--- -- FTP functions. -- -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html local comm = require "comm" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local nmap = require "nmap" _ENV = stdnse.module("ftp", stdnse.seeall) local ERROR_MESSAGES = { ["EOF"] = "connection closed", ["TIMEOUT"] = "connection timeout", ["ERROR"] = "failed to receive data" } local crlf_pattern = "\r?\n" --- Connects to the FTP server based on the provided options and returns the parsed banner. -- -- @param host The host table -- @param port The port table -- @param opts The connection option table, from comm.lua. -- @return socket The socket descriptor, or nil on errors -- @return code The numeric response code, as returned by read_reply, or error message if socket is nil. -- @return message The response message -- @return buffer The socket read buffer function, to be passed to read_reply. -- @see comm.lua connect = function(host, port, opts) opts = opts or {} opts.recv_before = true local socket, err, proto, ret = comm.tryssl(host, port, '', opts) if not socket then return socket, (ERROR_MESSAGES[ret] or 'unspecified error') end local buffer = stdnse.make_buffer(socket, crlf_pattern) local pos = 1 -- Should we just pass the output of buffer()? local usebuf = false -- Since we already read the first chunk of banner from the socket, -- we have to supply it line-by-line to read_reply. local code, message = read_reply(function() if usebuf then -- done reading the initial banner; pass along the socket buffer. return buffer() end -- Look for CRLF local i, j = ret:find(crlf_pattern, pos) if not i then -- Didn't find it! Grab another chunk (up to CRLF) and return it usebuf = true local chunk = buffer() return ret:sub(pos) .. chunk end local oldpos = pos -- start the next search just after CRLF pos = j + 1 if pos >= #ret then -- We consumed the whole thing! Start calling buffer() next. usebuf = true end return ret:sub(oldpos, i - 1) end) return socket, code, message, buffer end --- -- Read an FTP reply and return the numeric code and the message. See RFC 959, -- section 4.2. -- @param buffer The buffer returned by ftp.connect or created with -- stdnse.make_buffer(socket, "\r?\n"). -- @return numeric code or nil. -- @return text reply or error message. function read_reply(buffer) local readline local line, err local code, message local _, p, tmp line, err = buffer() if not line then return line, err end -- Single-line response? code, message = string.match(line, "^(%d%d%d) (.*)$") if code then return tonumber(code), message end -- Multi-line response? _, p, code, message = string.find(line, "^(%d%d%d)%-(.*)$") if p then while true do line, err = buffer() if not line then return line, err end tmp = string.match(line, "^%d%d%d (.*)$") if tmp then message = message .. "\n" .. tmp break end message = message .. "\n" .. line end return tonumber(code), message end return nil, string.format("Unparseable response: %q", line) end --- Close an FTP command connection -- -- @param socket The socket with the live connection function close(socket) socket:send("QUIT\r\n") socket:close() end --- Issue a STARTTLS command. -- -- @param socket The connected command socket -- @param buffer The socket read buffer -- @return Boolean true if AUTH TLS succeeded, false otherwise -- @return error string on failure function starttls(socket, buffer) -- Send AUTH TLS command, ask the service to start encryption local status, err = socket:send("AUTH TLS\r\n") if not status then return nil, err end local code, result = read_reply(buffer) return code == 234, result end local function is_ssl(socket) return pcall(socket.get_ssl_certificate, socket) end -- Should we try STARTTLS based on this error? local function should_try_ssl(code, message) return code and code >= 400 and ( message:match('[Ss][Ss][Ll]') or message:match('[Tt][Ll][Ss]') or message:match('[Ss][Ee][Cc][Uu][Rr]') ) end -- Try to reconnect over STARTTLS. local function reconnect_ssl(socket, buffer) local status, err = starttls(socket, buffer) if status then status, err = socket:reconnect_ssl() if status then return true end end return nil, err end --- Authenticate with username and password -- -- May negotiate AUTH TLS if required -- @param socket The connected command socket -- @param buffer The socket read buffer -- @param username The username to send -- @param password The password to send -- @param acct (optional) If the server requires it, send this account name. Default: username -- @return Boolean true if auth succeeded, false otherwise -- @return FTP response code -- @return FTP response message function auth(socket, buffer, username, password, acct) local already_ssl = is_ssl(socket) ::TRY_AGAIN:: local status, err = socket:send(("USER %s\r\n"):format(username)) if not status then return nil, err end local code, message = read_reply(buffer) if code == 331 then -- 331: User name okay, need password. status, err =socket:send(("PASS %s\r\n"):format(password)) if not status then return nil, err end code, message = read_reply(buffer) elseif not already_ssl and should_try_ssl(code, message) then if not reconnect_ssl(socket, buffer) then return nil end already_ssl = true goto TRY_AGAIN end if code == 332 then -- 332: Need account for login. -- This is rarely seen but may come in response to a -- USER or PASS command. status, err = socket:send("ACCT %s\r\n"):format(acct or username) if not status then return nil, err end code, message = read_reply(buffer) if code == 331 then -- 331: User name okay, need password. status, err = socket:send("PASS %s\r\n"):format(password) if not status then return nil, err end code, message = read_reply(buffer) elseif not already_ssl and should_try_ssl(code, message) then if not reconnect_ssl(socket, buffer) then return nil end already_ssl = true goto TRY_AGAIN end end if code and code >= 200 and code < 300 then -- We are primarily looking for 230: User logged in, proceed. return true, code, message else if code and not already_ssl and should_try_ssl(code, message) then if not reconnect_ssl(socket, buffer) then return nil end already_ssl = true goto TRY_AGAIN end return nil, code, message end end --- Start PASV mode -- -- For IPv6 connections, attempts to use EPSV (RFC 2428). If the server sends an address that is not the target address, then this is an error. -- @param socket The connected command socket -- @param buffer The receive buffer -- @return The connected data socket, or nil on error -- @return Error message if data socket is nil function pasv(socket, buffer) local epsv = false local status, lhost, lport, rhost, rport = socket:get_info() if not status then return nil, ("Can't determine remote host IP: %s"):format(lhost) end epsv = #ipOps.ip_to_str(rhost) > 4 ::TRY_AGAIN:: local cmd = epsv and "EPSV" or "PASV" -- ask the server for a Passive Mode: it should give us a port to -- listen to, where it will dump the directory listing local status, err = socket:send(cmd .. "\r\n") if not status then return status, err end local code, message = read_reply(buffer) local pasv_port if epsv then if not code then return nil, ("EPSV failed: socket %s"):format(message) elseif code ~= 229 then stdnse.debug2("Falling back to PASV. EPSV: %d %s", code, message) epsv = false goto TRY_AGAIN end status, pasv_port = string.match(message, "%((.)%1%1(%d+)%1%)") if not status then stdnse.debug2("Can't parse EPSV response: %s", message) epsv = false goto TRY_AGAIN end else if not code or code >= 300 then return nil, ("PASV failed: %d %s"):format(code or "socket", message) end -- Compute the PASV port as given by the server -- The server should answer with something like -- 2xx Entering Passive Mode (a,b,c,d,hp,lp) -- (-- IP--,PORT) -- PORT is (hp x 256) + lp local ip, high, low = string.match(message, "%((%d+,%d+,%d+,%d+),(%d+),(%d+)%)") if not ip then return nil, string.format("Can't parse PASV response: %q", message) end ip = ip:gsub(",", ".") if not (ipOps.compare_ip(ip, "eq", rhost) or ipOps.compare_ip(ip, "eq", "")) then return nil, ("PASV IP %s is not the same as %s"):format(ip, rhost) end pasv_port = high * 256 + low end local list_socket = nmap.new_socket() status, err = list_socket:connect(rhost, pasv_port, "tcp") if not status then return status, err end return list_socket end return _ENV;