--- -- TN3270 Emulator Library -- -- Summary -- * This library implements an RFC 1576 and 2355 (somewhat) compliant TN3270 emulator. -- -- The library consists of one class Telnet consisting of multiple -- functions required for initiating a TN3270 connection. -- -- The following sample code illustrates how scripts can use this class -- to interface with a mainframe: -- -- -- mainframe = Telnet:new() -- status, err = mainframe:initiate(host, port) -- status, err = mainframe:send_cursor("LOGON APPLID(TSO)") -- mainframe:get_data() -- curr_screen = mainframe:get_screen() -- status, err = mainframe:disconnect() -- -- -- The implementation is based on packet dumps, x3270, the excellent decoding -- provided by Wireshark and the Data Stream Programmers Reference (Dec 88) local stdnse = require "stdnse" local drda = require "drda" -- We only need this to decode EBCDIC local comm = require "comm" local math = require "math" local nmap = require "nmap" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("tn3270", stdnse.seeall) Telnet = { --__index = Telnet, commands = { SE = "\240", -- End of subnegotiation parameters SB = "\250", -- Sub-option to follow WILL = "\251", -- Will; request or confirm option begin WONT = "\252", -- Wont; deny option request DO = "\253", -- Do = Request or confirm remote option DONT = "\254", -- Don't = Demand or confirm option halt IAC = "\255", -- Interpret as Command SEND = "\001", -- Sub-process negotiation SEND command IS = "\000", -- Sub-process negotiation IS command EOR = "\239" }, tncommands = { ASSOCIATE = "\000", CONNECT = "\001", DEVICETYPE = "\002", FUNCTIONS = "\003", IS = "\004", REASON = "\005", REJECT = "\006", REQUEST = "\007", RESPONSES = "\002", SEND = "\008", EOR = "\239" }, options = { BINARY = "\000", EOR = "\025", TTYPE = "\024" --TN3270 = "\040" -- if we enable this it would mean we support TN3270E -- which we do not support }, command = { EAU = "\015", EW = "\005", EWA = "\013", RB = "\002", RM = "\006", RMA = "", W = "\001", WSF = "\017", NOP = "\003", SNS = "\004", SNSID = "\228" }, sna_command ={ RMA = "\110", EAU = "\111", EWA = "\126", W = "\241", RB = "\242", WSF = "\243", EW = "\245", NOP = "\003", RM = "\246" }, orders = { SF = "\029", SFE = "\041", SBA = "\017", SA = "\040", MF = "\044", IC = "\019", PT = "\005", RA = "\060", EUA = "\018", GE = "\008" }, fcorders = { NUL = "\000", SUB = "\063", DUP = "\028", FM = "\030", FF = "\012", CR = "\013", NL = "\021", EM = "\025", EO = "\255" }, aids = { NO = 0x60, -- no aid QREPLY = 0x61, -- reply ENTER = 0x7d, -- enter PF1 = 0xf1, PF2 = 0xf2, PF3 = 0xf3, PF4 = 0xf4, PF5 = 0xf5, PF6 = 0xf6, PF7 = 0xf7, PF8 = 0xf8, PF9 = 0xf9, PF10 = 0x7a, PF11 = 0x7b, PF12 = 0x7c, PF13 = 0xc1, PF14 = 0xc2, PF15 = 0xc3, PF16 = 0xc4, PF17 = 0xc5, PF18 = 0xc6, PF19 = 0xc7, PF20 = 0xc8, PF21 = 0xc9, PF22 = 0x4a, PF23 = 0x4b, PF24 = 0x4c, OICR = 0xe6, MSR_MHS = 0xe7, SELECT = 0x7e, PA1 = 0x6c, PA2 = 0x6e, PA3 = 0x6b, CLEAR = 0x6d, SYSREQ = 0xf0 }, -- used to translate buffer addresses code_table = { 0x40, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC4, 0xC5, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC8, 0xC9, 0x4A, 0x4B, 0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F, 0x50, 0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0xD6, 0xD7, 0xD8, 0xD9, 0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5D, 0x5E, 0x5F, 0x60, 0x61, 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xE4, 0xE5, 0xE6, 0xE7, 0xE8, 0xE9, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x6F, 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xF2, 0xF3, 0xF4, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0x7A, 0x7B, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7E, 0x7F }, -- Variables used for Telnet Negotiation and data buffers word_state = { "Negotiating", "Connected", "TN3270 mode", "TN3270E mode"}, NEGOTIATING = 1, CONNECTED = 2, TN3270_DATA = 3, TN3270E_DATA = 4, device_type = "IBM-3278-2", -- TN3270E Header variables tn3270_header = { data_type = '', request_flag = '', response_flag = '', seq_number = '' }, -- TN3270 Datatream Processing flags NO_OUTPUT = 0, OUTPUT = 1, BAD_COMMAND = 2, BAD_ADDRESS = 3, NO_AID = 0x60, aid = 0x60, -- initial Attention Identifier is No AID -- Header response flags. NO_RESPONSE = 0x00, ERROR_RESPONSE = 0x01, ALWAYS_RESPONSE = 0x02, POSITIVE_RESPONSE = 0x00, NEGATIVE_RESPONSE = 0x01, -- Header data type names. DT_3270_DATA = 0x00, DT_SCS_DATA = 0x01, DT_RESPONSE = 0x02, DT_BIND_IMAGE = 0x03, DT_UNBIND = 0x04, DT_NVT_DATA = 0x05, DT_REQUEST = 0x06, DT_SSCP_LU_DATA = 0x07, DT_PRINT_EOJ = 0x08, -- Header response data. POS_DEVICE_END = 0x00, NEG_COMMAND_REJECT = 0x00, NEG_INTERVENTION_REQUIRED = 0x01, NEG_OPERATION_CHECK = 0x02, NEG_COMPONENT_DISCONNECTED = 0x03, -- Attention Identifiers (AID) -- SFE Attributes SFE_3270 = "192", order_max = "\063", -- tn3270 orders can't be greater than 0x3F COLS = 80, -- hardcoded width. ROWS = 24, -- hardcoded rows. We only support 3270 model 2 wich was 24x80. buffer_addr = 1, cursor_addr = 1, isSSL = true, --- Creates a new TN3270 Client object new = function(self) local o = { socket = nmap.new_socket(), -- TN3270 Buffers buffer = {}, fa_buffer = {}, output_buffer = {}, overwrite_buf = {}, telnet_state = 0, -- same as TNS_DATA to begin with server_options = {}, client_options = {}, sb_options = '', connected_lu = '', connected_dtype= '', telnet_data = '', tn_buffer = '', negotiated = false, first_screen = false, state = 0, buffer_address = 1, formatted = false, } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, --- Connects to a tn3270 servers connect = function ( self, host, port ) local TN_PROTOCOLS = { "ssl", "tcp" } local status, err if not self.isSSL then status, err = self.socket:connect(host, port, 'tcp') local proto = 'tcp' if status then TN_PROTOCOLS = {proto} return true end else for _, proto in pairs(TN_PROTOCOLS) do status, err = self.socket:connect(host, port, proto) if status then TN_PROTOCOLS = {proto} return true end stdnse.debug(3,"Can't connect using %s: %s", proto, err) end end self.socket:close() return false, err end, disconnect = function ( self ) stdnse.debug(2,"Disconnecting") return self.socket:close() end, recv_data = function ( self ) return self.socket:receive() end, close = function ( self ) return self.socket:close() end, send_data = function ( self, data ) stdnse.debug(2, "Sending data: 0x%s", stdnse.tohex(data)) return self.socket:send( data ) end, ------------- End networking functions -- TN3270 Helper functions ----------- --- Decode Buffer Address -- -- Buffer addresses can come in 14 or 12 (this terminal doesn't support 16 bit) -- this function takes two bytes (buffer addresses are two bytes long) and returns -- the decoded buffer address. -- @param1 unsigned char, first byte of buffer address. -- @param2 unsigned char, second byte of buffer address. -- @return integer of buffer address DECODE_BADDR = function ( byte1, byte2 ) if (byte1 & 0xC0) == 0 then -- (byte1 & 0x3F) << 8 | byte2 return (((byte1 & 0x3F) << 8) | byte2) + 1 else -- (byte1 & 0x3F) << 6 | (byte2 & 0x3F) return (((byte1 & 0x3F) << 6) | (byte2 & 0x3F)) end end, --- Encode Buffer Address -- -- @param integer buffer address -- @return TN3270 encoded buffer address (12 bit) as string ENCODE_BADDR = function ( self, address ) stdnse.debug(3, "Encoding Address: " .. address) return string.pack("BB", -- (address >> 8) & 0x3F -- we need the +1 because LUA tables start at 1 (yay!) self.code_table[((address >> 6) & 0x3F)+1], -- address & 0x3F self.code_table[(address & 0x3F)+1] ) end, BA_TO_ROW = function ( self, addr ) return math.ceil((addr / self.COLS) + 0.5) end, BA_TO_COL = function ( self, addr ) return addr % self.COLS end, INC_BUF_ADDR = function ( self, addr ) return ((addr + 1) % (self.COLS * self.ROWS)) end, DEC_BUF_ADDR = function ( self, addr ) return ((addr + 1) % (self.COLS * self.ROWS)) end, --- Initiates tn3270 connection initiate = function ( self, host, port ) local status = true --local status, err = self:connect(host , port) local opts = {recv_before = true} self.socket, self.telnet_data = comm.tryssl(host, port, '', opts) if ( not(self.socket) ) then return false, self.telnet_data end -- clear out options buffers self.client_options = {} self.server_options = {} self.state = self.NEGOTIATING self.first_screen = false self:process_packets() -- process the first batch of information -- then loop through until we're done negotiating telnet/tn3270 options while not self.first_screen and status do status, self.telnet_data = self:recv_data() self:process_packets() end return status end, --- rebuilds tn3270 screen based on information sent -- Closes the socket if the mainframe has closed the socket on us -- Is done reading when it encounters EOR get_data = function ( self ) local status = true self.first_screen = false while not self.first_screen and status do status, self.telnet_data = self:recv_data() self:process_packets() end if not status then self:disconnect() end return status end, get_all_data = function ( self, timeout ) if timeout == nil then timeout = 200 end local status = true self.first_screen = false self.socket:set_timeout(timeout) while status do status, self.telnet_data = self:recv_data() if self.telnet_data ~= "TIMEOUT" then self:process_packets() end end self.socket:set_timeout(3000) return status end, process_packets = function ( self ) for i = 1,#self.telnet_data,1 do self:ts_processor(self.telnet_data:sub(i,i)) end -- once all the data has been processed we clear out the buffer self.telnet_data = '' end, --- Disable SSL -- by default the tn3270 object uses SSL first. This disables SSL disableSSL = function (self) stdnse.debug(2,"Disabling SSL connections") self.isSSL = false end, --- Telnet State processor -- -- @return true if success false if encoutered any issues ts_processor = function ( self, data ) local TNS_DATA = 0 local TNS_IAC = 1 local TNS_WILL = 2 local TNS_WONT = 3 local TNS_DO = 4 local TNS_DONT = 5 local TNS_SB = 6 local TNS_SB_IAC = 7 local DO_reply = self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.DO local DONT_reply = self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.DONT local WILL_reply = self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.WILL local WONT_reply = self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.WONT --nsedebug.print_hex(data) --stdnse.debug(3,"current state:" .. self.telnet_state) if self.telnet_state == TNS_DATA then if data == self.commands.IAC then -- got an IAC self.telnet_state = TNS_IAC return true end -- stdnse.debug("Adding 0x%s to Data Buffer", stdnse.tohex(data)) self:store3270(data) elseif self.telnet_state == TNS_IAC then if data == self.commands.IAC then -- insert this 0xFF in to the buffer self:store3270(data) self.telnet_state = TNS_DATA elseif data == self.commands.EOR then -- we're at the end of the TN3270 data -- let's process it and see what we've got -- but only if we're in 3270 mode if self.state == self.TN3270_DATA or self.state == self.TN3270E_DATA then self:process_data() end self.telnet_state = TNS_DATA elseif data == self.commands.WILL then self.telnet_state = TNS_WILL elseif data == self.commands.WONT then self.telnet_state = TNS_WONT elseif data == self.commands.DO then self.telnet_state = TNS_DO elseif data == self.commands.DONT then self.telnet_state = TNS_DONT elseif data == self.commands.SB then self.telnet_state = TNS_SB end elseif self.telnet_state == TNS_WILL then -- I know if could use a for loop here with ipairs() but i find this easier to read if data == self.options.BINARY or data == self.options.EOR or data == self.options.TTYPE or data == self.options.TN3270 then if not self.server_options[data] then -- if we haven't already replied to this, let's reply self.server_options[data] = true self:send_data(DO_reply..data) stdnse.debug(3, "Sent Will Reply: " .. data) self:in3270() end else self:send_data(DONT_reply..data) stdnse.debug(3, "Sent Don't Reply: " .. data) end self.telnet_state = TNS_DATA elseif self.telnet_state == TNS_WONT then if self.server_options[data] then self.server_options[data] = false self:send_data(DONT_reply..data) stdnse.debug(3, "Sent Don't Reply: " .. data) self:in3270() end self.telnet_state = TNS_DATA elseif self.telnet_state == TNS_DO then if data == self.options.BINARY or data == self.options.EOR or data == self.options.TTYPE or data == self.options.TN3270 then -- data == self.options.STARTTLS -- ssl encryption to be added later if not self.client_options[data] then self.client_options[data] = true self:send_data(WILL_reply..data) stdnse.debug(3, "Sent Do Reply: " .. data) self:in3270() end else self:send_data(WONT_reply..data) stdnse.debug(3, "Got unsupported Do. Sent Won't Reply: " .. data .. " " .. self.telnet_data) end self.telnet_state = TNS_DATA elseif self.telnet_state == TNS_DONT then if self.client_options[data] then self.client_options[data] = false self:send_data(WONT_reply .. data) stdnse.debug(3, "Sent Wont Reply: " .. data) self:in3270() end self.telnet_state = TNS_DATA elseif self.telnet_state == TNS_SB then if data == self.commands.IAC then self.telnet_state = TNS_SB_IAC else self.sb_options = self.sb_options .. data end elseif self.telnet_state == TNS_SB_IAC then stdnse.debug(3, "Processing SB options") --nsedebug.print_hex(self.sb_options) self.sb_options = self.sb_options .. data if data == self.commands.SE then self.telnet_state = TNS_DATA if self.sb_options:sub(1,1) == self.options.TTYPE and self.sb_options:sub(2,2) == self.commands.SEND then self:send_data(self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.SB .. self.options.TTYPE .. self.commands.IS .. self.device_type .. self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.SE ) elseif self.client_options[self.options.TN3270] and self.sb_options:sub(1,1) == self.options.TN3270 then if not self:negotiate_tn3270() then return false end stdnse.debug(3, "Done Negotiating Options") else self.telnet_state = TNS_DATA end self.sb_options = '' end --self.sb_options = '' end -- end of makeshift switch/case return true end, --- Stores a character on a buffer to be processed -- store3270 = function ( self, char ) self.tn_buffer = self.tn_buffer .. char end, --- Function to negotiate TN3270 sub options negotiate_tn3270 = function ( self ) stdnse.debug(3, "Processing tn data subnegotiation options") local option = self.sb_options:sub(2,2) if option == self.tncommands.SEND then if self.sb_options:sub(3,3) == self.tncommands.DEVICETYPE then self:send_data(self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.SB .. self.options.TN3270 .. self.tncommands.DEVICETYPE .. self.tncommands.REQUEST .. self.device_type .. self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.SE ) else stdnse.debug(3,"Received TN3270 Send but not device type. Weird.") end elseif option == self.tncommands.DEVICETYPE then -- Mainframe is confirming device type. Good! if self.sb_options:sub(3,3) == self.tncommands.IS then local tn_loc = 1 while self.sb_options:sub(4+tn_loc,4+tn_loc) ~= self.commands.SE and self.sb_options:sub(4+tn_loc,4+tn_loc) ~= self.tncommands.CONNECT do tn_loc = tn_loc + 1 end --XXX Unused variable??? Should this be tn_loc? local sn_loc = 1 if self.sb_options:sub(4+tn_loc,4+tn_loc) == self.tncommands.CONNECT then self.connected_lu = self.sb_options:sub(5+tn_loc, #self.sb_options-1) self.connected_dtype = self.sb_options:sub(4,3+tn_loc) end -- since We've connected lets send our options self:send_data(self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.SB .. self.options.TN3270 .. self.tncommands.FUNCTIONS .. self.tncommands.REQUEST .. --self.tncommands.RESPONSES .. -- we'll only support basic 3270E mode self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.SE ) end elseif option == self.tncommands.FUNCTIONS then if self.sb_options:sub(3,3) == self.tncommands.IS then -- they accepted the function request, lets move on self.negotiated = true stdnse.verbose(2,"TN3270 Option Negotiation Done!") self:in3270() elseif self.sb_options:sub(3,3) == self.tncommands.REQUEST then -- dummy functions for now. Our client doesn't have any -- functions really but we'll agree to whatever they want self:send_data(self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.SB .. self.options.TN3270 .. self.tncommands.FUNCTIONS .. self.tncommands.IS .. self.sb_options:sub(4,4) .. self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.SE ) self.negotiated = true self:in3270() end end return true end, --- Check to see if we're in TN3270 in3270 = function ( self ) if self.client_options[self.options.TN3270] then if self.negotiated then self.state = self.TN3270E_DATA end elseif self.server_options[self.options.EOR] and self.server_options[self.options.BINARY] and self.client_options[self.options.EOR] and self.client_options[self.options.BINARY] and self.client_options[self.options.TTYPE] then self.state = self.TN3270_DATA end if self.state == self.TN3270_DATA or self.state == self.TN3270E_DATA then -- since we're in TN3270 mode, let's create an empty buffer stdnse.debug(3, "Creating Empty IBM-3278-2 Buffer") for i=1, 1920 do self.buffer[i] = "\0" self.fa_buffer[i] = "\0" self.overwrite_buf[i] = "\0" end stdnse.debug(3, "Empty Buffer Created. Length: " .. #self.buffer) end stdnse.debug(3,"Current State: "..self.word_state[self.state]) end, --- Also known as process_eor process_data = function ( self ) local reply = 0 stdnse.debug(3,"Processing TN3270 Data") if self.state == self.TN3270E_DATA then self.tn3270_header.data_type = self.tn_buffer:sub(1,1) self.tn3270_header.request_flag = self.tn_buffer:sub(2,2) self.tn3270_header.response_flag = self.tn_buffer:sub(3,3) self.tn3270_header.seq_number = self.tn_buffer:sub(4,5) if self.tn3270_header.data_type == "\000" then reply = self:process_3270(self.tn_buffer:sub(6)) end if reply < 0 and self.tn3270_header.request_flag ~= self.TN3270E_RSF_NO_RESPONSE then self:tn3270e_nak(reply) elseif reply == self.NO_OUTPUT and self.tn3270_header.request_flag == self.ALWAYS_RESPONSE then self:tn3270e_ack() end else self:process_3270(self.tn_buffer) end -- nsedebug.print_hex(self.tn_buffer) self.tn_buffer = '' return true end, tn3270e_nak = function ( self, reply ) local neg = "" if reply == self.BAD_COMMAND then neg = self.NEG_COMMAND_REJECT elseif reply == self.BAD_ADDRESS then neg = self.NEG_OPERATION_CHECK end -- build the TN3270E nak reply header local reply_buf = string.pack("BBB c2", self.DT_RESPONSE, -- type 0, -- request self.NEGATIVE_RESPONSE, -- response -- because this is telnet we gotta double up 0xFF chars self.tn3270_header.seq_number:sub(1,2):gsub(self.commands.IAC, self.commands.IAC:rep(2)) ) .. neg .. self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.EOR -- now send the whole thing self:send_data(reply_buf) end, tn3270e_ack = function ( self ) -- build the TN3270E ack reply header local reply_buf = string.pack("BBB c2", self.DT_RESPONSE, -- type 0, -- request self.POSITIVE_RESPONSE, -- response -- because this is telnet we gotta double up 0xFF chars self.tn3270_header.seq_number:sub(1,2):gsub(self.commands.IAC, self.commands.IAC:rep(2)) ) .. self.POS_DEVICE_END .. self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.EOR -- now send the whole package self:send_data(reply_buf) end, clear_screen = function ( self ) self.buffer_address = 1 for i=1,1920,1 do self.buffer[i] = "\0" self.fa_buffer[i] = "\0" end end, clear_unprotected = function ( self ) -- we don't support protect vs unprotected (yet) -- this function is a stub for now end, process_3270 = function ( self, data ) -- the first byte will be the command we have to follow local com = data:sub(1,1) stdnse.debug(3, "Value Received: 0x%s", stdnse.tohex(com)) if com == self.command.EAU then stdnse.debug(3,"TN3270 Command: Erase All Unprotected") self:clear_unprotected() return self.NO_OUTPUT elseif com == self.command.EWA or com == self.sna_command.EWA or com == self.command.EW or com == self.sna_command.EW then stdnse.debug(3,"TN3270 Command: Erase Write (Alternate)") self:clear_screen() self:process_write(data) -- so far should only return No Output return self.NO_OUTPUT elseif com == self.command.W or com == self.sna_command.W then stdnse.debug(3,"TN3270 Command: Write") self:process_write(data) elseif com == self.command.RB or com == self.sna_command.RB then stdnse.debug(3,"TN3270 Command: Read Buffer") self:process_read() return self.OUTPUT elseif com == self.command.RM or com == self.sna_command.RM or com == self.command.RMA or com == self.sna_command.RMA then stdnse.debug(3,"TN3270 Command: Read Modified (All)") --XXX What is read_modified? What is aid? --self:read_modified(aid) --return self.OUTPUT stdnse.debug1("UNIMPLEMENTED TN3270 Command: Read Modified (All)") return self.BAD_COMMAND elseif com == self.command.WSF or com == self.sna_command.WSF then stdnse.debug(3,"TN3270 Command: Write Structured Field") return self:w_structured_field(data) elseif com == self.command.NOP or com == self.sna_command.NOP then stdnse.debug(3,"TN3270 Command: No OP (NOP)") return self.NO_OUTPUT else stdnse.debug(3,"Unknown 3270 Data Stream command: 0x"..stdnse.tohex(com)) return self.BAD_COMMAND end end, --- WCC / tn3270 data stream processor -- -- @param tn3270 data stream -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return changes self.buffer to match requested changes process_write = function ( self, data ) stdnse.debug(3, "Processing TN3270 Write Command") local prev = '' local cp = '' local num_attr = 0 local last_cmd = false local i = 2 -- skip SF to get WCC if (data:byte(i) & 0x40) == 0x40 then stdnse.debug(3,"[WCC] Reset") end if (data:byte(i) & 0x02) == 0x02 then stdnse.debug(3,"[WCC] Restore") end i = 3 -- skip the SF and the WCC. while i <= #data do cp = data:sub(i,i) stdnse.debug(4,"Current Position: ".. i .. " of " .. #data) stdnse.debug(4,"Current Item: ".. stdnse.tohex(cp)) -- yay! lua has no switch statement if cp == self.orders.SF then stdnse.debug(4,"Start Field") prev = 'ORDER' last_cmd = true i = i + 1 -- skip SF stdnse.debug(4,"Writting Zero to buffer at address: " .. self.buffer_address) stdnse.debug(4,"Attribute Type: 0x".. stdnse.tohex(data:sub(i,i))) self:write_field_attribute(data:sub(i,i)) self.buffer_address = self:INC_BUF_ADDR(self.buffer_address) -- set the current position one ahead (after SF) i = i + 1 self:write_char("\00") elseif cp == self.orders.SFE then stdnse.debug(4,"Start Field Extended") i = i + 1 -- skip SFE num_attr = data:byte(i) stdnse.debug(4,"Number of Attributes: ".. num_attr) for j = 1,num_attr do i = i + 1 if data:byte(i) == 0xc0 then stdnse.debug(4,"Writting Zero to buffer at address: " .. self.buffer_address) stdnse.debug(4,"Attribute Type: 0x".. stdnse.tohex(data:sub(i,i))) self:write_char("\00") self:write_field_attribute(data:sub(i,i)) end i = i + 1 end i = i + 1 self.buffer_address = self:INC_BUF_ADDR(self.buffer_address) elseif cp == self.orders.SBA then stdnse.debug(4,"Set Buffer Address (SBA) 0x11") self.buffer_address = self.DECODE_BADDR(data:byte(i+1), data:byte(i+2)) stdnse.debug(4,"Buffer Address: " .. self.buffer_address) stdnse.debug(4,"Row: " .. self:BA_TO_ROW(self.buffer_address)) stdnse.debug(4,"Col: " .. self:BA_TO_COL(self.buffer_address)) last_cmd = true prev = 'SBA' -- the current position is SBA, the next two bytes are the lengths i = i + 3 stdnse.debug(4,"Next Command: ".. stdnse.tohex(data:sub(i,i))) elseif cp == self.orders.IC then -- Insert Cursor stdnse.debug(4,"Insert Cursor (IC) 0x13") stdnse.debug(4,"Current Cursor Address: " .. self.cursor_addr) stdnse.debug(4,"Buffer Address: " .. self.buffer_address) stdnse.debug(4,"Row: " .. self:BA_TO_ROW(self.buffer_address)) stdnse.debug(4,"Col: " .. self:BA_TO_COL(self.buffer_address)) prev = 'ORDER' self.cursor_addr = self.buffer_address last_cmd = true i = i + 1 elseif cp == self.orders.RA then -- Repeat address repeats whatever the next char is after the two byte buffer address -- There's all kinds of weird GE stuff we could do, but not now. Maybe in future vers stdnse.debug(4,"Repeat to Address (RA) 0x3C") local ra_baddr = self.DECODE_BADDR(data:byte(i+1), data:byte(i+2)) stdnse.debug(4,"Repeat Character: " .. stdnse.tohex(data:sub(i+1,i+2))) stdnse.debug(4,"Repeat to this Address: " .. ra_baddr) stdnse.debug(4,"Currrent Address: " .. self.buffer_address) prev = 'ORDER' --char_code = data:sub(i+3,i+3) i = i + 3 local char_to_repeat = data:sub(i,i) stdnse.debug(4,"Repeat Character: " .. stdnse.tohex(char_to_repeat)) while (self.buffer_address ~= ra_baddr) do self:write_char(char_to_repeat) self.buffer_address = self:INC_BUF_ADDR(self.buffer_address) end elseif cp == self.orders.EUA then stdnse.debug(4,"Erase Unprotected All (EAU) 0x12") local eua_baddr = self.DECODE_BADDR(data:byte(i+1), data:byte(i+2)) i = i + 3 stdnse.debug(4,"EAU to this Address: " .. eua_baddr) stdnse.debug(4,"Currrent Address: " .. self.buffer_address) while (self.buffer_address ~= eua_baddr) do -- do nothing for now. this feature isn't supported/required at the moment self.buffer_address = self:INC_BUF_ADDR(self.buffer_address) --stdnse.debug(3,"Currrent Address: " .. self.buffer_address) --stdnse.debug(3,"EAU to this Address: " .. eua_baddr) end elseif cp == self.orders.GE then stdnse.debug(4,"Graphical Escape (GE) 0x08") prev = 'ORDER' i = i + 1 -- move to next byte local ge_char = data:sub(i,i) self:write_char(self, ge_char) self.buffer_address = self:INC_BUF_ADDR(self.buffer_address) elseif cp == self.orders.MF then -- MotherFucker, lol! -- or mainframe maybe -- we don't actually have 'fields' at this point -- so there's nothing to be modified stdnse.debug(4,"Modify Field (MF) 0x2C") prev = 'ORDER' i = i + 1 local num_attr = tonumber(data:sub(i,i)) for j = 1, num_attr, 1 do -- placeholder in case we need to do something here stdnse.debug(4,"Set Attribute (MF) 0x2C") i = i + 1 end self.buffer_address = self:INC_BUF_ADDR(self.buffer_address) elseif cp == self.orders.SA then -- We'll add alerting here to identify hidden field -- but for now we're doing NOTHING i = i + 1 elseif cp == self.fcorders.NUL or cp == self.fcorders.SUB or cp == self.fcorders.DUP or cp == self.fcorders.FM or cp == self.fcorders.FF or cp == self.fcorders.CR or cp == self.fcorders.NL or cp == self.fcorders.EM or cp == self.fcorders.EO then stdnse.debug(4,"Format Control Order received") prev = 'ORDER' self:write_char("\064") self.buffer_address = self:INC_BUF_ADDR(self.buffer_address) i = i + 1 else -- whoa we made it. local ascii_char = drda.StringUtil.toASCII(cp) stdnse.debug(4,"Inserting 0x"..stdnse.tohex(cp).." (".. ascii_char ..") at the following location:") stdnse.debug(4,"Row: " .. self:BA_TO_ROW(self.buffer_address)) stdnse.debug(4,"Col: " .. self:BA_TO_COL(self.buffer_address)) stdnse.debug(4,"Buffer Address: " .. self.buffer_address) self:write_char(data:sub(i,i)) self.buffer_address = self:INC_BUF_ADDR(self.buffer_address) self.first_screen = true i = i + 1 end -- end of massive if/else end -- end of while loop self.formatted = true end, write_char = function ( self, char ) if self.buffer[self.buffer_address] == "\0" then self.buffer[self.buffer_address] = char else self.overwrite_buf[self.buffer_address] = self.buffer[self.buffer_address] self.buffer[self.buffer_address] = char end end, write_field_attribute = function ( self, attr ) self.fa_buffer[self.buffer_address] = attr end, process_read = function ( self ) local output_addr = 0 self.output_buffer = {} stdnse.debug(3,"Generating Read Buffer") self.output_buffer[output_addr] = string.pack("B",self.aid) output_addr = output_addr + 1 stdnse.debug(3,"Output Address: ".. output_addr) self.output_buffer[output_addr] = self:ENCODE_BADDR(self.cursor_addr) return self:send_tn3270(self.output_buffer) -- need to add while loop end, w_structured_field = function ( self, wsf_data ) -- this is the ugliest hack ever -- but it works and it doesn't matter what we support anyway stdnse.debug(3, "Processing TN3270 Write Structured Field Command") -- all our options, one liner style local query_options = "\x88\x00\x16\x81\x86\x00\x08\x00\xf4\xf1\x00\xf2\x00\xf3\x00\xf4\z \x00\xf5\x00\xf6\x00\xf7\x00\x00\x0d\x81\x87\x04\x00\xf0\xf1\xf1\z \xf2\xf2\xf4\xf4\x00\x22\x81\x85\x82\x00\x07\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\z \x07\x00\x00\x00\x00\x65\x00\x25\x00\x00\x00\x02\xb9\x00\x25\x01\z \x00\xf1\x03\xc3\x01\x36\x00\x2e\x81\x81\x03\x00\x00\x50\x00\x18\z \x00\x00\x01\x00\x48\x00\x01\x00\x48\x07\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\z \x00\x13\x02\x00\x01\x00\x50\x00\x18\x00\x00\x01\x00\x48\x00\x01\z \x00\x48\x07\x10\x00\x1c\x81\xa6\x00\x00\x0b\x01\x00\x00\x50\x00\z \x18\x00\x50\x00\x18\x0b\x02\x00\x00\x07\x00\x10\x00\x07\x00\x10\z \x00\x07\x81\x88\x00\x01\x02\x00\x16\x81\x80\x80\x81\x84\x85\x86\z \x87\x88\xa1\xa6\xa8\x96\x99\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb6\x00\x08\x81\z \x84\x00\x0a\x00\x04\x00\x06\x81\x99\x00\x00\xff\xef" stdnse.debug(3, "Current WSF : %s", stdnse.tohex(wsf_data:sub(4,4)) ) self:send_data(query_options) return true end, --- Sends TN3270 Packet -- -- Expands IAC to IAC IAC and finally appends IAC EOR -- @param data: table containing buffer array send_tn3270 = function ( self, data ) local packet = '' if self.state == self.TN3270E_DATA then -- we need to create the tn3270E (the E is important) header -- which, in basic 3270E is 5 bytes of 0x00 packet = string.pack("BBB >I2", self.DT_3270_DATA, -- type 0, -- request 0, -- response 0 ) --self.tn3270_header.seq_number end -- create send buffer and double up IACs for i=0,#data do stdnse.debug(3,"Adding 0x" .. stdnse.tohex(data[i]) .. " to the read buffer") packet = packet .. data[i] if data[i] == self.commands.IAC then packet = packet .. self.commands.IAC end end packet = packet .. self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.EOR return self:send_data(packet) -- send the output buffer end, get_screen = function ( self ) stdnse.debug(3,"Returning the current TN3270 buffer") local buff = '\n' for i = 1,#self.buffer do if self.buffer[i] == "\00" then buff = buff .. " " else buff = buff .. drda.StringUtil.toASCII(self.buffer[i]) end if i % 80 == 0 then buff = buff .. "\n" end end return buff end, get_screen_debug = function ( self, lvl ) lvl = lvl or 1 stdnse.debug(lvl,"---------------------- Printing the current TN3270 buffer ----------------------") local buff = '' for i = 1,#self.buffer do if self.buffer[i] == "\00" then buff = buff .. " " else buff = buff .. drda.StringUtil.toASCII(self.buffer[i]) end if i % 80 == 0 then stdnse.debug(lvl, buff) buff = '' end end stdnse.debug(lvl,"----------------------- End of the current TN3270 buffer ---------------------") return buff end, get_screen_raw = function ( self ) local buff = '' for i = 1,#self.buffer do buff = buff .. drda.StringUtil.toASCII(self.buffer[i]) end return buff end, --- Sends data at the current cursor location. Ignores field attributes. -- -- It only uses enter key (AID = 0x7d) to send this data -- for more complicated items use send_location -- @param string you wish to send. send_cursor = function ( self, data ) local ebcdic_letter = '' self.output_buffer = {} -- empty the output buffer self.output_buffer[0] = string.pack("B",self.aids.ENTER) -- what follows is an ENTER stdnse.debug(3,"Cursor Location ("..self.cursor_addr.."): Row: %s, Column: %s ", self:BA_TO_ROW(self.cursor_addr), self:BA_TO_COL(self.cursor_addr) ) table.insert(self.output_buffer, self:ENCODE_BADDR(self.cursor_addr + #data)) -- location of cursor table.insert(self.output_buffer, self.orders.SBA) -- set the buffer address to the following location table.insert(self.output_buffer, self:ENCODE_BADDR(self.cursor_addr)) -- location of buffer address for i = 1, #data do stdnse.debug(3,"Inserting %s to the send buffer", data:sub(i,i)) ebcdic_letter = drda.StringUtil.toEBCDIC( data:sub(i,i) ) table.insert(self.output_buffer, ebcdic_letter ) -- insert the ebcdic character on the array end return self:send_tn3270(self.output_buffer) end, --- Sends the data to the location specified -- -- Using a location on the screen sends the data -- @param location: a location on the screen (between 0 and 1920) -- @param data: ascii data to send to that location send_location = function( self, location, data ) local cursor_location = location + #data local ebcdic_letter = '' self.output_buffer = {} self.output_buffer[0] = string.pack("B",self.aids.ENTER) table.insert(self.output_buffer, self:ENCODE_BADDR(cursor_location)) stdnse.debug(3,"Cursor Location ("..cursor_location.."): Row: %s, Column: %s ", self:BA_TO_ROW(cursor_location), self:BA_TO_COL(cursor_location) ) stdnse.debug(3,"Inserting %s at location %d", data, location ) table.insert(self.output_buffer, self.orders.SBA) cursor_location = location table.insert(self.output_buffer, self:ENCODE_BADDR(cursor_location)) for j = 1, #data do ebcdic_letter = drda.StringUtil.toEBCDIC( data:sub(j,j) ) table.insert(self.output_buffer, ebcdic_letter ) end return self:send_tn3270(self.output_buffer) end, --- Sends the data to multiple locations on the screen -- -- Using a supplied tuple of location and data generates tn3270 data to -- fill out the screen -- @param location_tuple: and array of tuples with location and data. For -- example: send_locations([{579:"dade"},{630:"secret"}]) send_locations = function( self, location_tuple ) local cursor_location = location_tuple[#location_tuple][1] + #location_tuple[#location_tuple][2] local ebcdic_letter = '' self.output_buffer = {} self.output_buffer[0] = string.pack("B",self.aids.ENTER) table.insert(self.output_buffer, self:ENCODE_BADDR(cursor_location)) stdnse.debug(3,"Cursor Location ("..cursor_location.."): Row: %s, Column: %s ", self:BA_TO_ROW(cursor_location), self:BA_TO_COL(cursor_location) ) for i = 1, #location_tuple do stdnse.debug(3,"Inserting %s at location %d", location_tuple[i][2], location_tuple[i][1] ) table.insert(self.output_buffer, self.orders.SBA) cursor_location = location_tuple[i][1] table.insert(self.output_buffer, self:ENCODE_BADDR(cursor_location)) for j = 1, #location_tuple[i][2] do ebcdic_letter = drda.StringUtil.toEBCDIC( location_tuple[i][2]:sub(j,j) ) table.insert(self.output_buffer, ebcdic_letter ) end end return self:send_tn3270(self.output_buffer) end, send_enter = function ( self ) local ebcdic_letter = '' self.output_buffer = {} self.output_buffer[0] = string.pack("B",self.aids.ENTER) table.insert(self.output_buffer, self:ENCODE_BADDR(self.cursor_addr)) table.insert(self.output_buffer, self.orders.SBA) table.insert(self.output_buffer, self:ENCODE_BADDR(self.cursor_addr)) return self:send_tn3270(self.output_buffer) end, send_clear = function ( self ) return self:send_data( string.pack("B",self.aids.CLEAR) .. self.commands.IAC .. self.commands.EOR ) end, send_pf = function ( self, pf ) if pf > 24 or pf < 0 then return false, "PF Value must be between 1 and 24" end self.output_buffer = {} self.output_buffer[0] = string.pack("B", self.aids["PF"..pf] ) stdnse.debug(3,"Cursor Location ("..self.cursor_addr.."): Row: %s, Column: %s ", self:BA_TO_ROW(self.cursor_addr), self:BA_TO_COL(self.cursor_addr) ) self.output_buffer[1] = self:ENCODE_BADDR(self.cursor_addr) return self:send_tn3270(self.output_buffer) end, writeable = function (self) -- Returns a list with all writeable fields as {location, length} tuples local writeable_list = {} for i = 1,#self.fa_buffer do if ( self.fa_buffer[i] ~= "\00" ) and (self.fa_buffer[i]:byte(1) & 0x20) ~= 0x20 then -- found writeable flag for j = i,#self.fa_buffer do -- find end of field if (self.fa_buffer[j]:byte(1) & 0x20) == 0x20 then stdnse.debug(3,"Writeable Area: %d Row: %d Col: %d Length: %d", i + 1, self:BA_TO_ROW(i + 1), self:BA_TO_COL(i + 2), j-i-1) table.insert(writeable_list, {i + 1, j-i-1}) break end end end end return writeable_list end, find = function ( self, str ) local buff = '' for i = 1,#self.buffer do if self.buffer[i] == "\00" then buff = buff .. " " else buff = buff .. drda.StringUtil.toASCII(self.buffer[i]) end end --local buff = self:get_screen() stdnse.debug(3, "Looking for: "..str) local i, j = string.find(buff, str, 1, true) if i == nil then stdnse.debug(3, "Couldn't find: "..str) return false else stdnse.debug(3, "Found String: "..str) return i , j end end, isClear = function ( self ) local buff = '' for i = 1,#self.buffer do if self.buffer[i] == "\00" then buff = buff .. " " else buff = buff .. drda.StringUtil.toASCII(self.buffer[i]) end end local i, j = string.find(buff, '%w') if i ~= nil then stdnse.debug(3, "Screen has text") return false else stdnse.debug(3, "Screen is Empty") return true end end, --- Any Hidden Fields -- -- @returns true if there are any hidden fields in the buffer any_hidden = function ( self ) local hidden_attrib = 0x0c -- 00001100 is hidden for i = 1,#self.fa_buffer do if (self.fa_buffer[i]:byte(1) & hidden_attrib) == hidden_attrib then return true end end end, --- Hidden Fields -- -- @returns the locations of hidden fields in a table with each pair being the start and stop of the hidden field hidden_fields_location = function ( self ) local hidden_attrib = 0x0c -- 00001100 is hidden local hidden_location = {} local i = 1 if not self:any_hidden() then return hidden_location end while i <= #self.fa_buffer do if (self.fa_buffer[i]:byte(1) & hidden_attrib) == hidden_attrib then stdnse.debug(3, "Found hidden field at buffer location: " .. i) table.insert(hidden_location, i) i = i + 1 while self.fa_buffer[i] == "\0" do i = i + 1 end table.insert(hidden_location, i) end i = i + 1 end return hidden_location end, hidden_fields = function ( self ) local locations = self:hidden_fields_location() local fields = {} local i, j = 1,1 local start, stop = 0 while i <= #locations do start = locations[i] + 1 stop = locations[i+1] - 1 stdnse.debug(3, "Start Location: %i Stop Location %i", start, stop) fields[j] = '' for k = start,stop do -- stdnse.debug(3, "k = %i Inserting 0x%s", k, stdnse.tohex(self.buffer[k])) fields[j] = fields[j] .. drda.StringUtil.toASCII(self.buffer[k]) end j = j + 1 i = i + 2 end return fields end, any_overwritten = function ( self ) for i = 1, #self.overwrite_buf do if self.overwrite_buf[i] ~= "\0" then return true end end return false end, overwrite_data = function ( self ) if not self:any_overwritten() then return false end stdnse.debug(3,"Printing the overwritten TN3270 buffer") local buff = '\n' for i = 1,#self.overwrite_buf do if self.overwrite_buf[i] == "\0" then buff = buff .. " " else buff = buff .. drda.StringUtil.toASCII(self.buffer[i]) end if i % 80 == 0 then buff = buff .. "\n" end end return buff end } return _ENV