Download libpcap-X.Y.tar.gz from and verify the signature. cd # Make a copy of this directory. cp -r ~/nmap/libpcap/NMAP_MODIFICATIONS . tar xzvf libpcap-X.Y.tar.gz cd nmap rsync -rv --delete ~/libpcap-X.Y/ ~/nmap/libpcap/ git add -A libpcap cd libpcap ./configure make grammar.c scanner.c scanner.h git add grammar.c scanner.c scanner.h cd .. # Apply patches. git apply ~/NMAP_MODIFICATIONS/000* # Make changes as necessary and update the patch files cd libpcap autoconf cd .. git add -u libpcap mv ~/NMAP_MODIFICATIONS libpcap/ git add libpcap/NMAP_MODIFICATIONS git commit -m "Upgrade libpcap to X.Y."