This is a description of the files in this directory, all of which have to do with packaging on Mac OS X. They are useful only for those wanting to build binary distributions of Zenmap for Mac OS X. == Info.plist A properties list file template that is filled out by == This script builds a .app bundle. It must be run from the root of the Zenmap source tree. The finished bundle is put in dist/ == zenmap.icns The icon file for the bundle. It was created using the Icon Composer utility (open -a "Icon Composer"). == zenmap_auth.c This is a simple wrapper program that attempts to run with privileges. == A launcher script that configures the environment for Zenmap, Python, and GTK before launching the main Zenmap script file. == zenmap.bundle An XML config file for gtk-mac-bundler which specifies files and metadata for the application bundle. == MacPorts-ports.diff *** Note: The MacPorts tree is only currently used for building libsvn and libapr for nmap-update, and will hopefully be removed in future releases. This patch against a MacPorts ports tree contains various changes needed to install dependencies in a sufficiently portable way. The main thing accomplished by this patch is to avoid building a MacPorts libiconv. libcups depends on libiconv, but it depends on an Apple version of libconv, and MacPorts doesn't have a port for libcups. The MacPorts libiconv is incompatible and causes a dynamic linker error at runtime. The following instructions show how to make a 10.9-compatible environment suitable for building Zenmap packages. It will be a separate installation in $HOME/macports-10.9 that won't interfere with your normal MacPorts installation in /opt/local. These instructions were done with MacPorts 2.3.3 on Mac OS X 10.9.5. 1. Install MacPorts. export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin export PREFIX=$HOME/macports-10.9 tar xzvf MacPorts-2.3.3.tar.gz cd MacPorts-2.3.3 ./configure --with-no-root-privileges --prefix=$PREFIX --with-applications-dir=$PREFIX/Applications make make install 2. Update the ports tree. $PREFIX/bin/port sync 3. Edit the file $PREFIX/etc/macports/macports.conf. Uncomment the line build_arch i386 Add this line at the bottom: macosx_deployment_target 10.9 4. Make a local patched ports tree. cd $PREFIX mkdir ports ln -s var/macports/sources/ ports.orig for x in archivers/xz editors/vim devel/apr-util devel/atk devel/gettext mail/libidn perl/p5-locale-gettext textproc/help2man; do mkdir -v -p ports/$x; cp -R ports.orig/$x ports/$(dirname $x); done patch -p0 < MacPorts-ports.diff 5. Build a port index. cd ports $PREFIX/bin/portindex 6. Edit the file $PREFIX/etc/macports/sources.conf. Add a line file:///Users/user/macports-10.9/ports above the rsync line. (Replace "user" with your user name.) 7. Install the dependencies of Zenmap. $PREFIX/bin/port install apr apr-util openssl Here are instructions for updating the patch to keep up with MacPorts changes. First, sync the original ports tree. $PREFIX/bin/port selfupdate -v Restore a pristine partial ports tree: cd $PREFIX # rsync handles deleting deleted files, but can't pick up new ones like this... rsync -rv --existing --delete --exclude=PortIndex ports.orig/ ports/ # we copy everything over again. for x in archivers/xz editors/vim devel/apr-util devel/atk devel/gettext mail/libidn perl/p5-locale-gettext textproc/help2man; do cp -R ports.orig/$x ports/$(dirname $x); done Reapply the patch. Resolve any conflicts. patch -p0 --no-backup-if-mismatch < MacPorts-ports.diff Make a new patch. diff --unidirectional-new-file -ru -x 'PortIndex*' ports.orig ports | grep -v '^Only in ' > new.diff Check that it's all right, then rename it. mv new.diff MacPorts-ports.diff Rebuild the port index. cd ports $PREFIX/bin/portindex