local bin = require "bin" local datafiles = require "datafiles" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local snmp = require "snmp" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local U = require "lpeg-utility" local comm = require "comm" description = [[ Extracts basic information from an SNMPv3 GET request. The same probe is used here as in the service version detection scan. ]] --- --@output --161/udp open snmp udp-response ttl 244 ciscoSystems SNMPv3 server (public) --| snmp-info: --| enterprise: ciscoSystems --| engineIDFormat: mac --| engineIDData: 00:d4:8c:00:11:22 --| snmpEngineBoots: 6 --|_ snmpEngineTime: 358d01h13m46s -- --@xmloutput -- ciscoSystems -- mac -- 00:d4:8c:b5:32:bc -- 6 -- 358d01h26m34s author = "Daniel Miller" license = "Same as Nmap--See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"default", "version", "safe"} portrule = shortport.version_port_or_service(161, "snmp", "udp") -- Lifted from nmap-service-probes: local SNMPv3GetRequest = "\x30\x3a\x02\x01\x03\x30\x0f\x02\x02\x4a\x69\x02\x03\0\xff\xe3\x04\x01\x04\x02\x01\x03\x04\x10\x30\x0e\x04\0\x02\x01\0\x02\x01\0\x04\0\x04\0\x04\0\x30\x12\x04\0\x04\0\xa0\x0c\x02\x02\x37\xf0\x02\x01\0\x02\x01\0\x30\0" -- TODO: This should probably check for version 1 and version 2, since those -- can operate on the same port. Right now it's really just "snmp3-info" action = function (host, port) local ENTERPRISE_NUMS = nmap.registry.enterprise_numbers if not ENTERPRISE_NUMS then local status status, ENTERPRISE_NUMS = datafiles.parse_file("nselib/data/enterprise_numbers.txt", {[function(l) return tonumber(l:match("^%d+")) end] = "\t(.*)$"}) if not status then stdnse.debug1("Couldn't parse enterprise numbers datafile: %s", ENTERPRISE_NUMS) ENTERPRISE_NUMS = {} setmetatable(ENTERPRISE_NUMS, {__index = function(i) return "unknown" end}) end nmap.registry.enterprise_numbers = ENTERPRISE_NUMS end local response -- Did the service engine already do the hard work? if port.version and port.version.service_fp then -- Probes sent, replies received, but no match. response = U.get_response(port.version.service_fp, "SNMPv3GetRequest") end if not response then -- Have to send the probe ourselves local status status, response = comm.exchange(host, port, SNMPv3GetRequest) if not status then stdnse.debug1("Couldn't get a response: %s", response) return nil end end local pos, decoded = snmp.decode(response) -- Check for SNMP version 3 and msgid 0x4a69 (from the probe) if ((not decoded) or (decoded[1] or false) ~= 3 or (not decoded[2]) or (decoded[2][1] or false) ~= 0x4a69) then stdnse.debug1("Service is not SNMPv3, or packet structure not recognized") return nil end -- This really only works for User-based Security Model (USM) if decoded[2][4] ~= 3 then -- TODO: at least report the security model in use stdnse.debug1("SNMP service not using User-based Security Model") return nil end -- Decode the msgSecurityParameters octet-string pos, decoded = snmp.decode(decoded[3]) local output = stdnse.output_table() -- Decode the msgAuthoritativeEngineID octet-string local engineID = decoded[1] local pos, enterprise = bin.unpack(">I", engineID) if enterprise > 0x80000000 then enterprise = enterprise - 0x80000000 output.enterprise = ENTERPRISE_NUMS[enterprise] local format, data pos, format = bin.unpack("C", engineID, pos) if format == 1 then output.engineIDFormat = "ipv4" output.engineIDData = ipOps.str_to_ip(engineID:sub(pos,pos+3)) elseif format == 2 then output.engineIDFormat = "ipv6" output.engineIDData = ipOps.str_to_ip(engineID:sub(pos,pos+15)) elseif format == 3 then output.engineIDFormat = "mac" output.engineIDData = stdnse.tohex(engineID:sub(pos,pos+5), {separator=':'}) elseif format == 4 then output.engineIDFormat = "text" output.engineIDData = engineID:sub(pos) elseif format == 5 then output.engineIDFormat = "octets" output.engineIDData = stdnse.tohex(engineID:sub(pos)) else output.engineIDFormat = "unknown" output.engineIDData = stdnse.tohex(engineID:sub(pos)) end else output.enterprise = ENTERPRISE_NUMS[enterprise] or enterprise output.engineIDFormat = "unknown" output.engineIDData = stdnse.tohex(engineID:sub(5)) end output.snmpEngineBoots = decoded[2] output.snmpEngineTime = stdnse.format_time(decoded[3]) port.version = port.version or {} port.version.service = "snmp" if port.version.product and port.version.product ~= "SNMPv3 server" then port.version.product = ("%s; %s SNMPv3 server"):format(port.version.product, output.enterprise) else port.version.product = ("%s SNMPv3 server"):format(output.enterprise) end nmap.set_port_version(host, port, "hardmatched") return output end