local json = require "json" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local tab = require "tab" local target = require "target" description = [[ Listens for the LAN sync information broadcasts that the Dropbox.com client broadcasts every 20 seconds, then prints all the discovered client IP addresses, port numbers, version numbers, display names, and more. If the newtargets script argument is given, all discovered Dropbox clients will be added to the Nmap target list rather than just listed in the output. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script=broadcast-dropbox-listener -- nmap --script=broadcast-dropbox-listener --script-args=newtargets -Pn -- @output -- Pre-scan script results: -- | broadcast-dropbox-listener: -- | displayname ip port version host_int namespaces -- |_noob 17500 1.8 34176083 26135075 -- -- Pre-scan script results: -- | broadcast-dropbox-listener: -- | displayname ip port version host_int namespaces -- |_noob 17500 1.8 34176083 26135075 -- Nmap scan report for -- Host is up (0.00073s latency). -- Not shown: 997 filtered ports -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 139/tcp open netbios-ssn -- 445/tcp open microsoft-ds -- 1047/tcp open neod1 author = {"Ron Bowes", "Mak Kolybabi", "Andrew Orr", "Russ Tait Milne"} license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"broadcast", "safe"} local DROPBOX_BROADCAST_PERIOD = 20 local DROPBOX_PORT = 17500 prerule = function() return true end action = function() -- Start listening for broadcasts. local sock = nmap.new_socket("udp") sock:set_timeout(2 * DROPBOX_BROADCAST_PERIOD * 1000) local status, result = sock:bind(nil, DROPBOX_PORT) if not status then stdnse.debug1("Could not bind on port %d: %s", DROPBOX_PORT, result) sock:close() return end -- Keep track of the IDs we've already seen. local ids = {} -- Initialize the output table. local results = tab.new(6) tab.addrow( results, 'displayname', 'ip', 'port', 'version', 'host_int', 'namespaces' ) local status, result = sock:receive() while status do -- Parse JSON. local status, info = json.parse(result) if status then -- Get IP address of broadcasting host. local status, _, _, ip, _ = sock:get_info() if not status then stdnse.debug1("Failed to get socket info.") break end stdnse.debug1("Received broadcast from host %s (%s).", info.displayname, ip) -- Check if we've already seen this ID. if ids[info.host_int] then -- We can stop now, since we've seen the same ID twice -- If ever a host sends a broadcast twice in a row, this will -- artificially stop the listener. I can't think of a workaround -- for now, so this will have to do. break end ids[info.host_int] = true -- Add host scan list. if target.ALLOW_NEW_TARGETS then target.add(ip) end -- Add host to list. for _, key1 in pairs({"namespaces", "version"}) do for key2, val in pairs(info[key1]) do info[key1][key2] = tostring(info[key1][key2]) end end tab.addrow( results, info.displayname, ip, info.port, stdnse.strjoin(".", info.version), info.host_int, stdnse.strjoin(", ", info.namespaces) ) stdnse.debug1("Added host %s.", info.displayname) end status, result = sock:receive() end sock:close() -- If no broadcasts received, don't output anything. if not next(ids) then return end -- Format table, without trailing newline. results = tab.dump(results) results = results:sub(1, #results - 1) return "\n" .. results end