* Copyright (c) 2015 Patrick Monnerat, D+H * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names * of any other contributors may be used to endorse or * promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. /if not defined(LIBSSH2_H_) /define LIBSSH2_H_ d LIBSSH2_COPYRIGHT... d c '2004-2015 The libssh2 project and + d its contributors.' * We use underscore instead of dash when appending DEV in dev versions * just to make the BANNER define (used by src/session.c) be a valid SSH * banner. Release versions have no appended strings and may of course not * have dashes either. d LIBSSH2_VERSION... d c '@LIBSSH2_VERSION@' * The numeric version number is also available "in parts" by using these * defines: d LIBSSH2_VERSION_MAJOR... d c @LIBSSH2_VERSION_MAJOR@ d LIBSSH2_VERSION_MINOR... d c @LIBSSH2_VERSION_MINOR@ d LIBSSH2_VERSION_PATCH... d c @LIBSSH2_VERSION_PATCH@ * This is the numeric version of the libssh2 version number, meant for * easier parsing and comparisons by programs. The LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM * define will always follow this syntax: * * X'XXYYZZ' * * Where XX, YY and ZZ are the main version, release and patch numbers in * hexadecimal (using 8 bits each). All three numbers are always * represented using two digits. 1.2 would appear as "0x010200" while * version 9.11.7 appears as X'090b07'. * * This 6-digit (24 bits) hexadecimal number does not show pre-release * number, and it is always a greater number in a more recent release. It * makes comparisons with greater than and less than work. d LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM... d c X'@LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM@' * This is the date and time when the full source package was created. The * timestamp is not stored in the source code repo, as the timestamp is * properly set in the tarballs by the maketgz script. * * The format of the date should follow this template: * * "Mon Feb 12 11:35:33 UTC 2007" d LIBSSH2_TIMESTAMP... d c '@LIBSSH2_TIMESTAMP@' d libssh2_Cchar s 3i 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Cuchar s 3u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Cshort s 5i 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Cushort... d s 5u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Cint s 10i 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_CuInt s 10u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Clong s 10i 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Culong s 10u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Clonglong... d s 20i 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Culonglong... d s 20u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Cenum s 10i 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Cssize_t... d s 10i 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Csize_t... d s 10u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Cfloat s 4f based(######typedef######) d libssh2_Cdouble... d s 8f based(######typedef######) d libssh2_uint8_t... d s 3u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_uint32_t... d s 10u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_uint64_t... d s 20u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_int64_t... d s 20i 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_socket_t... d s 10i 0 based(######typedef######) d LIBSSH2_INVALID_SOCKET... d c -1 d libssh2_mode_t s 10u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_ino_t s 10u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_uid_t s 10u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_gid_t s 10u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_dev_t s 10u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_off_t s 20i 0 based(######typedef######) Use *IFS64IO d libssh2_time_t s 10i 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_nlink_t... d s 5u 0 based(######typedef######) d libssh2_qp0l_objtype_t... AS400 object type d s 11 d libssh2_struct_stat_size... d s based(######typedef######) d like(libssh2_off_t) d libssh2_struct_stat... d ds based(######typedef######) d align qualified d st_mode like(libssh2_mode_t) Mode flags d st_ino like(libssh2_ino_t) File serial number d st_nlink like(libssh2_nlink_t) Number of links d st_uid like(libssh2_uid_t) Owner ID d st_gid like(libssh2_gid_t) Group ID d st_size like(libssh2_off_t) File size d st_atime like(libssh2_time_t) Last access time d st_mtime like(libssh2_time_t) Last update time d st_ctime like(libssh2_time_t) Creation time d st_dev like(libssh2_dev_t) File root device d st_blksize like(libssh2_Csize_t) Block size d st_allocsize like(libssh2_Culong) Allocation size d st_objtype like(libssh2_qp0l_objtype_t) AS400 object type d st_codepage like(libssh2_Cushort) Object data codepage d 62 Reserved d st_ino_gen_id like(libssh2_Cuint) File SN gen. ID d LIBSSH2_STRUCT_STAT_SIZE_FORMAT... d c '%lld' * Part of every banner, user specified or not. d LIBSSH2_SSH_BANNER... d c 'SSH-2.0-libssh2_1.6.1_DEV' d LIBSSH2_SSH_DEFAULT_BANNER... d c 'SSH-2.0-libssh2_1.6.1_DEV' * Default generate and safe prime sizes for * diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1. d LIBSSH2_DH_GEX_MINGROUP... d c 1024 d LIBSSH2_DH_GEX_OPTGROUP... d c 1536 d LIBSSH2_DH_GEX_MAXGROUP... d c 2048 * Defaults for pty requests. d LIBSSH2_TERM_WIDTH... d c 80 d LIBSSH2_TERM_HEIGHT... d c 24 d LIBSSH2_TERM_WIDTH_PX... d c 0 d LIBSSH2_TERM_HEIGHT_PX... d c 0 * 1/4 second. d LIBSSH2_SOCKET_POLL_UDELAY... d c 250000 * 0.25 * 120 == 30 seconds. d LIBSSH2_SOCKET_POLL_MAXLOOPS... d c 120 * Maximum size to allow a payload to compress to, plays it safe by * falling short of spec limits. d LIBSSH2_PACKET_MAXCOMP... d c 32000 * Maximum size to allow a payload to deccompress to, plays it safe by * allowing more than spec requires. d LIBSSH2_PACKET_MAXDECOMP... d c 40000 * Maximum size for an inbound compressed payload, plays it safe by * overshooting spec limits. d LIBSSH2_PACKET_MAXPAYLOAD... d c 40000 d LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_PROMPT... d ds based(######typedef######) d align qualified d text * char * d length like(libssh2_Cuint) d echo like(libssh2_Cuchar) d LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE... d ds based(######typedef######) d align qualified d text * char * d length like(libssh2_Cuint) * libssh2_session_callback_set() constants. d LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_IGNORE... d c 0 d LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_DEBUG... d c 1 d LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_DISCONNECT... d c 2 d LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_MACERROR... d c 3 d LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_X11... d c 4 d LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_SEND... d c 5 d LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_RECV... d c 6 * libssh2_session_method_pref() constants. d LIBSSH2_METHOD_KEX... d c 0 d LIBSSH2_METHOD_HOSTKEY... d c 1 d LIBSSH2_METHOD_CRYPT_CS... d c 2 d LIBSSH2_METHOD_CRYPT_SC... d c 3 d LIBSSH2_METHOD_MAC_CS... d c 4 d LIBSSH2_METHOD_MAC_SC... d c 5 d LIBSSH2_METHOD_COMP_CS... d c 6 d LIBSSH2_METHOD_COMP_SC... d c 7 d LIBSSH2_METHOD_LANG_CS... d c 8 d LIBSSH2_METHOD_LANG_SC... d c 9 * flags. d LIBSSH2_FLAG_SIGPIPE... d c X'0001' d LIBSSH2_FLAG_COMPRESS... d c X'0002' d LIBSSH2_POLLFD ds based(######typedef######) d align qualified d type like(libssh2_Cuchar) d fd * Union d socket overlay(fd) like(libssh2_socket_t) d channel * overlay(fd) LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d listener * overlay(fd) LIBSSH2_LISTENER * d events like(libssh2_Culong) d revents like(libssh2_Culong) * Poll FD Descriptor Types. d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_SOCKET... d c 1 d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_CHANNEL... d c 2 d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_LISTENER... d c 3 * Poll FD events/revents -- Match sys/poll.h where possible. d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLIN... Input data ready or d c X'0001' connection available d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLPRI... Prio data ready to d c X'0002' be read. Socket only d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLEXT... Ext data ready to be d c X'0002' read. Channel only d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLOUT... Can may be written: d c X'0004' Socket/Channel * revents only. d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLERR... Error Condition: d c X'0008' Socket d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLHUP... HangUp/EOF d c X'0010' Socket d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_SESSION_CLOSED... Session Disconnect d c X'0010' d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLNVAL... Invalid request d c X'0020' Socket d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLEX... Exception Condition d c X'0040' Socket/Win32 d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_CHANNEL_CLOSED... Channel Disconnect d c X'0080' d LIBSSH2_POLLFD_LISTENER_CLOSED... Listener Disconnect d c X'0080' /define HAVE_LIBSSH2_SESSION_BLOCK_DIRECTION * Block Direction Types. d LIBSSH2_SESSION_BLOCK_INBOUND... d c X'0001' d LIBSSH2_SESSION_BLOCK_OUTBOUND... d c X'0002' * Hash Types. d LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_HASH_MD5... d c 1 d LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_HASH_SHA1... d c 2 * Hostkey Types. d LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_UNKNOWN... d c 0 d LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_RSA... d c 1 d LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_DSS... d c 2 * Disconnect Codes (defined by SSH protocol). d SSH_DISCONNECT_HOST_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CONNECT... d c 1 d SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR... d c 2 d SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED... d c 3 d SSH_DISCONNECT_RESERVED... d c 4 d SSH_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR... d c 5 d SSH_DISCONNECT_COMPRESSION_ERROR... d c 6 d SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE... d c 7 d SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED... d c 8 d SSH_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE... d c 9 d SSH_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST... d c 10 d SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION... d c 11 d SSH_DISCONNECT_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS... d c 12 d SSH_DISCONNECT_AUTH_CANCELLED_BY_USER... d c 13 d SSH_DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE... d c 14 d SSH_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME... d c 15 * Error Codes (defined by libssh2). d LIBSSH2_ERROR_NONE... d c 0 * The library once used -1 as a generic error return value on numerous * places through the code, which subsequently was converted to * LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_NONE uses over time. As this is a generic error * code, the goal is to never ever return this code but instead make sure * that a more accurate and descriptive error code is used. d LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_NONE... d c -1 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_BANNER_RECV... d c -2 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_BANNER_SEND... d c -3 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_INVALID_MAC... d c -4 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_KEX_FAILURE... d c -5 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_ALLOC... d c -6 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_SEND... d c -7 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILURE... d c -8 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_TIMEOUT... d c -9 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_HOSTKEY_INIT... d c -10 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_HOSTKEY_SIGN... d c -11 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_DECRYPT... d c -12 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_DISCONNECT... d c -13 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_PROTO... d c -14 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED... d c -15 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_FILE... d c -16 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_METHOD_NONE... d c -17 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED... d c -18 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_PUBLICKEY_UNRECOGNIZED... d c -18 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_PUBLICKEY_UNVERIFIED... d c -19 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_OUTOFORDER... d c -20 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_FAILURE... d c -21 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_REQUEST_DENIED... d c -22 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_UNKNOWN... d c -23 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_WINDOW_EXCEEDED... d c -24 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_PACKET_EXCEEDED... d c -25 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_CLOSED... d c -26 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_EOF_SENT... d c -27 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_SCP_PROTOCOL... d c -28 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_ZLIB... d c -29 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT... d c -30 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_SFTP_PROTOCOL... d c -31 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_REQUEST_DENIED... d c -32 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED... d c -33 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_INVAL... d c -34 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_INVALID_POLL_TYPE... d c -35 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_PUBLICKEY_PROTOCOL... d c -36 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN... d c -37 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL... d c -38 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_BAD_USE... d c -39 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_COMPRESS... d c -40 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDARY... d c -41 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_AGENT_PROTOCOL... d c -42 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_RECV... d c -43 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_ENCRYPT... d c -44 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_BAD_SOCKET... d c -45 d LIBSSH2_ERROR_KNOWN_HOSTS... d c -46 * this is a define to provide the old (<= 1.2.7) name. d LIBSSH2_ERROR_BANNER_NONE... d c -2 * Global API. d LIBSSH2_INIT_NO_CRYPTO... d c X'0001' * libssh2_init() * * Initialize the libssh2 functions. This typically initialize the * crypto library. It uses a global state, and is not thread safe -- * you must make sure this function is not called concurrently. * * Flags can be: * 0: Normal initialize * LIBSSH2_INIT_NO_CRYPTO: Do not initialize the crypto library * (ie. OPENSSL_add_cipher_algorithms() for * OpenSSL) * * Returns 0 if succeeded, or a negative value for error. d libssh2_init pr extproc('libssh2_init') d like(libssh2_Cint) d flags value like(libssh2_Cint) * libssh2_exit() * * Exit the libssh2 functions and free's all memory used internal. d libssh2_exit pr extproc('libssh2_exit') * libssh2_free() * * Deallocate memory allocated by earlier call to libssh2 functions. d libssh2_free pr extproc('libssh2_free') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d ptr * value void * * libssh2_session_supported_algs() * * Fills algs with a list of supported cryptographic algorithms. Returns a * non-negative number (number of supported algorithms) on success or a * negative number (an error code) on failure. * * NOTE: on success, algs must be deallocated (by calling libssh2_free) * when not needed anymore d libssh2_session_supported_algs... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_session_supported_algs') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d method_type value like(libssh2_Cint) d algs * const char **(*) * Session API. d libssh2_session_init_ex... d pr * extproc('libssh2_session_init_ex') LIBSSH2_SESSION * d my_alloc * value procptr d my_free * value procptr d my_realloc * value procptr d abstract * value void * * Implementation of C macro. d libssh2_session_init... d pr * extproc('libssh2_session_init') LIBSSH2_SESSION * d libssh2_session_abstract... d pr * extproc('libssh2_session_abstract') void * * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d libssh2_session_callback_set... d pr * extproc( void * d 'libssh2_session_callback_set') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d cbtype value like(libssh2_Cint) d callback * value void * d libssh2_session_banner_set... d pr extproc('libssh2_session_banner_set') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d banner * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_banner_set... d pr extproc('libssh2_banner_set') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d banner * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_session_startup... d pr extproc('libssh2_session_startup') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d sock value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_session_handshake... d pr extproc('libssh2_session_handshake') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d sock value like(libssh2_socket_t) d libssh2_session_disconnect_ex... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_session_disconnect_ex') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d reason value like(libssh2_Cint) d description * value options(*string) const char * d lang * value options(*string) const char * * Implementation of C macro. d libssh2_session_disconnect... d pr extproc('libssh2_session_disconnect') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d description * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_session_free... d pr extproc('libssh2_session_free') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d libssh2_hostkey_hash... d pr * extproc('libssh2_hostkey_hash') const char * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d hash_type value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_session_hostkey... d pr * extproc('libssh2_session_hostkey') const char * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d len like(libssh2_Csize_t) d type like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_session_method_pref... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_session_method_pref') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d method_type value like(libssh2_Cint) d prefs * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_session_methods... d pr * extproc('libssh2_session_methods') const char * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d method_type value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_session_last_error... d pr extproc('libssh2_session_last_error') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d errmsg * char *(*) d errmsg_len like(libssh2_Cint) d want_buf value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_session_last_errno... d pr extproc('libssh2_session_last_errno') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d libssh2_session_set_last_error... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_session_set_last_error') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d errcode value like(libssh2_Cint) d errmsg * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_session_block_directions... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_session_block_directions') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d libssh2_session_flag... d pr extproc('libssh2_session_flag') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d flag value like(libssh2_Cint) d value value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_session_banner_get... d pr * extproc('libssh2_session_banner_get') const char * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * * Userauth API. d libssh2_userauth_list... d pr * extproc('libssh2_userauth_list') char * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d username_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d libssh2_userauth_authenticated... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_userauth_authenticated') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d libssh2_userauth_password_ex... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_userauth_password_ex') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d username_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d password * value options(*string) const char * d password_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d passwd_change_cb... d * value procptr * Implementation of C macro. d libssh2_userauth_password... d pr extproc('libssh2_userauth_password') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d password * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile_ex... d pr extproc('libssh2_userauth_publickey_- d fromfile_ex') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d username_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d publickey * value options(*string) const char * d privatekey * value options(*string) const char * d passphrase * value options(*string) const char * * Implementation of C macro. d libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile' d ) d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d publickey * value options(*string) const char * d privatekey * value options(*string) const char * d passphrase * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_userauth_publickey... d pr extproc('libssh2_userauth_publickey') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d pubkeydata * value options(*string) const unsigned char* d pubkeydata_len... d value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d sign_callback * value procptr d abstract * void *(*) d libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex... d pr extproc('libssh2_userauth_hostbased_- d fromfile_ex') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d username_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d publickey * value options(*string) const char * d privatekey * value options(*string) const char * d passphrase * value options(*string) const char * d hostname * value options(*string) const char * d hostname_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d local_username... d * value options(*string) const char * d local_username_len... d value like(libssh2_Cuint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile' d ) d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d publickey * value options(*string) const char * d privatekey * value options(*string) const char * d passphrase * value options(*string) const char * d hostname * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_userauth_publickey_frommemory... d pr extproc('libssh2_userauth_publickey_- d frommemory') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d username_len value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d publickeyfiledata... d * value options(*string) const char * d publickeyfiledata_len... d value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d privatekeyfiledata... d * value options(*string) const char * d privatekeyfiledata_len... d value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d passphrase * value options(*string) const char * * response_callback is provided with filled by library prompts array, * but client must allocate and fill individual responses. Responses * array is already allocated. Responses data will be freed by libssh2 * after callback return, but before subsequent callback invocation. d libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex... d pr extproc('libssh2_userauth_keyboard_i- d nteractive_ex') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d username_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d response_callback... d * value procptr * C macro implementation. d libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive... d pr extproc('libssh2_userauth_keyboard_i- d nteractive') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d username * value options(*string) const char * d response_callback... d * value procptr d libssh2_poll pr extproc('libssh2_poll') d like(libssh2_Cint) d fds * value LIBSSH2_POLLFD * d nfds value like(libssh2_Cuint) d timeout value like(libssh2_Clong) * Channel API. d LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_WINDOW_DEFAULT... d c X'00200000' d LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_PACKET_DEFAULT... d c 32768 d LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_MINADJUST... d c 1024 * Extended Data Handling. d LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_NORMAL... d c 0 d LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_IGNORE... d c 1 d LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_MERGE... d c 2 d SSH_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR... d c 1 * Returned by any function that would block during a read/write * operation. d LIBSSH2CHANNEL_EAGAIN... LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN d c -37 d libssh2_channel_open_ex... d pr * extproc('libssh2_channel_open_ex') LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d channel_type * value options(*string) const char * d channel_type_len... d value like(libssh2_Cuint) d window_size value like(libssh2_Cuint) d packet_size value like(libssh2_Cuint) d message * value options(*string) const char * d message_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_open_session... d pr * extproc( LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d 'libssh2_channel_open_session') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex... d pr * extproc( LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d 'libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d host * value options(*string) const char * d port value like(libssh2_Cint) d shost * value options(*string) const char * d sport value like(libssh2_Cint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip... d pr * extproc( LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d 'libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d host * value options(*string) const char * d port value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex... d pr * extproc( LIBSSH2_LISTENER * d 'libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d host * value options(*string) const char * d port value like(libssh2_Cint) d bound_port like(libssh2_Cint) d queue_maxsize value like(libssh2_Cint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_forward_listen... d pr * extproc( LIBSSH2_LISTENER * d 'libssh2_channel_forward_listen') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d port value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_channel_forward_cancel... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_forward_cancel') d like(libssh2_Cint) d listener * value LIBSSH2_LISTENER * d libssh2_channel_forward_accept... d pr * extproc( LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d 'libssh2_channel_forward_accept') d listener * value LIBSSH2_LISTENER * d libssh2_channel_setenv_ex... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_setenv_ex') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d varname * value options(*string) const char * d varname_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d value * value options(*string) const char * d value_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_setenv... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_setenv') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d varname * value options(*string) const char * d value * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d term * value options(*string) const char * d term_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d modes * value options(*string) const char * d modes_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d width value like(libssh2_Cint) d height value like(libssh2_Cint) d width_px value like(libssh2_Cint) d height_px value like(libssh2_Cint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_request_pty... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_request_pty') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d term * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex' d ) d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d width value like(libssh2_Cint) d height value like(libssh2_Cint) d width_px value like(libssh2_Cint) d height_px value like(libssh2_Cint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_request_pty_size... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_request_pty_size') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d width value like(libssh2_Cint) d height value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d single_connection... d value like(libssh2_Cint) d auth_proto * value options(*string) const char * d auth_cookie * value options(*string) const char * d screen_number value like(libssh2_Cint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_x11_req... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_x11_req') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d screen_number value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_channel_process_startup... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_process_startup') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d request * value options(*string) const char * d request_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) d message * value options(*string) const char * d message_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_shell... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_shell') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_exec... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_exec') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d command * value options(*string) const char * * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_subsystem... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_subsystem') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d subsystem * value options(*string) const char * d libssh2_channel_read_ex... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_read_ex') d like(libssh2_Cssize_t) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d stream_id value like(libssh2_Cint) d buf * value char * d buflen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_read... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_read') d like(libssh2_Cssize_t) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d buf * value char * d buflen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_read_stderr... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_read_stderr') d like(libssh2_Cssize_t) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d buf * value char * d buflen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d libssh2_poll_channel_read... d pr extproc('libssh2_poll_channel_read') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d extended value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_channel_window_read_ex... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_window_read_ex') d like(libssh2_Culong) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d read_avail like(libssh2_Culong) d window_size_initial... d like(libssh2_Culong) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_window_read... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_window_read') d like(libssh2_Culong) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust2... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_receive_win- d dow_adjust2') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d adjustment value like(libssh2_Culong) d force value like(libssh2_Cuchar) d storewindow like(libssh2_Cuint) d libssh2_channel_write_ex... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_write_ex') d like(libssh2_Cssize_t) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d stream_id value like(libssh2_Cint) d buf * value options(*string) const char * d buflen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_write... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_write') d like(libssh2_Cssize_t) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d buf * value options(*string) const char * d buflen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_write_stderr... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_write_stderr') d like(libssh2_Cssize_t) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d buf * value options(*string) const char * d buflen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d libssh2_channel_window_write_ex... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_window_write_ex') d like(libssh2_Culong) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d window_size_initial... d like(libssh2_Culong) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_window_write... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_window_write') d like(libssh2_Culong) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d libssh2_session_set_blocking... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_session_set_blocking') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d blocking value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_session_get_blocking... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_session_get_blocking') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d libssh2_channel_set_blocking... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_set_blocking') d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d blocking value like(libssh2_Cint) d libssh2_session_set_timeout... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_session_set_timeout') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d timeout value like(libssh2_Clong) d libssh2_session_get_timeout... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_session_get_timeout') d like(libssh2_Clong) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data2... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_handle_exte- d nded_data2') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d ignore_mode value like(libssh2_Cint) * libssh2_channel_ignore_extended_data() is defined below for BC with * version 0.1. d LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_FLUSH_EXTENDED_DATA... d c -1 d LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_FLUSH_ALL... d c -2 d libssh2_channel_flush_ex... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_flush_ex') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d streamid value like(libssh2_Cint) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_flush... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_flush') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * * C macro implementation. d libssh2_channel_flush_stderr... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_flush_stderr') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d libssh2_channel_get_exit_status... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_get_exit_status') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d libssh2_channel_get_exit_signal... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_get_exit_signal') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d exitsignal * char *(*) d exitsignal_len... d like(libssh2_Csize_t) d errmsg * char *(*) d errmsg_len like(libssh2_Csize_t) d langtag * char *(*) d langtag_len like(libssh2_Csize_t) d libssh2_channel_send_eof... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_send_eof') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d libssh2_channel_eof... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_eof') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d libssh2_channel_wait_eof... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_wait_eof') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d libssh2_channel_close... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_close') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d libssh2_channel_wait_closed... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_channel_wait_closed') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d libssh2_channel_free... d pr extproc('libssh2_channel_free') d like(libssh2_Cint) d channel * value LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * * Use libssh2_scp_recv2 for large (> 2GB) file support. d libssh2_scp_recv2... d pr * extproc('libssh2_scp_recv2') LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d path * value options(*string) const char * d sb likeds(libssh2_struct_stat) d libssh2_scp_send_ex... d pr * extproc('libssh2_scp_send_ex') LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d path * value options(*string) const char * d mode value like(libssh2_Cint) d size value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d mtime value like(libssh2_Clong) d atime value like(libssh2_Clong) d libssh2_scp_send64... d pr * extproc('libssh2_scp_send64') LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d path * value options(*string) const char * d mode value like(libssh2_Cint) d size value like(libssh2_int64_t) d mtime value like(libssh2_time_t) d atime value like(libssh2_time_t) * C macro implementation. d libssh2_scp_send... d pr * extproc('libssh2_scp_send') LIBSSH2_CHANNEL * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d path * value options(*string) const char * d mode value like(libssh2_Cint) d size value like(libssh2_int64_t) d libssh2_base64_decode... d pr extproc('libssh2_base64_decode') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d dest * value char * * d dest_len * value unsigned int * d src * value options(*string) const char * d src_len value like(libssh2_Cuint) * Procedure libssh2_version renamed to avoid upper/lower case name clash. d libssh2_get_version... d pr * extproc('libssh2_version') const char * d req_version_num... d value like(libssh2_Cint) d HAVE_LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_API... since 1.1.1 d c X'010101' d HAVE_LIBSSH2_VERSION_API... since 1.1 d c X'010100' d libssh2_knownhost... d ds based(######typedef######) d align qualified d magic like(libssh2_Cuint) d node * void * d name * char * d key * char * d typemask like(libssh2_Cint) * libssh2_knownhost_init * * Init a collection of known hosts. Returns the pointer to a collection. d libssh2_knownhost_init... d pr * extproc('libssh2_knownhost_init') LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * * libssh2_knownhost_add * * Add a host and its associated key to the collection of known hosts. * * The 'type' argument specifies on what format the given host and * keys are: * * plain - ascii "hostname.domain.tld" * sha1 - SHA1( ) base64-encoded! * custom - another hash * * If 'sha1' is selected as type, the salt must be provided to the salt * argument. This too base64 encoded. * * The SHA-1 hash is what OpenSSH can be told to use in known_hosts files. * If a custom type is used, salt is ignored and you must provide the host * pre-hashed when checking for it in the libssh2_knownhost_check() * function. * * The keylen parameter may be omitted (zero) if the key is provided as a * NULL-terminated base64-encoded string. * host format (2 bits). d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_TYPE_MASK... d c X'FFFF' d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_TYPE_PLAIN... d c 1 d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_TYPE_SHA1... always base64 ncoded d c 2 d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_TYPE_CUSTOM... d c 3 * key format (2 bits). d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEYENC_MASK... d c X'00030000' d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEYENC_RAW... d c X'00010000' d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEYENC_BASE64... d c X'00020000' * type of key (3 bits). d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_MASK... d c X'001C0000' d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_SHIFT... d c 18 d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_RSA1... d c X'00040000' d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_SSHRSA... d c X'00080000' d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_SSHDSS... d c X'000C0000' d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_UNKNOWN... d c X'001C0000' d libssh2_knownhost_add... d pr extproc('libssh2_knownhost_add') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d host * value options(*string) const char * d salt * value options(*string) const char * d key * value options(*string) const char * d keylen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d typemask value like(libssh2_Cint) d store * libssh2_knownhost * * libssh2_knownhost_addc * * Add a host and its associated key to the collection of known hosts. * * Takes a comment argument that may be NULL. A NULL comment indicates * there is no comment and the entry will end directly after the key * when written out to a file. An empty string "" comment will indicate an * empty comment which will cause a single space to be written after the * key. * * The 'type' argument specifies on what format the given host and keys * are: * * plain - ascii "hostname.domain.tld" * sha1 - SHA1( ) base64-encoded! * custom - another hash * * If 'sha1' is selected as type, the salt must be provided to the salt * argument. This too base64 encoded. * * The SHA-1 hash is what OpenSSH can be told to use in known_hosts files. * If a custom type is used, salt is ignored and you must provide the host * pre-hashed when checking for it in the libssh2_knownhost_check() * function. * * The keylen parameter may be omitted (zero) if the key is provided as a * NULL-terminated base64-encoded string. d libssh2_knownhost_addc... d pr extproc('libssh2_knownhost_addc') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d host * value options(*string) const char * d salt * value options(*string) const char * d key * value options(*string) const char * d keylen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d comment * value options(*string) const char * d commentlen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d typemask value like(libssh2_Cint) d store * libssh2_knownhost * * libssh2_knownhost_check * * Check a host and its associated key against the collection of known * hosts. * * The type is the type/format of the given host name. * * plain - ascii "hostname.domain.tld" * custom - prehashed base64 encoded. Note that this cannot use any salts. * * * 'knownhost' may be set to NULL if you don't care about that info. * * Returns: * * LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_CHECK_* values, see below. d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_CHECK_MATCH... d c 0 d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_CHECK_MISMATCH... d c 1 d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_CHECK_NOTFOUND... d c 2 d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_CHECK_FAILURE... d c 3 d libssh2_knownhost_check... d pr extproc('libssh2_knownhost_check') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d host * value options(*string) const char * d key * value options(*string) const char * d keylen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d typemask value like(libssh2_Cint) d knownhost * libssh2_knownhost * * this function is identital to the above one, but also takes a port * argument that allows libssh2 to do a better check. d libssh2_knownhost_checkp... d pr extproc('libssh2_knownhost_checkp') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d host * value options(*string) const char * d port value like(libssh2_Cint) d key * value options(*string) const char * d keylen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d typemask value like(libssh2_Cint) d knownhost * libssh2_knownhost * * libssh2_knownhost_del * * Remove a host from the collection of known hosts. The 'entry' struct is * retrieved by a call to libssh2_knownhost_check(). d libssh2_knownhost_del... d pr extproc('libssh2_knownhost_del') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d entry likeds(libssh2_knownhost) * libssh2_knownhost_free * * Free an entire collection of known hosts. d libssh2_knownhost_free... d pr extproc('libssh2_knownhost_free') d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * * libssh2_knownhost_readline() * * Pass in a line of a file of 'type'. It makes libssh2 read this line. * * LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_FILE_OPENSSH is the only supported type. d libssh2_knownhost_readline... d pr extproc('libssh2_knownhost_readline') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d line * value options(*string) const char * d len value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d type value like(libssh2_Cint) * libssh2_knownhost_readfile * * Add hosts+key pairs from a given file. * * Returns a negative value for error or number of successfully added * hosts. * * This implementation currently only knows one 'type' (openssh), all * others are reserved for future use. d LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_FILE_OPENSSH... d c 1 d libssh2_knownhost_readfile... d pr extproc('libssh2_knownhost_readfile') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d filename * value options(*string) const char * d type value like(libssh2_Cint) * libssh2_knownhost_writeline() * * Ask libssh2 to convert a known host to an output line for storage. * * Note that this function returns LIBSSH2_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if the * given output buffer is too small to hold the desired output. * * This implementation currently only knows one 'type' (openssh), all * others are reserved for future use. d libssh2_knownhost_writeline... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_knownhost_writeline') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d known likeds(libssh2_knownhost) d buffer * value options(*string) char * d buflen value like(libssh2_Csize_t) d outlen like(libssh2_Csize_t) Written data amount d type value like(libssh2_Cint) * libssh2_knownhost_writefile * * Write hosts+key pairs to a given file. * * This implementation currently only knows one 'type' (openssh), all * others are reserved for future use. d libssh2_knownhost_writefile... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_knownhost_writefile') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d filename * value options(*string) const char * d type value like(libssh2_Cint) * libssh2_knownhost_get() * * Traverse the internal list of known hosts. Pass NULL to 'prev' to get * the first one. Or pass a pointer to the previously returned one to * get the next. * * Returns: * 0 if a fine host was stored in 'store' * 1 if end of hosts * [negative] on errors d libssh2_knownhost_get... d pr extproc('libssh2_knownhost_get') d like(libssh2_Cint) d hosts * value LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS * d store * libssh2_knownhost * d prev likeds(libssh2_knownhost) d HAVE_LIBSSH2_AGENT_API... since 1.2.2 d c X'010202' d libssh2_agent_publickey... d ds based(######typedef######) d align qualified d magic like(libssh2_Cuint) d node * void * d blob * unsigned char * d blob_len like(libssh2_Csize_t) d comment * char * * libssh2_agent_init * * Init an ssh-agent handle. Returns the pointer to the handle. d libssh2_agent_init... d pr * extproc('libssh2_agent_init') LIBSSH2_AGENT * d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * * libssh2_agent_connect() * * Connect to an ssh-agent. * * Returns 0 if succeeded, or a negative value for error. d libssh2_agent_connect... d pr extproc('libssh2_agent_connect') d like(libssh2_Cint) d agent * value LIBSSH2_AGENT * * libssh2_agent_list_identities() * * Request an ssh-agent to list identities. * * Returns 0 if succeeded, or a negative value for error. d libssh2_agent_list_identities... d pr extproc( d 'libssh2_agent_list_identities') d like(libssh2_Cint) d agent * value LIBSSH2_AGENT * * libssh2_agent_get_identity() * * Traverse the internal list of public keys. Pass NULL to 'prev' to get * the first one. Or pass a pointer to the previously returned one to * get the next. * * Returns: * 0 if a fine public key was stored in 'store' * 1 if end of public keys * [negative] on errors d libssh2_agent_get_identity... d pr extproc('libssh2_agent_get_identity') d like(libssh2_Cint) d agent * value LIBSSH2_AGENT * d store * libssh2_agent_... d publickey *(*) d prev likeds(libssh2_agent_publickey) * libssh2_agent_userauth() * * Do publickey user authentication with the help of ssh-agent. * * Returns 0 if succeeded, or a negative value for error. d libssh2_agent_userauth... d pr extproc('libssh2_agent_userauth') d like(libssh2_Cint) d agent * value LIBSSH2_AGENT * d username * value options(*string) const char * d identity likeds(libssh2_agent_publickey) * libssh2_agent_disconnect() * * Close a connection to an ssh-agent. * * Returns 0 if succeeded, or a negative value for error. d libssh2_agent_disconnect... d pr extproc('libssh2_agent_disconnect') d like(libssh2_Cint) d agent * value LIBSSH2_AGENT * * libssh2_agent_free() * * Free an ssh-agent handle. This function also frees the internal * collection of public keys. d libssh2_agent_free... d pr extproc('libssh2_agent_free') d agent * value LIBSSH2_AGENT * * libssh2_keepalive_config() * * Set how often keepalive messages should be sent. WANT_REPLY * indicates whether the keepalive messages should request a response * from the server. INTERVAL is number of seconds that can pass * without any I/O, use 0 (the default) to disable keepalives. To * avoid some busy-loop corner-cases, if you specify an interval of 1 * it will be treated as 2. * * Note that non-blocking applications are responsible for sending the * keepalive messages using libssh2_keepalive_send(). d libssh2_keepalive_config... d pr extproc('libssh2_keepalive_config') d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d want_reply value like(libssh2_Cint) d interval value like(libssh2_Cuint) * libssh2_keepalive_send() * * Send a keepalive message if needed. SECONDS_TO_NEXT indicates how * many seconds you can sleep after this call before you need to call * it again. Returns 0 on success, or LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_SEND on * I/O errors. d libssh2_keepalive_send... d pr extproc('libssh2_keepalive_send') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d seconds_to_next... d like(libssh2_Cint) * NOTE NOTE NOTE * libssh2_trace() has no function in builds that aren't built with debug * enabled. d libssh2_trace pr extproc('libssh2_trace') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d bitmask value like(libssh2_Cint) d LIBSSH2_TRACE_TRANS... d c X'0002' d LIBSSH2_TRACE_KEX... d c X'0004' d LIBSSH2_TRACE_AUTH... d c X'0008' d LIBSSH2_TRACE_CONN... d c X'0010' d LIBSSH2_TRACE_SCP... d c X'0020' d LIBSSH2_TRACE_SFTP... d c X'0040' d LIBSSH2_TRACE_ERROR... d c X'0080' d LIBSSH2_TRACE_PUBLICKEY... d c X'0100' d LIBSSH2_TRACE_SOCKET... d c X'0200' d libssh2_trace_handler_func... d s * based(######typedef######) procptr d libssh2_trace_sethandler... d pr extproc('libssh2_trace_sethandler') d like(libssh2_Cint) d session * value LIBSSH2_SESSION * d context * value void * d callback value d like(libssh2_trace_handler_func) /endif LIBSSH2_H_