local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local shortport = require "shortport" local tn3270 = require "tn3270" local table = require "table" local string = require "string" description = [[ Using the CICS transaction CEMT, this script attempts to gather information about the current CICS transaction server region. It gathers OS information, Datasets (files), transactions and user ids. Based on CICSpwn script by Ayoub ELAASSAL. ]] --- -- @args cics-info.commands Command used to access cics. Default is cics -- @args cics-info.cemt CICS Transaction ID to be used. Default is CEMT -- @args cics-info.trans Instead of gathering all transaction IDs supplying a name here -- will make the script only look up one transaction ID -- @args cics-info.user Username to use if access to CEMT requires authentication -- @args cics-info.pass Password to use if access to CEMT requires authentication -- -- @usage -- nmap --script=cics-info -p 23 -- -- nmap --script=cics-info --script-args cics-info.commands='logon applid(coolcics)', -- cics-info.user=test,cics-info.pass=test,cics-info.cemt='ZEMT', -- cics-info.trans=CICA -p 23 -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION -- 23/tcp open tn3270 IBM Telnet TN3270 (TN3270E) -- | cics-info: -- | Security: Disabled -- | System: -- | z/OS Version: 02.01.00 -- | CICS Version: 05.02.00 -- | System ID: CICS -- | Application ID: CICSFAKE -- | Default User: USERCICS -- | Datasets: -- | CICS.FILEA -- | HLQ123.CICS.DFHCSD -- | HLQ123.CICS.DFHLRQ -- | Libraries: -- | HLQ123.CICS.SDFHLOAD -- | Users: -- | USERCICS -- | Transaction / Program: -- | AADD / DFH$AALL -- | ABRW / DFH$ABRW -- | AINQ / DFH$AALL -- | AMNU / DFH$AMNU -- | AORD / DFH$AREN -- | AORQ / DFH$ACOM -- | AREP / DFH$AREP -- | AUPD / DFH$AALL -- | CADP / DFHDPLU -- ... -- | CEDX / DFHEDFP -- | CEGN / DFHCEGN -- | CEHP / DFHCHS -- | CEHS / DFHCHS -- | CEJR / DFHEJITL -- | CEMN / DFHCEMNA -- | CEMT / DFHEMTP -- | CEOT / DFHEOTP -- | CXRT / DFHCRT -- | DSNC / DFHD2CM1 -- @changelog -- 2017-01-30 - v0.1 - created by Soldier of Fortran author = "Philip Young aka Soldier of Fortran" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"discovery", "safe"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service({23,992}, "tn3270") --- Gathers CICS transaction server information -- -- @param host host NSE object -- @param port port NSE object -- @param user CICS userID -- @param pass CICS userID password -- @param commands optional script-args of commands to use to get to CICS -- @param cemt transaction ID to use instead of CEMT -- @param trans transaction ID to check instead of gathering all -- @return Status boolean true if CICS was detected. -- @return Table of information or error message local function cics_info( host, port, commands, user, pass, cemt, trans ) stdnse.debug("Checking for CICS") local tn = tn3270.Telnet:new() local status, err = tn:initiate(host,port) local msg = 'Unable to get to CICS' local more = true local count = 1 local results = stdnse.output_table() if not status then stdnse.debug("Could not initiate TN3270: %s", err ) return false, msg end tn:get_screen_debug(2) -- prints TN3270 screen to debug stdnse.debug("Getting to CICS") local run = stdnse.strsplit(";%s*", commands) for i = 1, #run do stdnse.debug(1,"Issuing Command (#%s of %s): %s", i, #run ,run[i]) tn:send_cursor(run[i]) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) end tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) -- for debug purposes -- we should technically be at CICS. So we send: -- * F3 to exit the CICS program -- * CLEAR (a tn3270 command) to clear the screen. -- (you need to clear before sending a transaction ID) -- * a known default CICS transaction ID with predictable outcome -- (CESF with 'Sign-off is complete.' as the result) -- to confirm that we were in CICS. If so we return true -- otherwise we return false local count = 1 while not tn:isClear() and count < 6 do -- some systems will just kick you off others are slow in responding -- this loop continues to try getting out of CESL 6 times. If it can't -- then we probably weren't in CICS to begin with. if tn:find("Signon") then stdnse.debug(2,"Found CESL/CESN 'Signon' sending PF3") tn:send_pf(3) tn:get_all_data() end tn:get_all_data() stdnse.debug(2,"Clearing the Screen") tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) count = count + 1 end if count == 6 then return false, msg end stdnse.debug(2,"Sending CESF (CICS Default Sign-off)") tn:send_cursor('CESF') tn:get_all_data() if tn:isClear() then tn:get_all_data(1000) end tn:get_screen_debug(2) if not tn:find('Sign-off is complete.') then return false, 'Unable to get to CICS. Try --script-args cics-info.commands="logon applid()"' end if user and pass then -- We're doing authenticated CICS testing now baby! stdnse.verbose(2,'Logging in with %s / %s for auth testing', user, pass) tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) tn:send_cursor('CESN') tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) local fields = tn:writeable() -- Get the writeable field areas local user_loc = {fields[1][1],user} -- This is the 'UserID:' field local pass_loc = {fields[3][1],pass} -- This is the 'Password:' field ([2] is a group ID) stdnse.verbose('Trying CICS: %s : %s', user, pass) tn:send_locations({user_loc,pass_loc}) tn:get_all_data() stdnse.debug(2,"Screen Received for User ID: %s / %s", user, pass) tn:get_screen_debug(2) count = 1 while not tn:find('DFHCE3549') and count < 6 do tn:get_all_data(1000) -- loop for 6 seconds tn:get_screen_debug(2) count = count + 1 end if not tn:find('DFHCE3549') then msg = 'Unable to access CICS with User: '..user..' / Pass: '..pass return false, msg end end -- By now it's time to start trying to gather information tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:send_cursor('CESN') tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) results["Security"] = tn:find('DFHCE3547') and "Enabled" or "Disabled" stdnse.debug(2,"Sending F3") tn:send_pf(3) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.debug(2,"Sending 'Clear Screen'") tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.verbose(2,"Sending 'CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM'") tn:send_cursor('CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM') tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) if tn:find('DFHAC2002') then results["Error"] = 'CEMT Access Denied.' return true, results elseif tn:find('NOT AUTHORIZED') then results["System"] = "CEMT 'INQUIRE SYSTEM' Access Denied." else local sysresults = stdnse.output_table() local l1, l2 = tn:find('Oslevel') local oslevel = tn:get_screen_raw():sub(l2+2,l2+7) l1, l2 = tn:find('Cicstslevel') local cicstslevel = tn:get_screen_raw():sub(l2+2,l2+7) l1, l2 = tn:find('Dfltuser') local Dfltuser = tn:get_screen_raw():sub(l2+2,l2+10) local Dfltuser_len = Dfltuser:find(')') l1, l2 = tn:find('Db2conn') local Db2conn = tn:get_screen_raw():sub(l2+2,l2+10) local Db2conn_len = Db2conn:find(')') l1, l2 = tn:find('Mqconn') local Mqconn = tn:get_screen_raw():sub(l2+2,l2+10) local Mqconn_len = Mqconn:find(')') l1, l2 = tn:find('SYSID') local SYSID = tn:get_screen_raw():sub(l2+2,l2+10) local SYSID_len = SYSID:find('\00') l1, l2 = tn:find('APPLID') local APPLID = tn:get_screen_raw():sub(l2+2,l2+10) local APPLID_len = APPLID:find('\00') sysresults["z/OS Version"] = ("%s.%s.%s"):format( oslevel:sub(1,2),oslevel:sub(3,4),oslevel:sub(5,6) ) sysresults["CICS Version"] = ("%s.%s.%s"):format( cicstslevel:sub(1,2),cicstslevel:sub(3,4),cicstslevel:sub(5,6) ) sysresults["System ID"] = SYSID:sub(1,SYSID_len-1) sysresults["Application ID"] = APPLID:sub(1,APPLID_len-1) sysresults["Default User"] = Dfltuser:sub(1,Dfltuser_len-1) if Db2conn_len > 1 then sysresults["DB2 Connection"] = Db2conn:sub(1,Db2conn_len-1) end if Mqconn_len > 1 then sysresults["MQ Connection"] = Mqconn:sub(1,Mqconn_len-1) end results["System"] = sysresults end -- Done with INQUIRE SYSTEM stdnse.debug(2,"Sending F3") tn:send_pf(3) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.debug(2,"Sending 'Clear Screen'") tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.verbose(2,"Sending 'CEMT INQUIRE DSNAME'") tn:send_cursor('CEMT INQUIRE DSNAME') tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) if tn:find('NOT AUTHORIZED') then results["Datasets"] = "CEMT 'INQUIRE DSNAME' Access Denied." else local datasets = {} while more do more = false for line in tn:get_screen():gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do if line:find('Dsn') then table.insert(datasets,line:sub(line:find('%(')+1, line:find(')')-1):match( "(.-)%s*$" )) if count >= 9 and line:find('+') then more = true count = 1 stdnse.debug(2,"Sending F11") tn:send_pf(11) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) else count = count + 1 end end end end results["Datasets"] = datasets end -- Done with DSNAME stdnse.debug(2,"Sending F3") tn:send_pf(3) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.debug(2,"Sending 'Clear Screen'") tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.verbose(2,"Sending 'CEMT INQUIRE LIBRARY'") tn:send_cursor('CEMT INQUIRE LIBRARY') tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) if tn:find('NOT AUTHORIZED') then results["Libraries"] = "CEMT 'INQUIRE LIBRARY' Access Denied." else local libraries = {} for line in tn:get_screen():gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do if line:find('Dsname') then table.insert(libraries,line:sub(line:find('%(')+1, line:find(')')-1):match( "(.-)%s*$" )) end end results["Libraries"] = libraries end -- Done with Library stdnse.debug(2,"Sending F3") tn:send_pf(3) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.debug(2,"Sending 'Clear Screen'") tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.verbose(2,"Sending 'CEMT INQUIRE TASK'") tn:send_cursor('CEMT INQUIRE TASK') tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) if tn:find('NOT AUTHORIZED') then results["Users"] = "CEMT 'INQUIRE TASK' Access Denied." else count = 1 more = true local users = {} while more do more = false for line in tn:get_screen():gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do if line:find('Use') then table.insert(users,line:sub(line:find('Use')+4, line:find(')',line:find('Use'))-1):match( "(.-)%s*$" )) if count >= 9 and line:find('+') then more = true count = 1 stdnse.debug(2,"Sending F11") tn:send_pf(11) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) else count = count + 1 end end end end results["Users"] = users end -- End of TASK stdnse.debug(2,"Sending F3") tn:send_pf(3) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.debug(2,"Sending 'Clear Screen'") tn:send_clear() tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) stdnse.verbose(2,"Sending 'CEMT INQUIRE TRANSACTION(".. trans ..") en'") tn:send_cursor('CEMT INQUIRE TRANSACTION('.. trans ..') en') tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) if tn:find('NOT AUTHORIZED') then results["Transaction / Program"] = "CEMT 'INQUIRE TRANSACION' Access Denied." else local transactions = {} count = 1 more = true local tra, pro = '' while more do more = false for line in tn:get_screen():gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do if line:find('Tra%(') then tra = line:sub(line:find('%(')+1,line:find(')')-1) pro = line:sub(line:find('Pro%(')+4,line:find(')',line:find('Pro%('))-1) table.insert(transactions,tra..' / '..pro) if count >= 9 and line:find('+') then more = true count = 1 stdnse.debug(2,"Sending F11") tn:send_pf(11) tn:get_all_data() tn:get_screen_debug(2) else count = count + 1 end end end end results["Transaction / Program"] = transactions end -- Done with Transaction IDs tn:disconnect() return true, results end action = function(host, port) local commands = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.commands') or 'cics'-- VTAM commands/macros to get to CICS local username = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.user') or nil local password = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.pass') or nil if (username or password) and not (username and password) then stdnse.verbose1("Both 'user' and 'pass' are required for CICS auth") end local CEMT = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.cemt') or 'cemt' -- to supply a different transaction ID if they've changed it local transaction = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.trans') or '*' local status, results = cics_info(host, port, commands, username, password, CEMT, transaction) -- Report results. Only report an error if -- script args were set or the service is definitely TN3270 if status or username or password or port.service == "tn3270" then return results end end