local stdnse = require "stdnse" local shortport = require "shortport" local tn3270 = require "tn3270" local brute = require "brute" local creds = require "creds" local unpwdb = require "unpwdb" local nmap = require "nmap" local string = require "string" description = [[ TSO account brute forcer. This script relies on the NSE TN3270 library which emulates a TN3270 screen for NMAP. TSO user IDs have the following rules: - it cannot begin with a number - only contains alpha-numeric characters and @, #, $. - it cannot be longer than 7 chars ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -p 2401 --script tso-brute -- -- @output -- 23/tcp open tn3270 syn-ack IBM Telnet TN3270 -- | tso-brute: -- | Node Name: -- | IBMUSER: - User logged on. Skipped. -- | ZERO: - User logged on. Skipped. -- | COOL:secret - Valid credentials -- |_ Statistics: Performed 6 guesses in 6 seconds, average tps: 1 -- Final times for host: srtt: 96305 rttvar: 72303 to: 385517 -- -- @args tso-brute.commands Commands in a semi-colon seperated list needed -- to access TSO. Defaults to TSO. -- -- @args tso-brute.always_logon TSO logon can kick a user off if it guesses -- the correct password. always_logon, when set to true, will logon, even if -- the user is logged in (kicking that user off). The default, false will -- skip that account. -- -- @changelog -- 2015-10-29 - v0.1 - created by Soldier of Fortran -- -- @author Philip Young -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html -- author = "Soldier of Fortran" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"intrusive"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service({23,992,623}, {"tn3270"}) --- Registers User IDs that no longer need to be tested -- -- @param username to stop checking local function register_invalid( username ) if nmap.registry.tsoinvalid == nil then nmap.registry.tsoinvalid = {} end stdnse.debug(2,"Registering %s", username) nmap.registry.tsoinvalid[username] = true end Driver = { new = function(self, host, port, options) local o = {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o.host = host o.port = port o.options = options o.tn3270 = tn3270.Telnet:new() return o end, connect = function( self ) local status, err = self.tn3270:initiate(self.host,self.port) self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) if not status then stdnse.debug("Could not initiate TN3270: %s", err ) return false end return true end, disconnect = function( self ) self.tn3270:disconnect() self.tn3270 = nil return true end, login = function (self, user, pass) local commands = self.options['key1'] local always_logon = self.options['key2'] stdnse.debug(2,"Getting to TSO") local run = stdnse.strsplit(";%s*", commands) for i = 1, #run do stdnse.debug(2,"%s: Issuing Command (#%s of %s): %s",user , i, #run ,run[i]) self.tn3270:send_cursor(run[i]) self.tn3270:get_all_data() end if ( self.tn3270:find('NO USER APPLID AVAILABLE') ) then local err = brute.Error:new( "No APPLID Available" ) -- This error occurs on too many concurrent application requests -- it should be temporary. err:setRetry( true ) return false, err end stdnse.verbose(2,"Trying User ID/Password: %s/%s", user, pass) stdnse.debug(2,"Sending User ID: %s", user) self.tn3270:send_cursor(user) self.tn3270:get_all_data() if self.tn3270:find("***") then self.tn3270:send_enter() -- some systems require an enter after sending the user self.tn3270:get_all_data() end stdnse.debug(2,"Screen Recieved for User ID: %s", user) self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) if not self.tn3270:find('Enter LOGON parameters below') then stdnse.debug(2,"Screen Recieved for User ID: %s", user) self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) -- Sometimes mainframes get overloaded local err = brute.Error:new( "Not at TSO" ) err:setRetry( true ) return false, err end if self.tn3270:find('not authorized to use TSO') then -- invalid user ID stdnse.debug(2,"Got Message: IKJ56420I Userid %s not authorized to use TSO.", user) -- Store the invalid ID in the registry so we don't keep trying it with subsequent passwords -- when using default brute library. register_invalid(user) return false, brute.Error:new( "User ID not authorized to use TSO" ) else -- It's a valid account so lets try a password stdnse.debug(2,"%s is a valid TSO User ID. Trying Password: %s", string.upper(user), pass) if always_logon then local writeable = self.tn3270:writeable() -- This turns on self.tn3270:send_locations({{writeable[1][1],pass},{writeable[11][1],"S"}}) else self.tn3270:send_cursor(pass) end self.tn3270:get_all_data() while self.tn3270:isClear() do -- the screen is blank for a few while it loads TSO self.tn3270:get_all_data() end stdnse.debug(2,"Screen Recieved for User/Pass: %s/%s", user, pass) self.tn3270:get_screen_debug(2) if not always_logon and self.tn3270:find("already logged on") then register_invalid(user) return true, creds.Account:new(user, "", "User logged on. Skipped.") elseif not (self.tn3270:find("IKJ56421I") or self.tn3270:find("TSS7101E") or self.tn3270:find("TSS714[0-3]E") or self.tn3270:find("TSS7120E")) then -- RACF: -- IKJ56421I PASSWORD NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USERID -- Top Secret: -- TSS7101E Password is Incorrect -- TSS7140E Accessor ID Has Expired: No Longer Valid -- TSS7141E Use of Accessor ID Suspended -- TSS7142E Accessor ID Not Yet Available for Use - Still Inactive -- TSS7143E Accessor ID Has Been Inactive Too Long -- TSS7120E PASSWORD VIOLATION THRESHOLD EXCEEDED stdnse.verbose(2,"Valid User/Pass" .. user .. "/" .. pass.. "MSG:" .. self.tn3270:get_screen():sub(1,80)) return true, creds.Account:new(user, pass, creds.State.VALID) else stdnse.verbose(self.tn3270:get_screen():sub(1,80)) return false, brute.Error:new( "Incorrect password" ) end -- IKJ56425I LOGON rejected User already logged on to system end end } --- Tests the target to see if we can even get to TSO -- -- @param host host NSE object -- @param port port NSE object -- @param commands script-args of commands to use to get to TSO -- @return status true on success, false on failure local function tso_test( host, port, commands ) local tso = false -- initially we're not at TSO logon panel stdnse.debug("Checking for TSO") local tn = tn3270.Telnet:new() stdnse.debug2("Connecting TN3270 to %s:%s", host.targetname or host.ip, port.number) local status, err = tn:initiate(host,port) stdnse.debug2("Displaying initial TN3270 Screen:") tn:get_screen_debug(2) -- prints TN3270 screen to debug if not status then stdnse.debug("Could not initiate TN3270: %s", err ) return tso end stdnse.debug("Getting to TSO") local run = stdnse.strsplit(";%s*", commands) for i = 1, #run do stdnse.debug(1,"Issuing Command (#%s of %s): %s", i, #run ,run[i]) tn:send_cursor(run[i]) tn:get_all_data() end tn:get_screen_debug(2) if tn:find("ENTER USERID") or tn:find("TSO/E LOGON") then tso = true end tn:disconnect() return tso end -- Filter iterator for unpwdb usernames -- TSO is limited to 7 alpha numeric and @, #, $ and can't start with a number -- If this user ID has been confirmed to not be a valid TSO account -- it will stop being passed to the brute engine -- pattern: -- ^%D = The first char must NOT be a digit -- [%w@#%$] = All letters including the special chars @, #, and $. local valid_name = function(x) if nmap.registry.tsoinvalid and nmap.registry.tsoinvalid[x] then return false else return (string.len(x) <= 7 and string.match(x,"^%D+[%w@#%$]")) end end -- Checks string to see if it follows valid password limitations local valid_pass = function(x) local patt = "[%w@#%$]" return (string.len(x) <= 8 and string.match(x,patt)) end action = function( host, port ) local status, result local commands = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.commands') or "tso" -- if a user is logged on this script will not try to logon as that user -- because a user is only allowed to logon from one location. If you turn always_logon on -- it will logon if it finds a valid username/password, kicking that user off local always_logon = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.always_logon') or false if tso_test(host, port, commands) then stdnse.debug("Starting TSO Brute Force") local options = { key1 = commands, key2 = always_logon } local engine = brute.Engine:new(Driver, host, port, options) -- TSO has username restrictions. This sets the iterator to use only valid TSO userids engine:setUsernameIterator(unpwdb.filter_iterator(brute.usernames_iterator(),valid_name)) engine:setPasswordIterator(unpwdb.filter_iterator(brute.passwords_iterator(), valid_pass)) engine.options.script_name = SCRIPT_NAME engine.options:setOption("useraspass", false ) engine.options:setTitle("TSO Accounts") status, result = engine:start() else return "Could not get to TSO. Try --script-args=tso-user-enum.commands='logon applid(tso)'. Aborting." end return result end