local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local comm = require "comm" local ipOps = require "ipOps" description = [[ Tridium Niagara Fox is a protocol used within Building Automation Systems. Based off Billy Rios and Terry McCorkle's work this Nmap NSE will collect information from A Tridium Niagara system. http://digitalbond.com ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap --script fox-info.nse -p 1911 -- -- @output -- 1911/tcp open Niagara Fox -- | fox-info: -- | fox.version: 1.0.1 -- | hostName: xpvm-0omdc01xmy -- | hostAddress: -- | app.name: Workbench -- | app.version: 3.7.44 -- | vm.name: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM -- | vm.version: 20.4-b02 -- | os.name: Windows XP -- | timeZone: America/Chicago -- | hostId: Win-99CB-D49D-5442-07BB -- | vmUuid: 8b530bc8-76c5-4139-a2ea-0fabd394d305 -- |_ brandId: vykon -- -- @xmloutput --1.0.1 --xpvm-0omdc01xmy -- --Workbench --3.7.44 --Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM --20.4-b02 --Windows XP --America/Chicago --Win-99CB-D49D-5442-07BB --8b530bc8-76c5-4139-a2ea-0fabd394d305 --vykon author = "Stephen Hilt (Digital Bond)" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "version"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service({1911, 4911}, "niagara-fox", "tcp") -- Action Function that is used to run the NSE. This function will send the -- initial query to the host and port that were passed in via nmap. The -- initial response is parsed to determine if host is a Niagara Fox device. If it -- is then more actions are taken to gather extra information. -- -- @param host Host that was scanned via nmap -- @param port port that was scanned via nmap action = function(host, port) --set the first query data for sending local orig_query = [==[fox a 1 -1 fox hello { fox.version=s:1.0 id=i:1 };; ]==] -- receive response local socket, response, proto = comm.tryssl(host, port, orig_query) if not socket then stdnse.debug1( "Receive error: %s", response) return nil end socket:close() if proto == "ssl" then port.version.service_tunnel = "ssl" end local pos = response:find("{") if not pos or not response:match("^fox a 0") then stdnse.debug1("Not Niagara Fox protocol") return nil end -- output table that will be returned to nmap local to_return = stdnse.output_table() local set = function (key, value) to_return[key] = value end local dispatch = { hostName = function (key, value) if not ipOps.ip_to_str(value) then -- If this is an IP address, don't set it as a hostname port.version.hostname = value end to_return[key] = value end, hostAddress = set, ["fox.version"] = set, ["app.name"] = set, ["app.version"] = set, ["vm.name"] = set, ["vm.version"] = set, ["os.name"] = set, timeZone = function (key, value) to_return[key] = value:match("^[^;]+") end, hostId = set, vmUuid = set, brandId = set, fatal = set, -- sometimes reports a fatal error about unsupported } for key, value in response:gmatch("\n([%w.]+)=s:([^\n]+)") do local act = dispatch[key] if act then act(key, value) end end if #to_return <= 0 then return nil end port.version.name = "niagara-fox" nmap.set_port_version(host, port) -- return output table to nmap return to_return end