >> %Output% xcopy %GTKDir%\share\themes\MS-Windows %LibraryDir%\share\themes\MS-Windows /S /I >> %Output% xcopy %GTKDir%\share\icons\hicolor %LibraryDir%\share\icons\hicolor /S /I >> %Output% echo Compiling using py2exe... %PythonEXE% setup.py py2exe >> %Output% echo Removing the build directory... rd build /s /q >> %Output% rem Check that the gtkrc file was manually created so Zenmap will look pretty IF EXIST %DistDir%\etc\gtk-2.0\gtkrc GOTO gtkrc echo gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows" > %DistDir%\py2exe\etc\gtk-2.0\gtkrc echo Created the missing file %DistDir%\py2exe\etc\gtk-2.0\gtkrc >> %Output% :gtkrc echo Done!