--- -- Simple DNS library supporting packet creation, encoding, decoding, -- and querying. -- -- The most common interface to this module are the query and -- reverse functions. query performs a DNS query, -- and reverse prepares an ip address to have a reverse query -- performed. -- -- query takes two options - a domain name to look up and an -- optional table of options. For more information on the options table, -- see the documentation for query. -- -- Example usage: -- -- -- After this call, status is true and result is "" -- local status, result = dns.query('www.google.ca') -- -- -- After this call, status is false and result is "No such name" -- local status, result = dns.query('www.google.abc') -- -- -- After this call, status is true and result is the table {"", "", "", ""} -- local status, result = dns.query('www.google.ca', {retAll=true}) -- -- -- After this call, status is true and result is the "2001:19f0:0:0:0:dead:beef:cafe" -- local status, result = dns.query('irc.ipv6.efnet.org', {dtype='AAAA'}) -- -- -- -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html local coroutine = require "coroutine" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local stringaux = require "stringaux" local table = require "table" local base32 = require "base32" local unittest = require "unittest" _ENV = stdnse.module("dns", stdnse.seeall) get_servers = nmap.get_dns_servers --- -- Table of DNS resource types. -- @name types -- @class table types = { A = 1, NS = 2, SOA = 6, CNAME = 5, PTR = 12, HINFO = 13, MX = 15, TXT = 16, AAAA = 28, SRV = 33, OPT = 41, SSHFP = 44, NSEC = 47, NSEC3 = 50, AXFR = 252, ANY = 255 } CLASS = { IN = 1, CH = 3, ANY = 255 } --- -- Repeatedly sends UDP packets to host, waiting for an answer. -- @param data Data to be sent. -- @param host Host to connect to. -- @param port Port to connect to. -- @param timeout Number of ms to wait for a response. -- @param cnt Number of tries. -- @param multiple If true, keep reading multiple responses until timeout. -- @return Status (true or false). -- @return Response (if status is true). local function sendPacketsUDP(data, host, port, timeout, cnt, multiple) local socket = nmap.new_socket("udp") local responses = {} socket:set_timeout(timeout) if ( not(multiple) ) then socket:connect( host, port, "udp" ) end for i = 1, cnt do local status, err if ( multiple ) then status, err = socket:sendto(host, port, data) else status, err = socket:send(data) end if (not(status)) then return false, err end local response if ( multiple ) then while(true) do status, response = socket:receive() if( not(status) ) then break end local status, _, _, ip, _ = socket:get_info() table.insert(responses, { data = response, peer = ip } ) end else status, response = socket:receive() if ( status ) then local status, _, _, ip, _ = socket:get_info() table.insert(responses, { data = response, peer = ip } ) end end if (#responses>0) then socket:close() return true, responses end end socket:close() return false end --- -- Send TCP DNS query -- @param data Data to be sent. -- @param host Host to connect to. -- @param port Port to connect to. -- @param timeout Number of ms to wait for a response. -- @return Status (true or false). -- @return Response (if status is true). local function sendPacketsTCP(data, host, port, timeout) local socket = nmap.new_socket() local response local responses = {} socket:set_timeout(timeout) socket:connect(host, port) -- add payload size we are assuming a minimum size here of 256? local send_data = '\000' .. string.char(#data) .. data socket:send(send_data) local response = '' local got_response = false while true do local status, recv_data = socket:receive_bytes(1) if not status then break end got_response = true response = response .. recv_data end local status, _, _, ip, _ = socket:get_info() socket:close() if not got_response then return false end -- remove payload size table.insert(responses, { data = string.sub(response,3), peer = ip } ) return true, responses end --- -- Call appropriate protocol handler -- @param data Data to be sent. -- @param host Host to connect to. -- @param port Port to connect to. -- @param timeout Number of ms to wait for a response. -- @param cnt Number of tries. -- @param multiple If true, keep reading multiple responses until timeout. -- @return Status (true or false). local function sendPackets(data, host, port, timeout, cnt, multiple, proto) if proto == nil or proto == 'udp' then return sendPacketsUDP(data, host, port, timeout, cnt, multiple) else return sendPacketsTCP(data, host, port, timeout) end end --- -- Checks if a DNS response packet contains a useful answer. -- @param rPkt Decoded DNS response packet. -- @return True if useful, false if not. local function gotAnswer(rPkt) -- have we even got answers? if #rPkt.answers > 0 then -- some MDNS implementation incorrectly return an empty question section -- if this is the case return true if rPkt.questions[1] == nil then return true end -- are those answers not just cnames? if rPkt.questions[1].dtype == types.A then for _, v in ipairs(rPkt.answers) do -- if at least one answer is an A record, it's an answer if v.dtype == types.A then return true end end -- if none was an A record, it's not really an answer return false else -- there was no A request, CNAMEs are not of interest return true end -- no such name is the answer elseif rPkt.flags.RC3 and rPkt.flags.RC4 then return true -- really no answer else return false end end --- -- Tries to find the next nameserver with authority to get a result for -- query. -- @param rPkt Decoded DNS response packet -- @return String or table of next server(s) to query, or false. local function getAuthDns(rPkt) if #rPkt.auth == 0 then if #rPkt.answers == 0 then return false else if rPkt.answers[1].dtype == types.CNAME then return {cname = rPkt.answers[1].domain} end end end if rPkt.auth[1].dtype == types.NS then if #rPkt.add > 0 then local hosts = {} for _, v in ipairs(rPkt.add) do if v.dtype == types.A then table.insert(hosts, v.ip) end end if #hosts > 0 then return hosts end end local status, next = query(rPkt.auth[1].domain, {dtype = "A" }) return next end return false end local function processResponse( response, dname, dtype, options ) local rPkt = decode(response) -- is it a real answer? if gotAnswer(rPkt) then if (options.retPkt) then return true, rPkt else return findNiceAnswer(dtype, rPkt, options.retAll) end elseif ( not(options.noauth) ) then -- if not, ask the next server in authority local next_server = getAuthDns(rPkt) -- if we got a CNAME, ask for the CNAME if type(next_server) == 'table' and next_server.cname then options.tries = options.tries - 1 return query(next_server.cname, options) end -- only ask next server in authority, if -- we got an auth dns and -- it isn't the one we just asked if next_server and next_server ~= options.host and options.tries > 1 then options.host = next_server options.tries = options.tries - 1 return query(dname, options) end elseif ( options.retPkt ) then return true, rPkt end -- nothing worked stdnse.debug1("dns.query() failed to resolve the requested query%s%s", dname and ": " or ".", dname or "") return false, "No Answers" end --- -- Query DNS servers for a DNS record. -- @param dname Desired domain name entry. -- @param options A table containing any of the following fields: -- * dtype: Desired DNS record type (default: "A"). -- * host: DNS server to be queried (default: DNS servers known to Nmap). -- * port: Port of DNS server to connect to (default: 53). -- * tries: How often should query try to contact another server (for non-recursive queries). -- * retAll: Return all answers, not just the first. -- * retPkt: Return the packet instead of using the answer-fetching mechanism. -- * norecurse: If true, do not set the recursion (RD) flag. -- * noauth: If true, do not try to find authoritative server -- * multiple: If true, expects multiple hosts to respond to multicast request -- * flags: numeric value to set flags in the DNS query to a specific value -- * id: numeric value to use for the DNS transaction id -- * nsid: If true, queries the server for the nameserver identifier (RFC 5001) -- * subnet: table, if set perform a edns-client-subnet lookup. The table should contain the fields: -- family - IPv4: "inet" or 1 (default), IPv6: "inet6" or 2 -- address - string containing the originating subnet IP address -- mask - number containing the number of subnet bits -- @return true if a dns response was received and contained an answer of the requested type, -- or the decoded dns response was requested (retPkt) and is being returned - or false otherwise. -- @return String answer of the requested type, table of answers or a String error message of one of the following: -- "No Such Name", "No Servers", "No Answers", "Unable to handle response" function query(dname, options) if not options then options = {} end local dtype, host, port, proto = options.dtype, options.host, options.port, options.proto if proto == nil then proto = 'udp' end if port == nil then port = '53' end local class = options.class or CLASS.IN if not options.tries then options.tries = 10 end -- don't get into an infinite loop if not options.sendCount then options.sendCount = 2 end if type( options.timeout ) ~= "number" then options.timeout = get_default_timeout() end if type(dtype) == "string" then dtype = types[dtype] end if not dtype then dtype = types.A end local srv local srvI = 1 if not port then port = 53 end if not host then srv = get_servers() if srv and srv[1] then host = srv[1] else return false, "No Servers" end elseif type(host) == "table" then srv = host host = srv[1] end local pkt = newPacket() addQuestion(pkt, dname, dtype, class) if options.norecurse then pkt.flags.RD = false end local dnssec = {} if ( options.dnssec ) then dnssec = { DO = true } end if ( options.nsid ) then addNSID(pkt, dnssec) elseif ( options.subnet ) then addClientSubnet(pkt, dnssec, options.subnet ) elseif ( dnssec.DO ) then addOPT(pkt, {DO = true}) end if ( options.flags ) then pkt.flags.raw = options.flags end if ( options.id ) then pkt.id = options.id end local data = encode(pkt) local status, response = sendPackets(data, host, port, options.timeout, options.sendCount, options.multiple, proto) -- if working with know nameservers, try the others while((not status) and srv and srvI < #srv) do srvI = srvI + 1 host = srv[srvI] status, response = sendPackets(data, host, port, options.timeout, options.sendCount) end -- if we got any response: if status then if ( options.multiple ) then local multiresponse = {} for _, r in ipairs( response ) do local status, presponse = processResponse( r.data, dname, dtype, options ) if( status ) then table.insert( multiresponse, { ['output']=presponse, ['peer']=r.peer } ) end end return true, multiresponse else return processResponse( response[1].data, dname, dtype, options) end else stdnse.debug1("dns.query() got zero responses attempting to resolve query%s%s", dname and ": " or ".", dname or "") return false, "No Answers" end end --- -- Formats an IP address for reverse lookup. -- @param ip IP address string. -- @return "Domain"-style representation of IP as subdomain of in-addr.arpa or -- ip6.arpa. function reverse(ip) ip = ipOps.expand_ip(ip) if type(ip) ~= "string" then return nil end local delim = "%." local arpa = ".in-addr.arpa" if ip:match(":") then delim = ":" arpa = ".ip6.arpa" end local ipParts = stringaux.strsplit(delim, ip) if #ipParts == 8 then -- padding local mask = "0000" for i, part in ipairs(ipParts) do ipParts[i] = mask:sub(1, #mask - #part) .. part end -- 32 parts from 8 local temp = {} for i, hdt in ipairs(ipParts) do for part in hdt:gmatch("%x") do temp[#temp+1] = part end end ipParts = temp end local ipReverse = {} for i = #ipParts, 1, -1 do table.insert(ipReverse, ipParts[i]) end return table.concat(ipReverse, ".") .. arpa end local fetcher = function(typename, callback) return function(dec, retAll) local answers = {} for _, ans in ipairs(dec) do if ans.dtype == types[typename] then if not retAll then return true, callback(ans) end table.insert(answers, callback(ans)) end end if #answers == 0 then stdnse.debug2("dns.answerFetcher found no records of the required type: %s", typename) return false, "No Answers" end return true, answers end end local getattr = function(attr) return function(obj) return obj[attr] end end -- Table for answer fetching functions. local answerFetcher = {} -- Answer fetcher for TXT records. -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return String first dns TXT record or Table of TXT records or String Error message. answerFetcher[types.TXT] = function(dec, retAll) local answers = {} for _, v in ipairs(dec) do if v.TXT and v.TXT.text then for _, v in ipairs( v.TXT.text ) do if not retAll then return true, v end table.insert(answers, v) end end end if #answers == 0 then stdnse.debug2("dns.answerFetcher found no records of the required type: TXT") return false, "No Answers" end return true, answers end -- Answer fetcher for A records -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return String first dns A record or Table of A records or String Error message. answerFetcher[types.A] = fetcher("A", getattr("ip")) -- Answer fetcher for CNAME records. -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return String first Domain entry or Table of domain entries or String Error message. answerFetcher[types.CNAME] = fetcher("CNAME", getattr("domain")) -- Answer fetcher for MX records. -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return String first dns MX record or Table of MX records or String Error message. -- Note that the format of a returned MX answer is "preference:hostname:IPaddress" where zero -- or more IP addresses may be present. answerFetcher[types.MX] = fetcher("MX", function(ans) return ("%s:%s"):format(ans.pref, ans.server) end) -- Answer fetcher for SRV records. -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return String first dns SRV record or Table of SRV records or String Error message. -- Note that the format of a returned SRV answer is "priority:weight:port:target" where zero -- or more IP addresses may be present. answerFetcher[types.SRV] = fetcher("SRV", function(ans) return ("%s:%s:%s:%s"):format( ans.SRV.prio, ans.SRV.weight, ans.SRV.port, ans.SRV.target ) end) -- Answer fetcher for NSEC records. -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return String first dns NSEC record or Table of NSEC records or String Error message. -- Note that the format of a returned NSEC answer is "name:dname:types". answerFetcher[types.NSEC] = fetcher("NSEC", function(ans) return ("%s:%s:%s"):format(ans.name or "-", ans.dname or "-", table.concat(ans.types, ":") or "-") end) -- Answer fetcher for NS records. -- @name answerFetcher[types.NS] -- @class function -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return String first Domain entry or Table of domain entries or String Error message. answerFetcher[types.NS] = fetcher("NS", getattr("domain")) -- Answer fetcher for PTR records. -- @name answerFetcher[types.PTR] -- @class function -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return String first Domain entry or Table of domain entries or String Error message. answerFetcher[types.PTR] = fetcher("PTR", getattr("domain")) -- Answer fetcher for AAAA records. -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return String first dns AAAA record or Table of AAAA records or String Error message. answerFetcher[types.AAAA] = fetcher("AAAA", getattr("ipv6")) local function generic_finder(dtype, dec, section, retAll) if (#dec[section] > 0) then if answerFetcher[dtype] then return answerFetcher[dtype](dec[section], retAll) else stdnse.debug1("dns.lua: no answerFetcher for dtype %s", tostring(dtype)) return false, "Unable to handle response" end elseif (dec.flags.RC3 and dec.flags.RC4) then return false, "No Such Name" else return false, "No Answers" end end ---Calls the answer fetcher for dtype or returns an error code in -- case of a "no such name" error. -- -- @param dtype DNS resource record type. -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return Answer according to the answer fetcher for dtype or an Error message. function findNiceAnswer(dtype, dec, retAll) return generic_finder(dtype, dec, "answers", retAll) end --- -- Calls the answer fetcher for dtype or returns an error code in -- case of a "no such name" error. -- @param dtype DNS resource record type. -- @param dec Decoded DNS response. -- @param retAll If true, return all entries, not just the first. -- @return True if one or more answers of the required type were found - otherwise false. -- @return Answer according to the answer fetcher for dtype or an Error message. function findNiceAdditional(dtype, dec, retAll) return generic_finder(dtype, dec, "add", retAll) end -- -- Encodes a FQDN -- @param fqdn containing the fully qualified domain name -- @return encQ containing the encoded value local function encodeFQDN(fqdn) if ( not(fqdn) or #fqdn == 0 ) then return "\0" end local encQ = {} for part in string.gmatch(fqdn, "[^%.]+") do encQ[#encQ+1] = string.pack("s1", part) end encQ[#encQ+1] = "\0" return table.concat(encQ) end --- -- Encodes the question part of a DNS request. -- @param questions Table of questions. -- @return Encoded question string. local function encodeQuestions(questions) if type(questions) ~= "table" then return nil end local encQ = {} for _, v in ipairs(questions) do encQ[#encQ+1] = encodeFQDN(v.dname) encQ[#encQ+1] = string.pack(">I2I2", v.dtype, v.class) end return table.concat(encQ) end --- -- Encodes the zone part of a DNS request. -- @param questions Table of questions. -- @return Encoded question string. local function encodeZones(zones) return encodeQuestions(zones) end local function encodeUpdates(updates) if type(updates) ~= "table" then return nil end local encQ = {} for _, v in ipairs(updates) do encQ[#encQ+1] = encodeFQDN(v.dname) encQ[#encQ+1] = string.pack(">I2I2I4s2", v.dtype, v.class, v.ttl, v.data) end return table.concat(encQ) end --- -- Encodes the additional part of a DNS request. -- @param additional Table of additional records. Each must have the keys -- type, class, ttl, -- and rdata. -- @return Encoded additional string. local function encodeAdditional(additional) if type(additional) ~= "table" then return nil end local encA = {} for _, v in ipairs(additional) do encA[#encA+1] = string.pack(">xI2I2I4s2", v.type, v.class, v.ttl, v.rdata) end return table.concat(encA) end --- -- Encodes DNS flags to a binary digit string. -- @param flags Flag table, each entry representing a flag (QR, OCx, AA, TC, RD, -- RA, RCx). -- @return Binary digit string representing flags. local function encodeFlags(flags) if type(flags) == "number" then return flags end if type(flags) ~= "table" then return nil end local fb = 0 if flags.QR then fb = fb|0x8000 end if flags.OC1 then fb = fb|0x4000 end if flags.OC2 then fb = fb|0x2000 end if flags.OC3 then fb = fb|0x1000 end if flags.OC4 then fb = fb|0x0800 end if flags.AA then fb = fb|0x0400 end if flags.TC then fb = fb|0x0200 end if flags.RD then fb = fb|0x0100 end if flags.RA then fb = fb|0x0080 end if flags.RC1 then fb = fb|0x0008 end if flags.RC2 then fb = fb|0x0004 end if flags.RC3 then fb = fb|0x0002 end if flags.RC4 then fb = fb|0x0001 end return fb end --- -- Encode a DNS packet. -- -- Caution: doesn't encode answer and authority part. -- @param pkt Table representing DNS packet, initialized by -- newPacket. -- @return Encoded DNS packet. function encode(pkt) if type(pkt) ~= "table" then return nil end local encFlags = encodeFlags(pkt.flags) local additional = encodeAdditional(pkt.additional) local aorplen = #pkt.answers local data, qorzlen, aorulen if ( #pkt.questions > 0 ) then data = encodeQuestions( pkt.questions ) qorzlen = #pkt.questions aorulen = 0 else -- The packet has no questions, assume we're dealing with an update data = encodeZones( pkt.zones ) .. encodeUpdates( pkt.updates ) qorzlen = #pkt.zones aorulen = #pkt.updates end local encStr if ( pkt.flags.raw ) then encStr = string.pack(">I2I2I2I2I2I2", pkt.id, pkt.flags.raw, qorzlen, aorplen, aorulen, #pkt.additional) .. data .. additional else encStr = string.pack(">I2I2I2I2I2I2", pkt.id, encFlags, qorzlen, aorplen, aorulen, #pkt.additional) .. data .. additional end return encStr end --- -- Decodes a domain in a DNS packet. Handles "compressed" data too. -- @param data Complete DNS packet. -- @param pos Starting position in packet. -- @return Position after decoding. -- @return Decoded domain, or nil on error. function decStr(data, pos) local function dec(data, pos, limit) assert(pos > 0) local partlen local parts = {} local part -- Avoid infinite recursion on malformed compressed messages. limit = limit or 10 if limit < 0 then return pos, nil end partlen, pos = string.unpack(">B", data, pos) while (partlen ~= 0) do if (partlen < 64) then if (#data - pos + 1) < partlen then return pos end part, pos = string.unpack("c" .. partlen, data, pos) table.insert(parts, part) partlen, pos = string.unpack(">B", data, pos) else partlen, pos = string.unpack(">I2", data, pos - 1) local _, part = dec(data, partlen - 0xC000 + 1, limit - 1) if part == nil then return pos end table.insert(parts, part) partlen = 0 end end return pos, table.concat(parts, ".") end return dec(data, pos) end --- -- Decodes questions in a DNS packet. -- @param data Complete DNS packet. -- @param count Value of question counter in header. -- @param pos Starting position in packet. -- @return Position after decoding. -- @return Table of decoded questions. local function decodeQuestions(data, count, pos) local q = {} for i = 1, count do local currQ = {} pos, currQ.dname = decStr(data, pos) currQ.dtype, currQ.class, pos = string.unpack(">I2I2", data, pos) table.insert(q, currQ) end return pos, q end --- -- Table of functions to decode resource records local decoder = {} -- Decodes IP of A record, puts it in entry.ip. -- @param entry RR in packet. decoder[types.A] = function(entry) entry.ip = ipOps.str_to_ip(entry.data:sub(1,4)) end -- Decodes IP of AAAA record, puts it in entry.ipv6. -- @param entry RR in packet. decoder[types.AAAA] = function(entry) entry.ipv6 = ipOps.str_to_ip(entry.data:sub(1,16)) end -- Decodes SSH fingerprint record, puts it in entry.SSHFP as -- defined in RFC 4255. -- -- entry.SSHFP has the fields algorithm, -- fptype, and fingerprint. -- @param entry RR in packet. decoder[types.SSHFP] = function(entry) local pos entry.SSHFP = {} entry.SSHFP.algorithm, entry.SSHFP.fptype, pos = string.unpack(">BB", entry.data) entry.SSHFP.fingerprint = stdnse.tohex(entry.data:sub(pos)) end -- Decodes SOA record, puts it in entry.SOA. -- -- entry.SOA has the fields mname, rname, -- serial, refresh, retry, -- expire, and minimum. -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.SOA] = function(entry, data, pos) local np = pos - #entry.data entry.SOA = {} np, entry.SOA.mname = decStr(data, np) np, entry.SOA.rname = decStr(data, np) entry.SOA.serial, entry.SOA.refresh, entry.SOA.retry, entry.SOA.expire, entry.SOA.minimum, np = string.unpack(">I4I4I4I4I4", data, np) end -- An iterator that returns the positions of nonzero bits in the given binary -- string. local function bit_iter(bits) return coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1, #bits do local n = string.byte(bits, i) local j = 0 local mask = 0x80 while mask > 0 do if (n & mask) ~= 0 then coroutine.yield((i - 1) * 8 + j) end j = j + 1 mask = (mask >> 1) end end end) end -- Decodes NSEC records, puts result in entry.NSEC. See RFC 4034, -- section 4. -- -- entry.NSEC has the fields dname, -- next_dname, and types. -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.NSEC] = function (entry, data, pos) local np = pos - #entry.data entry.NSEC = {} entry.NSEC.dname = entry.dname np, entry.NSEC.next_dname = decStr(data, np) while np < pos do local block_num, type_bitmap block_num, type_bitmap, np = string.unpack(">Bs1", data, np) entry.NSEC.types = {} for i in bit_iter(type_bitmap) do entry.NSEC.types[(block_num - 1) * 256 + i] = true end end end -- Decodes NSEC3 records, puts result in entry.NSEC3. See RFC 5155. -- -- entry.NSEC3 has the fields dname, -- hash.alg, and hash.base32. -- hash.bin, and hash.hex. -- salt.bin, and salt.hex. -- iterations, and types. -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.NSEC3] = function (entry, data, pos) local np = pos - #entry.data local _ local flags entry.NSEC3 = {} entry.NSEC3.dname = entry.dname entry.NSEC3.salt, entry.NSEC3.hash = {}, {} entry.NSEC3.hash.alg, entry.NSEC3.flags, entry.NSEC3.iterations, np = string.unpack(">BBI2", data, np) -- do we even need to decode these do we care about opt out? -- entry.NSEC3.flags = decodeFlagsNSEC3(flags) entry.NSEC3.salt.bin, np = string.unpack(">s1", data, np) entry.NSEC3.salt.hex = stdnse.tohex(entry.NSEC3.salt.bin) entry.NSEC3.hash.bin, np = string.unpack(">s1" , data, np) entry.NSEC3.hash.hex = stdnse.tohex(entry.NSEC3.hash.bin) entry.NSEC3.hash.base32 = base32.enc(entry.NSEC3.hash.bin, true) entry.NSEC3.WinBlockNo, entry.NSEC3.bin, np = string.unpack(">Bs1", data, np) entry.NSEC3.types = {} for i in bit_iter(entry.NSEC3.bin) do entry.NSEC3.types[(entry.NSEC3.WinBlockNo - 1) * 256 + i] = true end end -- Decodes records that consist only of one domain, for example CNAME, NS, PTR. -- Puts result in entry.domain. -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. local function decDomain(entry, data, pos) local np = pos - #entry.data local _ _, entry.domain = decStr(data, np) end -- Decodes CNAME records. -- Puts result in entry.domain. -- @name decoder[types.CNAME] -- @class function -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.CNAME] = decDomain -- Decodes NS records. -- Puts result in entry.domain. -- @name decoder[types.NS] -- @class function -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.NS] = decDomain -- Decodes PTR records. -- Puts result in entry.domain. -- @name decoder[types.PTR] -- @class function -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.PTR] = decDomain -- Decodes TXT records. -- Puts result in entry.domain. -- @name decoder[types.TXT] -- @class function -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.TXT] = function (entry, data, pos) local len = #entry.data local np = pos - len local txt if len > 0 then entry.TXT = {} entry.TXT.text = {} end while np < pos do txt, np = string.unpack("s1", data, np) table.insert( entry.TXT.text, txt ) end end --- -- Decodes OPT record, puts it in entry.OPT. -- -- entry.OPT has the fields mname, rname, -- serial, refresh, retry, -- expire, and minimum. -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.OPT] = function(entry, data, pos) local np = pos - #entry.data - 6 local opt = { bufsize = entry.class } opt.rcode, opt.version, opt.zflags, opt.data, np = string.unpack(">BBI2s2", data, np) entry.OPT = opt end -- Decodes MX record, puts it in entry.MX. -- -- entry.MX has the fields pref and -- server. -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.MX] = function(entry, data, pos) local np = pos - #entry.data + 2 local _ entry.MX = {} entry.MX.pref = string.unpack(">I2", entry.data) _, entry.MX.server = decStr(data, np) end -- Decodes SRV record, puts it in entry.SRV. -- -- entry.SRV has the fields prio, -- weight, port and -- target. -- @param entry RR in packet. -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param pos Position in packet after RR. decoder[types.SRV] = function(entry, data, pos) local np = pos - #entry.data local _ entry.SRV = {} entry.SRV.prio, entry.SRV.weight, entry.SRV.port, np = string.unpack(">I2I2I2", data, np) np, entry.SRV.target = decStr(data, np) end -- Decodes returned resource records (answer, authority, or additional part). -- @param data Complete encoded DNS packet. -- @param count Value of according counter in header. -- @param pos Starting position in packet. -- @return Table of RRs. local function decodeRR(data, count, pos) local ans = {} for i = 1, count do local currRR = {} pos, currRR.dname = decStr(data, pos) currRR.dtype, currRR.class, currRR.ttl, pos = string.unpack(">I2I2I4", data, pos) currRR.data, pos = string.unpack(">s2", data, pos) -- try to be smart: decode per type if decoder[currRR.dtype] then decoder[currRR.dtype](currRR, data, pos) end table.insert(ans, currRR) end return pos, ans end --- -- Decodes DNS flags. -- @param flgStr Flags as a binary digit string. -- @return Table representing flags. local function decodeFlags(flags) local tflags = {} if (flags & 0x8000) ~= 0 then tflags.QR = true end if (flags & 0x4000) ~= 0 then tflags.OC1 = true end if (flags & 0x2000) ~= 0 then tflags.OC2 = true end if (flags & 0x1000) ~= 0 then tflags.OC3 = true end if (flags & 0x0800) ~= 0 then tflags.OC4 = true end if (flags & 0x0400) ~= 0 then tflags.AA = true end if (flags & 0x0200) ~= 0 then tflags.TC = true end if (flags & 0x0100) ~= 0 then tflags.RD = true end if (flags & 0x0080) ~= 0 then tflags.RA = true end if (flags & 0x0008) ~= 0 then tflags.RC1 = true end if (flags & 0x0004) ~= 0 then tflags.RC2 = true end if (flags & 0x0002) ~= 0 then tflags.RC3 = true end if (flags & 0x0001) ~= 0 then tflags.RC4 = true end return tflags end --- -- Decodes a DNS packet. -- @param data Encoded DNS packet. -- @return Table representing DNS packet. function decode(data) local pos local pkt = {} local encFlags local cnt = {} pkt.id, encFlags, cnt.q, cnt.a, cnt.auth, cnt.add, pos = string.unpack(">I2I2I2I2I2I2", data) -- for now, don't decode the flags pkt.flags = decodeFlags(encFlags) -- -- check whether this is an update response or not -- a quick fix to allow decoding of non updates and not break for updates -- the flags are enough for the current code to determine whether an update was successful or not -- local flags = encodeFlags(pkt.flags) -- QR, OC2 if (flags & 0xF000) == 0xA000 then return pkt else pos, pkt.questions = decodeQuestions(data, cnt.q, pos) pos, pkt.answers = decodeRR(data, cnt.a, pos) pos, pkt.auth = decodeRR(data, cnt.auth, pos) pos, pkt.add = decodeRR(data, cnt.add, pos) end return pkt end --- -- Creates a new table representing a DNS packet. -- @return Table representing a DNS packet. function newPacket() local pkt = {} pkt.id = 1 pkt.flags = {} pkt.flags.RD = true pkt.questions = {} pkt.zones = {} pkt.updates = {} pkt.answers = {} pkt.auth = {} pkt.additional = {} return pkt end --- -- Adds a question to a DNS packet table. -- @param pkt Table representing DNS packet. -- @param dname Domain name to be asked. -- @param dtype RR to be asked. function addQuestion(pkt, dname, dtype, class) if type(pkt) ~= "table" then return nil end if type(pkt.questions) ~= "table" then return nil end local class = class or CLASS.IN local q = {} q.dname = dname q.dtype = dtype q.class = class table.insert(pkt.questions, q) return pkt end get_default_timeout = function() local timeout = {[0] = 10000, 7000, 5000, 4000, 4000, 4000} return timeout[nmap.timing_level()] or 4000 end --- -- Adds a zone to a DNS packet table -- @param pkt Table representing DNS packet. -- @param dname Domain name to be asked. function addZone(pkt, dname) if ( type(pkt) ~= "table" ) or (type(pkt.updates) ~= "table") then return nil end table.insert(pkt.zones, { dname=dname, dtype=types.SOA, class=CLASS.IN }) return pkt end --- -- Encodes the Z bitfield of an OPT record. -- @param flags Flag table, each entry representing a flag (only DO flag implmented). -- @return Binary digit string representing flags. local function encodeOPT_Z(flags) if type(flags) == "number" then return flags end assert(type(flags) == "table") local bits = 0 if flags.DO then bits = bits|0x8000 end return bits end --- -- Adds an client-subnet payload to the OPT packet -- -- implementing https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7871 -- @param pkt Table representing DNS packet. -- @param Z Table of Z flags. Only DO is supported. -- @param client_subnet table containing the following fields -- family - IPv4: "inet" or 1 (default), IPv6: "inet6" or 2 -- mask - byte containing the length of the subnet mask -- address - string containing the IP address function addClientSubnet(pkt,Z,subnet) local family = subnet.family or 1 if type(family) == "string" then family = ({inet=1,inet6=2})[family] end assert(family == 1 or family == 2, "Unsupported subnet family") local code = 8 -- https://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters.xhtml#dns-parameters-11 local mask = subnet.mask local scope_mask = 0 -- In requests, it MUST be set to 0 -- Per RFC 7871, section 6: -- Address must have all insignificant bits zeroed out and insignificant bytes -- must be trimmed off. (/24 IPv4 address is submitted as 3 octets, not 4.) local addr = ipOps.get_first_ip(subnet.address, mask) addr = ipOps.ip_to_str(addr):sub(1, (mask + 7) // 8) local data = string.pack(">I2BB", family, mask, scope_mask) .. addr local opt = string.pack(">I2s2", code, data) addOPT(pkt,Z,opt) end --- -- Adds an NSID payload to the OPT packet -- @param pkt Table representing DNS packet. -- @param Z Table of Z flags. Only DO is supported. function addNSID (pkt,Z) local opt = string.pack(">I2I2", 3, 0) -- nsid data addOPT(pkt,Z,opt) end --- -- Adds an OPT RR to a DNS packet's additional section. -- -- Only the table of Z flags is supported (i.e., not RDATA). See RFC 2671 -- section 4.3. -- @param pkt Table representing DNS packet. -- @param Z Table of Z flags. Only DO is supported. function addOPT(pkt, Z, opt) local rdata = opt or "" if type(pkt) ~= "table" then return nil end if type(pkt.additional) ~= "table" then return nil end local Z_int = encodeOPT_Z(Z) local opt = { type = types.OPT, class = 4096, -- Actually the sender UDP payload size. ttl = 0 * (0x01000000) + 0 * (0x00010000) + Z_int, rdata = rdata, } table.insert(pkt.additional, opt) return pkt end --- -- Adds a update to a DNS packet table -- @param pkt Table representing DNS packet. -- @param dname Domain name to be asked. -- @param dtype to be updated -- @param ttl the time-to-live of the record -- @param data type specific data function addUpdate(pkt, dname, dtype, ttl, data, class) if ( type(pkt) ~= "table" ) or (type(pkt.updates) ~= "table") then return nil end table.insert(pkt.updates, { dname=dname, dtype=dtype, class=class, ttl=ttl, data=(data or "") } ) return pkt end --- Adds a record to the Zone -- @param dname containing the hostname to add -- @param options A table containing any of the following fields: -- * dtype: Desired DNS record type (default: "A"). -- * host: DNS server to be queried (default: DNS servers known to Nmap). -- * timeout: The time to wait for a response -- * sendCount: The number of send attempts to perform -- * zone: If not supplied deduced from hostname -- * data: Table or string containing update data (depending on record type): -- A - String containing the IP address -- CNAME - String containing the FQDN -- MX - Table containing pref, mx -- SRV - Table containing prio, weight, port, target -- -- @return status true on success false on failure -- @return msg containing the error message -- -- Examples -- -- Adding different types of records to a server -- * update( "www.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data="" } ) -- * update( "alias.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="CNAME", data="www.cqure.net" } ) -- * update( "cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="MX", data={ pref=10, mx="mail.cqure.net"} }) -- * update( "_ldap._tcp.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="SRV", data={ prio=0, weight=100, port=389, target="ldap.cqure.net" } } ) -- -- Removing the above records by setting an empty data and a ttl of zero -- * update( "www.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="A", data="", ttl=0 } ) -- * update( "alias.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="CNAME", data="", ttl=0 } ) -- * update( "cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="MX", data="", ttl=0 } ) -- * update( "_ldap._tcp.cqure.net", { host=host, port=port, dtype="SRV", data="", ttl=0 } ) -- function update(dname, options) local options = options or {} local pkt = newPacket() local flags = pkt.flags local host, port = options.host, options.port local timeout = ( type(options.timeout) == "number" ) and options.timeout or get_default_timeout() local sendcount = options.sendCount or 2 local dtype = ( type(options.dtype) == "string" ) and types[options.dtype] or types.A local updata = options.data local ttl = options.ttl or 86400 local zone = options.zone or dname:match("^.-%.(.+)$") local class = CLASS.IN assert(host, "dns.update needs a valid host in options") assert(port, "dns.update needs a valid port in options") if ( options.zone ) then dname = dname .. "." .. options.zone end if ( not(zone) and not( dname:match("^.-%..+") ) ) then return false, "hostname needs to be supplied as FQDN" end flags.RD = false flags.OC1, flags.OC2, flags.OC3, flags.OC4 = false, true, false, true -- If ttl is zero and updata is nil or a string of zero length, assume delete record if ttl == 0 and (not updata or (type(updata) == "string" and #updata == 0)) then class = CLASS.ANY updata = "" if ( types.MX == dtype and not(options.zone) ) then zone=dname end if ( types.SRV == dtype and not(options.zone) ) then zone=dname:match("^_.-%._.-%.(.+)$") end -- if not, let's try to update the zone else if ( dtype == types.A or dtype == types.AAAA ) then updata = updata and ipOps.ip_to_str(updata) or "" elseif( dtype == types.CNAME ) then updata = encodeFQDN(updata) elseif( dtype == types.MX ) then assert( not( type(updata) ~= "table" ), "dns.update expected options.data to be a table") if ( not(options.zone) ) then zone = dname end local data = string.pack(">I2", updata.pref) data = data .. encodeFQDN(updata.mx) updata = data elseif ( dtype == types.SRV ) then assert( not( type(updata) ~= "table" ), "dns.update expected options.data to be a table") local data = string.pack(">I2I2I2", updata.prio, updata.weight, updata.port ) data = data .. encodeFQDN(updata.target) updata = data zone = options.zone or dname:match("^_.-%._.-%.(.+)$") else return false, "Unsupported record type" end end pkt = addZone(pkt, zone) pkt = addUpdate(pkt, dname, dtype, ttl, updata, class) local data = encode(pkt) local status, response = sendPackets(data, host, port, timeout, sendcount, false) if ( status ) then local decoded = decode(response[1].data) local flags = encodeFlags(decoded.flags) if (flags & 0xF) == 0 then return true end end return false end if not unittest.testing() then return _ENV end -- Self test test_suite = unittest.TestSuite:new() test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(encodeFQDN("test.me.com"), "\x04test\x02me\x03com\0"), "encodeFQDN") local tests = { { pkt = string.char(0x92, 0xdc, -- Trsnsaction ID 0x81, 0x80, -- Flags 0x00, 0x01, -- Questions count 0x00, 0x01, -- Answers RRs count 0x00, 0x00, -- Authorities RRs count 0x00, 0x00, -- Additionals RRs count 0x06, -- Label length <-- [12] 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x65, -- "scanme" 0x04, -- Label length 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x70, -- "nmap" 0x03, -- Label length 0x6f, 0x72, 0x67, -- "org" 0x00, -- Name terminator 0x00, 0x01, -- A 0x00, 0x01, -- CLASS_IN 0xc0, 0x0c, -- Compressed name pointer to offset 12 0x00, 0x01, -- A 0x00, 0x01, -- CLASS_IN 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x0f, -- TTL 3599 0x00, 0x04, -- Record Length 0x2d, 0x21, 0x20, 0x9c ), -- qname = "scanme.nmap.org", qtype = "A", ans = {"ip", ""} }, { pkt = string.char( 0x08, 0xf2, -- ID 0x81, 0x80, -- Flags 0x00, 0x01, -- Questions count 0x00, 0x01, -- Answers RRs count 0x00, 0x00, -- Authorities RRs count 0x00, 0x00, -- Additionals RRs count 0x03, -- Label length 0x31, 0x35, 0x36, -- "156" 0x02, -- Label length 0x33, 0x32, -- "32" 0x02, -- Label length 0x33, 0x33, -- "33" 0x02, -- Label length 0x34, 0x35, -- "45" 0x07, -- Label length 0x69, 0x6e, 0x2d, 0x61, 0x64, 0x64, 0x72, -- "in-addr" 0x04, -- Label length 0x61, 0x72, 0x70, 0x61, -- "arpa" 0x00, -- Name terminator 0x00, 0x0c, -- PTR 0x00, 0x01, -- CLASS_IN 0xc0, 0x0c, -- Compressed name pointer to offset 12 0x00, 0x0c, -- PTR 0x00, 0x01, -- CLASS_IN 0x00, 0x01, 0x51, 0x78, -- TTL 86392 0x00, 0x11, -- Record Length 0x06, -- Label length 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x65, -- "scanme" 0x04, -- Label length 0x6e, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x70, -- "nmap" 0x03, -- Label length 0x6f, 0x72, 0x67, -- "org" 0x00), -- Name terminator qname = "", qtype = "PTR", ans = {"domain", "scanme.nmap.org"} }, } for _, t in ipairs(tests) do local decoded = decode(t.pkt) local q = decoded.questions[1] local a = decoded.answers[1] test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(q.dname, t.qname), "decode question name") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(q.dtype, types[t.qtype]), "decode question type") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a[t.ans[1]], t.ans[2]), "decode answer") end local axfr = stdnse.fromhex( "dead840000010032000000000c7a\z 6f6e657472616e73666572026d650000\z fc0001c00c0006000100001c20002f06\z 6e737a746d310464696769056e696e6a\z 610005726f62696ec034785908810002\z a300000003840012750000000e10c00c\z 000d00010000012c00190d436173696f\z 2066782d373030470a57696e646f7773\z 205850c00c001000010000012d004544\z 676f6f676c652d736974652d76657269\z 6669636174696f6e3d74795032384a37\z 4a41554841396677327348584d676343\z 4330493658426d6d6f56693034566c4d\z 65777841c00c000f000100001c200016\z 0000054153504d58014c06474f4f474c\z 4503434f4d00c00c000f000100001c20\z 0009000a04414c5431c0e0c00c000f00\z 0100001c200009000a04414c5432c0e0\z c00c000f000100001c20001600140641\z 53504d58320a474f4f474c454d41494c\z c0efc00c000f000100001c20000b0014\z 064153504d5833c133c00c000f000100\z 001c20000b0014064153504d5834c133\z c00c000f000100001c20000b00140641\z 53504d5835c133c00c0001000100001c\z 20000405c4690ec00c0002000100001c\z 200002c02dc00c0002000100001c2000\z 09066e737a746d32c0340f5f61636d65\z 2d6368616c6c656e6765c00c00100001\z 0000012d002c2b364f6130356862554a\z 39785373765979377041705176774355\z 535347677876726264697a6a65504573\z 5a49045f736970045f746370c00c0021\z 0001000036b0001b0000000013c40377\z 77770c7a6f6e657472616e7366657202\z 6d650002313403313035033139360135\z 07494e2d414444520441525041c22000\z 0c000100001c200002c21c0c61736664\z 6261757468646e73c220001200010000\z 1edc001c0001086173666462626f780c\z 7a6f6e657472616e73666572026d6500\z c2740001000100001c2000047f000001\z 0b6173666462766f6c756d65c27d0012\z 000100001e78001c0001086173666462\z 626f780c7a6f6e657472616e73666572\z 026d65000f63616e62657272612d6f66\z 66696365c2c10001000100001c200004\z ca0e51e607636d6465786563c2c10010\z 00010000012c0005043b206c7307636f\z 6e74616374c2c10010000100278d0000\z 646352656d656d62657220746f206361\z 6c6c206f7220656d61696c2050697070\z 61206f6e202b34342031323320343536\z 37383930206f72207069707061407a6f\z 6e657472616e736665722e6d65207768\z 656e206d616b696e6720444e53206368\z 616e6765730964632d6f6666696365c2\z c10001000100001c2000048fe4b58408\z 6465616462656566c2c1001c00010000\z 1c210010deadbeaf0000000000000000\z 00000000026472c2c1001d0001000001\z 2c0010001216138b728cee7fa5c44a00\z 98968003445a43c2c10010000100001c\z 200008074162436445664705656d6169\z 6cc2c100230001000008ae0038000100\z 010150094532552b656d61696c000565\z 6d61696c0c7a6f6e657472616e736665\z 72026d650c7a6f6e657472616e736665\z 72026d6500c3f90001000100001c2000\z 044a7dce1a0548656c6c6fc432001000\z 0100001c20001d1c486920746f204a6f\z 736820616e6420616c6c206869732063\z 6c61737304686f6d65c4320001000100\z 001c2000047f00000104496e666fc432\z 0010000100001c20008b8a5a6f6e6554\z 72616e736665722e6d65207365727669\z 63652070726f76696465642062792052\z 6f62696e20576f6f64202d20726f6269\z 6e40646967692e6e696e6a612e205365\z 6520687474703a2f2f646967692e6e69\z 6e6a612f70726f6a656374732f7a6f6e\z 657472616e736665726d652e70687020\z 666f72206d6f726520696e666f726d61\z 74696f6e2e08696e7465726e616cc432\z 000200010000012c000906696e746e73\z 31c432c533000200010000012c000906\z 696e746e7332c432c548000100010000\z 012c000451046c29c55d000100010000\z 012c0004a7582a5e066f6666696365c4\z 320001000100001c200004041727fe0a\z 697076366163746e6f77036f7267c432\z 001c000100001c2000102001067c02e8\z 001100000000c1001332036f7761c432\z 0001000100001c200004cf2ec5200972\z 6f62696e776f6f64c432001000010000\z 012e000b0a526f62696e20576f6f6402\z 7270c432001100010000014100320572\z 6f62696e0c7a6f6e657472616e736665\z 72026d650009726f62696e776f6f640c\z 7a6f6e657472616e73666572026d6500\z 03736970c62d0023000100000d05003b\z 000200030150074532552b7369702b21\z 5e2e2a24217369703a637573746f6d65\z 722d73657276696365407a6f6e657472\z 616e736665722e6d6521000473716c69\z c62d001000010000012c000c0b27206f\z 7220313d31202d2d067373686f636bc6\z 2d0010000100001c20001c1b2829207b\z 203a5d7d3b206563686f205368656c6c\z 53686f636b65640773746167696e67c6\z 2d0005000100001c20001a0377777710\z 7379646e65796f70657261686f757365\z 03636f6d000f616c6c746370706f7274\z 736f70656e086669726577616c6c0474\z 657374c62d000100010000012d00047f\z 0000010774657374696e67c62d000500\z 010000012d0002c21c0376706ec62d00\z 01000100000fa00004ae243b9ac21c00\z 01000100001c20000405c4690e037873\z 73c62d001000010000012c00201f273e\z 3c7363726970743e616c657274282742\z 6f6f27293c2f7363726970743ec62d00\z 06000100001c200018c02dc040785908\z 810002a300000003840012750000000e\z 10") local axfr_decoded = decode(axfr) local answers = { {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["SOA"], mname="nsztm1.digi.ninja", rname="robin.digi.ninja"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["HINFO"]}, -- "Casio fx-700G" "Windows XP" {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="google-site-verification=tyP28J7JAUHA9fw2sHXMgcCC0I6XBmmoVi04VlMewxA"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["MX"], pref=0, server="ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["MX"], pref=10, server="ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["MX"], pref=10, server="ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["MX"], pref=20, server="ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.COM"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["MX"], pref=20, server="ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.COM"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["MX"], pref=20, server="ASPMX4.GOOGLEMAIL.COM"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["MX"], pref=20, server="ASPMX5.GOOGLEMAIL.COM"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["NS"], domain="nsztm1.digi.ninja"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["NS"], domain="nsztm2.digi.ninja"}, {dname="_acme-challenge.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="6Oa05hbUJ9xSsvYy7pApQvwCUSSGgxvrbdizjePEsZI"}, {dname="_sip._tcp.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["SRV"], prio=0, weight=0, port=5060, target="www.zonetransfer.me"}, {dname="", dtype=types["PTR"], domain="www.zonetransfer.me"}, {dname="asfdbauthdns.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["AFSDB"]}, -- 1 asfdbbox.zonetransfer.me. {dname="asfdbbox.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="asfdbvolume.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["AFSDB"]}, -- 1 asfdbbox.zonetransfer.me. {dname="canberra-office.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="cmdexec.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="; ls"}, {dname="contact.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="Remember to call or email Pippa on +44 123 4567890 or pippa@zonetransfer.me when making DNS changes"}, {dname="dc-office.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="deadbeef.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["AAAA"], ipv6="dead:beaf::"}, {dname="dr.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["LOC"]}, -- 53.349044 N 1.642646 W 0m 1.0m 10000.0m 10.0m {dname="DZC.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="AbCdEfG"}, {dname="email.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["NAPTR"]}, -- 1 1 "P" "E2U+email" "" email.zonetransfer.me.zonetransfer.me. {dname="email.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="Hello.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="Hi to Josh and all his class"}, {dname="home.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="Info.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="ZoneTransfer.me service provided by Robin Wood - robin@digi.ninja. See http://digi.ninja/projects/zonetransferme.php for more information."}, {dname="internal.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["NS"], domain="intns1.zonetransfer.me"}, {dname="internal.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["NS"], domain="intns2.zonetransfer.me"}, {dname="intns1.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="intns2.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="office.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="ipv6actnow.org.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["AAAA"], ipv6="2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:1332"}, {dname="owa.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="robinwood.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="Robin Wood"}, {dname="rp.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["RP"]}, -- robin.zonetransfer.me. robinwood.zonetransfer.me. {dname="sip.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["NAPTR"]}, -- 2 3 "P" "E2U+sip" "!^.*$!sip:customer-service@zonetransfer.me!" . {dname="sqli.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="' or 1=1 --"}, {dname="sshock.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"],text="() { :]}; echo ShellShocked"}, {dname="staging.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["CNAME"], domain="www.sydneyoperahouse.com"}, {dname="alltcpportsopen.firewall.test.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="testing.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["CNAME"], domain="www.zonetransfer.me"}, {dname="vpn.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="www.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["A"], ip=""}, {dname="xss.zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["TXT"], text="'>"}, {dname="zonetransfer.me", dtype=types["SOA"], mname="nsztm1.digi.ninja", rname="robin.digi.ninja"}, } for i, a in ipairs(axfr_decoded.answers) do ta = answers[i] if ta.dtype == types.TXT then test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.dname, ta.dname), i .. ".dname") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.dtype, ta.dtype), i .. ".dtype") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.TXT.text[1], ta.text), i .. ".text") elseif ta.dtype == types.SOA then test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.dname, ta.dname), i .. ".dname") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.dtype, ta.dtype), i .. ".dtype") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.SOA.mname, ta.mname), i .. ".mname") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.SOA.rname, ta.rname), i .. ".rname") elseif ta.dtype == types.MX then test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.dname, ta.dname), i .. ".dname") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.dtype, ta.dtype), i .. ".dtype") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.MX.pref, ta.pref), i .. ".pref") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.MX.server, ta.server), i .. ".server") elseif ta.dtype == types.SRV then test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.dname, ta.dname), i .. ".dname") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.dtype, ta.dtype), i .. ".dtype") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.SRV.prio, ta.prio), i .. ".prio") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.SRV.weight, ta.weight), i .. ".weight") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a.SRV.port, ta.port), i .. ".port") else for k, v in pairs(ta) do test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(a[k], v), ("%d.%s"):format(i, k)) end end end return _ENV;