local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local nmap = require "nmap" local rpc = require "rpc" local math = require "math" local io = require "io" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local table = require "table" description = [[ Fingerprints the target RPC port to extract the target service, RPC number and version. The script works by sending RPC Null call requests with a random high version unsupported number to the target service with iterated over RPC program numbers from the nmap-rpc file and check for replies from the target port. A reply with a RPC accept state 2 (Remote can't support version) means that we the request sent the matching program number, and we proceed to extract the supported versions. A reply with an accept state RPC accept state 1 (remote hasn't exported program) means that we have sent the incorrect program number. Any other accept state is an incorrect behaviour. ]] --- -- @args rpc-grind.threads Number of grinding threads. Defaults to 4 -- -- @usage -- nmap -sV -- nmap --script rpc-grind -- nmap --script rpc-grind --script-args 'rpc-grind.threads=8' -p -- -- --@output --PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION --53344/udp open walld 1 (RPC #100008) -- -- @see rpcinfo.nse author = "Hani Benhabiles" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"version"} -- Depend on rpcinfo so we don't grind something that's already known. dependencies = {"rpcinfo"} portrule = function(host, port) -- Do not run for excluded ports if (nmap.port_is_excluded(port.number, port.protocol)) then return false end if port.service ~= nil and port.version.service_dtype ~= "table" and port.service ~= 'rpcbind' then -- Exclude services that have already been detected as something -- different than rpcbind. return false end return nmap.version_intensity() >= 7 end --- Function that determines if the target port of host uses RPC protocol. --@param host Host table as commonly used in Nmap. --@param port Port table as commonly used in Nmap. --@return status boolean True if target port uses RPC protocol, false else. local isRPC = function(host, port) -- If rpcbind is already set up by -sV -- which does practically the same check as in the "else" part. -- The nmap-services-probe entry "rpcbind" is not correctly true, and should -- be changed to something like "sunrpc" if port.service == 'rpcbind' then return true else -- this check is important if we didn't run the scan with -sV. -- If we run the scan with -sV, this check shouldn't return true as it is pretty much similar -- to the "rpcbind" service probe in nmap-service-probes. local rpcConn, status, err, data, rxid, msgtype, _ -- Create new socket -- rpcbind is not really important, we could have used another protocol from rpc.lua -- such as nfs or mountd. Same thing for version 2. rpcConn = rpc.Comm:new("rpcbind", 2) status, err = rpcConn:Connect(host, port) if not status then stdnse.debug1("%s", err) return end -- Send packet local xid = math.random(1234567890) data = rpcConn:EncodePacket(xid) status, err = rpcConn:SendPacket(data) if not status then stdnse.debug1("SendPacket(): %s", err) return end -- And check response status, data = rpcConn:ReceivePacket() if not status then stdnse.debug1("isRPC didn't receive response.") return else -- If we got response, set port to open nmap.set_port_state(host, port, "open") if #data >= 8 then rxid, msgtype = string.unpack(">I4 I4", data) -- If response XID does match request XID -- and message type equals 1 (REPLY) then -- it is a RPC port. if rxid == xid and msgtype == 1 then return true end end end end stdnse.debug1("RPC checking function response data is not RPC.") end -- Function that iterates over the nmap-rpc file and -- returns program name and number pairs. -- @return name Name of the RPC service. -- @return number RPC number of the matching service name. local rpcIterator = function() -- Check if nmap-rpc file is present. local path = nmap.fetchfile("nmap-rpc") if not path then stdnse.debug1("Could not find nmap-rpc file.") return false end -- And is readable local nmaprpc, _, _ = io.open( path, "r" ) if not nmaprpc then stdnse.debug1("Could not open nmap-rpc for reading.") return false end return function() while true do local line = nmaprpc:read() if not line then break end -- Now, we parse lines for meaningful ones local name, number = line:match("^%s*([^%s#]+)%s+(%d+)") -- And return program name and number if name and number then return name, tonumber(number) end end end end --- Function that sends RPC null commands with a random version number and -- iterated over program numbers and checks the response for a sign that the -- sent program number is the matching one for the target service. -- @param host Host table as commonly used in Nmap. -- @param port Port table as commonly used in Nmap. -- @param iterator Iterator function that returns program name and number pairs. -- @param result table to put result into. local rpcGrinder = function(host, port, iterator, result) local condvar = nmap.condvar(result) local rpcConn, version, xid, status, response, packet, err, data, _ xid = math.random(123456789) -- We use a random, most likely unsupported version so that -- we also trigger min and max version disclosure for the target service. version = math.random(12345, 123456789) rpcConn = rpc.Comm:new("rpcbind", version) rpcConn:SetCheckProgVer(false) status, err = rpcConn:Connect(host, port) if not status then stdnse.debug1("Connect(): %s", err) condvar "signal"; return end for program, number in iterator do -- No need to continue further if we found the matching service. if #result > 0 then break end xid = xid + 1 -- XiD increased by 1 each time (from old RPC grind) <= Any important reason for that? rpcConn:SetProgID(number) packet = rpcConn:EncodePacket(xid) status, err = rpcConn:SendPacket(packet) if not status then stdnse.debug1("SendPacket(): %s", err) condvar "signal"; return end status, data = rpcConn:ReceivePacket() if not status then stdnse.debug1("ReceivePacket(): %s", data) condvar "signal"; return end _,response = rpcConn:DecodeHeader(data, 1) if type(response) == 'table' then if xid ~= response.xid then -- Shouldn't happen. stdnse.debug1("XID mismatch.") end -- Look at accept state -- Not supported version means that we used the right program number if response.accept_state == rpc.Portmap.AcceptState.PROG_MISMATCH then result.program = program result.number = number result.lowver, result.highver = string.unpack(">I4 I4", data, #data - 7) table.insert(result, true) -- To make #result > 1 -- Otherwise, an Accept state other than Program unavailable is not normal behaviour. elseif response.accept_state ~= rpc.Portmap.AcceptState.PROG_UNAVAIL then stdnse.debug1("returned %s accept state for %s program number.", response.accept_state, number) end end end condvar "signal"; return result end action = function(host, port) local result, lthreads = {}, {} if not isRPC(host, port) then stdnse.debug1("Target port %s is not a RPC port.", port.number) return end local threads = tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".threads")) or 4 local iterator = rpcIterator() if not iterator then return end -- And now, exec our grinder for i = 1,threads do local co = stdnse.new_thread(rpcGrinder, host, port, iterator, result) lthreads[co] = true end local condvar = nmap.condvar(result) repeat for thread in pairs(lthreads) do if coroutine.status(thread) == "dead" then lthreads[thread] = nil end end if ( next(lthreads) ) then condvar "wait"; end until next(lthreads) == nil; -- Check the result and set the port version. if #result > 0 then port.version.name = result.program port.version.extrainfo = "RPC #" .. result.number if result.highver ~= result.lowver then port.version.version = ("%s-%s"):format(result.lowver, result.highver) else port.version.version = result.highver end nmap.set_port_version(host, port, "hardmatched") else stdnse.debug1("Couldn't determine the target RPC service. Running a service not in nmap-rpc ?") end return nil end