local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local sslcert = require "sslcert" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local ipOps = require "ipOps" description = [[ Reports any private (RFC1918) IPv4 addresses found in the various fields of an SSL service's certificate. These will only be reported if the target address itself is not private. Nmap v7.30 or later is required. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -p 443 --script ssl-cert-intaddr -- -- @output -- 443/tcp open https -- | ssl-cert-intaddr: -- | Subject commonName: -- | -- | Subject organizationName: -- | -- | -- | Issuer emailAddress: -- |_ -- | X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: -- |_ -- --@xmloutput -- -- --
--- author = "Steve Benson" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"vuln", "discovery", "safe"} -- only run this script if the target host is NOT a private (RFC1918) IP address) -- and the port is an open SSL service portrule = function(host, port) if ipOps.isPrivate(host.ip) then stdnse.debug1("%s is a private address - skipping.", host.ip) return false else -- same criteria as ssl-cert.nse return shortport.ssl(host, port) or sslcert.isPortSupported(port) or sslcert.getPrepareTLSWithoutReconnect(port) end end -- extracts any valid private (RFC1918) IPv4 addresses from any given string -- returns a table containing them or nil if there were none found local extractPrivateIPv4Addr = function(s) stdnse.debug2(" extractIPv4Addr: %s", s) local addrs = {} string.gsub(s, "%f[%d][12]?%d?%d%.[12]?%d?%d%.[12]?%d?%d%.[12]?%d?%d%f[^%d]", function(match) stdnse.debug2(" pattern match: %s", match) if ipOps.isPrivate(match) then stdnse.debug2(" is private (HIT): %s", match) addrs[#addrs + 1] = match end end) if #addrs>0 then return addrs else return nil end end -- search the Subject or Issuer fields for leaked private IP addresses local searchCertField = function(certField, certFieldName) local k,v local leaks = stdnse.output_table() if certField then for k,v in pairs(certField) do -- if the name of this X509 field is numeric object identifier -- (i.e. "") if type(k)=="table" then k = stdnse.strjoin(".", k) end stdnse.debug2("search %s %s", certFieldName, k) leaks[certFieldName.." "..k] = extractPrivateIPv4Addr(v) end end return leaks end -- search the X509v3 extensions for leaked private IP addresses local searchCertExtensions = function(cert) if not cert.extensions then stdnse.debug1("X509v3 extensions not present in certificate or the extensions are not supported by this nmap version (7.30 or later needed)") return {} end local exti, ext, _ local leaks = stdnse.output_table() for _ ,ext in pairs(cert.extensions) do if ext.value then stdnse.debug2("search ext %s", ext.name) leaks[ext.name] = extractPrivateIPv4Addr(ext.value) else stdnse.debug2("nosearch nil ext: %s", ext.name) end end return leaks end action = function(host, port) local ok, cert = sslcert.getCertificate(host, port) if not ok then stdnse.debug1("failed to obtain SSL certificate") return nil end local leaks = stdnse.output_table() for k,v in pairs(searchCertField(cert.subject, "Subject")) do leaks[k] = v end for k,v in pairs(searchCertField(cert.issuer, "Issuer")) do leaks[k] = v end for k,v in pairs(searchCertExtensions(cert)) do leaks[k] = v end if #leaks > 0 then return leaks else return nil end end