description = [[ Finds subdomains of a web server by querying Google's Certificate Transparency logs database ( The script will run against any target that has a name, either specified on the command line or obtained via reverse-DNS. NSE implementation of ( by Sheila Berta. References: * ]] --- -- @args hostmap.prefix If set, saves the output for each host in a file -- called "". The file contains one entry per line. -- @args newtargets If set, add the new hostnames to the scanning queue. -- This the names presumably resolve to the same IP address as the -- original target, this is only useful for services such as HTTP that -- can change their behavior based on hostname. -- -- @usage -- nmap --script hostmap-crtsh --script-args 'hostmap-crtsh.prefix=hostmap-' -- @usage -- nmap -sn --script hostmap-crtsh -- @output -- Host script results: -- | hostmap-crtsh: -- | subdomains: -- | -- | -- |_ filename: -- @xmloutput -- -- -- --
-- --- author = "Paulino Calderon " license = "Same as Nmap--See" categories = {"external", "discovery"} local io = require "io" local http = require "http" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local stringaux = require "stringaux" local target = require "target" local table = require "table" local tableaux = require "tableaux" -- Different from stdnse.get_hostname -- this function returns nil if the host is only known by IP address local function get_hostname (host) return host.targetname or ( ~= '' and end -- Run on any target that has a name hostrule = get_hostname local function query_ctlogs(host) local query = string.format("/?q=%%.%s&output=json", get_hostname(host)) local response response = http.get("", 443, query ) local hostnames = {} if not response.status then return string.format("Error: could not GET http://%s%s", "", query) end for domain in string.gmatch(response.body, "name_value\":\"(.-)\"") do if not tableaux.contains(hostnames, domain) and domain ~= "" then if target.ALLOW_NEW_TARGETS then local status, err = target.add(domain) end table.insert(hostnames, domain) end end if #hostnames<1 then if not string.find(response.body, "no results") then return "Error: found no hostnames but not the marker for \"name_value\" (pattern error?)" end end return hostnames end local function write_file(filename, contents) local f, err =, "w") if not f then return f, err end f:write(contents) f:close() return true end action = function(host) local filename_prefix = stdnse.get_script_args("hostmap.prefix") local hostnames = {} local hostnames_str, output_str local output_tab = stdnse.output_table() hostnames = query_ctlogs(host) output_tab.subdomains = hostnames --write to file if filename_prefix then local filename = filename_prefix .. stringaux.filename_escape(get_hostname(host)) hostnames_str = table.concat(hostnames, "\n") local status, err = write_file(filename, hostnames_str) if status then output_tab.filename = filename else stdnse.debug1("There was an error saving the file %s:%s", filename, err) end end return output_tab end