--- A minimalistic Redis (in-memory key-value data store) library. -- -- @author "Patrik Karlsson " local match = require "match" local nmap = require "nmap" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("redis", stdnse.seeall) Request = { new = function(self, cmd, ...) local o = { cmd = cmd, args = {...} } setmetatable (o,self) self.__index = self return o end, __tostring = function(self) local output = ("*%s\r\n$%d\r\n%s\r\n"):format(#self.args + 1, #self.cmd, self.cmd) for _, arg in ipairs(self.args) do arg = tostring(arg) output = output .. ("$%s\r\n%s\r\n"):format(#arg, arg) end return output end } Response = { Type = { STATUS = 0, ERROR = 1, INTEGER = 2, BULK = 3, MULTIBULK = 4, }, new = function(self, socket) local o = { socket = socket } setmetatable (o,self) self.__index = self return o end, receive = function(self) local status, data = self.socket:receive_buf("\r\n", false) if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to receive data from server" end -- if we have a status, integer or error message if ( data:match("^[%-%+%:]") ) then local response = { data = data } local t = data:match("^([-+:])") if ( t == "-" ) then response.type = Response.Type.ERROR elseif ( t == "+" ) then response.type = Response.Type.STATUS elseif ( t == ":" ) then response.type = Response.Type.INTEGER end return true, response end -- process bulk reply if ( data:match("^%$") ) then -- non existing key if ( data == "$-1" ) then return true, nil end local len = tonumber(data:match("^%$(%d*)")) -- we should only have a single line, so we can just peel of the length status, data = self.socket:receive_buf(match.numbytes(len), false) if( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to receive data from server" end return true, { data = data, type = Response.Type.BULK } end -- process multi-bulk reply if ( data:match("^%*%d*") ) then local count = data:match("^%*(%d*)") local results = {} for i=1, count do -- peel of the length local status = self.socket:receive_buf("\r\n", false) if( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to receive data from server" end status, data = self.socket:receive_buf("\r\n", false) if( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to receive data from server" end table.insert(results, data) end return true, { data = results, type = Response.Type.MULTIBULK } end return false, "Unsupported response" end, } Helper = { new = function(self, host, port) local o = { host = host, port = port } setmetatable (o,self) self.__index = self return o end, connect = function(self) self.socket = nmap.new_socket() return self.socket:connect(self.host, self.port) end, reqCmd = function(self, cmd, ...) local req = Request:new(cmd, ...) local status, err = self.socket:send(tostring(req)) if (not(status)) then return false, "Failed to send command to server" end return Response:new(self.socket):receive() end, close = function(self) return self.socket:close() end } return _ENV;