local creds = require "creds" description = [[ Lists all discovered credentials (e.g. from brute force and default password checking scripts) at end of scan. ]] --- --@output -- | creds-summary: -- | -- | 22/ssh -- | lisbon:jane - Account is valid -- | -- | 21/ftp -- | jane:redjohn - Account is locked -- | 22/ssh -- | cho:secret11 - Account is valid -- | 23/telnet -- | rigsby:pelt - Account is valid -- | pelt:rigsby - Password needs to be changed at next logon -- | 80/http -- | lisbon:jane - Account is valid -- | jane:redjohn - Account is locked -- |_ cho:secret11 - Account is valid author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"auth", "default", "safe"} postrule = function() local all = creds.Credentials:new(creds.ALL_DATA) local tab = all:getTable() if ( tab and next(tab) ) then return true end end action = function() local all = creds.Credentials:new(creds.ALL_DATA) return all:getTable() end