--- -- A library providing functions for doing SSLv2 communications -- -- -- @author Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet -- @author Daniel Miller local stdnse = require "stdnse" local bin = require "bin" local bit = require "bit" local table = require "table" local nmap = require "nmap" local sslcert = require "sslcert" _ENV = stdnse.module("sslv2", stdnse.seeall) SSL_MESSAGE_TYPES = { ERROR = 0, CLIENT_HELLO = 1, CLIENT_MASTER_KEY = 2, CLIENT_FINISHED = 3, SERVER_HELLO = 4, SERVER_VERIFY = 5, SERVER_FINISHED = 6, REQUEST_CERTIFICATE = 7, CLIENT_CERTIFICATE = 8, } SSL_ERRORS = { [1] = "SSL_PE_NO_CIPHER", [2] = "SSL_PE_NO_CERTIFICATE", [3] = "SSL_PE_BAD_CERTIFICATE", [4] = "SSL_PE_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE_TYPE", } SSL_CERT_TYPES = { X509_CERTIFICATE = 1, } -- (cut down) table of codes with their corresponding ciphers. -- inspired by Wireshark's 'epan/dissectors/packet-ssl-utils.h' --- SSLv2 ciphers, keyed by cipher code as a string of 3 bytes. -- -- @class table -- @name SSL_CIPHERS -- @field str The cipher name as a string -- @field key_length The length of the cipher's key -- @field encrypted_key_length How much of the key is encrypted in the handshake (effective key strength) SSL_CIPHERS = { ["\x01\x00\x80"] = { str = "SSL2_RC4_128_WITH_MD5", key_length = 16, encrypted_key_length = 16, }, ["\x02\x00\x80"] = { str = "SSL2_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5", key_length = 16, encrypted_key_length = 5, }, ["\x03\x00\x80"] = { str = "SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_WITH_MD5", key_length = 16, encrypted_key_length = 16, }, ["\x04\x00\x80"] = { str = "SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5", key_length = 16, encrypted_key_length = 5, }, ["\x05\x00\x80"] = { str = "SSL2_IDEA_128_CBC_WITH_MD5", key_length = 16, encrypted_key_length = 16, }, ["\x06\x00\x40"] = { str = "SSL2_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5", key_length = 8, encrypted_key_length = 8, }, ["\x07\x00\xc0"] = { str = "SSL2_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5", key_length = 24, encrypted_key_length = 24, }, ["\x00\x00\x00"] = { str = "SSL2_NULL_WITH_MD5", key_length = 0, encrypted_key_length = 0, }, ["\x08\x00\x80"] = { str = "SSL2_RC4_64_WITH_MD5", key_length = 16, encrypted_key_length = 8, }, } --- Another table of ciphers -- -- Unlike SSL_CIPHERS, this one is keyed by cipher name and the values are the -- cipher code as a 3-byte string. -- @class table -- @name SSL_CIPHER_CODES SSL_CIPHER_CODES = {} for k, v in pairs(SSL_CIPHERS) do SSL_CIPHER_CODES[v.str] = k end local SSL_MAX_RECORD_LENGTH_2_BYTE_HEADER = 32767 local SSL_MAX_RECORD_LENGTH_3_BYTE_HEADER = 16383 local function parse_record_header_1_2(header_1_2) local _, b0, b1 = bin.unpack(">CC", header_1_2) local msb = bit.band(b0, 0x80) == 0x80 local header_length local record_length if msb then header_length = 2 record_length = bit.bor(bit.lshift(bit.band(b0, 0x7f), 8), b1) else header_length = 3 record_length = bit.bor(bit.lshift(bit.band(b0, 0x3f), 8), b1) end return header_length, record_length end -- 2 bytes of length minimum local SSL_MIN_HEADER = 2 local function read_header(buffer, i) i = i or 1 -- Ensure we have enough data for the header. if #buffer - i + 1 < SSL_MIN_HEADER then return i, nil end local len i, len = bin.unpack(">S", buffer, i) local msb = bit.band(len, 0x8000) == 0x8000 local header_length, record_length, padding_length, is_escape if msb then header_length = 2 record_length = bit.band(len, 0x7fff) padding_length = 0 else header_length = 3 if #buffer - i + 1 < 1 then -- don't have enough for the message_type. Back up. return i - SSL_MIN_HEADER, nil end record_length = bit.band(len, 0x3fff) is_escape = not not bit.band(len, 0x4000) i, padding_length = bin.unpack("C", buffer, i) end return i, { record_length = record_length, is_escape = is_escape, padding_length = padding_length, } end --- -- Read a SSLv2 record -- @param buffer The read buffer -- @param i The position in the buffer to start reading -- @return The current position in the buffer -- @return The record that was read, as a table function record_read(buffer, i) local i, h = read_header(buffer, i) if #buffer - i + 1 < h.record_length or not h then return i, nil end i, h.message_type = bin.unpack("C", buffer, i) if h.message_type == SSL_MESSAGE_TYPES.SERVER_HELLO then local j, SID_hit, certificate_type, ssl_version, certificate_len, ciphers_len, connection_id_len = bin.unpack(">CCSSSS", buffer, i) local j, certificate = bin.unpack("A" .. certificate_len, buffer, j) local ciphers_end = j + ciphers_len local ciphers = {} while j < ciphers_end do local cipher j, cipher = bin.unpack("A3", buffer, j) local cipher_name = SSL_CIPHERS[cipher] and SSL_CIPHERS[cipher].str or ("0x" .. stdnse.tohex(cipher)) ciphers[#ciphers+1] = cipher_name end local j, connection_id = bin.unpack("A" .. connection_id_len, buffer, j) h.body = { cert_type = certificate_type, cert = certificate, ciphers = ciphers, connection_id = connection_id, } i = j elseif h.message_type == SSL_MESSAGE_TYPES.ERROR and h.record_length == 3 then local j, err = bin.unpack(">S", buffer, i) h.body = { error = SSL_ERRORS[err] or err } i = j else -- TODO: Other message types? h.message_type = "encrypted" local j, data = bin.unpack("A"..h.record_length, buffer, i) h.body = { data = data } i = j end return i, h end --- Wrap a payload in an SSLv2 record header -- --@param payload The padded payload to send --@param pad_length The length of the padding. If the payload is not padded, set to 0 --@return An SSLv2 record containing the payload function ssl_record (payload, pad_length) local length = #payload assert( length < (pad_length == 0 and SSL_MAX_RECORD_LENGTH_2_BYTE_HEADER or SSL_MAX_RECORD_LENGTH_3_BYTE_HEADER), "SSL record too long") assert(pad_length < 256, "SSL record padding too long") if pad_length > 0 then return bin.pack(">SCA", length, pad_length, payload) else return bin.pack(">SA", bit.bor(length, 0x8000), payload) end end --- -- Build a client_hello message -- -- The ciphers parameter can contain cipher names or raw 3-byte -- cipher codes. -- @param ciphers Table of cipher names -- @return The client_hello record as a string function client_hello (ciphers) local cipher_codes = {} for _, c in ipairs(ciphers) do local ck = SSL_CIPHER_CODES[c] or c assert(#ck == 3, "Unknown cipher") cipher_codes[#cipher_codes+1] = ck end local challenge = stdnse.generate_random_string(16) local ssl_v2_hello = bin.pack(">CSSSSAA", 1, -- MSG-CLIENT-HELLO 2, -- version: SSL 2.0 #cipher_codes * 3, -- cipher spec length 0, -- session ID length #challenge, -- challenge length table.concat(cipher_codes), challenge ) return ssl_record(ssl_v2_hello, 0) end function client_master_secret(cipher_name, clear_key, encrypted_key, key_arg) local key_arg = key_arg or "" local ck = SSL_CIPHER_CODES[cipher_name] or cipher_name assert(#ck == 3, "Unknown cipher in client_master_secret") return ssl_record( bin.pack(">CASSSAAA", SSL_MESSAGE_TYPES.CLIENT_MASTER_KEY, ck, #clear_key, #encrypted_key, #key_arg, clear_key, encrypted_key, key_arg ), 0) end local function read_atleast(s, n) local buf = {} local count = 0 while count < n do local status, data = s:receive_bytes(n - count) if not status then return status, data, table.concat(buf) end buf[#buf+1] = data count = count + #data end return true, table.concat(buf) end --- Get an entire record into a buffer -- -- Caller is responsible for closing the socket if necessary. -- @param sock The socket to read additional data from -- @param buffer The string buffer holding any previously-read data -- (default: "") -- @param i The position in the buffer where the record should start -- (default: 1) -- @return status Socket status -- @return Buffer containing at least 1 record if status is true -- @return Error text if there was an error function record_buffer(sock, buffer, i) buffer = buffer or "" i = i or 1 if #buffer - i + 1 < SSL_MIN_HEADER then local status, resp, rem = read_atleast(sock, SSL_MIN_HEADER - (#buffer - i + 1)) if not status then return false, buffer .. rem, resp end buffer = buffer .. resp end local i, h = read_header(buffer, i) if not h then return false, buffer, "Couldn't read a SSLv2 header" end if (#buffer - i + 1) < h.record_length then local status, resp = read_atleast(sock, h.record_length - (#buffer - i + 1)) if not status then return false, buffer, resp end buffer = buffer .. resp end return true, buffer end function test_sslv2 (host, port) local timeout = stdnse.get_timeout(host, 10000, 5000) -- Create socket. local status, socket, err local starttls = sslcert.getPrepareTLSWithoutReconnect(port) if starttls then status, socket = starttls(host, port) if not status then stdnse.debug(1, "Can't connect using STARTTLS: %s", socket) return nil end else socket = nmap.new_socket() socket:set_timeout(timeout) status, err = socket:connect(host, port) if not status then stdnse.debug(1, "Can't connect: %s", err) return nil end end socket:set_timeout(timeout) local ssl_v2_hello = client_hello(stdnse.keys(SSL_CIPHER_CODES)) socket:send(ssl_v2_hello) local status, record = record_buffer(socket) socket:close(); if not status then return nil end local _, message = record_read(record) -- some sanity checks: -- is it SSLv2? if not message or not message.body then return end -- is response a server hello? if (message.message_type ~= SSL_MESSAGE_TYPES.SERVER_HELLO) then return end ---- is certificate in X.509 format? --if (message.body.cert_type ~= 1) then -- return --end return message.body.ciphers end return _ENV;