/* OpenSSL library for lua * adapted from lmd5 library (http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/) * Original code written by Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo * Adapted for Nmap by Thomas Buchanan * bignum and rand_bytes functions added by Sven Klemm * Primality tests added by Jacob Gajek */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4 #include #endif #include #include #if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L) && !defined LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER #define HAVE_OPAQUE_STRUCTS 1 #define FUNC_EVP_MD_CTX_init EVP_MD_CTX_reset #define FUNC_EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup EVP_MD_CTX_reset #define FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init EVP_CIPHER_CTX_reset #define FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup EVP_CIPHER_CTX_reset #define PASS_EVP_CTX(ctx) (ctx) #else #define FUNC_EVP_MD_CTX_init EVP_MD_CTX_init #define FUNC_EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup #define FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init #define FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup #define PASS_EVP_CTX(ctx) (&(ctx)) #endif #include "nse_lua.h" #if OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >= 0x10100000L /* Needed for get_random_bytes, since RAND_pseudo_bytes is gone */ #include #endif #include "nse_openssl.h" typedef struct bignum_data { BIGNUM * bn; bool should_free; } bignum_data_t; static int nse_pushbn( lua_State *L, BIGNUM *num) { bignum_data_t * data = (bignum_data_t *) lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof(bignum_data_t)); luaL_getmetatable( L, "BIGNUM" ); lua_setmetatable( L, -2 ); data->bn = num; /* Currently this is true for all uses in this file. */ data->should_free = true; return 1; } static int l_bignum_bin2bn( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_bin2bn( string s ) */ { size_t len; const unsigned char * s = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); BIGNUM * num = BN_new(); BN_bin2bn( s, len, num ); return nse_pushbn(L, num); } static int l_bignum_dec2bn( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_dec2bn( string s ) */ { const char * s = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); BIGNUM * num = BN_new(); BN_dec2bn( &num, s ); return nse_pushbn(L, num); } static int l_bignum_hex2bn( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_hex2bn( string s ) */ { const char * s = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); BIGNUM * num = BN_new(); BN_hex2bn( &num, s ); return nse_pushbn(L, num); } static int l_bignum_rand( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_rand( number bits ) */ { size_t bits = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 ); BIGNUM * num = BN_new(); BN_rand( num, bits, -1, 0 ); return nse_pushbn(L, num); } static int l_bignum_pseudo_rand( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_pseudo_rand( number bits ) */ { size_t bits = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 ); BIGNUM * num = BN_new(); BN_pseudo_rand( num, bits, -1, 0 ); return nse_pushbn(L, num); } static int l_bignum_mod_exp( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_mod_exp( BIGNUM a, BIGNUM p, BIGNUM m ) */ { bignum_data_t * a = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); bignum_data_t * p = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, "BIGNUM"); bignum_data_t * m = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 3, "BIGNUM"); BIGNUM * result = BN_new(); BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BN_mod_exp( result, a->bn, p->bn, m->bn, ctx ); BN_CTX_free( ctx ); return nse_pushbn(L, result); } static int l_bignum_div( lua_State *L ) /* bignum_div( BIGNUM a, BIGNUM d ) */ { bignum_data_t * a = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); bignum_data_t * d = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, "BIGNUM"); BIGNUM * dv = BN_new(); BIGNUM * rem = BN_new(); BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new(); BN_div(dv, rem, a->bn, d->bn, ctx); BN_CTX_free( ctx ); nse_pushbn(L, dv); nse_pushbn(L, rem); return 2; } static int l_bignum_add( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_add( BIGNUM a, BIGNUM b ) */ { bignum_data_t * a = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); bignum_data_t * b = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, "BIGNUM"); BIGNUM * result = BN_new(); BN_add( result, a->bn, b->bn ); return nse_pushbn(L, result); } static int l_bignum_num_bits( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_num_bits( BIGNUM bn ) */ { bignum_data_t * userdata = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); lua_pushinteger( L, BN_num_bits( userdata->bn) ); return 1; } static int l_bignum_num_bytes( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_num_bytes( BIGNUM bn ) */ { bignum_data_t * userdata = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); lua_pushinteger( L, BN_num_bytes( userdata->bn) ); return 1; } static int l_bignum_set_bit( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_set_bit( BIGNUM bn, number position ) */ { bignum_data_t * userdata = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); int position = luaL_checkinteger( L, 2 ); BN_set_bit( userdata->bn, position ); return 0; } static int l_bignum_clear_bit( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_clear_bit( BIGNUM bn, number position ) */ { bignum_data_t * userdata = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); int position = luaL_checkinteger( L, 2 ); BN_clear_bit( userdata->bn, position ); return 0; } static int l_bignum_is_bit_set( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_set_bit( BIGNUM bn, number position ) */ { bignum_data_t * userdata = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); int position = luaL_checkinteger( L, 2 ); lua_pushboolean( L, BN_is_bit_set( userdata->bn, position ) ); return 1; } static int l_bignum_is_prime( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_is_prime( BIGNUM p, number nchecks ) */ { bignum_data_t * p = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "BIGNUM" ); int nchecks = luaL_optinteger( L, 2, BN_prime_checks ); BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new(); int is_prime = BN_is_prime_ex( p->bn, nchecks, ctx, NULL ); BN_CTX_free( ctx ); lua_pushboolean( L, is_prime ); return 1; } static int l_bignum_is_safe_prime( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_is_safe_prime( BIGNUM p, number nchecks ) */ { bignum_data_t * p = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "BIGNUM" ); int nchecks = luaL_optinteger( L, 2, BN_prime_checks ); BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new(); int is_prime = BN_is_prime_ex( p->bn, nchecks, ctx, NULL ); int is_safe = 0; if (is_prime) { BIGNUM * n = BN_dup( p->bn ); BN_sub_word( n, (BN_ULONG)1 ); BN_div_word( n, (BN_ULONG)2 ); is_safe = BN_is_prime_ex( n, nchecks, ctx, NULL ); BN_clear_free( n ); } BN_CTX_free( ctx ); lua_pushboolean( L, is_safe ); lua_pushboolean( L, is_prime ); return 2; } static int l_bignum_bn2bin( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_bn2bin( BIGNUM bn ) */ { bignum_data_t * userdata = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); unsigned char * result = (unsigned char *) malloc( BN_num_bytes( userdata->bn ) ); if (!result) return luaL_error( L, "Couldn't allocate memory."); int len = BN_bn2bin( userdata->bn, result ); lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) result, len ); free( result ); return 1; } static int l_bignum_bn2dec( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_bn2dec( BIGNUM bn ) */ { bignum_data_t * userdata = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); char * result = BN_bn2dec( userdata->bn ); lua_pushstring( L, result ); OPENSSL_free( result ); return 1; } static int l_bignum_bn2hex( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_bn2hex( BIGNUM bn ) */ { bignum_data_t * userdata = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); char * result = BN_bn2hex( userdata->bn ); lua_pushstring( L, result ); OPENSSL_free( result ); return 1; } static int l_bignum_free( lua_State *L ) /** bignum_free( bignum ) */ { bignum_data_t * userdata = (bignum_data_t *) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "BIGNUM"); if (userdata->should_free) { BN_clear_free( userdata->bn ); } return 0; } static int l_rand_bytes( lua_State *L ) /** rand_bytes( number bytes ) */ { size_t len = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 ); unsigned char * result = (unsigned char *) malloc( len ); if (!result) return luaL_error( L, "Couldn't allocate memory."); if (RAND_bytes( result, len ) != 1) { return luaL_error(L, "Failure in RAND_bytes."); } lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) result, len ); free( result ); return 1; } static int l_rand_pseudo_bytes( lua_State *L ) /** rand_pseudo_bytes( number bytes ) */ { size_t len = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 ); unsigned char * result = (unsigned char *) malloc( len ); if (!result) return luaL_error( L, "Couldn't allocate memory."); #if OPENSSL_API_COMPAT < 0x10100000L RAND_pseudo_bytes( result, len ); #else get_random_bytes( result, len ); #endif lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) result, len ); free( result ); return 1; } static int l_md4(lua_State *L) /** md4(string s) */ { size_t len; const unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); unsigned char digest[16]; lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) MD4( s, len, digest ), 16 ); return 1; } static int l_md5(lua_State *L) /** md5(string s) */ { size_t len; const unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); unsigned char digest[16]; lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) MD5( s, len, digest ), 16 ); return 1; } static int l_sha1(lua_State *L) /** sha1(string s) */ { size_t len; const unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); unsigned char digest[20]; lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) SHA1( s, len, digest ), 20 ); return 1; } static int l_ripemd160(lua_State *L) /** ripemd160(string s) */ { size_t len; const unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); unsigned char digest[20]; lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) RIPEMD160( s, len, digest ), 20 ); return 1; } static int l_digest(lua_State *L) /** digest(string algorithm, string message) */ { size_t msg_len; unsigned int digest_len; const char *algorithm = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); const unsigned char *msg = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 2, &msg_len ); unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; const EVP_MD * evp_md; #if HAVE_OPAQUE_STRUCTS EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new(); #else EVP_MD_CTX mdctx; #endif evp_md = EVP_get_digestbyname( algorithm ); if (!evp_md) return luaL_error( L, "Unknown digest algorithm: %s", algorithm ); FUNC_EVP_MD_CTX_init(PASS_EVP_CTX(mdctx)); if (!( EVP_DigestInit_ex( PASS_EVP_CTX(mdctx), evp_md, NULL ) && EVP_DigestUpdate( PASS_EVP_CTX(mdctx), msg, msg_len ) && EVP_DigestFinal_ex( PASS_EVP_CTX(mdctx), digest, &digest_len ))) { FUNC_EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup( PASS_EVP_CTX(mdctx) ); unsigned long e = ERR_get_error(); return luaL_error( L, "OpenSSL error %d in %s: function %s: %s", e, ERR_lib_error_string(e), ERR_func_error_string(e), ERR_reason_error_string(e)); } FUNC_EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup( PASS_EVP_CTX(mdctx) ); lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) digest, digest_len ); return 1; } static int l_hmac(lua_State *L) /** hmac(string algorithm, string key, string message) */ { size_t key_len, msg_len; unsigned int digest_len; const char *algorithm = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); const unsigned char *key = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 2, &key_len ); const unsigned char *msg = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 3, &msg_len ); unsigned char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; const EVP_MD * evp_md; evp_md = EVP_get_digestbyname( algorithm ); if (!evp_md) return luaL_error( L, "Unknown digest algorithm: %s", algorithm ); HMAC( evp_md, key, key_len, msg, msg_len, digest, &digest_len ); lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) digest, digest_len ); return 1; } struct enumerator_data { lua_State * L; int index; }; static void enumerate_algorithms( const OBJ_NAME * name, void * arg ) { struct enumerator_data* data = (struct enumerator_data *) arg; lua_pushstring( data->L, name->name ); lua_rawseti( data->L, -2, data->index ); data->index++; } static int l_supported_digests(lua_State *L) /** supported_digests() */ { enumerator_data data; data.L = L; data.index = 1; lua_newtable( L ); OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted( OBJ_NAME_TYPE_MD_METH,enumerate_algorithms, &data ); return 1; } static int l_supported_ciphers(lua_State *L) /** supported_ciphers() */ { enumerator_data data; data.L = L; data.index = 1; lua_newtable( L ); OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted( OBJ_NAME_TYPE_CIPHER_METH,enumerate_algorithms, &data ); return 1; } static int l_encrypt(lua_State *L) /** encrypt( string algorithm, string key, string iv, string data, bool padding = false ) */ { const char *algorithm = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); const EVP_CIPHER * evp_cipher = EVP_get_cipherbyname( algorithm ); if (!evp_cipher) return luaL_error( L, "Unknown cipher algorithm: %s", algorithm ); size_t key_len, iv_len, data_len; const unsigned char *key = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 2, &key_len ); const unsigned char *iv = (unsigned char *) luaL_optlstring( L, 3, "", &iv_len ); const unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 4, &data_len ); int padding = lua_toboolean( L, 5 ); if (iv[0] == '\0') iv = NULL; #if HAVE_OPAQUE_STRUCTS EVP_CIPHER_CTX *cipher_ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); #else EVP_CIPHER_CTX cipher_ctx; #endif FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) ); /* First create the cipher context, then set the key length and padding, and check the iv length. Below we set the key and iv. */ if (!( EVP_EncryptInit_ex( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), evp_cipher, NULL, NULL, NULL ) && EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), key_len ) && EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), padding ))) { unsigned long e = ERR_get_error(); return luaL_error( L, "OpenSSL error %d in %s: function %s: %s", e, ERR_lib_error_string(e), ERR_func_error_string(e), ERR_reason_error_string(e)); } if (iv != NULL && (int) iv_len != EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) )) { return luaL_error( L, "Length of iv is %d; should be %d", (int) iv_len, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) )); } int out_len, final_len; unsigned char * out = (unsigned char *) malloc( data_len + EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH ); if (!out) return luaL_error( L, "Couldn't allocate memory."); if (!( EVP_EncryptInit_ex( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), NULL, NULL, key, iv ) && EVP_EncryptUpdate( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), out, &out_len, data, data_len ) && EVP_EncryptFinal_ex( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), out + out_len, &final_len ) )) { FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) ); free( out ); unsigned long e = ERR_get_error(); return luaL_error( L, "OpenSSL error %d in %s: function %s: %s", e, ERR_lib_error_string(e), ERR_func_error_string(e), ERR_reason_error_string(e)); } lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) out, out_len + final_len ); FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) ); free( out ); return 1; } static int l_decrypt(lua_State *L) /** decrypt( string algorithm, string key, string iv, string data, bool padding = false ) */ { const char *algorithm = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 ); const EVP_CIPHER * evp_cipher = EVP_get_cipherbyname( algorithm ); if (!evp_cipher) return luaL_error( L, "Unknown cipher algorithm: %s", algorithm ); size_t key_len, iv_len, data_len; const unsigned char *key = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 2, &key_len ); const unsigned char *iv = (unsigned char *) luaL_optlstring( L, 3, "", &iv_len ); const unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 4, &data_len ); int padding = lua_toboolean( L, 5 ); if (iv[0] == '\0') iv = NULL; #if HAVE_OPAQUE_STRUCTS EVP_CIPHER_CTX *cipher_ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); #else EVP_CIPHER_CTX cipher_ctx; #endif FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) ); if (!( EVP_DecryptInit_ex( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), evp_cipher, NULL, NULL, NULL ) && EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), key_len ) && EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), padding ))) { unsigned long e = ERR_get_error(); return luaL_error( L, "OpenSSL error %d in %s: function %s: %s", e, ERR_lib_error_string(e), ERR_func_error_string(e), ERR_reason_error_string(e)); } if (iv != NULL && (int) iv_len != EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) )) { return luaL_error( L, "Length of iv is %d; should be %d", (int) iv_len, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) )); } int out_len, final_len; unsigned char * out = (unsigned char *) malloc( data_len ); if (!out) return luaL_error( L, "Couldn't allocate memory."); if (!( EVP_DecryptInit_ex( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), NULL, NULL, key, iv ) && EVP_DecryptUpdate( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), out, &out_len, data, data_len ) && EVP_DecryptFinal_ex( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx), out + out_len, &final_len ) )) { FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) ); free( out ); unsigned long e = ERR_get_error(); return luaL_error( L, "OpenSSL error %d in %s: function %s: %s", e, ERR_lib_error_string(e), ERR_func_error_string(e), ERR_reason_error_string(e)); } lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) out, out_len + final_len ); FUNC_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup( PASS_EVP_CTX(cipher_ctx) ); free( out ); return 1; } static int l_DES_string_to_key(lua_State *L) /** DES_string_to_key( string data ) */ { size_t len; const unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 1, &len ); if (len != 7 ) return luaL_error( L, "String must have length of 7 bytes." ); DES_cblock key; key[0] = data[0]; for( int i = 1; i < 8; i++ ) key[i] = data[i-1] << (8-i) | data[i] >> i; DES_set_odd_parity( &key ); lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) key, 8 ); return 1; } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4 static int l_rc4_options (lua_State *L) { lua_pushstring(L, RC4_options()); return 1; } static int l_rc4_encrypt (lua_State *L) { RC4_KEY *key = (RC4_KEY *) lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); size_t len; const char *indata = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len); unsigned char *outdata = (unsigned char *) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(unsigned char)*len); RC4(key, len, (const unsigned char *)indata, outdata); lua_pushlstring(L, (const char *)outdata, len); return 1; } static int l_rc4 (lua_State *L) { size_t len; const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(RC4_KEY)); RC4_set_key((RC4_KEY *)lua_touserdata(L, -1), (int)len, (const unsigned char *)data); lua_pushcclosure(L, l_rc4_encrypt, 1); return 1; } #endif static const struct luaL_Reg bignum_methods[] = { { "num_bits", l_bignum_num_bits }, { "num_bytes", l_bignum_num_bytes }, { "tobin", l_bignum_bn2bin }, { "todec", l_bignum_bn2dec }, { "tohex", l_bignum_bn2hex }, { "is_bit_set", l_bignum_is_bit_set }, { "set_bit", l_bignum_set_bit }, { "clear_bit", l_bignum_clear_bit }, { "is_bit_set", l_bignum_is_bit_set }, { "is_prime", l_bignum_is_prime }, { "is_safe_prime", l_bignum_is_safe_prime }, { "__gc", l_bignum_free }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const struct luaL_Reg openssllib[] = { { "bignum_num_bits", l_bignum_num_bits }, { "bignum_num_bytes", l_bignum_num_bytes }, { "bignum_set_bit", l_bignum_set_bit }, { "bignum_clear_bit", l_bignum_clear_bit }, { "bignum_is_bit_set", l_bignum_is_bit_set }, { "bignum_is_prime", l_bignum_is_prime }, { "bignum_is_safe_prime", l_bignum_is_safe_prime }, { "bignum_bin2bn", l_bignum_bin2bn }, { "bignum_dec2bn", l_bignum_dec2bn }, { "bignum_hex2bn", l_bignum_hex2bn }, { "bignum_rand", l_bignum_rand }, { "bignum_pseudo_rand", l_bignum_pseudo_rand }, { "bignum_bn2bin", l_bignum_bn2bin }, { "bignum_bn2dec", l_bignum_bn2dec }, { "bignum_bn2hex", l_bignum_bn2hex }, { "bignum_add", l_bignum_add }, { "bignum_mod_exp", l_bignum_mod_exp }, { "bignum_div", l_bignum_div }, { "rand_bytes", l_rand_bytes }, { "rand_pseudo_bytes", l_rand_pseudo_bytes }, { "md4", l_md4 }, { "md5", l_md5 }, { "sha1", l_sha1 }, { "ripemd160", l_ripemd160 }, { "digest", l_digest }, { "hmac", l_hmac }, { "encrypt", l_encrypt }, { "decrypt", l_decrypt }, { "DES_string_to_key", l_DES_string_to_key }, { "supported_digests", l_supported_digests }, { "supported_ciphers", l_supported_ciphers }, #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RC4 { "rc4_options", l_rc4_options }, { "rc4", l_rc4 }, #endif { NULL, NULL } }; LUALIB_API int luaopen_openssl(lua_State *L) { #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L || defined LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); ERR_load_crypto_strings(); #else /* This is now deprecated in OpenSSL 1.1.0 _ No explicit initialisation or de-initialisation is necessary */ // OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); // ERR_load_crypto_strings(); #endif luaL_newlib(L, openssllib); // create metatable for bignum luaL_newmetatable( L, "BIGNUM" ); // metatable.__index = metatable lua_pushvalue( L, -1 ); lua_setfield( L, -2, "__index" ); // register methods luaL_setfuncs(L, bignum_methods, 0); lua_pop( L, 1 ); // BIGNUM return 1; }