local ipOps = require "ipOps" local nmap = require "nmap" local ospf = require "ospf" local packet = require "packet" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local target = require "target" local os = require "os" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local have_ssl, openssl = pcall(require,'openssl') description = [[ Discover IPv4 networks using Open Shortest Path First version 2(OSPFv2) protocol. The script works by listening for OSPF Hello packets from the multicast address. The script then replies and attempts to create a neighbor relationship, in order to discover network database. If no interface was provided as a script argument or through the -e option, the script will fail unless a single interface is present on the system. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script=broadcast-ospf2-discover -- nmap --script=broadcast-ospf2-discover -e wlan0 -- -- @args broadcast-ospf2-discover.md5_key MD5 digest key to use if message digest -- authentication is disclosed. -- -- @args broadcast-ospf2-discover.router_id Router ID to use. Defaults to -- -- @args broadcast-ospf2-discover.timeout Time in seconds that the script waits for -- hello from other routers. Defaults to 10 seconds, matching OSPFv2 default -- value for hello interval. -- -- @args broadcast-ospf2-discover.interface Interface to send on (overrides -e). Mandatory -- if not using -e and multiple interfaces are present. -- -- @output -- Pre-scan script results: -- | broadcast-ospf2-discover: -- | Area ID: -- | External Routes -- | -- |_ Use the newtargets script-arg to add the results as targets -- author = "Emiliano Ticci" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"broadcast", "discovery", "safe"} prerule = function() if nmap.address_family() ~= "inet" then stdnse.print_verbose("is IPv4 only.") return false end if not nmap.is_privileged() then stdnse.print_verbose("not running for lack of privileges.") return false end return true end -- Script constants OSPF_ALL_ROUTERS = "" OSPF_MSG_HELLO = 0x01 OSPF_MSG_DBDESC = 0x02 OSPF_MSG_LSREQ = 0x03 OSPF_MSG_LSUPD = 0x04 local md5_key, router_id -- Convenience functions local function fail(err) return stdnse.format_output(false, err) end -- Print OSPFv2 LSA Header packet details to debug output. -- @param hello OSPFv2 LSA Header packet local ospfDumpLSAHeader = function(lsa_h) if 2 > nmap.debugging() then return end stdnse.print_debug(2, "| LS Age: %s", lsa_h.age) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Options: %s", lsa_h.options) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| LS Type: %s", lsa_h.type) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Link State ID: %s", lsa_h.id) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Advertising Router: %s", lsa_h.adv_router) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Sequence: 0x%s", lsa_h.sequence) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Checksum: 0x%s", lsa_h.checksum) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Length: %s", lsa_h.length) end -- Print OSPFv2 Database Description packet details to debug output. -- @param hello OSPFv2 Database Description packet local ospfDumpDBDesc = function(db_desc) if 2 > nmap.debugging() then return end stdnse.print_debug(2, "| MTU: %s", db_desc.mtu) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Options: %s", db_desc.options) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Init: %s", db_desc.init) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| More: %s", db_desc.more) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Master: %s", db_desc.master) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Sequence: %s", db_desc.sequence) if #db_desc.lsa_headers > 0 then stdnse.print_debug(2, "| LSA Headers:") for i, lsa_h in ipairs(db_desc.lsa_headers) do ospfDumpLSAHeader(lsa_h) if i < #db_desc.lsa_headers then stdnse.print_debug(2, "|") end end end end -- Print OSPFv2 Hello packet details to debug output. -- @param hello OSPFv2 Hello packet local ospfDumpHello = function(hello) if 2 > nmap.debugging() then return end stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Router ID: %s", hello.header.router_id) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Area ID: %s", ipOps.fromdword(hello.header.area_id)) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Checksum: %s", hello.header.chksum) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Auth Type: %s", hello.header.auth_type) if hello.header.auth_type == 0x01 then stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Auth Password: %s", hello.header.auth_data.password) elseif hello.header.auth_type == 0x02 then stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Auth Crypt Key ID: %s", hello.header.auth_data.keyid) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Auth Data Length: %s", hello.header.auth_data.length) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Auth Crypt Seq: %s", hello.header.auth_data.seq) end stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Netmask: %s", hello.netmask) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Hello interval: %s", hello.interval) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Options: %s", hello.options) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Priority: %s", hello.prio) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Dead interval: %s", hello.router_dead_interval) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Designated Router: %s", hello.DR) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Backup Router: %s", hello.BDR) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Neighbors: %s", table.concat(hello.neighbors, ",")) end -- Print OSPFv2 LS Request packet details to debug output. -- @param ls_req OSPFv2 LS Request packet local ospfDumpLSRequest = function(ls_req) if 2 > nmap.debugging() then return end for i, req in ipairs(ls_req.ls_requests) do stdnse.print_debug(2, "| LS Type: %s", req.type) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Link State ID: %s", req.id) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Avertising Router: %s", req.adv_router) if i < #ls_req.ls_requests then stdnse.print_debug(2, "|") end end end -- Print OSPFv2 LS Update packet details to debug output. -- @param ls_upd OSPFv2 LS Update packet local ospfDumpLSUpdate = function(ls_upd) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Number of LSAs: %s", ls_upd.num_lsas) for i, lsa in ipairs(ls_upd.lsas) do -- Only Type 1 (Router-LSA) and Type 5 (AS-External-LSA) are supported at the moment ospfDumpLSAHeader(lsa.header) if lsa.header.type == 1 then stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Flags: %s", lsa.flags) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Number of links: %s", lsa.num_links) for j, link in ipairs(lsa.links) do stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Link ID: %s", link.id) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Link Data: %s", link.data) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Link Type: %s", link.type) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Number of Metrics: %s", link.num_metrics) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| 0 Metric: %s", link.metric) if j < #lsa.links then stdnse.print_debug(2, "|") end end if i < #ls_upd.lsas then stdnse.print_debug(2, "|") end elseif lsa.header.type == 5 then stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Netmask: %s", lsa.netmask) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| External Type: %s", lsa.ext_type) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Metric: %s", lsa.metric) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| Forwarding Address: %s", lsa.fw_address) stdnse.print_debug(2, "| External Route Tag: %s", lsa.ext_tag) end end end -- Send OSPFv2 packet to specified destination. -- @param interface Source interface to use -- @param ip_dst Destination IP address -- @param mac_dst Destination MAC address -- @param ospf_packet Raw OSPF packet local ospfSend = function(interface, ip_dst, mac_dst, ospf_packet) local dnet = nmap.new_dnet() local probe = packet.Frame:new() probe.mac_src = interface.mac probe.mac_dst = mac_dst probe.ip_bin_src = ipOps.ip_to_str(interface.address) probe.ip_bin_dst = ipOps.ip_to_str(ip_dst) probe.l3_packet = ospf_packet probe.ip_dsf = 0xc0 probe.ip_p = 89 probe.ip_ttl = 1 probe:build_ip_packet() probe:build_ether_frame() dnet:ethernet_open(interface.device) dnet:ethernet_send(probe.frame_buf) dnet:ethernet_close() end -- Prepare OSPFv2 packet header for reply. -- @param packet_in Source packet -- @param packet_out Destination packet local ospfSetHeader = function(packet_in, packet_out) packet_out.header:setRouterId(router_id) packet_out.header:setAreaID(packet_in.header.area_id) if packet_in.header.auth_type == 0x01 then packet_out.header.auth_type = 0x01 packet_out.header.auth_data.password = packet_in.header.auth_data.password elseif packet_in.header.auth_type == 0x02 then packet_out.header.auth_type = 0x02 packet_out.header.auth_data.key = md5_key packet_out.header.auth_data.keyid = packet_in.header.auth_data.keyid packet_out.header.auth_data.length = 16 packet_out.header.auth_data.seq = os.time() end return packet_out end -- Reply to OSPFv2 Database Description with an LS Request. -- @param interface Source interface -- @param mac_dst Destination MAC address -- @param db_desc_in OSPFv2 Database Description packet to reply for local ospfSendLSRequest = function(interface, mac_dst, db_desc_in) local ls_req_out = ospf.OSPF.LSRequest:new() ls_req_out = ospfSetHeader(db_desc_in, ls_req_out) for i, lsa_h in ipairs(db_desc_in.lsa_headers) do ls_req_out:addRequest(lsa_h.type, lsa_h.id, lsa_h.adv_router) end stdnse.print_debug(2, "Crafted OSPFv2 LS Request packet with the following parameters:") ospfDumpLSRequest(ls_req_out) ospfSend(interface, db_desc_in.header.router_id, mac_dst, tostring(ls_req_out)) end -- Reply to given OSPFv2 Database Description packet. -- @param interface Source interface -- @param mac_dst Destination MAC address -- @param db_desc_in OSPFv2 Database Description packet to reply for local ospfReplyDBDesc = function(interface, mac_dst, db_desc_in) local reply = false local db_desc_out = ospf.OSPF.DBDescription:new() db_desc_out = ospfSetHeader(db_desc_in, db_desc_out) if db_desc_in.init == true then db_desc_out.init = false db_desc_out.more = db_desc_in.more db_desc_out.master = false db_desc_out.sequence = db_desc_in.sequence reply = true elseif #db_desc_in.lsa_headers > 0 then ospfSendLSRequest(interface, mac_dst, db_desc_in) return true end if reply then stdnse.print_debug(2, "Crafted OSPFv2 Database Description packet with the following parameters:") ospfDumpDBDesc(db_desc_out) ospfSend(interface, db_desc_in.header.router_id, mac_dst, tostring(db_desc_out)) end return reply end -- Reply to given OSPFv2 Hello packet sending another Hello to -- "All OSPF Routers" multicast address ( -- @param interface Source interface -- @param hello_in OSPFv2 Hello packet to reply for local ospfReplyHello = function(interface, hello_in) local hello_out = ospf.OSPF.Hello:new() hello_out = ospfSetHeader(hello_in, hello_out) hello_out.interval = hello_in.interval hello_out.router_dead_interval = hello_in.router_dead_interval hello_out:setDesignatedRouter(hello_in.header.router_id) hello_out:setNetmask(hello_in.netmask) hello_out:addNeighbor(hello_in.header.router_id) stdnse.print_debug(2, "Crafted OSPFv2 Hello packet with the following parameters:") ospfDumpHello(hello_out) ospfSend(interface, OSPF_ALL_ROUTERS, "\x01\x00\x5e\x00\x00\x05", tostring(hello_out)) end -- Listen for OSPF packets on a specified interface. -- @param interface Interface to use -- @param timeout Amount of time to listen in seconds local ospfListen = function(interface, timeout) local status, l2_data, l3_data, ospf_raw, _ local start = nmap.clock_ms() stdnse.print_debug("Start listening on interface %s...", interface.shortname) local listener = nmap.new_socket() listener:set_timeout(1000) listener:pcap_open(interface.device, 1500, true, "ip proto 89 and not (ip src host " .. interface.address .. ")") while (nmap.clock_ms() - start) < (timeout * 1000) do status, _, l2_data, l3_data = listener:pcap_receive() if status then stdnse.print_debug(2, "Packet received on interface %s.", interface.shortname) local p = packet.Packet:new(l3_data, #l3_data) local ospf_raw = string.sub(l3_data, p.ip_hl * 4 + 1) if ospf_raw:byte(1) == 0x02 and ospf_raw:byte(2) == OSPF_MSG_HELLO then stdnse.print_debug(2, "OSPFv2 Hello packet detected.") local ospf_hello = ospf.OSPF.Hello.parse(ospf_raw) stdnse.print_debug(2, "Captured OSPFv2 Hello packet with the following parameters:") ospfDumpHello(ospf_hello) -- Additional checks required for message digest authentication if ospf_hello.header.auth_type == 0x02 then if not md5_key then return fail("Argument md5_key must be present when message digest authentication is disclosed.") elseif not have_ssl then return fail("Cannot handle message digest authentication unless openssl is compiled in.") end end ospfReplyHello(interface, ospf_hello) start = nmap.clock_ms() elseif ospf_raw:byte(1) == 0x02 and ospf_raw:byte(2) == OSPF_MSG_DBDESC then stdnse.print_debug(2, "OSPFv2 Database Description packet detected.") local ospf_db_desc = ospf.OSPF.DBDescription.parse(ospf_raw) stdnse.print_debug(2, "Captured OSPFv2 Database Description packet with the following parameters:") ospfDumpDBDesc(ospf_db_desc) if not ospfReplyDBDesc(interface, string.sub(l2_data, 7, 12), ospf_db_desc) then return end elseif ospf_raw:byte(1) == 0x02 and ospf_raw:byte(2) == OSPF_MSG_LSUPD then stdnse.print_debug(2, "OSPFv2 LS Update packet detected.") local ospf_ls_upd = ospf.OSPF.LSUpdate.parse(ospf_raw) stdnse.print_debug(2, "Captured OSPFv2 LS Update packet with the following parameters:") ospfDumpLSUpdate(ospf_ls_upd) local targets = {} for i, lsa in ipairs(ospf_ls_upd.lsas) do -- Only Type 1 (Router-LSA) and Type 5 (AS-External-LSA) are supported at the moment if lsa.header.type == 1 then for j, link in ipairs(lsa.links) do if link.type == 3 then local target = link.id .. ipOps.subnet_to_cidr(link.data) targets[target] = 1 end end elseif lsa.header.type == 5 then local target = lsa.header.id .. ipOps.subnet_to_cidr(lsa.netmask) targets[target] = 1 end end local output = stdnse.output_table() if next(targets) then local out_links = {} output["Area ID"] = ipOps.fromdword(ospf_ls_upd.header.area_id) output["External Routes"] = out_links for t, _ in pairs(targets) do table.insert(out_links, t) if target.ALLOW_NEW_TARGETS then target.add(t) end end if not target.ALLOW_NEW_TARGETS then stdnse.verbose("Use the newtargets script-arg to add the results as targets") end end return output end end end listener:pcap_close() end action = function() -- Get script arguments md5_key = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".md5_key") or false router_id = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".router_id") or "" local timeout = stdnse.parse_timespec(stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".timeout")) or 10 local interface = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".interface") stdnse.print_debug("Value for router ID argument: %s.", router_id) stdnse.print_debug("Value for timeout argument: %s.", timeout) -- Determine interface to use interface = interface or nmap.get_interface() if interface then interface = nmap.get_interface_info(interface) if not interface then return fail(("Failed to retrieve %s interface information."):format(interface)) end stdnse.print_debug("Will use %s interface.", interface.shortname) else local interface_list = nmap.list_interfaces() local interface_good = {} for _, os_interface in ipairs(interface_list) do if os_interface.address and os_interface.link == "ethernet" and os_interface.address:match("%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+") then stdnse.print_debug(2, "Found usable interface: %s.", os_interface.shortname) table.insert(interface_good, os_interface) end end if #interface_good == 1 then interface = interface_good[1] stdnse.print_debug("Will use %s interface.", interface.shortname) elseif #interface_good == 0 then return fail("Source interface not found.") else return fail("Ambiguous source interface, please specify it with -e or interface parameter.") end end return ospfListen(interface, timeout) end