local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" local packet = require "packet" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local target = require "target" local coroutine = require "coroutine" local string = require "string" local stringaux = require "stringaux" local io = require "io" description = [[ Discovers targets that have IGMP Multicast memberships and grabs interesting information. The scripts works by sending IGMP Membership Query message to the All Hosts multicast address and listening for IGMP Membership Report messages. The script then extracts all the interesting information from the report messages such as the version, group, mode, source addresses (depending on the version). The script defaults to sending an IGMPv2 Query but this could be changed to another version (version 1 or 3) or to sending queries of all three version. If no interface was specified as a script argument or with the -e option, the script will proceed to sending queries through all the valid ethernet interfaces. ]] --- -- @args broadcast-igmp-discovery.timeout Time to wait for reports in seconds. -- Defaults to 5 seconds. -- -- @args broadcast-igmp-discovery.version IGMP version to use. Could be -- 1, 2, 3 or all. Defaults to 2 -- -- @args broadcast-igmp-discovery.interface Network interface to use. -- -- @args broadcast-igmp-discovery.mgroupnamesdb Database with multicast group names -- --@usage -- nmap --script broadcast-igmp-discovery -- nmap --script broadcast-igmp-discovery -e wlan0 -- nmap --script broadcast-igmp-discovery -- --script-args 'broadcast-igmp-discovery.version=all, broadcast-igmp-discovery.timeout=3s' -- --@output --Pre-scan script results: -- | broadcast-igmp-discovery: -- | -- | Interface: tap0 -- | Version: 3 -- | Group: -- | Mode: EXCLUDE -- | Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365) -- | Group: -- | Mode: EXCLUDE -- | Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365) -- | Group: -- | Mode: INCLUDE -- | Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365) -- | Sources: -- | -- | -- | Interface: wlan0 -- | Version: 2 -- | Group: -- | Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365) -- | -- | Interface: wlan0 -- | Version: 2 -- | Group: -- | Description: Organization-Local Scope (rfc2365) -- |_ Use the newtargets script-arg to add the results as targets -- -- -- The Multicast Group names DB can be created by the following script: -- -- #!/usr/bin/awk -f -- BEGIN { FS="<|>"; } -- /.*-.*<\/addr>/ { T=$3; FS="-"; $0=T; addr1=$1; addr2=$2; FS="<|>"; } -- /[^-]*<\/addr>/ { addr1=$3; addr2=$3; } -- // { desc=$3; } -- /nselib/data/mgroupnames.db prerule = function() if nmap.address_family() ~= 'inet' then stdnse.verbose1("is IPv4 only.") return false end if ( not(nmap.is_privileged()) ) then stdnse.verbose1("not running due to lack of privileges.") return false end return true end author = "Hani Benhabiles" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "safe", "broadcast"} --- Parses a raw igmp packet and return a structured packet. -- @param data string IGMP Raw packet. -- @return response table Structured igmp packet. local igmpParse = function(data) local index local response = {} local group, source -- Report type (0x12 == v1, 0x16 == v2, 0x22 == v3) response.type, index = string.unpack(">B", data, index) if response.type == 0x12 or response.type == 0x16 then -- Max response time, Checksum, Multicast group response.maxrt, response.checksum, response.group, index = string.unpack(">B I2 c4", data, index) response.group = ipOps.str_to_ip(response.group) return response elseif response.type == 0x22 and #data >= 12 then -- Skip reserved byte, Checksum, Skip reserved bytes, Number of groups response.checksum, response.ngroups, index = string.unpack(">x I2 xx I2", data, index) response.groups = {} for i=1,response.ngroups do group = {} -- Mode is either INCLUDE or EXCLUDE group.mode, -- Auxiliary data length in the group record (in 32bits units) group.auxdlen, -- Number of source addresses group.nsrc, group.address, index = string.unpack(">BB I2 c4", data, index) group.address = ipOps.str_to_ip(group.address) group.src = {} for i=1,group.nsrc do source, index = string.unpack(">c4", data, index) table.insert(group.src, ipOps.str_to_ip(source)) end -- Skip auxiliary data index = index + group.auxdlen -- Insert group table.insert(response.groups, group) end return response end end --- Listens for IGMP Membership reports packets. -- @param interface Interface to listen on. -- @param timeout Amount of time to listen for. -- @param responses table to put valid responses into. local igmpListener = function(interface, timeout, responses) local condvar = nmap.condvar(responses) local start = nmap.clock_ms() local listener = nmap.new_socket() local p, igmp_raw, status, l3data, response, _ local devices = {} listener:set_timeout(100) listener:pcap_open(interface.device, 1024, true, 'ip proto 2') while (nmap.clock_ms() - start) < timeout do status, _, _, l3data = listener:pcap_receive() if status then p = packet.Packet:new(l3data, #l3data) igmp_raw = string.sub(l3data, p.ip_hl*4 + 1) if p then -- check the first byte before sending to the parser -- response 0x12 == Membership Response version 1 -- response 0x16 == Membership Response version 2 -- response 0x22 == Membership Response version 3 local igmptype = igmp_raw:byte(1) if igmptype == 0x12 or igmptype == 0x16 or igmptype == 0x22 then response = igmpParse(igmp_raw) if response then response.src = p.ip_src response.interface = interface.shortname -- Many hosts return more than one same response message -- this is to not output duplicates if not devices[response.src..response.type..(response.group or response.ngroups)] then devices[response.src..response.type..(response.group or response.ngroups)] = true table.insert(responses, response) end end end end end end condvar("signal") end --- Crafts a raw IGMP packet. -- @param interface Source interface of the packet. -- @param version IGMP version. Could be 1, 2 or 3. -- @return string Raw IGMP packet. local igmpRaw = function(interface, version) -- Only 1, 2 and 3 are valid IGMP versions if version ~= 1 and version ~= 2 and version ~= 3 then stdnse.debug1("IGMP version %s doesn't exist.", version) return end -- Let's craft an IGMP Membership Query local igmp_raw = string.pack(">BB I2 I4", 0x11, -- Membership Query, same for all versions version == 1 and 0 or 0x16, -- Max response time: 10 Seconds, for version 2 and 3 0, -- Checksum, calculated later 0 -- Multicast Address: ) if version == 3 then igmp_raw = igmp_raw .. string.pack(">BB I2", 0, -- Reserved = 4 bits (Should be zeroed) -- Supress Flag = 1 bit -- QRV (Querier's Robustness Variable) = 3 bits -- all are set to 0 0x10, -- QQIC (Querier's Query Interval Code) in seconds = Set to 0 to get insta replies. 0x0001 -- Number of sources (in the next arrays) = 1 ( Our IP only) ) .. ipOps.ip_to_str(interface.address) -- Source = Our IP address end igmp_raw = igmp_raw:sub(1,2) .. string.pack(">I2", packet.in_cksum(igmp_raw)) .. igmp_raw:sub(5) return igmp_raw end local igmpQuery; --- Sends an IGMP Membership query. -- @param interface Network interface to send on. -- @param version IGMP version. Could be 1, 2, 3 or all. igmpQuery = function(interface, version) local srcip = interface.address local dstip = "" if version == 'all' then -- Small pause to let listener begin and not miss reports. stdnse.sleep(0.5) igmpQuery(interface, 3) igmpQuery(interface, 2) igmpQuery(interface, 1) else local igmp_raw = igmpRaw(interface, version) local ip_raw = stdnse.fromhex( "45c00040ed780000010218bc0a00c8750a00c86b") .. igmp_raw local igmp_packet = packet.Packet:new(ip_raw, ip_raw:len()) igmp_packet:ip_set_bin_src(ipOps.ip_to_str(srcip)) igmp_packet:ip_set_bin_dst(ipOps.ip_to_str(dstip)) igmp_packet:ip_set_len(#igmp_packet.buf) igmp_packet:ip_count_checksum() local sock = nmap.new_dnet() sock:ethernet_open(interface.device) -- Ethernet IPv4 multicast, our ethernet address and type IP local eth_hdr = "\x01\x00\x5e\x00\x00\x01" .. interface.mac .. "\x08\x00" sock:ethernet_send(eth_hdr .. igmp_packet.buf) sock:ethernet_close() end end -- Function to compare weight of an IGMP response message. -- Used to sort elements in responses table. local respCompare = function(a,b) return ipOps.todword(a.src) + a.type + (a.ngroups or ipOps.todword(a.group)) < ipOps.todword(b.src) + b.type + (b.ngroups or ipOps.todword(b.group)) end local mgroup_names_fetch = function(filename) local groupnames_db = {} local file = io.open(filename, "r") if not file then return false end for l in file:lines() do groupnames_db[#groupnames_db + 1] = stringaux.strsplit("\t", l) end file:close() return groupnames_db end local mgroup_name_identify = function(db, ip) --stdnse.debug1("'%s'", ip) for _, mg in ipairs(db) do local ip1 = mg[1] local ip2 = mg[2] local desc = mg[3] --stdnse.debug1("try: %s <= %s <= %s (%s)", ip1, ip, ip2, desc) if (not ipOps.compare_ip(ip, "lt", ip1) and not ipOps.compare_ip(ip2, "lt", ip)) then --stdnse.debug1("found! %s <= %s <= %s (%s)", ip1, ip, ip2, desc) return desc end end return false end action = function(host, port) local timeout = stdnse.parse_timespec(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".timeout")) local version = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".version") or 2 timeout = (timeout or 7) * 1000 if version ~= 'all' then version = tonumber(version) end local responses, results, interfaces, lthreads = {}, {}, {}, {} local result, grouptable, sourcetable local group_names_fname = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".mgroupnamesdb") or nmap.fetchfile("nselib/data/mgroupnames.db") local mg_names_db = group_names_fname and mgroup_names_fetch(group_names_fname) local collect_interfaces = function (if_table) if if_table and if_table.up == "up" and if_table.link=="ethernet" and if_table.address:match("%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+") then interfaces[#interfaces+1] = if_table end end stdnse.get_script_interfaces(collect_interfaces) -- We should iterate over interfaces for _, interface in pairs(interfaces) do local co = stdnse.new_thread(igmpListener, interface, timeout, responses) igmpQuery(interface, version) lthreads[co] = true end local condvar = nmap.condvar(responses) -- Wait for the listening threads to finish repeat for thread in pairs(lthreads) do if coroutine.status(thread) == "dead" then lthreads[thread] = nil end end if ( next(lthreads) ) then condvar("wait") end until next(lthreads) == nil; -- Output useful info from the responses if #responses > 0 then -- We should sort our list here. -- This is useful to have consistent results for tools such as Ndiff. table.sort(responses, respCompare) for _, response in pairs(responses) do result = {} result.name = response.src table.insert(result, "Interface: " .. response.interface) -- Add to new targets if newtargets script arg provided if target.ALLOW_NEW_TARGETS then target.add(response.src) end if response.type == 0x12 then table.insert(result, "Version: 1") table.insert(result, "Multicast group: ".. response.group) elseif response.type == 0x16 then table.insert(result, "Version: 2") table.insert(result, "Group: ".. response.group) local mg_desc = mgroup_name_identify(mg_names_db, response.group) if mg_desc then table.insert(result, "Description: ".. mg_desc) end elseif response.type == 0x22 then table.insert(result, "Version: 3") for _, group in pairs(response.groups) do grouptable = {} grouptable.name = "Group: " .. group.address if group.mode == 0x01 then table.insert(grouptable, "Mode: INCLUDE") elseif group.mode == 0x02 then table.insert(grouptable, "Mode: EXCLUDE") end local mg_desc = mgroup_name_identify(mg_names_db, group.address) if mg_desc then table.insert(grouptable, "Description: ".. mg_desc) end if group.nsrc > 0 then sourcetable = {} sourcetable.name = "Sources:" table.insert(sourcetable, group.src) table.insert(grouptable, sourcetable) end table.insert(result, grouptable) end end table.insert(results, result) end if #results>0 and not target.ALLOW_NEW_TARGETS then table.insert(results,"Use the newtargets script-arg to add the results as targets") end return stdnse.format_output(true, results) end end