--- -- Utility functions for sending MLD requests and parsing reports. -- -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html local bin = require "bin" local nmap = require "nmap" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local packet = require "packet" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("multicast", stdnse.seeall) --- -- Performs an MLD general query on the selected interface and caches the results such that -- subsequent calls to this function do not generate additional traffic. -- -- @param if_nfo A table containing information about the interface to send the request on. -- Can be one of those returned by nmap.list_interfaces(). -- @param arg_timeout The amount of time to wait for reports. -- -- @return A list of tables, each table containing three items, namely device, layer 2 reply and layer 3 reply. -- mld_query = function( if_nfo, arg_timeout ) -- check if the interface name is valid or if nmap can find one if if_nfo == nil then return nil end -- we need some ID for this interface & address combination to use as the -- registry key and the object to lock the mutex on local reg_entry = "mld_reports_" .. if_nfo.device .. "_" .. if_nfo.address local mutex = nmap.mutex( reg_entry ) mutex('lock') -- first check if nmap.registry contains reports for this interface from a previous call of this function if nmap.registry[reg_entry] ~= nil then mutex('done') return nmap.registry[reg_entry] end if not ipOps.ip_in_range(if_nfo.address, "fe80::/10") -- link local address or if_nfo.link ~= "ethernet" then -- not the loopback interface mutex('done') return nil end -- create the query packet local src_mac = if_nfo.mac local src_ip6 = ipOps.ip_to_str(if_nfo.address) local dst_mac = packet.mactobin("33:33:00:00:00:01") local dst_ip6 = ipOps.ip_to_str("ff02::1") local general_qry = ipOps.ip_to_str("::") local dnet = nmap.new_dnet() local pcap = nmap.new_socket() dnet:ethernet_open(if_nfo.device) pcap:pcap_open(if_nfo.device, 1500, false, "ip6[40:1] == 58") local probe = packet.Frame:new() probe.mac_src = src_mac probe.mac_dst = dst_mac probe.ip_bin_src = src_ip6 probe.ip_bin_dst = dst_ip6 probe.ip6_tc = 0 probe.ip6_fl = 0 probe.ip6_hlimit = 1 probe.icmpv6_type = packet.MLD_LISTENER_QUERY probe.icmpv6_code = 0 -- Add a non-empty payload too. probe.icmpv6_payload = ( "\x00\x01" .. -- maximum response delay 1 millisecond (if 0, virtualbox TCP/IP stack crashes) "\x00\x00" .. -- reserved ipOps.ip_to_str("::") -- empty address - general MLD query ) probe:build_icmpv6_header() probe.exheader = bin.pack("CA", packet.IPPROTO_ICMPV6, -- next header "\x00" .. -- length not including first 8 octets "\x05" .. -- type is router alert "\x02" .. -- length 2 bytes "\x00\x00" .. -- router alert MLD "\x01" .. -- padding type PadN "\x00" -- padding length 0 ) probe.ip6_nhdr = packet.IPPROTO_HOPOPTS probe:build_ipv6_packet() probe:build_ether_frame() -- send the query packet dnet:ethernet_send(probe.frame_buf) -- wait for responses to the query packet pcap:set_timeout(1000) local pcap_timeout_count = 0 local nse_timeout = arg_timeout or 10 local start_time = nmap:clock() local addrs = {} nmap.registry[reg_entry] = {} repeat local status, length, layer2, layer3 = pcap:pcap_receive() local cur_time = nmap:clock() if status then local l2reply = packet.Frame:new(layer2) local l3reply = packet.Packet:new(layer3, length, true) local target_ip = l3reply.ip_src if l3reply.ip6_nhdr == packet.MLD_LISTENER_REPORT or l3reply.ip6_nhdr == packet.MLDV2_LISTENER_REPORT then table.insert( nmap.registry[reg_entry], { if_nfo.device, l2reply, l3reply } ) end end until ( cur_time - start_time >= nse_timeout ) -- clean up dnet:ethernet_close() pcap:pcap_close() mutex('done') return nmap.registry[reg_entry] end --- -- Extracts IP addresses from MLD reports captured by the mld_query function. -- -- @param reports The output of the mld_query function. -- -- @return A list of tables, each table containing three items, namely device, mac and a list of addresses. -- mld_report_addresses = function(reports) local rep_addresses = {} for _, report in pairs(reports) do local device = report[1] local l2reply = report[2] local l3reply = report[3] local target_ip = l3reply.ip_src if l3reply.ip6_nhdr == packet.MLD_LISTENER_REPORT or l3reply.ip6_nhdr == packet.MLDV2_LISTENER_REPORT then -- if this is the first reply from the target, make an entry for it if not rep_addresses[target_ip] then rep_addresses[target_ip] = stdnse.output_table() end local rep = rep_addresses[target_ip] rep.device = device rep.mac = stdnse.format_mac(l2reply.mac_src) rep.multicast_ips = rep.multicast_ips or {} -- depending on the MLD version of the report, add appropriate IP addresses if l3reply.ip6_nhdr == packet.MLD_LISTENER_REPORT then local multicast_ip = ipOps.str_to_ip( l3reply:raw(0x38, 16) ) -- IP starts at byte 0x38 and is 16 bytes long table.insert(rep.multicast_ips, multicast_ip) elseif l3reply.ip6_nhdr == packet.MLDV2_LISTENER_REPORT then local no_records = l3reply:u16(0x36) local record_offset = 0 local records_start = 0x38 for i = 1, no_records do -- for the format description, see RFC3810 (ch. 5.2) local aux_data_len = l3reply:u8(records_start + record_offset + 1) local no_sources = l3reply:u16(records_start + record_offset + 2) local multicast_ip = ipOps.str_to_ip(l3reply:raw(records_start + record_offset + 4, 16)) table.insert(rep.multicast_ips, multicast_ip) record_offset = record_offset + 4 + 16 + no_sources * 16 + aux_data_len * 4 end end end end return rep_addresses end return _ENV