local bin = require "bin" local dns = require "dns" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" description = [[ Retrieves information from a DNS nameserver by requesting its nameserver ID (nsid) and asking for its id.server and version.bind values. This script performs the same queries as the following two dig commands: - dig CH TXT bind.version @target - dig +nsid CH TXT id.server @target References: [1]http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5001.txt [2]http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4892.txt ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -sSU -p 53 --script dns-nsid -- -- @output -- 53/udp open domain udp-response -- | dns-nsid: -- | NSID dns.example.com (646E732E6578616D706C652E636F6D) -- | id.server: dns.example.com -- |_ bind.version: 9.7.3-P3 -- -- @xmloutput -- -- mia01.l.root-servers.org -- 6d696130312e6c2e726f6f742d736572766572732e6f7267 --
-- mia01.l.root-servers.org -- NSD 3.2.15 author = "John R. Bond" license = "Simplified (2-clause) BSD license--See https://nmap.org/svn/docs/licenses/BSD-simplified" categories = {"discovery", "default", "safe"} portrule = function (host, port) if not shortport.port_or_service(53, "domain", {"tcp", "udp"})(host, port) then return false end -- only check tcp if udp is not open or open|filtered if port.protocol == 'tcp' then local tmp_port = nmap.get_port_state(host, {number=port.number, protocol="udp"}) if tmp_port then return not string.match(tmp_port.state, '^open') end end return true end local function rr_filter(pktRR, label) for _, rec in ipairs(pktRR, label) do if ( rec[label] and 0 < #rec.data ) then if ( dns.types.OPT == rec.dtype ) then local pos, _, len = bin.unpack(">SS", rec.data) if ( len ~= #rec.data - pos + 1 ) then return false, "Failed to decode NSID" end return true, select(2, bin.unpack("A" .. len, rec.data, pos)) else return true, select(2, bin.unpack("p", rec.data)) end end end end action = function(host, port) local result = stdnse.output_table() local flag = false local status, resp = dns.query("id.server", {host = host.ip, port=port.number, proto=port.protocol, dtype='TXT', class=dns.CLASS.CH, retAll=true, retPkt=true, nsid=true, dnssec=true}) if ( status ) then local status, nsid = rr_filter(resp.add,'OPT') if ( status ) then flag = true -- RFC 5001 says NSID can be any arbitrary bytes, and should be displayed -- as hex, but often it is a readable string. Store both. result["NSID"] = { raw = nsid, hex = stdnse.tohex(nsid) } setmetatable(result["NSID"], { __tostring = function(t) return ("%s (%s)"):format(t.raw, t.hex) end }) end local status, id_server = rr_filter(resp.answers,'TXT') if ( status ) then flag = true result["id.server"] = id_server end end local status, bind_version = dns.query("version.bind", {host = host.ip, port=port.number, proto=port.protocol, dtype='TXT', class=dns.CLASS.CH}) if ( status ) then flag = true result["bind.version"] = bind_version end if flag then return result end end