description = [[ Checks if various crawling utilities are allowed by the host. ]] --- -- @usage nmap -p80 --script http-useragent-tester.nse -- -- This script sets various User-Agent headers that are used by different -- utilities and crawling libraries (for example CURL or wget). If the request is -- redirected to a page different than a (valid) browser request would be, that -- means that this utility is banned. -- -- @args http-useragent-tester.useragents A table with more User-Agent headers. -- Default: nil -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE REASON -- 80/tcp open http syn-ack -- | http-useragent-tester: -- | Status for browser useragent: 200 -- | Redirected To: -- | Allowed User Agents: -- | Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Nmap Scripting Engine; -- | libwww -- | lwp-trivial -- | libcurl-agent/1.0 -- | PHP/ -- | GT::WWW -- | Snoopy -- | MFC_Tear_Sample -- | HTTP::Lite -- | PHPCrawl -- | URI::Fetch -- | Zend_Http_Client -- | http client -- | PECL::HTTP -- | WWW-Mechanize/1.34 -- | Change in Status Code: -- | Python-urllib/2.5: 403 -- |_ Wget/1.13.4 (linux-gnu): 403 -- -- @xmloutput -- 200 -- -- -- Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Nmap Scripting Engine; -- -- libwww -- lwp-trivial -- libcurl-agent/1.0 -- PHP/ -- GT::WWW -- Snoopy -- MFC_Tear_Sample -- HTTP::Lite -- PHPCrawl -- URI::Fetch -- Zend_Http_Client -- http client -- PECL::HTTP -- WWW-Mechanize/1.34 --
-- -- 403 -- 403 --
--- categories = {"discovery", "safe"} author = "George Chatzisofroniou" license = "Same as Nmap--See" local http = require "http" local target = require "target" local httpspider = require "httpspider" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" local url = require "url" getLastLoc = function(host, port, useragent) local options options = {header={}, no_cache=true, bypass_cache=true, redirect_ok=function(host,port) local c = 3 return function(url) if ( c==0 ) then return false end c = c - 1 return true end end } options['header']['User-Agent'] = useragent stdnse.debug2("Making a request with User-Agent: " .. useragent) local response = http.get(host, port, '/', options) if response.location then return response.location[#response.location],response.status or false, response.status end return false, response.status end portrule = shortport.port_or_service( {80, 443}, {"http", "https"}, "tcp", "open") action = function(host, port) local moreagents = stdnse.get_script_args("http-useragent-tester.useragents") or nil local newtargets = stdnse.get_script_args("newtargets") or nil local output = stdnse.output_table() -- We don't crawl any site. We initialize a crawler to use its iswithinhost method. local crawler = httpspider.Crawler:new(host, port, '/', { scriptname = SCRIPT_NAME } ) local HTTPlibs = { http.USER_AGENT, "libwww", "lwp-trivial", "libcurl-agent/1.0", "PHP/", "Python-urllib/2.5", "GT::WWW", "Snoopy", "MFC_Tear_Sample", "HTTP::Lite", "PHPCrawl", "URI::Fetch", "Zend_Http_Client", "http client", "PECL::HTTP", "Wget/1.13.4 (linux-gnu)", "WWW-Mechanize/1.34" } if moreagents then for _, l in ipairs(moreagents) do table.insert(HTTPlibs, l) end end -- We perform a normal browser request and get the returned location local loc, status = getLastLoc(host, port, "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17") output['Status for browser useragent'] = status if loc then output['Redirected To'] = loc end local allowed, forb, status_changed = {}, {}, {} for _, l in ipairs(HTTPlibs) do local libloc, libstatus = getLastLoc(host, port, l) -- If the library's request returned a different location, that means the request was redirected somewhere else, hence is forbidden. if libloc and loc ~= libloc then forb[l] = {} local libhost = url.parse(libloc) if not crawler:iswithinhost( then forb[l]['Different Host'] = tostring(libloc) if newtargets then target.add( end else forb[l]['Same Host'] = tostring(libloc) end elseif status ~= libstatus then status_changed[l] = libstatus else table.insert(allowed, l) end end if next(allowed) ~= nil then output['Allowed User Agents'] = allowed end if next(forb) ~= nil then output['Forbidden/Redirected User Agents'] = forb end if next(status_changed) ~= nil then output['Change in Status Code'] = status_changed end return output end