-- The MIT License (MIT) -- Copyright (c) 2016 Patrick Joseph Donnelly (batrick@batbytes.com) -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -- this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -- the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -- use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -- of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -- so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -- copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. --- -- Base32 encoding and decoding. Follows RFC 4648. -- -- @author Patrick Donnelly -- @copyright The MIT License (MIT); Copyright (c) 2016 Patrick Joseph Donnelly (batrick@batbytes.com) local assert = assert local error = error local ipairs = ipairs local setmetatable = setmetatable local open = require "io".open local popen = require "io".popen local random = require "math".random local tmpname = require "os".tmpname local remove = require "os".remove local char = require "string".char local concat = require "table".concat local unittest = require "unittest" _ENV = require "stdnse".module "base32" local b32standard = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', } local b32hexExtend = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', } local function etransform (t, a, b, c, d, e) local e1 = t[((a>>3)&0x1f)+1] local e2 = t[((((a<<2)&0x1c)|((b>>6)&0x03))&0x1f)+1] local e3 = t[((b>>1)&0x1f)+1] local e4 = t[((((b<<4)&0x10)|((c>>4)&0x0f))&0x1f)+1] local e5 = t[((((c<<1)&0x1e)|((d>>7)&0x01))&0x1f)+1] local e6 = t[((d>>2)&0x1f)+1] local e7 = t[((((d<<3)&0x18)|((e>>5)&0x07))&0x1f)+1] local e8 = t[(e&0x1f)+1] return e1..e2..e3..e4..e5..e6..e7..e8 end --- -- Encodes a string to Base32. -- @param p Data to be encoded. -- @param hexExtend pass true to use the hex extended char set -- @return Base32-encoded string. function enc (p, hexExtend) local b32table = not hexExtend and b32standard or b32hexExtend local out = {} local i = 1 local m = #p % 5 while i+(5-1) <= #p do local a, b, c, d, e = p:byte(i, i+(5-1)) out[#out+1] = etransform(b32table, a, b, c, d, e) i = i + 5 end if m == 4 then local a, b, c, d = p:byte(i, i+(4-1)) out[#out+1] = etransform(b32table, a, b, c, d, 0):sub(1, 7).."=" elseif m == 3 then local a, b, c = p:byte(i, i+(3-1)) out[#out+1] = etransform(b32table, a, b, c, 0, 0):sub(1, 5).."===" elseif m == 2 then local a, b = p:byte(i, i+(2-1)) out[#out+1] = etransform(b32table, a, b, 0, 0, 0):sub(1, 4).."====" elseif m == 1 then local a = p:byte(i, i+(1-1)) out[#out+1] = etransform(b32table, a, 0, 0, 0, 0):sub(1, 2).."======" end return concat(out) end local db32table_standard = setmetatable({}, {__index = function (t, k) error "invalid encoding: invalid character" end}) do local r = {["="] = 0} for i, v in ipairs(b32standard) do r[v] = i-1 end for i = 0, 255 do db32table_standard[i] = r[char(i)] end end local db32table_hex = setmetatable({}, {__index = function (t, k) error "invalid encoding: invalid character" end}) do local r = {["="] = 0} for i, v in ipairs(b32hexExtend) do r[v] = i-1 end for i = 0, 255 do db32table_hex[i] = r[char(i)] end end -- Decodes Base32-encoded data. -- @param b32 Base32 encoded data. -- @param hexExtend pass true to use the hex extended char set -- @return Decoded data. function dec (b32, hexExtend) local db32table = not hexExtend and db32table_standard or db32table_hex local out = {} local i = 1 local m = #b32 % 8 local done = false if m ~= 0 then error "invalid encoding: input is not divisible by 8" end while i+(8-1) <= #b32 do if done then error "invalid encoding: trailing characters" end local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = b32:byte(i, i+(8-1)) local v = ((db32table[a]<<3)&0xf8) | ((db32table[b]>>2)&0x07) local w = ((db32table[b]<<6)&0xc0) | ((db32table[c]<<1)&0x3e) | ((db32table[d]>>4)&0x01) local x = ((db32table[d]<<4)&0xf0) | ((db32table[e]>>1)&0x0f) local y = ((db32table[e]<<7)&0x80) | ((db32table[f]<<2)&0x7c) | ((db32table[g]>>3)&0x03) local z = ((db32table[g]<<5)&0xe0) | ((db32table[h] )&0x1f) if c == 0x3d then assert(d == 0x3d and e == 0x3d and f == 0x3d and g == 0x3d and h == 0x3d, "invalid encoding: invalid character") out[#out+1] = char(v) done = true elseif d == 0x3d then error "invalid encoding: invalid character" elseif e == 0x3d then assert(f == 0x3d and g == 0x3d and h == 0x3d, "invalid encoding: invalid character") out[#out+1] = char(v, w) done = true elseif f == 0x3d then assert(g == 0x3d and h == 0x3d, "invalid encoding: invalid character") out[#out+1] = char(v, w, x) done = true elseif g == 0x3d then error "invalid encoding: invalid character" elseif h == 0x3d then out[#out+1] = char(v, w, x, y) done = true else out[#out+1] = char(v, w, x, y, z) end i = i + 8 end return concat(out) end if not unittest.testing() then return _ENV end test_suite = unittest.TestSuite:new() local equal = unittest.equal local function test(a, b) test_suite:add_test(equal(enc(a), b), "encoding") test_suite:add_test(equal(dec(b), a), "decoding") end local function testh(a, b) test_suite:add_test(equal(enc(a, true), b), "hex encoding") test_suite:add_test(equal(dec(b, true), a), "hex decoding") end test("", "") test("f", "MY======") test("fo", "MZXQ====") test("foo", "MZXW6===") test("foob", "MZXW6YQ=") test("fooba", "MZXW6YTB") test("foobar", "MZXW6YTBOI======") testh("", "") testh("f", "CO======") testh("fo", "CPNG====") testh("foo", "CPNMU===") testh("foob", "CPNMUOG=") testh("foobar", "CPNMUOJ1E8======") -- extensive tests if false then local path = tmpname() local file = open(path, "w") local t = {} for a = 0, 255, random(1, 7) do for b = 0, 255, random(2, 7) do for c = 0, 255, random(2, 7) do t[#t+1] = char(a, b, c, 0xA) file:write(t[#t]) end end end assert(file:close()) local input = concat(t) local output = enc(input) local good = assert(popen("base32 < "..path, "r")):read("a"):gsub("%s", "") remove(path) assert(output == good) assert(dec(output) == input) end return _ENV