#!/usr/bin/env python import errno import sys import os import os.path import re from stat import ST_MODE import distutils.command import distutils.command.install import distutils.core import distutils.cmd import distutils.errors from distutils import log from distutils.command.install import install APP_NAME = "ndiff" # The name of the file used to record the list of installed files, so that the # uninstall command can remove them. INSTALLED_FILES_NAME = "INSTALLED_FILES" # path_startswith and path_strip_prefix are used to deal with the installation # root (--root option, also known as DESTDIR). def path_startswith(path, prefix): """Returns True if path starts with prefix. It's a little more intelligent than str.startswith because it normalizes the paths to remove multiple directory separators and down-up traversals.""" path = os.path.normpath(path) prefix = os.path.normpath(prefix) return path.startswith(prefix) def path_strip_prefix(path, prefix): """Return path stripped of its directory prefix if it starts with prefix, otherwise return path unmodified. This only works correctly with Unix paths; for example it will not replace the drive letter on a Windows path. Examples: >>> path_strip_prefix('/tmp/destdir/usr/bin', '/tmp/destdir') '/usr/bin' >>> path_strip_prefix('/tmp/../tmp/destdir/usr/bin', '/tmp///destdir') '/usr/bin' >>> path_strip_prefix('/etc', '/tmp/destdir') '/etc' >>> path_strip_prefix('/etc', '/') '/etc' >>> path_strip_prefix('/etc', '') '/etc' """ absolute = os.path.isabs(path) path = os.path.normpath(path) prefix = os.path.normpath(prefix) if path.startswith(prefix) and prefix != os.sep: path = path[len(prefix):] # Absolute paths must remain absolute and relative paths must remain # relative. assert os.path.isabs(path) == absolute return path ############################################################################### # Distutils subclasses class null_command(distutils.cmd.Command): """This is a dummy distutils command that does nothing. We use it to replace the install_egg_info and avoid installing a .egg-info file, because there's no option to disable that.""" def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def get_outputs(self): return () def run(self): pass class checked_install(distutils.command.install.install): """This is a wrapper around the install command that checks for an error caused by not having the python-dev package installed. By default, distutils gives a misleading error message: "invalid Python installation." """ def finalize_options(self): # Ubuntu's python2.6-2.6.4-0ubuntu3 package changes sys.prefix in # install.finalize_options when sys.prefix is "/usr/local" (our # default). Because we need the unchanged value later, remember it # here. self.saved_prefix = sys.prefix try: distutils.command.install.install.finalize_options(self) except distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError as e: raise distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError(str(e) + """ Installing your distribution's python-dev package may solve this problem.""") def set_modules_path(self): app_file_name = os.path.join(self.install_scripts, APP_NAME) # Find where the modules are installed. distutils will put them in # self.install_lib, but that path can contain the root (DESTDIR), so we # must strip it off if necessary. modules_dir = self.install_lib if self.root is not None: modules_dir = path_strip_prefix(modules_dir, self.root) app_file = open(app_file_name, "r") lines = app_file.readlines() app_file.close() for i in range(len(lines)): if re.match(r'^INSTALL_LIB =', lines[i]): lines[i] = "INSTALL_LIB = %s\n" % repr(modules_dir) break else: raise ValueError( "INSTALL_LIB replacement not found in %s" % app_file_name) app_file = open(app_file_name, "w") app_file.writelines(lines) app_file.close() def run(self): install.run(self) # These below are from Zenmap. We're only using set_modules_path right now, but # we might consider whether the others would be useful (or, if not, whether we # should remove them from Zenmap). # self.set_perms() self.set_modules_path() # self.fix_paths() self.create_uninstaller() self.write_installed_files() def get_installed_files(self): """Return a list of installed files and directories, each prefixed with the installation root if given. The list of installed directories doesn't come from distutils so it may be incomplete.""" installed_files = self.get_outputs() for package in self.distribution.py_modules: dir = package.replace(".", "/") installed_files.append(os.path.join(self.install_lib, dir)) installed_files.append( os.path.join(self.install_scripts, "uninstall_" + APP_NAME)) return installed_files def create_uninstaller(self): uninstaller_filename = os.path.join( self.install_scripts, "uninstall_" + APP_NAME) uninstaller = """\ #!/usr/bin/env python import errno, os, os.path, sys print('Uninstall %(name)s') answer = raw_input('Are you sure that you want to uninstall ' '%(name)s (yes/no) ') if answer != 'yes' and answer != 'y': print('Not uninstalling.') sys.exit(0) """ % {'name': APP_NAME} installed_files = [] for output in self.get_installed_files(): if self.root is not None: # If we have a root (DESTDIR), we need to strip it off the # front of paths so the uninstaller runs on the target host. # The path manipulations are tricky, but made easier because # the uninstaller only has to run on Unix. if not path_startswith(output, self.root): # This should never happen (everything gets installed # inside the root), but if it does, be safe and don't # delete anything. uninstaller += ("print('%s was not installed inside " "the root %s; skipping.')\n" % (output, self.root)) continue output = path_strip_prefix(output, self.root) assert os.path.isabs(output) installed_files.append(output) uninstaller += """\ INSTALLED_FILES = ( """ for file in installed_files: uninstaller += " %s,\n" % repr(file) uninstaller += """\ ) # Split the list into lists of files and directories. files = [] dirs = [] for path in INSTALLED_FILES: if os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.islink(path): files.append(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): dirs.append(path) # Delete the files. for file in files: print("Removing '%s'." % file) try: os.remove(file) except OSError, e: print(' Error: %s.' % str(e), file=sys.stderr) # Delete the directories. First reverse-sort the normalized paths by # length so that child directories are deleted before their parents. dirs = [os.path.normpath(dir) for dir in dirs] dirs.sort(key = len, reverse = True) for dir in dirs: try: print("Removing the directory '%s'." % dir) os.rmdir(dir) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOTEMPTY: print("Directory '%s' not empty; not removing." % dir) else: print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) """ uninstaller_file = open(uninstaller_filename, 'w') uninstaller_file.write(uninstaller) uninstaller_file.close() # Set exec bit for uninstaller mode = ((os.stat(uninstaller_filename)[ST_MODE]) | 0o555) & 0o7777 os.chmod(uninstaller_filename, mode) def write_installed_files(self): """Write a list of installed files for use by the uninstall command. This is similar to what happens with the --record option except that it doesn't strip off the installation root, if any. File names containing newline characters are not handled.""" if INSTALLED_FILES_NAME == self.record: distutils.log.warn("warning: installation record is overwriting " "--record file '%s'." % self.record) with open(INSTALLED_FILES_NAME, "w") as f: for output in self.get_installed_files(): assert "\n" not in output print(output, file=f) class my_uninstall(distutils.cmd.Command): """A distutils command that performs uninstallation. It reads the list of installed files written by the install command.""" command_name = "uninstall" description = "uninstall installed files recorded in '%s'" % ( INSTALLED_FILES_NAME) user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): # Read the list of installed files. try: f = open(INSTALLED_FILES_NAME, "r") except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: log.error("Couldn't open the installation record '%s'. " "Have you installed yet?" % INSTALLED_FILES_NAME) return installed_files = [file.rstrip("\n") for file in f.readlines()] f.close() # Delete the installation record too. installed_files.append(INSTALLED_FILES_NAME) # Split the list into lists of files and directories. files = [] dirs = [] for path in installed_files: if os.path.isfile(path) or os.path.islink(path): files.append(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): dirs.append(path) # Delete the files. for file in files: log.info("Removing '%s'." % file) try: if not self.dry_run: os.remove(file) except OSError as e: log.error(str(e)) # Delete the directories. First reverse-sort the normalized paths by # length so that child directories are deleted before their parents. dirs = [os.path.normpath(dir) for dir in dirs] dirs.sort(key=len, reverse=True) for dir in dirs: try: log.info("Removing the directory '%s'." % dir) if not self.dry_run: os.rmdir(dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOTEMPTY: log.info("Directory '%s' not empty; not removing." % dir) else: log.error(str(e)) distutils.core.setup(name="ndiff", scripts=["scripts/ndiff"], py_modules=["ndiff"], data_files=[("share/man/man1", ["docs/ndiff.1"])], cmdclass={ "install_egg_info": null_command, "install": checked_install, "uninstall": my_uninstall })