local comm = require "comm" local match = require "match" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" local unittest = require "unittest" local rand = require "rand" _ENV = stdnse.module("mqtt", stdnse.seeall) --- -- An implementation of MQTT 3.1.1 -- https://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html -- -- This library does not currently implement the entire MQTT protocol, -- only those control packets which are necessary for existing scripts -- are included. Extending to accommodate additional control packets -- should not be difficult. -- -- @author "Mak Kolybabi " -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html MQTT = { -- Types of control packets packet = { ["CONNECT"] = { number = 1, options = { "client_id", "keep_alive_secs", "password", "username", "will_message", "will_topic", "clean_session", "will_qos", "will_retain", "protocol_level", "protocol_name", }, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["CONNACK"] = { number = 2, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["PUBLISH"] = { number = 3, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["PUBACK"] = { number = 4, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["PUBREC"] = { number = 5, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["PUBREL"] = { number = 6, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["PUBCOMP"] = { number = 7, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["SUBSCRIBE"] = { number = 8, options = { "filters", }, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["SUBACK"] = { number = 9, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["UNSUBSCRIBE"] = { number = 10, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["UNSUBACK"] = { number = 11, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["PINGREQ"] = { number = 12, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["PINGRESP"] = { number = 13, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, ["DISCONNECT"] = { number = 14, options = {}, build = nil, parse = nil, }, }, } Comm = { --- Creates a new Client instance. -- -- @name Comm.new -- -- @param host Table as received by the action method. -- @param port Table as received by the action method. -- @param options Table as received by the action method. -- @return o Instance of Client. new = function(self, host, port, options) local o = {host = host, port = port, options = options or {}} o["packet_id"] = 0 setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, --- Connects to the MQTT broker. -- -- @name Comm.connect -- -- @return status true on success, false on failure. -- @return err string containing the error message on failure. connect = function(self, options) -- Build the CONNECT control packet that initiates an MQTT session. local status, pkt = self:build("CONNECT", options) if not status then return false, pkt end -- The MQTT protocol requires us to sent the initial CONNECT -- control packet before it will respond. local sd, response, _, _ = comm.tryssl(self.host, self.port, pkt) if not sd then return false, response end -- The socket connected successfully over whichever protocol. self.socket = sd -- We now have some data that came back from the connection, which -- the protocol guarantees will be the 4-byte CONNACK packet. if #response ~= 4 then return false, "More bytes were returned from tryssl() than expected." end return self:parse(response) end, --- Sends an MQTT control packet. -- -- @name Comm.send -- -- @param pkt String representing a raw control packet. -- @return status true on success, false on failure. -- @return err string containing the error message on failure. send = function(self, pkt) return self.socket:send(pkt) end, --- Receives an MQTT control packet. -- -- @name Comm.receive -- -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return response String representing a raw control packet on -- success, string containing the error message on failure. receive = function(self) -- Receive the type and flags of the response packet's fixed header. local status, type_and_flags = self.socket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(1), true) if not status then return false, "Failed to receive control packet from server." end -- To avoid reimplementing the length parsing, we will perform a -- naive loop that gets the correct number of bytes for the -- variable-length numeric field without interpreting it. local length = "" for i = 1, 4 do -- Get the next byte from the socket. local status, chunk = self.socket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(1), true) if not status then return false, chunk end -- Add the received data to the length buffer. length = length .. chunk -- If the byte has the continuation bit cleared, stop receiving. local byte = string.unpack("B", chunk) if byte < 128 then break end end -- Parse the length buffer. local pos, num = MQTT.length_parse(length) if not pos then return false, num end -- Get the remainder of the packet from the socket. local status, body = self.socket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(num), true) if not status then return false, body end assert(#body == num) -- Reassemble the packet. local pkt = type_and_flags .. length .. body assert(#pkt == 1 + #length + num) return true, pkt end, --- Builds an MQTT control packet. -- -- @name Comm.build -- -- @param type Type of MQTT control packet to build. -- @param options Table of options accepted by the requested type of -- control packet. -- @return status true on success, false on failure. -- @return response String representing a raw control packet on -- success, or containing the error message on failure. build = function(self, type, options) -- Ensure the requested packet type is known. local pkt = MQTT.packet[type] assert(pkt, ("Control packet type '%s' is not known."):format(type)) -- Ensure the requested packet type is handled. local fn = pkt.build assert(fn, ("Control packet type '%s' has not been implemented."):format(type)) -- Validate the options. options = options or {} local o = {["packet_id"] = self:packet_identifier()} for _, key in pairs(pkt.options) do o[key] = false end for key, val in pairs(options) do -- Reject unrecognized options. assert(o[key] ~= nil, ("Control packet type '%s' does not have the option '%s'."):format(type, key)) o[key] = val end -- Build the packet as specified. local status, pkt = fn(o) if not status then return status, pkt end -- Send the packet. return true, pkt end, --- Parses an MQTT control packet. -- -- @name Comm.parse -- -- @param buf String from which to parse the control packet. -- @param pos Position from which to start parsing. -- @return pos String index on success, false on failure. -- @return response Table representing a control packet on success, -- string containing the error message on failure. parse = function(self, buf, pos) assert(type(buf) == "string") if not pos then pos = 0 end assert(type(pos) == "number") assert(pos < #buf) -- Parse the type and flags of the control packet's fixed header. if #buf - pos + 1 < 1 then return false, "Failed to parse control packet." end local type_and_flags, pos = string.unpack("B", buf, pos) -- Parse the remaining length. local pos, length = MQTT.length_parse(buf, pos) if not pos then return false, length end -- Extract the body. local end_pos = pos + length if end_pos - 1 > #buf then return false, ("End of packet body (%d) is goes past end of buffer (%d)."):format(end_pos, #buf) end local body = buf:sub(pos, end_pos) pos = end_pos -- Parse type and flags. local type = type_and_flags >> 4 local fhflags = type_and_flags & 0x0F -- Search for the definition of the packet type. local def = nil for key, val in pairs(MQTT.packet) do if val.number == type then type = key def = val break end end -- Ensure the requested packet type is handled. if not def then return false, ("Control packet type '%d' is not known."):format(type) end -- Ensure the requested packet type is handled. local fn = def.parse if not fn then return false, ("Control packet type '%s' is not implemented."):format(type) end -- Parse the packet local status, response = fn(fhflags, body) if not status then return false, response end return pos, response end, --- Disconnects from the MQTT broker. -- -- @name Comm.close close = function(self) return self.socket:close() end, --- Generates a packet identifier. -- -- @name Comm.packet_identifier -- -- See "2.3.1 Packet Identifier" section of the standard. -- -- @return Unique identifier for a packet. packet_identifier = function(self) self.packet_id = self.packet_id + 1 local num = string.pack(">I2", self.packet_id) return num end, } Helper = { --- Creates a new Helper instance. -- -- @name Helper.create -- -- @param host Table as received by the action method. -- @param port Table as received by the action method. -- @return o instance of Client new = function(self, host, port, opt) local o = { host = host, port = port, opt = opt or {} } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, --- Connects to the MQTT broker. -- -- @name Helper.connect -- -- @param options Table of options for the CONNECT control packet. -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return response Table representing a CONNACK control packet on -- success, string containing the error message on failure. connect = function(self, options) self.comm = Comm:new(self.host, self.port, self.opt) return self.comm:connect(options) end, --- Sends a request to the MQTT broker. -- -- @name Helper.send -- -- @param req_type Type of control packet to build and send. -- @param options Table of options for the request control packet. -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return err String containing the error message on failure. send = function(self, req_type, options) assert(type(req_type) == "string") local status, pkt = self.comm:build(req_type, options) if not status then return false, pkt end return self.comm:send(pkt) end, --- Sends a request to the MQTT broker, and receive a response. -- -- @name Helper.request -- -- @param req_type Type of control packet to build and send. -- @param options Table of options for the request control packet. -- @param res_type Type of control packet to receive and parse. -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return response Table representing a res_type -- control packet on success, string containing the error -- message on failure. request = function(self, req_type, options, res_type) local status, pkt = self:send(req_type, options) if not status then return false, pkt end return self:receive({res_type}) end, --- Listens for a response matching a list of types. -- -- @name Helper.receive -- -- @param types Type of control packet to build and send. -- @param timeout Number of seconds to listen for matching response, -- defaults to 5s. -- @param res_type Table of types of control packet to receive and -- parse. -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return response Table representing any res_type -- control packet on success, string containing the error -- message on failure. receive = function(self, types, timeout) assert(type(types) == "table") if not timeout then timeout = 5 end assert(type(timeout) == "number") local end_time = nmap.clock_ms() + timeout * 1000 while true do -- Get the raw packet from the socket. local status, pkt = self.comm:receive() if not status then return false, pkt end -- Parse the raw packet into a table. local status, result = self.comm:parse(pkt) if not status then return false, result end -- Check for messages matching our filters. for _, type in pairs(types) do if result.type == type then return true, result end end -- Check timeout, but only if we care about it. if timeout > 0 then if nmap.clock_ms() >= end_time then break end end end return false, ("No messages received in %d seconds matching desired types."):format(timeout) end, -- Closes the socket with the server. -- -- @name Helper.close close = function(self) self:send("DISCONNECT") return self.comm:close() end, } --- Build an MQTT CONNECT control packet. -- -- See "3.1 CONNECT – Client requests a connection to a Server" -- section of the standard. -- -- @param options Table of options accepted by this type of control -- packet. -- @return A string representing a CONNECT control packet. MQTT.packet["CONNECT"].build = function(options) assert(type(options) == "table") local head = "" local tail = "" -- Protocol Name local protocol_name = options.protocol_name if not protocol_name then protocol_name = "MQTT" end assert(type(protocol_name) == "string") head = head .. MQTT.utf8_build(protocol_name) -- Protocol Level local protocol_level = options.protocol_level if not protocol_level then protocol_level = 4 end assert(type(protocol_level) == "number") head = head .. string.pack("B", protocol_level) -- Client Identifier local client_id = options.client_id if not client_id then -- We throw in randomness in case there are multiple scripts using this -- library on a single port. client_id = "nmap" .. rand.random_alpha(16) end assert(type(client_id) == "string") tail = tail .. MQTT.utf8_build(client_id) -- Connect Flags local cflags = 0x00 -- Clean Session if options.clean_session then cflags = cflags | 0x02 end -- Will QoS if not options.will_qos then options.will_qos = 0 end assert(options.will_qos >= 0) assert(options.will_qos <= 2) cflags = cflags | (options.will_qos << 3) -- Will Retain if options.will_retain then cflags = cflags | 0x20 end -- Will Flag if options.will_topic and options.will_message then cflags = cflags | 0x04 tail = tail .. MQTT.utf8_build(options.will_topic) tail = tail .. MQTT.utf8_build(options.will_message) end -- User Name Flag if options.username then cflags = cflags | 0x80 tail = tail .. MQTT.utf8_build(options.username) end -- Password Flag if options.password then cflags = cflags | 0x40 tail = tail .. MQTT.utf8_build(options.password) end head = head .. string.pack("B", cflags) -- Keep Alive if not options.keep_alive_secs then options.keep_alive_secs = 30 end head = head .. string.pack(">I2", options.keep_alive_secs) return true, MQTT.fixed_header(1, 0x0, head .. tail) end --- Parse an MQTT CONNACK control packet. -- -- See "3.2 CONNACK – Acknowledge connection request" section of the -- standard. -- -- @param fhflags The flags of the control packet. -- @param buf The string representing the control packet. -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return response Table representing a CONNACK control packet on -- success, string containing the error message on failure. MQTT.packet["CONNACK"].parse = function(fhflags, buf) assert(type(fhflags) == "number") assert(type(buf) == "string") -- 3.2.1 Fixed header -- We expect that the packet structure is rigid. We allow variation, but we -- warn about it just in case. if fhflags ~= 0x00 then stdnse.debug4("Fixed header flags in CONNACK packet were %d, should be 0.", fhflags) end if buf:len() ~= 2 then stdnse.debug4("Fixed header remaining length in CONNACK packet was %d, should be 2.", buf:len()) end -- Connect Acknowledge Flags local res = {["type"] = "CONNACK"} local caflags, crcode = string.unpack("BB", buf) -- Session Present res.session_present = ((caflags & 0x01) == 1) -- Connect Return code res.accepted = (crcode == 0x00) if crcode == 0x01 then res.reason = "Unacceptable Protocol Version" elseif crcode == 0x02 then res.reason = "Client Identifier Rejected" elseif crcode == 0x03 then res.reason = "Server Unavailable" elseif crcode == 0x04 then res.reason = "Bad User Name or Password" elseif crcode == 0x05 then res.reason = "Not Authorized" else res.reason = "Unrecognized Connect Return Code" end return true, res end --- Build an MQTT SUBSCRIBE control packet. -- -- See "3.8 SUBSCRIBE - Subscribe to topics" section of the standard. -- -- @param options Table of options accepted by this type of control -- packet. -- @return A string representing a SUBSCRIBE control packet. MQTT.packet["SUBSCRIBE"].build = function(options) assert(type(options) == "table") -- 3.8.2 Variable header local pkt = {options.packet_id} for key, val in pairs(options.filters) do local name = val.filter assert(type(name) == "string") local qos = val.qos if not qos then qos = 0 end assert(type(qos) == "number") assert(qos >= 0) assert(qos <= 2) pkt[#pkt+1] = MQTT.utf8_build(name) pkt[#pkt+1] = string.pack("B", qos) end return true, MQTT.fixed_header(8, 0x2, table.concat(pkt)) end --- Parse an MQTT SUBACK control packet. -- -- See "3.9 SUBACK – Subscribe acknowledgement" section of the -- standard. -- -- @param fhflags The flags of the control packet. -- @param buf The string representing the control packet. -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return response Table representing a SUBACK control packet on -- success, string containing the error message on failure. MQTT.packet["SUBACK"].parse = function(fhflags, buf) assert(type(fhflags) == "number") assert(type(buf) == "string") -- 3.9.1 Fixed header -- We expect that the packet structure is rigid. We allow variation, but we -- warn about it just in case. if fhflags ~= 0x00 then stdnse.debug4("Fixed header flags in CONNACK packet were %d, should be 0.", fhflags) end local res = {["type"] = "SUBACK"} local length = buf:len() -- 3.9.2 Variable header if length < 2 then return false, ("Failed to parse SUBACK packet, too short.") end local packet_id, pos = string.unpack(">I2", buf) res.packet_id = packet_id -- 3.9.3 Payload local code local codes = {} while pos <= length do code, pos = string.unpack("B", buf, pos) if code == 0x00 then table.insert(codes, {["success"] = true, ["max_qos"] = 0}) elseif code == 0x01 then table.insert(codes, {["success"] = true, ["max_qos"] = 1}) elseif code == 0x02 then table.insert(codes, {["success"] = true, ["max_qos"] = 2}) else table.insert(codes, {["success"] = false}) end end res.filters = codes return true, res end --- Parse an MQTT PUBLISH control packet. -- -- See "3.3 PUBLISH – Publish message" section of the standard. -- -- @param fhflags The flags of the control packet. -- @param buf The string representing the control packet. -- @return -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return response Table representing a PUBLISH control packet on -- success, string containing the error message on failure. MQTT.packet["PUBLISH"].parse = function(fhflags, buf) assert(type(fhflags) == "number") assert(type(buf) == "string") -- 3.9.1 Fixed header local res = {["type"] = "PUBLISH"} -- DUP local dup = ((fhflags & 0x8) == 0x8) res.dup = dup -- QoS local qos = ((fhflags & 0x6) >> 1) res.qos = qos -- RETAIN local ret = ((fhflags & 0x1) == 0x1) res.retain = ret -- Topic Name local pos, val = MQTT.utf8_parse(buf) if not pos then return false, val end res.topic = val -- Packet Identifier if qos == 1 or qos == 2 then if #buf - pos + 1 < 2 then return false, "packet truncated" end val, pos = string.unpack(">I2", buf, pos) res.packet_id = val end -- 3.3.3 Payload local length = buf:len() res.payload = buf:sub(pos, length) return true, res end --- Build an MQTT DISCONNECT control packet. -- -- See "3.14 DISCONNECT – Disconnect notification" section of the -- standard. -- -- @param options Table of options accepted by this type of control -- packet. -- @return A string representing a DISCONNECT control packet. MQTT.packet["DISCONNECT"].build = function(options) assert(type(options) == "table") return true, MQTT.fixed_header(14, 0x00, "") end --- Build a numeric field in MQTT's variable-length format. -- -- See section "2.2.3 Remaining Length" of the standard. -- -- @param num The value of the field. -- @return A variable-length field. MQTT.length_build = function(num) -- This field represents a limited range of integers. assert(num >= 0) assert(num <= 268435455) local field = {} repeat local byte = num & 0x7F num = num >> 7 if num > 0 then byte = byte | 0x80 end field[#field+1] = string.pack("B", byte) until num == 0 -- This field has a limit on its length in binary form. assert(#field >= 1) assert(#field <= 4) return table.concat(field) end --- Parse a numeric field in MQTT's variable-length format. -- -- See section "2.2.3 Remaining Length" of the standard. -- -- @param buf String from which to parse the numeric field. -- @param pos Position from which to start parsing. -- @return pos String index on success, false on failure. -- @return response Parsed numeric field on success, string containing -- the error message on failure. MQTT.length_parse = function(buf, pos) assert(type(buf) == "string") if #buf == 0 then return false, "Cannot parse an empty string." end if not pos or pos == 0 then pos = 1 end assert(type(pos) == "number") assert(pos <= #buf) local multiplier = 1 local offset = 0 local byte = nil local num = 0 repeat if pos > #buf then return false, "Reached end of buffer before variable-length numeric field was parsed." end byte, pos = string.unpack("B", buf, pos) num = num + (byte & 0x7F) * multiplier if offset > 3 then return false, "Buffer contained an invalid variable-length numeric field." end multiplier = multiplier << 7 offset = offset + 1 until (byte & 0x80) == 0 -- This field represents a limited range of integers. assert(num >= 0) assert(num <= 268435455) return pos, num end --- Parser a UTF-8 string in MQTT's length-prefixed format. -- -- See section "1.5.3 UTF-8 encoded strings" of the standard. -- -- @param buf The bytes to parse. -- @param pos The position from which to start parsing. -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return response Parsed string on success, string containing the -- error message on failure. --- Build a UTF-8 string in MQTT's length-prefixed format. -- -- See section "1.5.3 UTF-8 encoded strings" of the standard. -- -- @param str The string to convert. -- @return A length-prefixed string. MQTT.utf8_build = function(str) assert(type(str) == "string") return string.pack(">s2", str) end --- Parse a UTF-8 string in MQTT's length-prefixed format. -- -- See section "1.5.3 UTF-8 encoded strings" of the standard. -- -- @param buf The bytes to parse. -- @param pos The position from which to start parsing. -- @return status True on success, false on failure. -- @return response Parsed string on success, string containing the -- error message on failure. MQTT.utf8_parse = function(buf, pos) assert(type(buf) == "string") if #buf < 2 then return false, "Cannot parse a string of less than two bytes." end if not pos or pos == 0 then pos = 1 end assert(type(pos) == "number") assert(pos <= #buf) local buf_length = buf:len() if pos > buf_length - 1 then return false, ("Buffer at position %d has no space for a UTF-8 length-prefixed string."):format(pos) end local str_length = string.unpack(">I2", buf, pos) if pos + 1 + str_length > buf_length then return false, ("Buffer at position %d has no space for a %d-byte UTF-8 string."):format(pos, str_length) end local value, pos = string.unpack(">s2", buf, pos) return pos, value end --- Prefix the body of an MQTT packet with a fixed header. -- -- See section "2.2 Fixed header" of the standard. -- -- @param num The type of the control packet. -- @param flags The flags of the control packet. -- @param pkt The string representing the control packet. -- @return A string representing a completed MQTT control packet. MQTT.fixed_header = function(num, flags, pkt) assert(type(num) == "number") assert(type(flags) == "number") assert(type(pkt) == "string") -- Build the fixed header. -- 2.2.1 MQTT Control Packet type -- 2.2.2 Flags local hdr = (num << 4) | flags return string.pack("B", hdr) .. MQTT.length_build(#pkt) .. pkt end -- Skip unit tests unless we're explicitly testing. if not unittest.testing() then return _ENV end test_suite = unittest.TestSuite:new() -- 2.2.3 Remaining Length local tests = { { 1, 0, "\x00" }, { 1, 127, "\x7F" }, { 2, 128, "\x80\x01" }, { 2, 16383, "\xFF\x7F" }, { 3, 16384, "\x80\x80\x01" }, { 3, 2097151, "\xFF\xFF\x7F" }, { 4, 2097152, "\x80\x80\x80\x01"}, { 4, 268435455, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x7F"}, } for i, test in ipairs(tests) do local test_len = test[1] local test_num = test[2] local test_str = test[3] local str = MQTT.length_build(test_num) test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(#str, test_len), ("Test %d: length_build, length"):format(i)) test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(str, test_str), ("Test %d: length_build, content"):format(i)) -- Parse, implicitly from the first character. local pos, num = MQTT.length_parse(test_str) test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(num, test_num), ("Test %d: length_parse, number"):format(i)) test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(pos, test_len + 1), ("Test %d: length_parse, pos"):format(i)) -- Parse, explicitly from the one-indexed second character. local pos, num = MQTT.length_parse("!" .. test_str, 2) test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(num, test_num), ("Test %d: length_parse offset, number"):format(i)) test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(pos, test_len + 2), ("Test %d: length_parse offset, pos"):format(i)) -- Truncate string and attempt to parse, expecting error. local short_str = test_str:sub(1, test_len - 1) local pos, _ = MQTT.length_parse(short_str) test_suite:add_test(unittest.is_false(pos), ("Test %d: length_parse, expected error"):format(i)) end -- Ensure that parsing a string with too many continuation bytes, -- which have their MSB set, fails as expected. local long_str = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x7F" local pos, _ = MQTT.length_parse(long_str) test_suite:add_test(unittest.is_false(pos), "length_parse too many continuation bytes") -- 1.5.3 UTF-8 encoded strings local str = MQTT.utf8_build("") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(str, "\x00\x00"), "utf8_build empty string") local str = MQTT.utf8_build("A") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(str, "\x00\x01\x41"), "utf8_build 'A'") local pos, _ = MQTT.utf8_parse("") test_suite:add_test(unittest.is_false(pos), "utf8_parse expected failure: ''") local pos, _ = MQTT.utf8_parse("!") test_suite:add_test(unittest.is_false(pos), "utf8_parse expected failure: '!'") local pos, str = MQTT.utf8_parse("\x00\x01") test_suite:add_test(unittest.is_false(pos), "utf8_parse expected failure: 0001") local pos, str = MQTT.utf8_parse("\x00\x02\x41") test_suite:add_test(unittest.is_false(pos), "utf8_parse expected failure: 000241") local pos, str = MQTT.utf8_parse("\0\0") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(str, ""), "utf8_parse empty string") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(pos, 3), "utf8_parse empty string (pos)") local pos, str = MQTT.utf8_parse("\x00\x01\x41") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(str, "A"), "utf8_parse 'A'") test_suite:add_test(unittest.equal(pos, 4), "utf8_parse 'A' (pos)") return _ENV;