local geoip = require "geoip" local io = require "io" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" description = [[ This script queries the Nmap registry for the GPS coordinates of targets stored by previous geolocation scripts and produces a KML file of points representing the targets. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -sn -Pn --script ip-geolocation-geoplugin,ip-geolocation-map-kml --script-args ip-geolocation-map-kml.map_path=map.kml -- -- @output -- | ip-geolocation-map-kml: -- |_ The map has been saved at 'map.kml'. -- -- @args ip-geolocation-map-kml.map_path (REQUIRED) -- -- @see ip-geolocation-geoplugin.nse -- @see ip-geolocation-ipinfodb.nse -- @see ip-geolocation-map-bing.nse -- @see ip-geolocation-map-google.nse -- @see ip-geolocation-maxmind.nse author = "Mak Kolybabi " license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"safe"} local render = function(path) local kml = {'\n\n '} for ip, coords in pairs(geoip.get_all_by_ip()) do table.insert(kml, ([[ %s %s,%s ]]):format(ip, coords["longitude"], coords["latitude"]) ) end table.insert(kml, ' \n\n') kml = table.concat(kml, "\n") local f = io.open(path, "w") if not f then return false, ("Failed to open file '%s'."):format(path) end if not f:write(kml) then return false, ("Failed to write file '%s'."):format(path) end f:close() return true, ("The map has been saved at '%s'."):format(path) end local parse_args = function() local map_path = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.map_path') if not map_path then return false, "Need to specify a path for the map." end return true, map_path end postrule = function() -- Only run if a previous script has registered geolocation data. return not geoip.empty() end action = function() local output = stdnse.output_table() -- Parse and sanity check the command line arguments. local status, path = parse_args() if not status then output.ERROR = path return output, output.ERROR end -- Render the map. local status, msg = render(path) if not status then output.ERROR = msg return output, output.ERROR end return msg end