/* * Nsock regression test suite * Same license as nmap -- see https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html */ #include "test-common.h" #include "string.h" #ifndef WIN32 #define RESET "\033[0m" #define BOLDRED "\033[1m\033[31m" #define BOLDGREEN "\033[1m\033[32m" #define TEST_FAILED "[" BOLDRED "FAILED" RESET "]" #define TEST_OK "[" BOLDGREEN "OK" RESET "]" #else /* WIN32 terminal has no ANSI driver */ #define TEST_FAILED "[FAILED]" #define TEST_OK "[OK]" #endif /* socket_strerror() comes from nbase * Declared here to work around a silly inclusion issue until I can fix it. */ char *socket_strerror(int errnum); extern const struct test_case TestPoolUserData; extern const struct test_case TestTimer; extern const struct test_case TestLogLevels; extern const struct test_case TestErrLevels; extern const struct test_case TestConnectTCP; extern const struct test_case TestConnectFailure; extern const struct test_case TestGHLists; extern const struct test_case TestGHHeaps; extern const struct test_case TestHeapOrdering; extern const struct test_case TestProxyParse; extern const struct test_case TestCancelTCP; extern const struct test_case TestCancelUDP; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL extern const struct test_case TestCancelSSL; #endif static const struct test_case *TestCases[] = { /* ---- basic.c */ &TestPoolUserData, /* ---- timer.c */ &TestTimer, /* ---- logs.c */ &TestLogLevels, &TestErrLevels, /* ---- connect.c */ &TestConnectTCP, &TestConnectFailure, /* ---- ghlists.c */ &TestGHLists, /* ---- ghheaps.c */ &TestGHHeaps, &TestHeapOrdering, /* ---- proxychain.c */ &TestProxyParse, /* ---- cancel.c */ &TestCancelTCP, &TestCancelUDP, #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL &TestCancelSSL, #endif NULL }; static int test_case_run(const struct test_case *test) { int rc; void *tdata = NULL; rc = test_setup(test, &tdata); if (rc) return rc; rc = test_run(test, tdata); if (rc) return rc; return test_teardown(test, tdata); } #ifdef WIN32 static int win_init(void) { WSADATA data; int rc; rc = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &data); if (rc) fatal("Failed to start winsock: %s\n", socket_strerror(rc)); return 0; } #endif int main(int ac, char **av) { int rc, i; /* simple "do we have ssl" check for run_tests.sh */ if (ac == 2 && !strncmp(av[1], "--ssl", 5)) { #ifdef HAVE_SSL return 0; #else return 1; #endif } #ifdef WIN32 win_init(); #endif for (i = 0; TestCases[i] != NULL; i++) { const struct test_case *current = TestCases[i]; const char *name = get_test_name(current); printf("%-48s", name); fflush(stdout); rc = test_case_run(current); if (rc) { printf(TEST_FAILED " (%s)\n", socket_strerror(-rc)); break; } printf(TEST_OK "\n"); } return rc; }