--- -- Implementation of the XDMCP (X Display Manager Control Protocol) based on: -- x http://www.xfree86.org/current/xdmcp.pdf -- -- @author Patrik Karlsson local bin = require "bin" local ipOps = require "ipOps" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("xdmcp", stdnse.seeall) -- Supported operations OpCode = { BCAST_QUERY = 1, QUERY = 2, WILLING = 5, REQUEST = 7, ACCEPT = 8, MANAGE = 10, } -- Packet class Packet = { -- The cdmcp header Header = { -- Creates a new instance of class -- @param version number containing the protocol version -- @param opcode number containing the opcode type -- @param length number containing the length of the data -- @return o instance of class new = function(self, version, opcode, length) local o = { version = version, opcode = opcode, length = length } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- Parses data based on which a new object is instantiated -- @param data opaque string containing data received over the wire -- @return hdr instance of class parse = function(data) local pos, hdr = nil, Packet.Header:new() pos, hdr.version, hdr.opcode, hdr.length = bin.unpack(">SSS", data) return hdr end, -- Converts the instance to an opaque string -- @return str string containing the instance __tostring = function(self) assert(self.length, "No header length was supplied") return bin.pack(">SSS", self.version, self.opcode, self.length) end, }, [OpCode.QUERY] = { -- Creates a new instance of class -- @param authnames table of strings containing authentication -- mechanism names. -- @return o instance of class new = function(self, authnames) local o = { header = Packet.Header:new(1, OpCode.QUERY), authnames = authnames or {}, } o.header.length = #o.authnames + 1 setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- Converts the instance to an opaque string -- @return str string containing the instance __tostring = function(self) local data = tostring(self.header) data = data .. bin.pack("C", #self.authnames) for _, name in ipairs(self.authnames) do data = data .. bin.pack("P", name) end return data end, }, [OpCode.BCAST_QUERY] = { new = function(...) local packet = Packet[OpCode.QUERY]:new(...) packet.header.opcode = OpCode.BCAST_QUERY return packet end, __tostring = function(...) return Packet[OpCode.QUERY]:__tostring(...) end }, [OpCode.WILLING] = { -- Creates a new instance of class -- @return o instance of class new = function(self) local o = { header = Packet.Header:new(1, OpCode.WILLING) } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- Parses data based on which a new object is instantiated -- @param data opaque string containing data received over the wire -- @return hdr instance of class parse = function(data) local willing = Packet[OpCode.WILLING]:new() willing.header = Packet.Header.parse(data) local pos = 7 pos, willing.authname, willing.hostname, willing.status = bin.unpack("ppp", data, pos) return willing end, }, [OpCode.REQUEST] = { -- The connection class Connection = { IpType = { IPv4 = 0, IPv6 = 6, }, -- Creates a new instance of class -- @param iptype number -- @param ip opaque string containing the ip -- @return o instance of class new = function(self, iptype, ip) local o = { iptype = iptype, ip = ip, } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, }, -- Creates a new instance of class -- @param disp_no number containing the display name -- @param auth_name string containing the authentication name -- @param auth_data string containing additional authentication data -- @param authr_names string containing authorization mechanisms -- @param manf_id string containing the manufacturer id -- @return o instance of class new = function(self, disp_no, conns, auth_name, auth_data, authr_names, manf_id ) local o = { header = Packet.Header:new(1, OpCode.REQUEST), disp_no = disp_no or 1, conns = conns or {}, auth_name = auth_name or "", auth_data = auth_data or "", authr_names = authr_names or {}, manf_id = manf_id or "", } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- Adds a new connection entry -- @param conn instance of Connections addConnection = function(self, conn) table.insert(self.conns, conn) end, -- Adds a new authorization entry -- @param str string containing the name of the authorization mechanism addAuthrName = function(self, str) table.insert(self.authr_names, str) end, -- Converts the instance to an opaque string -- @return str string containing the instance __tostring = function(self) local data = bin.pack(">SC", self.disp_no, #self.conns) for _, conn in ipairs(self.conns) do data = data .. bin.pack(">S", conn.iptype) end data = data .. bin.pack("C", #self.conns) for _, conn in ipairs(self.conns) do data = data .. bin.pack(">P", ipOps.ip_to_str(conn.ip)) end data = data .. bin.pack(">PP", self.auth_name, self.auth_data) data = data .. bin.pack("C", #self.authr_names) for _, authr in ipairs(self.authr_names) do data = data .. bin.pack(">P", authr) end data = data .. bin.pack(">P", self.manf_id) self.header.length = #data return tostring(self.header) .. data end, }, [OpCode.ACCEPT] = { -- Creates a new instance of class -- @param session_id number containing the session id -- @param auth_name string containing the authentication name -- @param auth_data string containing additional authentication data -- @param authr_name string containing the authorization mechanism name -- @param authr_names string containing authorization mechanisms -- @return o instance of class new = function(self, session_id, auth_name, auth_data, authr_name, authr_data) local o = { header = Packet.Header:new(1, OpCode.ACCEPT), session_id = session_id, auth_name = auth_name, auth_data = auth_data, authr_name = authr_name, authr_data = authr_data, } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- Parses data based on which a new object is instantiated -- @param data opaque string containing data received over the wire -- @return hdr instance of class parse = function(data) local accept = Packet[OpCode.ACCEPT]:new() accept.header = Packet.Header.parse(data) local pos = 7 pos, accept.session_id, accept.auth_name, accept.auth_data, accept.authr_name, accept.authr_data = bin.unpack(">IPPPP", data, pos) return accept end, }, [OpCode.MANAGE] = { -- Creates a new instance of class -- @param session_id number containing the session id -- @param disp_no number containing the display number -- @param disp_class string containing the display class -- @return o instance of class new = function(self, sess_id, disp_no, disp_class) local o = { header = Packet.Header:new(1, OpCode.MANAGE), session_id = sess_id, disp_no = disp_no, disp_class = disp_class or "" } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- Converts the instance to an opaque string -- @return str string containing the instance __tostring = function(self) local data = bin.pack(">ISP", self.session_id, self.disp_no, self.disp_class) self.header.length = #data return tostring(self.header) .. data end, } } -- The Helper class serves as the main script interface Helper = { -- Creates a new instance of Helper -- @param host table as received by the action method -- @param port table as received by the action method -- @param options table -- @return o new instance of Helper new = function(self, host, port, options) local o = { host = host, port = port, options = options or {}, } setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end, -- "Connects" to the server (ie. creates the socket) -- @return status, true on success, false on failure connect = function(self) self.socket = nmap.new_socket("udp") self.socket:set_timeout(self.options.timeout or 10000) return true end, -- Creates a xdmcp session -- @param auth_name string containing the authentication name -- @param authr_name string containing the authorization mechanism name -- @param disp_class string containing the display class -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return response table or err string containing an error message createSession = function(self, auth_names, authr_names, disp_no) local info = nmap.get_interface_info(self.host.interface) if ( not(info) ) then return false, ("Failed to get information for interface %s"):format(self.host.interface) end local req = Packet[OpCode.QUERY]:new(auth_names) local status, response = self:exch(req) if ( not(status) ) then return false, response elseif ( response.header.opcode ~= OpCode.WILLING ) then return false, "Received unexpected response" end local REQ = Packet[OpCode.REQUEST] local iptype = REQ.Connection.IpType.IPv4 if ( nmap.address_family() == 'inet6' ) then iptype = REQ.Connection.IpType.IPv6 end local conns = { REQ.Connection:new(iptype, info.address) } local req = REQ:new(disp_no, conns, nil, nil, authr_names) local status, response = self:exch(req) if ( not(status) ) then return false, response elseif ( response.header.opcode ~= OpCode.ACCEPT ) then return false, "Received unexpected response" end -- Sending this last manage packet doesn't make any sense as we can't -- set up a listening TCP server anyway. When we can, we could enable -- this and wait for the incoming request and retrieve X protocol info. -- local manage = Packet[OpCode.MANAGE]:new(response.session_id, -- disp_no, "MIT-unspecified") -- local status, response = self:exch(manage) -- if ( not(status) ) then -- return false, response -- end return true, { session_id = response.session_id, auth_name = response.auth_name, auth_data = response.auth_data, authr_name = response.authr_name, authr_data = response.authr_data, } end, send = function(self, req) return self.socket:sendto(self.host, self.port, tostring(req)) end, recv = function(self) local status, data = self.socket:receive() if ( not(status) ) then return false, data end local header = Packet.Header.parse(data) if ( not(header) ) then return false, "Failed to parse xdmcp header" end if ( not(Packet[header.opcode]) ) then return false, ("No parser for opcode: %d"):format(header.opcode) end local resp = Packet[header.opcode].parse(data) if ( not(resp) ) then return false, "Failed to parse response" end return true, resp end, -- Sends a request to the server, receives and parses a response -- @param req instance of Packet -- @return status true on success, false on failure -- @return response instance of response packet exch = function(self, req) local status, err = self:send(req) if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to send xdmcp request" end return self:recv() end, } return _ENV;