local stdnse = require "stdnse" local nmap = require "nmap" local lpeg = require "lpeg" local U = require "lpeg-utility" local table = require "table" description = [[ Prints the readable strings from service fingerprints of unknown services. ]] --- --@usage -- nmap -sV --script fingerprint-strings -- --@output --| fingerprint-strings: --| DNSStatusRequest, GenericLines, LANDesk-RC, TLSSessionReq: --| bobo --| bobobo --| GetRequest, HTTPOptions, LPDString, NULL, RTSPRequest, giop, oracle-tns: --| bobobo --| Help, LDAPSearchReq, TerminalServer: --| bobobo --| bobobo --| Kerberos, NotesRPC, SIPOptions: --| bobo --| LDAPBindReq: --| bobobo --| bobo --| bobobo --| SSLSessionReq, SSLv23SessionReq: --| bobo --| bobobo --| bobo --| afp: --| bobo --|_ bobo -- --@args fingerprint-strings.n The number of printable ASCII characters required to make up a "string" (Default: 4) author = "Daniel Miller" categories = {"version"} portrule = function (host, port) -- Run for any port that has a service fingerprint indicating an unknown service -- OK to run at any version intensity (e.g. not checking nmap.version_intensity) -- because no traffic is sent and lower intensity is more likely to not match. return port.version and port.version.service_fp end -- Create a table if necessary and append to it local function safe_append (t, v) if t then t[#t+1] = v else t = {v} end return t end -- Extract strings of length n or greater. local function strings (blob, n) local pat = lpeg.P { (lpeg.V "plain" + lpeg.V "skip")^1, -- Collect long-enough string of printable and space characters plain = (lpeg.R "\x21\x7e" + lpeg.V "space")^n, -- Collapse white space space = (lpeg.S " \t"^1)/" ", -- Skip anything else skip = ((lpeg.R "\x21\x7e"^-(n-1) * (lpeg.R "\0 " + lpeg.R "\x7f\xff")^1)^1)/"\n ", } return lpeg.match(lpeg.Cs(pat), blob) end action = function(host, port) -- Get the table of probe responses local responses = U.parse_fp(port.version.service_fp) -- extract the probe names local probes = stdnse.keys(responses) -- If there were no probes (WEIRD!) we're done. if #probes <= 0 then return nil end local min = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".n") or 4 -- Ensure probes show up in the same order every time table.sort(probes) local invert = {} for i=1, #probes do -- Extract the strings from this probe local plain = strings(responses[probes[i]], min) if plain then stdnse.debug1("%s:>>>%s<<<", probes[i], plain) -- rearrange some whitespace to look nice plain = plain:gsub("^[\n ]*", "\n "):gsub("[\n ]+$", "") -- Gather all the probes that had this same set of strings. if plain ~= "" then invert[plain] = safe_append(invert[plain], probes[i]) end end end -- If none of the probes had sufficiently long strings, then we're done. if not next(invert) then return nil end -- Now reverse the representation so that strings are listed under probes local labels = {} local lookup = {} for plain, plist in pairs(invert) do local label = table.concat(plist, ", ") labels[#labels+1] = label lookup[label] = plain end -- Always keep sorted order! table.sort(labels) local out = stdnse.output_table() for i=1, #labels do out[labels[i]] = lookup[labels[i]] end -- XML output will not be very useful because this is intended for users eyes only. return out end