description = [[ Detects MikroTik RouterOS version from devices running the Winbox service on port 8291. This script attempts to send a specific payload to elicit a response containing the version information. The provided payload can be used for all RouterOs versions until 6.49.17. Though version 7.1+ are not supported ]] author = {"deauther890", "Daniel Miller"} license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"default", "version", "discovery", "safe"} ---@usage -- nmap -p 8291 --script mikrotik-routeros-version ---@output --| mikrotik-routeros-version: --| index: --| advtool.dll 6.49.7 --| secure.dll 6.49.7 --| dhcp.dll 6.49.7 --| ppp.dll 6.49.7 --| roting4.dll 6.49.7 --| mpls.dll 6.49.7 --| hotspot.dll 6.49.7 --| wlan6.dll 6.49.7 --| roteros.dll 6.49.7 --| system.dll 6.49.7 --| --| list: --| advtool.jg 6.49.7 --| secure.jg 6.49.7 --| dhcp.jg 6.49.7 --| ppp.jg 6.49.7 --| roting4.jg 6.49.7 --| mpls.jg 6.49.7 --| hotspot.jg 6.49.7 --| wlan6.jg 6.49.7 --|_roteros.jg 6.49.7 ---@xmloutput -- --
-- -- advtool.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- secure.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- dhcp.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- ppp.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- roting4.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- mpls.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- hotspot.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- wlan6.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- roteros.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- system.dll -- 6.49.7 --
-- 12 -- -- --
-- -- advtool.jg -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- secure.jg -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- dhcp.jg -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- ppp.jg -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- roting4.jg -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- mpls.jg -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- hotspot.jg -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- wlan6.jg -- 6.49.7 --
-- -- roteros.jg -- 6.49.7 --
-- 11 -- local shortport = require "shortport" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local match = require "match" local tab = require "tab" local table = require "table" portrule = shortport.version_port_or_service(8291, "winbox", "tcp") Driver = { new = function(self, host, port) local o = { host = host, port = port } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, connect = function(self) self.s = nmap.new_socket() self.s:set_timeout(stdnse.get_timeout( return self.s:connect(, self.port, "tcp") end, send_payload = function(self, payload) local try = nmap.new_try(function() return false end) try(self.s:send(payload)) local head = try(self.s:receive_buf(match.numbytes(20), true)) stdnse.debug1("header: %s", stdnse.tohex(head)) -- response length is 2 bytes at position 15 local len = string.unpack(">i2", head, 15) if len < 0 then -- clear out the receive buffer try(self.s:receive_buf(".*", true)) return nil end local body = try(self.s:receive_buf(match.numbytes(len), true)) -- Sometimes extra bytes are added indicating how many bytes remain local junk body, junk = body:gsub(".%\xff", "") if junk <= 0 then return body end -- Grab the remainder, since junk bytes took up some. return body .. try(self.s:receive_buf(match.numbytes(junk * 2), true)) end, disconnect = function(self) if self.s then self.s:close() end end, } action = function(host, port) local driver = Driver:new(host, port) local success, result local output = stdnse.output_table() local version local attempts = { { name = "index", payload = "\x13\x02index\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xed\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", pattern = "(%w+%.dll) ([%d.]+)", }, { name = "list", payload = "\x13\x02list\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\xed\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", pattern = 'name: "([^"]+)", unique: "[^"]+", version: "([^"]+)"', }, } for _, att in ipairs(attempts) do success, result = driver:connect() if success then stdnse.debug1("Sending payload") success, result = pcall(driver.send_payload, driver, att.payload) driver:disconnect() if success and result then stdnse.debug1("Received response: %s", stdnse.tohex(result:sub(1,30))) local t = local decoded = false tab.nextrow(t) string.gsub(result, att.pattern, function(dll, ver) decoded = true version = ver tab.addrow(t, dll, ver) end) if decoded then output[] = t end end end end if not version then return nil end = "winbox" port.version.name_confidence = 10 port.version.product = "MikroTik WinBox" port.version.ostype = ("RouterOS %s"):format(version) table.insert(port.version.cpe, ("cpe:/o:mikrotik:routeros:%s"):format(version)) table.insert(port.version.cpe, "cpe:/a:mikrotik:winbox") nmap.set_port_version(host, port) return output end