MAKENSIS="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/NSIS/makensis.exe" VCEXPRESS := $(shell reg query "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\Applications\\devenv.exe\\shell\\edit\\command" | egrep -i '[A-Z]:\\' | cut -d\" -f2 | sed 's%\\%/%g' | tr -d '\n') SIGNTOOL := $(shell reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v8.1" /v "InstallationFolder" | egrep InstallationFolder | cut -d ' ' -f13- | sed 's%\\%/%g' | tr -d '\n' | sed 's%$$%bin/x86/signtool.exe%') export NMAP_VERSION := $(shell grep '^\#[ \t]*define[ \t]\+NMAP_VERSION' ../nmap.h | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/' -e 'q') export NMAP_NUM_VERSION := $(shell grep '^\#[ \t]*define[ \t]\+NMAP_NUM_VERSION' ../nmap.h | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/' -e 'q') export NPCAP_VERSION := $(shell ls npcap-*.exe | sed -e 's/npcap-\([-r0-9.]*\)\.exe/\1/' -e 'q') COMMA_VERSION=$(shell echo $(NMAP_NUM_VERSION) | tr '.' ',') LOGLOC=c:nmapbuild.log NSE_FILES = scripts/script.db scripts/*.nse NMAP_MSWIN32_AUX = ../../nmap-mswin32-aux SIGNTOOL_ARGS = sign /a /n "Insecure.Com LLC" /tr /td sha256 /fd sha256 winbuild: nmap.rc nsis/Nmap.nsi LICENSE # VCExpress.exe is with the commercial Visual Studio suite instead of VC++ Express "$(VCEXPRESS)" nmap.sln /build release /out $(LOGLOC) "$(VCEXPRESS)" nmap.sln /build release /project nmap-update /out $(LOGLOC) rm -rf nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) rm -f nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) mkdir nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) cd Release && cp -r ../../CHANGELOG ../../COPYING nmap-mac-prefixes nmap-os-db nmap-payloads nmap-protocols nmap-rpc nmap-service-probes nmap-services nmap.exe nmap.xsl nse_main.lua ../nmap_performance.reg ../../README-WIN32 ../../docs/3rd-party-licenses.txt ../nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ "$(SIGNTOOL)" $(SIGNTOOL_ARGS) nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/nmap.exe # Use "cmd /c copy" rather than "cp" to preserve Windows ACLs. Using # "cp" means that the copied DLLs don't have the same ACL and cause an # error on startup: 0xc0000022. cmd /c copy $(subst /,\\,$(NMAP_MSWIN32_AUX))\\OpenSSL\\bin\\*.dll nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) mkdir nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/scripts cd Release && cp -f $(NSE_FILES) ../nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/scripts/ cd Release && for f in `find nselib -name .svn -prune -o -type d -print`; do \ mkdir -p ../nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/$$f; \ done cd Release && for f in `find nselib -name .svn -prune -o -type f -print`; do \ cp -f $$f ../nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/$$f; \ done cd Release && cp -r ../../docs/licenses ../nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ rm -rf nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/licenses/.svn cp npcap-$(NPCAP_VERSION).exe nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) cp $(NMAP_MSWIN32_AUX)/vcredist_x86.exe nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) cp $(NMAP_MSWIN32_AUX)/vcredist2008_x86.exe nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) cp ../ncat/Release/ncat.exe nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) "$(SIGNTOOL)" $(SIGNTOOL_ARGS) nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ncat.exe cp ../ncat/Release/ca-bundle.crt nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) cp ../nping/Release/nping.exe nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) "$(SIGNTOOL)" $(SIGNTOOL_ARGS) nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/nping.exe cp ../nmap-update/Release/nmap-update.exe nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) "$(SIGNTOOL)" $(SIGNTOOL_ARGS) nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/nmap-update.exe # Install the ndiff batch file wrapper in the zip distribution. cp ../ndiff/ nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ cp python-wrap.bat nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ndiff.bat zip -r nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) # Remove and ndiff.bat for the installer because it has ndiff.exe. rm -f nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ndiff.bat cd ../zenmap && install_scripts/windows/copy_and_compile.bat cp -R ../zenmap/dist/* nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ "$(SIGNTOOL)" $(SIGNTOOL_ARGS) nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ndiff.exe "$(SIGNTOOL)" $(SIGNTOOL_ARGS) nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/zenmap.exe cp ../zenmap/README nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/ZENMAP_README cp ../zenmap/COPYING_HIGWIDGETS nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) cp ../ndiff/README nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/NDIFF_README cp nsis/AddToPath.nsh nsis/Nmap.nsi nsis/shortcuts.ini nsis/final.ini nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION) $(MAKENSIS) nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/Nmap.nsi mv nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)/NmapInstaller.exe nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)-setup.exe "$(SIGNTOOL)" $(SIGNTOOL_ARGS) nmap-$(NMAP_VERSION)-setup.exe nmap.rc: ../nmap.h sed -e '1i// Automatically generated from $<.' \ -e 's/@@FILEVERSION@@/"$(NMAP_VERSION)\\0"/' \ -e 's/@@COMMAVERSION@@/$(COMMA_VERSION)/' \ "$<" > "$@" nsis/Nmap.nsi: nsis/ sed -e '1i; Automatically generated from $<.' \ -e 's/@@VIPRODUCTVERSION@@/"$(NMAP_NUM_VERSION)"/' \ -e 's/@@VERSION@@/"$(NMAP_VERSION)"/' \ -e 's/@@NPCAP_VERSION@@/$(NPCAP_VERSION)/' \ "$<" > "$@" LICENSE: ../COPYING ./license-format/ "$<" > "$@" clean: "$(VCEXPRESS)" nmap.sln /clean rm -rf Debug Release nmapbuild.log nmap.rc nsis/Nmap.nsi LICENSE