--- -- Bitwise operations on integers. -- -- THIS LIBRARY IS DEPRECATED, Please use native Lua 5.3 bitwise operators. -- -- @copyright BSD License -- @see https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#3.4.2 -- @class module -- @name bit local select = select local _ENV = {} --- Returns the one's complement of a. -- -- REPLACEMENT: ~a -- @param a Number. -- @return The one's complement of a. function bnot(a) return ~a end --- Returns the bitwise and of all its arguments. -- -- REPLACEMENT: a & b -- @param ... A variable number of Numbers to and. -- @return The anded result. function band(a, b, ...) a = a & b if select("#", ...) > 0 then return band(a, ...) else return a end end --- Returns the bitwise or of all its arguments. -- -- REPLACEMENT: a | b -- @param ... A variable number of Numbers to or. -- @return The ored result. function bor(a, b, ...) a = a | b if select("#", ...) > 0 then return bor(a, ...) else return a end end --- Returns the bitwise exclusive or of all its arguments. -- -- REPLACEMENT: a ~ b -- @param ... A variable number of Numbers to exclusive or. -- @return The exclusive ored result. function bxor(a, b, ...) a = a ~ b if select("#", ...) > 0 then return bxor(a, ...) else return a end end --- Returns a left-shifted by b places. -- -- REPLACEMENT: a << b -- @param a Number to perform the shift on. -- @param b Number of shifts. function lshift(a, b) return a << b end --- Returns a right-shifted by b places. -- -- REPLACEMENT: a >> b -- @param a Number to perform the shift on. -- @param b Number of shifts. function rshift(a, b) return a >> b end --- Returns a arithmetically right-shifted by b -- places. -- @param a Number to perform the shift on. -- @param b Number of shifts. function arshift(a, b) if a < 0 then if a % 2 == 0 then -- even? return a // (1<> b end end --- Returns the integer remainder of a divided by b. -- -- REPLACEMENT: a % b -- @param a Dividend. -- @param b Divisor. function mod(a, b) return a % b end return _ENV