--- -- Debugging functions for Nmap scripts. -- -- This module contains various handy functions for debugging. These should -- never be used for actual results, only during testing. -- -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html local coroutine = require "coroutine" local debug = require "debug" local io = require "io" local math = require "math" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("nsedebug", stdnse.seeall) local EMPTY = {}; -- Empty constant table --- -- Converts an arbitrary data type into a string. Will recursively convert -- tables. This can be very useful for debugging. -- --@param data The data to convert. --@param indent (optional) The number of times to indent the line. Default -- is 0. --@return A string representation of a data, will be one or more full lines. function tostr(data, indent) local str if(indent == nil) then indent = 0 end -- Check the type local typ = type(data) if(typ == "nil" or typ == "number" or typ == "boolean" or typ == "function" or typ == "thread" or typ == "userdata") then str = {(" "):rep(indent), tostring(data), "\n"} elseif(type(data) == "string") then str = {(" "):rep(indent), string.format("%q", data), "\n"} elseif(type(data) == "table") then local i, v str = {} for i, v in pairs(data) do -- Check for a table in a table str[#str+1] = (" "):rep(indent) str[#str+1] = tostring(i) if(type(v) == "table") then str[#str+1] = ":\n" str[#str+1] = tostr(v, indent + 2) else str[#str+1] = ": " str[#str+1] = tostr(v, 0) end end else stdnse.debug1("Error: unknown data type: %s", type(data)) end return table.concat(str) end --- Print out a string in hex, for debugging. -- --@param str The data to print in hex. function print_hex(str) -- Prints out the full lines for line=1, #str/16, 1 do io.write(string.format("%08x ", (line - 1) * 16)) -- Loop through the string, printing the hex for char=1, 16, 1 do local ch = string.byte(str, ((line - 1) * 16) + char) io.write(string.format("%02x ", ch)) end io.write(" ") -- Loop through the string again, this time the ascii for char=1, 16, 1 do local ch = string.byte(str, ((line - 1) * 16) + char) if ch < 0x20 or ch > 0x7f then ch = string.byte(".", 1) end io.write(string.format("%c", ch)) end io.write("\n") end -- Prints out the final, partial line if (#str % 16 ~= 0) then local line = math.floor((#str/16)) + 1 io.write(string.format("%08x ", (line - 1) * 16)) for char=1, #str % 16, 1 do local ch = string.byte(str, ((line - 1) * 16) + char) io.write(string.format("%02x ", ch)) end io.write(string.rep(" ", 16 - (#str % 16))); io.write(" ") for char=1, #str % 16, 1 do local ch = string.byte(str, ((line - 1) * 16) + char) if ch < 0x20 or ch > 0x7f then ch = string.byte(".", 1) end io.write(string.format("%c", ch)) end io.write("\n") end -- Print out the length io.write(string.format(" Length: %d [0x%x]\n", #str, #str)) end ---Print out a stacktrace. The stacktrace will naturally include this function call. function print_stack() local thread = coroutine.running() local trace = debug.traceback(thread); if trace ~= "stack traceback:" then print(thread, "\n", trace, "\n"); end end return _ENV;