local http = require "http" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local table = require "table" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" description = [[ A script to detect WebDAV installations. Uses the OPTIONS and PROPFIND methods. The script sends an OPTIONS request which lists the dav type, server type, date and allowed methods. It then sends a PROPFIND request and tries to fetch exposed directories and internal ip addresses by doing pattern matching in the response body. This script takes inspiration from the various scripts listed here: * http://carnal0wnage.attackresearch.com/2010/05/more-with-metasploit-and-webdav.html * https://github.com/sussurro/Metasploit-Tools/blob/master/modules/auxiliary/scanner/http/webdav_test.rb * http://code.google.com/p/davtest/ ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script http-webdav-scan -p80,8080 -- -- @args http-webdav-scan.path The path to start in; e.g. "/web/" -- will try "/web/xxx". -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 8008/tcp open http -- | http-webdav-scan: -- | Allowed Methods: GET, HEAD, COPY, MOVE, POST, PUT, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, OPTIONS, MKCOL, DELETE, TRACE, REPORT -- | Server Type: DAV/0.9.8 Python/2.7.6 -- | Server Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 19:28:00 GMT -- | WebDAV type: unkown -- | Directory Listing: -- | http://localhosft -- | http://localhost:8008/WebDAVTest_b1tqTWeyRR -- | http://localhost:8008/WebDAVTest_A0QWJb7hcK -- | http://localhost:8008/WebDAVTest_hf9Mqqpi1M -- |_ http://localhost:8008/WebDAVTest_Ds5KBFywDq -- -- @xmloutput -- GET, HEAD, COPY, MOVE, POST, PUT, -- PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, OPTIONS, MKCOL, DELETE, TRACE, REPORT -- DAV/0.9.8 Python/2.7.6 -- Fri, 22 May 2015 19:28:00 GMT -- unkown -- -- http://localhost -- http://localhost:8008/WebDAVTest_b1tqTWeyRR -- http://localhost:8008/WebDAVTest_A0QWJb7hcK -- http://localhost:8008/WebDAVTest_hf9Mqqpi1M -- http://localhost:8008/WebDAVTest_Ds5KBFywDq --
author = "Gyanendra Mishra" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = { "safe", "discovery", "default", } portrule = shortport.http -- a function to test the OPTIONS method. local function get_options (host, port, path) -- check if WebDAV is installed or not. local response = http.generic_request(host, port, "OPTIONS", path) if response and response.status == 200 then local ret = {} ret['Server Type'] = response.header['server'] ret['Allowed Methods'] = response.header['allow'] ret['Public Options'] = response.header['public'] ret['WebDAV'] = false ret['Server Date'] = response.header['date'] if response.header['dav'] and response.header['dav']:find('1') then ret['WebDAV'] = true ret['WebDAV type'] = 'Unkown' if response.header['X-MSDAVEXT'] then ret['WebDAV type'] = 'SHAREPOINT DAV' end if response.header['dav']:match 'apache' then ret['WebDAV type'] = 'Apache DAV' end end return ret else return false end end -- a function to extract internal ip addresses from PROPFIND response. local function getIPs(body) local ip_pats = {'%f[%d]192%.168%.%d+%.%d+', '%f[%d]10%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+', '%f[%d]172%.1[6-9]%.%d+%.%d+', '%f[%d]172%.2%d%.%d+%.%d+', '%f[%d]172%.3[01]%.%d+%.%d+'} local result = {} for _, ip_pat in pairs(ip_pats) do for ip in body:gmatch(ip_pat) do if ipOps.expand_ip(ip) then result[ip] = true end end end return stdnse.keys(result) end -- a function to test the PROPFIND method. local function check_propfind (host, port, path) local options = { header = { ["Depth"] = 1, ["Content-Length"] = 0, }, } local response = http.generic_request(host, port, "PROPFIND", path, options) if response and response.status ~= 207 then return false end local ret = {} ret['WebDAV'] = false local dir_pat = '<.-[hH][rR][eE][fF][^>]->(.-)' if response.body:find 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' then ret['WebDAV'] = true end ret['Server Type'] = response.header['server'] ret['Server Date'] = response.header['date'] local ips = getIPs(response.body) if next(ips) then ret['Exposed Internal IPs'] = getIPs(response.body) end if response.body:gmatch(dir_pat) then ret['Directory Listing'] = {} for dir in response.body:gmatch(dir_pat) do table.insert(ret['Directory Listing'], dir) end end return ret end function action (host, port) local path = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".path") or '/' local enabled = false local output = stdnse.output_table() local info = get_options(host, port, path) if info then if info['WebDAV'] then enabled = true stdnse.debug1("Target has WebDAV enabled.") for name, data in pairs(info) do if name ~= 'WebDAV' then output[name] = data end end else stdnse.debug1 "Target isn't reporting WebDAV" end end local davinfo = check_propfind(host, port, path) if davinfo then if davinfo['WebDAV'] then for name, data in pairs(davinfo) do if not output[name] and name ~= 'WebDAV' then output[name] = data end end if not enabled then stdnse.debug1 "Target has WebDAV enabled." end end end if #output > 0 then return output else return nil end end