local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local base64 = require "base64" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local io = require "io" local libssh2_util = require "libssh2-utility" description = [[ This script takes a table of paths to private keys, passphrases, and usernames and checks each pair to see if the target ssh server accepts them for publickey authentication. If no keys are given or the known-bad option is given, the script will check if a list of known static public keys are accepted for authentication. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -p 22 --script ssh-publickey-acceptance --script-args "ssh.usernames={'root', 'user'}, ssh.privatekeys={'./id_rsa1', './id_rsa2'}" -- -- @usage -- nmap -p 22 --script ssh-publickey-acceptance --script-args 'ssh.usernames={"root", "user"}, publickeys={"./id_rsa1.pub", "./id_rsa2.pub"}' -- -- @output -- 22/tcp open ssh syn-ack -- | ssh-publickey-acceptance: -- | Accepted Public Keys: -- |_ Key ./id_rsa1 accepted for user root -- -- @args ssh.privatekeys Table containing filenames of privatekeys to test -- @args ssh.passphrases Table containing passphrases for each private key -- @args ssh.publickeys Table containing filenames of publickkeys to test -- @args ssh.usernames Table containing usernames to check -- @args knownbad If specified, check if keys from publickeydb are accepted -- @args publickeydb Specifies alternative publickeydb author = "Devin Bjelland" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"auth", "intrusive"} local privatekeys = stdnse.get_script_args "ssh.privatekeys" local passphrases = stdnse.get_script_args "ssh.passphrases" or {} local usernames = stdnse.get_script_args "ssh.usernames" local knownbad = stdnse.get_script_args "knownbad" local publickeys = stdnse.get_script_args "ssh.publickeys" local publickeydb = stdnse.get_script_args "publickeydb" or nmap.fetchfile("nselib/data/publickeydb") portrule = shortport.ssh function action (host, port) local result = stdnse.output_table() local r = {} local helper = libssh2_util.SSHConnection:new() local failures = 0 local successes = 0 if publickeys and usernames then for j = 1, #usernames do for i = 1, #publickeys do stdnse.debug("Checking key: " .. publickeys[i] .. " for user " .. usernames[j]) local status, result = helper:read_publickey(publickeys[i]) if not status then stdnse.verbose("Error reading key: " .. result) elseif helper:connect(host, port) then successes = successes + 1 local status, err = helper:publickey_canauth(usernames[j], result) if status then table.insert(r, "Key " .. publickeys[i] .. " accepted for user " .. usernames[j]) stdnse.verbose("Found accepted key: " .. publickeys[i] .. " for user " .. usernames[j]) elseif err then stdnse.debug("Error in publickey_canauth: %s", err) end helper:disconnect() else -- Allow 3 connection attempts, then bail failures = failures + 1 stdnse.debug1("Connect failed.") if failures > 2 then if successes == 0 then -- If we haven't succeeded even once, don't report results. stdnse.debug1("Giving up.") return nil else goto ACTION_END end end end end end end if knownbad or not (privatekeys or publickeys) then for line in io.lines(publickeydb) do local sections = {} for section in string.gmatch(line, '([^,]+)') do table.insert(sections, section) end local key = sections[1] local user = sections[2] local msg = sections[3] stdnse.debug("Checking key: " .. key .. " for user " .. user) key = base64.dec(key) if helper:connect(host, port) then successes = successes + 1 if helper:publickey_canauth(user, key) then table.insert(r, msg) stdnse.verbose("Found accepted key: " .. msg) end helper:disconnect() else -- Allow 3 connection attempts, then bail failures = failures + 1 stdnse.debug1("Connect failed.") if failures > 2 then if successes == 0 then -- If we haven't succeeded even once, don't report results. stdnse.debug1("Giving up.") return nil else goto ACTION_END end end end end end if privatekeys and usernames then for j = 1, #usernames do for i = 1, #privatekeys do stdnse.debug("Checking key: " .. privatekeys[i] .. " for user " .. usernames[j]) if helper:connect(host, port) then successes = successes + 1 if not helper:publickey_auth(usernames[j], privatekeys[i], passphrases[i] or "") then stdnse.verbose "Failed to authenticate" else table.insert(r, "Key " .. privatekeys[i] .. " accepted for user " .. usernames[j]) stdnse.verbose("Found accepted key: " .. privatekeys[i] .. " for user " .. usernames[j]) end helper:disconnect() else -- Allow 3 connection attempts, then bail failures = failures + 1 stdnse.debug1("Connect failed.") if failures > 2 then if successes == 0 then -- If we haven't succeeded even once, don't report results. stdnse.debug1("Giving up.") return nil else goto ACTION_END end end end end end end ::ACTION_END:: if #r > 0 then result["Accepted Public Keys"] = r else result["Accepted Public Keys"] = "No public keys accepted" end return result end