description = [[ This script detects Cross Site Request Forgeries (CSRF) vulnerabilities. It will try to detect them by checking each form if it contains an unpredictable token for each user. Without one an attacker may forge malicious requests. To recognize a token in a form, the script will iterate through the form's attributes and will search for common patterns in their names. If that fails, it will also calculate the entropy of each attribute's value. A big entropy means a possible token. A common use case for this script comes along with a cookie that gives access in pages that require authentication, because that's where the privileged exist. See the http library's documentation to set your own cookie. ]] --- -- @usage nmap -p80 --script http-csrf.nse -- -- @args http-csrf.singlepages The pages that contain the forms to check. -- For example, {/upload.php, /login.php}. Default: nil (crawler -- mode on) -- @args http-csrf.checkentropy If this is set the script will also calculate -- the entropy of the field's value to determine if it is a token, -- rather than just checking its name. Default: true -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE REASON -- 80/tcp open http syn-ack -- | http-csrf: -- | Spidering limited to: maxdepth=3; maxpagecount=20; -- | Found the following CSRF vulnerabilities: -- | -- | Path: -- | Form id: search_bar_input -- | Form action: /search -- | -- | Path: -- | Form id: custom_price_filters -- | Form action: /search -- | -- | Path: -- | Form id: custom_price_filters -- |_ Form action: /c/334/rologia-xeiros-watches.html -- --- categories = {"intrusive", "exploit", "vuln"} author = "George Chatzisofroniou" license = "Same as Nmap--See" local http = require "http" local formulas = require "formulas" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local table = require "table" local string = require "string" local httpspider = require "httpspider" portrule = shortport.port_or_service( {80, 443}, {"http", "https"}, "tcp", "open") -- Checks if this is really a token. isToken = function(value) local minlength = 8 local minentropy = 72 -- If it has a reasonable length. if #value > minlength then local entropy = formulas.calcPwdEntropy(value) -- Does it have a big entropy? if entropy >= minentropy then -- If it doesn't contain any spaces but contains at least one digit. if not string.find(value, " ") and string.find(value, "%d") then return 1 end end end return 0 end action = function(host, port) local singlepages = stdnse.get_script_args("http-csrf.singlepages") local checkentropy = stdnse.get_script_args("http-csrf.checkentropy") or false local csrfvuln = {} local crawler = httpspider.Crawler:new( host, port, '/', { scriptname = SCRIPT_NAME, withinhost = 1 } ) if (not(crawler)) then return end crawler:set_timeout(10000) local index, response, path while (true) do if singlepages then local k, target, k, target = next(singlepages, index) if (k == nil) then break end response = http.get(host, port, target) path = target else local status, r = crawler:crawl() -- if the crawler fails it can be due to a number of different reasons -- most of them are "legitimate" and should not be reason to abort if (not(status)) then if (r.err) then return stdnse.format_output(false, r.reason) else break end end response = r.response path = tostring(r.url) end if response.body then local forms = http.grab_forms(response.body) for i, form in ipairs(forms) do form = http.parse_form(form) local resistant = false if form and form.action then for _, field in ipairs(form['fields']) do -- First we check the field's name. if field['value'] then resistant = string.find(field['name'], "[Tt][Oo][Kk][Ee][Nn]") or string.find(field['name'], "[cC][sS][Rr][Ff]") -- Let's be sure, by calculating the entropy of the field's value. if not resistant and checkentropy then resistant = isToken(field['value']) end if resistant then break end end end if not resistant then -- Handle forms with no id or action attributes. form['id'] = form['id'] or "" form['action'] = form['action'] or "-" local msg = "\nPath: " .. path .. "\nForm id: " .. form['id'] .. "\nForm action: " .. form['action'] table.insert(csrfvuln, { msg } ) end end end if (index) then index = index + 1 else index = 1 end end end -- If the table is empty. if next(csrfvuln) == nil then return "Couldn't find any CSRF vulnerabilities." end table.insert(csrfvuln, 1, "Found the following possible CSRF vulnerabilities: ") = crawler:getLimitations() return stdnse.format_output(true, csrfvuln) end