local bin = require("bin") local match = require("match") local nmap = require("nmap") local packet = require "packet" local shortport = require("shortport") local sslcert = require("sslcert") local stdnse = require("stdnse") local table = require("table") local tls = require "tls" local vulns = require("vulns") description = [[ Detects whether a server is vulnerable to the F5 Ticketbleed bug (CVE-2016-9244). For additional information: * https://filippo.io/Ticketbleed/ * https://blog.filippo.io/finding-ticketbleed/ * https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K05121675 ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -p 443 --script tls-ticketbleed -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 445/tcp open https -- | tls-ticketbleed: -- | VULNERABLE: -- | Ticketbleed is a serious issue in products manufactured by F5, a popular -- vendor of TLS load-balancers. The issue allows for stealing information from -- the load balancer -- | State: VULNERABLE (Exploitable) -- | Risk factor: High -- | Ticketbleed is vulnerability in the implementation of the TLS -- SessionTicket extension found in some F5 products. It allows the leakage -- ("bleeding") of up to 31 bytes of data from unin itialized memory. This is -- caused by the TLS stack padding a Session ID, passed from the client, with -- data to make it 32-bits long. -- | Exploit results: -- | 2ab2ea6a4c167fbe8bf0b36c7d9ed6d3 -- | *..jL......l}... -- | References: -- | https://filippo.io/Ticketbleed/ -- | https://blog.filippo.io/finding-ticketbleed/ -- |_ https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K05121675 -- -- @args tls-ticketbleed.protocols (default tries all) TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, or TLSv1.2 author = "Mak Kolybabi " license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"vuln", "safe"} portrule = function(host, port) if not tls.handshake_parse.NewSessionTicket then stdnse.verbose1("Not running: incompatible tls.lua. Get the latest from https://nmap.org/nsedoc/lib/tls.html") return false end -- Ensure we have the privileges necessary to run the PCAP operations this -- script depends upon. if not nmap.is_privileged() then nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] = nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME] or {} if not nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME].rootfail then stdnse.verbose1("Not running due to lack of privileges.") end nmap.registry[SCRIPT_NAME].rootfail = true return false end return shortport.ssl(host, port) or sslcert.getPrepareTLSWithoutReconnect(port) end local function is_vuln(host, port, version) -- Checking a host requires a valid TLS Session Ticket. The Nmap API -- does not expose that information to us, but it is sent -- unencrypted near the end of the TLS handshake. -- -- First we must create a socket that is ready to start a TLS -- connection, so that we may find the local port from which it is -- sending, and can use that information to filter the PCAP. -- -- We should have a way to specify version here, but we don't. local socket local starttls = sslcert.getPrepareTLSWithoutReconnect(port) if starttls then local status status, socket = starttls(host, port) if not status then stdnse.debug3("StartTLS connection to server failed: %s", socket) return end else socket = nmap.new_socket() local status, err = socket:connect(host, port, "tcp") if not status then stdnse.debug3("Connection to server failed: %s", err) return end end socket:set_timeout(5000) -- Find out the port we'll be using in our TLS negotiation. local status, _, lport = socket:get_info() if( not(status) ) then stdnse.debug3("Failed to retrieve local port used by socket.") return end -- We are only interested in capturing the TLS responses from the -- server, not our traffic. We need to set the snaplen to be fairly -- large to accommodate packets with many or large certificates. local filter = ("src host %s and tcp and src port %d and dst port %d"):format(host.ip, port.number, lport) local pcap = nmap.new_socket() pcap:set_timeout(5) pcap:pcap_open(host.interface, 4096, false, filter) -- Initiate the TLS negotiation on the already-connected socket, and -- then immediately close the socket. local status, err = socket:reconnect_ssl() if not status then stdnse.debug1("Can't connect with TLS: %s", err) return end socket:close() -- Repeatedly read previously-captured packets and add them to a -- buffer. local buf = {} while true do local status, _, _, layer3, _ = pcap:pcap_receive() if not status then break end -- Parse captured packet and extract data. local pkt = packet.Packet:new(layer3, #layer3) if not pkt then stdnse.debug3("Failed to create packet from captured data.") return end if not pkt:tcp_parse() then stdnse.debug3("Failed to parse captured packet.") return end local tls_data = pkt:raw(pkt.tcp_data_offset) table.insert(buf, tls_data) end buf = table.concat(buf, "") pcap:pcap_close() pcap:close() -- Attempt to find the NewSessionTicket record in the captured -- packets. local pos, ticket repeat -- Attempt to parse the buffer. local record pos, record = tls.record_read(buf, pos) if not record then break end if record.type ~= "handshake" then break end -- Search for the NewSessionTicket record, which contains the -- Session Ticket we need. for _, body in ipairs(record.body) do stdnse.debug1("Captured %s record.", body.type) if body.type == "NewSessionTicket" then if body.ticket then ticket = body.ticket else -- If someone downloaded this script separately from Nmap, -- they are likely to be missing the parsing changes to the -- TLS library. Try parsing the body inline. if #body.data <= 4 then stdnse.debug1("NewSessionTicket's body was too short to parse: %d bytes", #body.data) return end _, ticket = (">I4 s2"):unpack(body.data) end break end end until ticket or pos > #buf if not ticket then stdnse.debug1("Server did not send a NewSessionTicket record.") return end -- Create the ClientHello record that triggers the behaviour in -- affected systems. The record must include both a Session ID and a -- TLS Session Ticket extension. -- -- Setting the Session ID to a 16 bytes allows for the remaining 16 -- bytes of the field to be filled with uninitialized memory when it -- is echoed back in the ServerHelloDone record. Using 16 bytes -- reduces the chance of a false positive caused by the server -- issuing us a new, valid session ID that just happens to match the -- random one we provided. local sid_old = stdnse.generate_random_string(16) local hello = tls.client_hello({ ["protocol"] = version, ["session_id"] = sid_old, -- Claim to support every cipher -- Doesn't work with IIS, but only F5 products should be affected ["ciphers"] = stdnse.keys(tls.CIPHERS), ["compressors"] = {"NULL"}, ["extensions"] = { -- Claim to support common elliptic curves ["elliptic_curves"] = tls.EXTENSION_HELPERS["elliptic_curves"](tls.DEFAULT_ELLIPTIC_CURVES), ["SessionTicket TLS"] = ticket, }, }) -- Connect the socket so that it is ready to start a TLS session. if starttls then local status status, socket = starttls(host, port) if not status then stdnse.debug3("StartTLS connection to server failed: %s", socket) return end else socket = nmap.new_socket() local status, err = socket:connect(host, port, "tcp") if not status then stdnse.debug3("Connection to server failed: %s", err) return end end -- Send Client Hello to the target server. local status, err = socket:send(hello) if not status then stdnse.debug1("Couldn't send Client Hello: %s", err) socket:close() return end -- Read responses from server. local status, response, err = tls.record_buffer(socket) socket:close() if err == "TIMEOUT" then stdnse.debug1("Timeout exceeded waiting for Server Hello Done.") return end if not status then stdnse.debug1("Couldn't receive: %s", err) socket:close() return end -- Attempt to parse the response. local _, record = tls.record_read(response) if record == nil then stdnse.debug1("Unrecognized response from server.") return end if record.protocol ~= version then stdnse.debug1("Server responded with a different protocol than we requested: %s", record.protocol) return end if record.type ~= "handshake" then stdnse.debug1("Server failed to respond with a handshake record: %s", record.type) return end -- Search for the ServerHello record, which contains the Session ID -- we want. local sid_new for _, body in ipairs(record.body) do if body.type == "server_hello" then sid_new = body.session_id end end if not sid_new then stdnse.debug1("Failed to receive a Server Hello record.") return end if sid_new == "" then stdnse.debug1("Server did not respond with a session ID.") return end -- Check whether the Session ID matches what we originally sent, -- which should be the case for a properly-functioning TLS stacks. if sid_new == sid_old then stdnse.debug1("Server properly echoed our short, random session ID.") return end -- If the system is unaffected, it should provide a new session ID -- unrelated to the one we provided. Check for the new session ID -- being prefixed by the one we sent, indicating an affected system. if sid_new:sub(1, #sid_old) ~= sid_old then stdnse.debug1("Server responded with a new, unrelated session ID.") stdnse.debug1("Original session ID: %s", stdnse.tohex(sid_old, {separator = ":"})) stdnse.debug1("Received session ID: %s", stdnse.tohex(sid_new, {separator = ":"})) return end return sid_new end action = function(host, port) local vuln_table = { title = "Ticketbleed is a serious issue in products manufactured by F5, a popular vendor of TLS load-balancers. The issue allows for stealing information from the load balancer", state = vulns.STATE.NOT_VULN, risk_factor = "High", description = [[ Ticketbleed is vulnerability in the implementation of the TLS SessionTicket extension found in some F5 products. It allows the leakage ("bleeding") of up to 31 bytes of data from uninitialized memory. This is caused by the TLS stack padding a Session ID, passed from the client, with data to make it 32-bits long. ]], references = { "https://filippo.io/Ticketbleed/", "https://blog.filippo.io/finding-ticketbleed/", "https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K05121675" } } -- Accept user-specified protocols. local vers = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".protocols") or {"TLSv1.0", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2"} if type(vers) == "string" then vers = {vers} end for _, ver in ipairs(vers) do -- Ensure the protocol version is supported. if nil == tls.PROTOCOLS[ver] then return "\n Unsupported protocol version: " .. ver end -- Check for the presence of the vulnerability. local sid = is_vuln(host, port, ver) if sid then vuln_table.state = vulns.STATE.EXPLOIT vuln_table.exploit_results = { stdnse.tohex(sid:sub(17)), (sid:sub(17):gsub("[^%g ]", ".")) } break end end local report = vulns.Report:new(SCRIPT_NAME, host, port) return report:make_output(vuln_table) end