local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local shortport = require "shortport" local tn3270 = require "tn3270" local brute = require "brute" local creds = require "creds" local unpwdb = require "unpwdb" local io = require "io" local table = require "table" local string = require "string" description = [[ CICS transaction ID enumerator for IBM mainframes. This script is based on mainframe_brute by Dominic White (https://github.com/sensepost/mainframe_brute). However, this script doesn't rely on any third party libraries or tools and instead uses the NSE TN3270 library which emulates a TN3270 screen in lua. CICS only allows for 4 byte transaction IDs, that is the only specific rule found for CICS transaction IDs. ]] --- -- @args idlist Path to list of transaction IDs. -- Defaults to the list of CICS transactions from IBM. -- @args cics-enum.commands Commands in a semi-colon seperated list needed -- to access CICS. Defaults to CICS. -- @args cics-enum.path Folder used to store valid transaction id 'screenshots' -- Defaults to None and doesn't store anything. -- @args cics-enum.user Username to use for authenticated enumeration -- @args cics-enum.pass Password to use for authenticated enumeration -- -- @usage -- nmap --script=cics-enum -p 23 -- -- nmap --script=cics-enum --script-args=idlist=default_cics.txt, -- cics-enum.command="exit;logon applid(cics42)", -- cics-enum.path="/home/dade/screenshots/",cics-enum.noSSL=true -p 23 -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 23/tcp open tn3270 -- | cics-enum: -- | Accounts: -- | CBAM: Valid - CICS Transaction ID -- | CETR: Valid - CICS Transaction ID -- | CEST: Valid - CICS Transaction ID -- | CMSG: Valid - CICS Transaction ID -- | CEDA: Valid - CICS Transaction ID -- | CEDF: Potentially Valid - CICS Transaction ID -- | DSNC: Valid - CICS Transaction ID -- |_ Statistics: Performed 31 guesses in 114 seconds, average tps: 0 -- -- @changelog -- 2015-07-04 - v0.1 - created by Soldier of Fortran -- 2015-11-14 - v0.2 - rewrote iterator -- 2017-01-22 - v0.3 - added authenticated CICS ID enumeration -- -- @author Philip Young -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html -- author = "Philip Young aka Soldier of Fortran" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"intrusive", "brute"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service({23,992}, "tn3270") --- Saves the Screen generated by the CICS command to disk -- -- @param filename string containing the name and full path to the file -- @param data contains the data -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return err string containing error message if status is false local function save_screens( filename, data ) local f = io.open( filename, "w") if not f then return false, ("Failed to open file (%s)"):format(filename) end if not(f:write(data)) then return false, ("Failed to write file (%s)"):format(filename) end f:close() return true end Driver = { new = function(self, host, port, options) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.host = host o.port = port o.options = options o.tn3270 = tn3270.Telnet:new() return o end, connect = function( self ) local status, err = self.tn3270:initiate(self.host,self.port) self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) if not status then stdnse.debug("Could not initiate TN3270: %s", err ) return false end return true end, disconnect = function( self ) self.tn3270:disconnect() self.tn3270 = nil return true end, login = function (self, user, pass) -- pass is actually the CICS transaction we want to try local commands = self.options['key1'] local path = self.options['key2'] local cics_user = self.options['user'] local cics_pass = self.options['pass'] local timeout = 300 local max_blank = 1 local loop = 1 local err, status stdnse.debug(2,"Getting to CICS") local run = stdnse.strsplit(";%s*", commands) for i = 1, #run do stdnse.debug(1,"Issuing Command (#%s of %s): %s", i, #run ,run[i]) self.tn3270:send_cursor(run[i]) self.tn3270:get_all_data() self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) end while self.tn3270:isClear() and max_blank < 7 do stdnse.debug(2, "Screen is not clear for %s. Reading all data with a timeout of %s. Count %s",pass, timeout, max_blank) self.tn3270:get_all_data(timeout) timeout = timeout + 100 max_blank = max_blank + 1 end while not self.tn3270:isClear() and loop < 10 do -- by this point we're at *some* CICS transaction -- so we send F3 to exit it stdnse.debug(2,"Sending: F3") self.tn3270:send_pf(3) -- send F3 self.tn3270:get_all_data() self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) -- now we want to clear the screen self.tn3270:send_clear() self.tn3270:get_all_data() stdnse.debug(2,"Current CLEARed Screen. Loop: %s", loop ) self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) loop = loop + 1 end if loop == 10 then -- something is wrong but we can still try transactions. Print error to debug. stdnse.debug('Error. Failed to get to a blank screen under CICS (sending F3 followed by CLEAR). Try lowering maxthreads to fix.') end -- If username/password provided try to authenticate first if not (cics_user == nil and cics_pass == nil) then -- We're doing authenticated CICS testing now baby! stdnse.debug(2,'Logging in with %s / %s for auth testing', cics_user, cics_pass) self.tn3270:send_cursor('CESN') self.tn3270:get_all_data() self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) local fields = self.tn3270:writeable() -- Get the writeable field areas local user_loc = {fields[1][1],cics_user} -- This is the 'UserID:' field local pass_loc = {fields[3][1],cics_pass} -- This is the 'Password:' field ([2] is a group ID) stdnse.debug(2,'Trying CICS: %s : %s', user, pass) self.tn3270:send_locations({user_loc,pass_loc}) self.tn3270:get_all_data() stdnse.debug(2,"Screen Received for User ID: %s / %s", user, pass) self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) local count = 1 while not self.tn3270:find('DFHCE3549') and count < 6 do -- some systems show a message for a bit before we get to CICS again self.tn3270:get_all_data(1000) -- loop for 6 seconds count = count + 1 end end self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) self.tn3270:send_clear() self.tn3270:get_all_data() self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.verbose("Trying Transaction ID: %s", pass) self.tn3270:send_cursor(pass) self.tn3270:get_all_data() max_blank = 1 while self.tn3270:isClear() and max_blank < 7 do stdnse.debug(2, "Screen is not clear for %s. Reading all data with a timeout of %s. Count %s",pass, timeout, max_blank) self.tn3270:get_all_data(timeout) timeout = timeout + 100 max_blank = max_blank + 1 end stdnse.debug(2,"Screen Received for Transaction ID: %s", pass) self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) if self.tn3270:find('not recognized') or self.tn3270:find('DFHAC2002') then -- known invalid command stdnse.debug("Invalid CICS Transaction ID: %s", string.upper(pass)) return false, brute.Error:new( "Incorrect CICS Transaction ID" ) elseif self.tn3270:isClear() then stdnse.debug(2,"Empty Screen when we expect an error.") -- this can mean that the transaction ID was valid -- but it didn't send a screen update so you should check by hand. -- We're not dumping this screen to disk because it's blank. return true, creds.Account:new("CICS ID [blank screen]", string.upper(pass), creds.State.VALID) elseif self.tn3270:find('Unauthorized') or self.tn3270:find('DFHAC2002') then -- this is a VALID cics transaction but you must be authenticated to used it -- This will be the same screen for each so we dont bother saving it either stdnse.verbose("Valid CICS Transaction ID [requires auth]: %s", string.upper(pass)) return true, creds.Account:new("CICS ID [requires auth]", string.upper(pass), creds.State.VALID) elseif self.tn3270:find('DFHAC2008') or self.tn3270:find('DFHAC2206') or self.tn3270:find('DFHAC2028') or self.tn3270:find('DFHRT4415') or self.tn3270:find('DFHRT4480') or self.tn3270:find('TSS7254E') then -- these are technically valid CICS transactions -- but they are of little/no value. If verbosity is turned way up we'll return these/save a screenshot -- otherwise there's no point -- DFHAC2008 -- TranID has been Disabled -- DFHAC2206 -- Abend -- DFHRT4415 -- Cannot access through terminal -- DFHRT4480 -- No Longer Supported -- DFHAC2028 -- cannot be used -- TSS7254E -- Access not available through this facility stdnse.verbose("Valid CICS Transaction ID [Abbend or ID Disabled]: %s", string.upper(pass)) if nmap.verbosity() > 3 then if path ~= nil then stdnse.verbose(2,"Writting screen to: %s", path..string.upper(pass)..".txt") status, err = save_screens(path..string.upper(pass)..".txt",self.tn3270:get_screen()) if not status then stdnse.verbose(2,"Failed writting screen to: %s", path..string.upper(pass)..".txt") end end return true, creds.Account:new("CICS ID [Abbend]", string.upper(pass), creds.State.VALID) else return false, brute.Error:new( "Correct Transaction ID - Access Denied" ) end elseif not (cics_user == nil and cics_pass == nil) and (self.tn3270:find('TSS7251E') or self.tn3270:find('DFHAC2033')) then -- We've logged on but we don't have access to this transaction -- TSS7251E : Access Denied to PROGRAM -- DFHAC2033 : You are not authorized to use transaction stdnse.verbose("Valid CICS Transaction ID [Access Denied]: %s", string.upper(pass)) if nmap.verbosity() > 3 then return true, creds.Account:new("CICS ID [Access Denied]", string.upper(pass), creds.State.VALID) else return false, brute.Error:new( "Correct Transaction ID - Access Denied" ) end else stdnse.verbose("Valid CICS Transaction ID: %s", string.upper(pass)) if path ~= nil then stdnse.verbose(2,"Writting screen to: %s", path..string.upper(pass)..".txt") status, err = save_screens(path..string.upper(pass)..".txt",self.tn3270:get_screen()) if not status then stdnse.verbose(2,"Failed writting screen to: %s", path..string.upper(pass)..".txt") end end return true, creds.Account:new("CICS ID", string.upper(pass), creds.State.VALID) end return false, brute.Error:new("Something went wrong, we didn't get a proper response") end } --- Tests the target to see if we can even get to CICS -- -- @param host host NSE object -- @param port port NSE object -- @param user CICS userID -- @param pass CICS userID password -- @param commands optional script-args of commands to use to get to CICS -- @return status true on success, false on failure local function cics_test( host, port, commands, user, pass ) stdnse.debug("Checking for CICS") local tn = tn3270.Telnet:new() local status, err = tn:initiate(host,port) local msg = 'Unable to get to CICS' local cics = false -- initially we're not at CICS if not status then stdnse.debug("Could not initiate TN3270: %s", err ) return cics end tn:get_screen_debug(2) -- prints TN3270 screen to debug stdnse.debug("Getting to CICS") local run = stdnse.strsplit(";%s*", commands) for i = 1, #run do stdnse.debug(1,"Issuing Command (#%s of %s): %s", i, #run ,run[i]) tn:send_cursor(run[i]) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) end tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) -- for debug purposes -- we should technically be at CICS. So we send: -- * F3 to exit the CICS program -- * CLEAR (a tn3270 command) to clear the screen. -- (you need to clear before sending a transaction ID) -- * a known default CICS transaction ID with predictable outcome -- (CESF with 'Sign-off is complete.' as the result) -- to confirm that we were in CICS. If so we return true -- otherwise we return false local count = 1 while not tn:isClear() and count < 6 do -- some systems will just kick you off others are slow in responding -- this loop continues to try getting out of CICS 6 times. If it can't -- then we probably weren't in CICS to begin with. if tn:find("Signon") then stdnse.debug(2,"Found 'Signon' sending PF3") tn:send_pf(3) tn:get_all_data() end tn:get_all_data() stdnse.debug(2,"Clearing the Screen") tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) count = count + 1 end if count == 6 then return cics end stdnse.debug(2,"Sending CESF (CICS Default Sign-off)") tn:send_cursor('CESF') tn:get_all_data() if tn:isClear() then tn:get_all_data(1000) end tn:get_screen_debug(2) if tn:find('off is complete.') then cics = true end if not (user == nil and pass == nil) then -- We're doing authenticated CICS testing now baby! stdnse.verbose(2,'Logging in with %s / %s for auth testing', user, pass) tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) tn:send_cursor('CESN') tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) local fields = tn:writeable() -- Get the writeable field areas local user_loc = {fields[1][1],user} -- This is the 'UserID:' field local pass_loc = {fields[3][1],pass} -- This is the 'Password:' field ([2] is a group ID) stdnse.verbose('Trying CICS: %s : %s', user, pass) tn:send_locations({user_loc,pass_loc}) tn:get_all_data() stdnse.debug(2,"Screen Received for User ID: %s / %s", user, pass) tn:get_screen_debug(2) count = 1 while not tn:find('DFHCE3549') and count < 6 do tn:get_all_data(1000) -- loop for 6 seconds tn:get_screen_debug(2) count = count + 1 end if not tn:find('DFHCE3549') then cics = false msg = 'Unable to access CICS with User: '..user..' / Pass: '..pass else tn:send_cursor('CESF') tn:get_all_data() end end tn:disconnect() return cics,msg end -- Filter iterator for unpwdb -- CICS is limited to 4 characters. local valid_cics = function(x) return (string.len(x) <= 4) end function iter(t) local i, val return function() i, val = next(t, i) return val end end action = function(host, port) local cics_id_file = stdnse.get_script_args("idlist") local path = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.path') -- Folder for screenshots local commands = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.commands') or 'cics'-- VTAM commands/macros to get to CICS local username = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.user') or nil local password = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.pass') or nil local cics_ids = {"CADP", "CATA", "CATD", "CATR", "CBAM", "CCIN", "CCRL", "CDBC", "CDBD", "CDBF", "CDBI", "CDBM", "CDBN", "CDBO", "CDBQ", "CDBT", "CDFS", "CDST", "CDTS", "CEBR", "CEBT", "CECI", "CECS", "CEDA", "CEDB", "CEDC", "CEDF", "CEDX", "CEGN", "CEHP", "CEHS", "CEKL", "CEMN", "CEMT", "CEOT", "CEPD", "CEPF", "CEPH", "CEPM", "CEPQ", "CEPS", "CEPT", "CESC", "CESD", "CESF", "CESL", "CESN", "CEST", "CETR", "CEX2", "CFCL", "CFCR", "CFOR", "CFQR", "CFQS", "CFTL", "CFTS", "CGRP", "CHLP", "CIDP", "CIEP", "CIND", "CIS1", "CIS4", "CISB", "CISC", "CISD", "CISE", "CISM", "CISP", "CISQ", "CISR", "CISS", "CIST", "CISU", "CISX", "CITS", "CJLR", "CJSA", "CJSL", "CJSR", "CJTR", "CKAM", "CKBC", "CKBM", "CKBP", "CKBR", "CKCN", "CKDL", "CKDP", "CKQC", "CKRS", "CKRT", "CKSD", "CKSQ", "CKTI", "CLDM", "CLQ2", "CLR1", "CLR2", "CLS1", "CLS2", "CLS3", "CLS4", "CMAC", "CMPX", "CMSG", "CMTS", "COVR", "CPCT", "CPIA", "CPIH", "CPIL", "CPIQ", "CPIR", "CPIS", "CPLT", "CPMI", "CPSS", "CQPI", "CQPO", "CQRY", "CRLR", "CRMD", "CRMF", "CRPA", "CRPC", "CRPM", "CRSQ", "CRSR", "CRST", "CRSY", "CRTE", "CRTP", "CRTX", "CSAC", "CSCY", "CSFE", "CSFR", "CSFU", "CSGM", "CSHA", "CSHQ", "CSHR", "CSKP", "CSMI", "CSM1", "CSM2", "CSM3", "CSM5", "CSNC", "CSNE", "CSOL", "CSPG", "CSPK", "CSPP", "CSPQ", "CSPS", "CSQC", "CSRK", "CSRS", "CSSF", "CSSY", "CSTE", "CSTP", "CSXM", "CSZI", "CTIN", "CTSD", "CVMI", "CWBA", "CWBG", "CWTO", "CWWU", "CWXN", "CWXU", "CW2A", "CXCU", "CXRE", "CXRT", "DSNC"} -- Default CICS from https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSGMCP_5.2.0/com.ibm.cics.ts.systemprogramming.doc/topics/dfha726.html cics_id_file = ( (cics_id_file and nmap.fetchfile(cics_id_file)) or cics_id_file ) if cics_id_file then for l in io.lines(cics_id_file) do if not l:match("#!comment:") then table.insert(cics_ids, l) end end end local cicstst,msg = cics_test(host, port, commands, username, password) if cicstst then local title = 'CICS Transaction IDs' if not(username == nil and password == nil) then title = 'CICS Transaction IDs for User: '.. username end local options = { key1 = commands, key2 = path, user = username, pass = password } stdnse.debug("Starting CICS Transaction ID Enumeration") if path ~= nil then stdnse.verbose(2,"Saving Screenshots to: %s", path) end local engine = brute.Engine:new(Driver, host, port, options) engine.options.script_name = SCRIPT_NAME engine:setPasswordIterator(unpwdb.filter_iterator(iter(cics_ids), valid_cics)) engine.options.passonly = true engine.options:setTitle(title) local status, result = engine:start() return result else return msg end end