--- -- Utility functions for LPeg. -- -- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html -- @class module -- @name lpeg-utility local assert = assert local lpeg = require "lpeg" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local pairs = pairs local string = require "string" local tonumber = tonumber _ENV = {} --- -- Returns a pattern which matches the literal string caselessly. -- -- @param literal A literal string to match case-insensitively. -- @return An LPeg pattern. function caseless (literal) local caseless = lpeg.Cf((lpeg.P(1) / function (a) return lpeg.S(a:lower()..a:upper()) end)^1, function (a, b) return a * b end) return assert(caseless:match(literal)) end --- -- Returns a pattern which matches the input pattern anywhere on a subject string. -- -- @param patt Input pattern. -- @return An LPeg pattern. function anywhere (patt) return lpeg.P { patt + 1 * lpeg.V(1) } end --- -- Adds the current locale from lpeg.locale() to the grammar and returns the final pattern. -- -- @param grammar Input grammar. -- @return An LPeg pattern. function localize (grammar) return lpeg.P(lpeg.locale(grammar)) end --- -- Splits the input string on the input separator. -- -- @param str Input string to split. -- @param sep Input string/pattern to separate on. -- @return All splits. function split (str, sep) return lpeg.P { lpeg.V "elem" * (lpeg.V "sep" * lpeg.V "elem")^0, elem = lpeg.C((1 - lpeg.V "sep")^0), sep = sep, } :match(str) end --- -- Returns a pattern which only matches at a word boundary (beginning). -- -- Essentially the same as '\b' in a PCRE pattern. -- -- @param patt A pattern. -- @return A new LPeg pattern. function atwordboundary (patt) return _ENV.localize { patt + lpeg.V "alpha"^0 * (1 - lpeg.V "alpha")^1 * lpeg.V(1) } end --- -- Returns a pattern which captures the contents of a quoted string. -- -- This can handle embedded escaped quotes, and captures the unescaped string. -- -- @param quot The quote character to use. Default: '"' -- @param esc The escape character to use. Cannot be the same as quot. Default: "\" function escaped_quote (quot, esc) quot = quot or '"' esc = esc or '\\' return lpeg.P { lpeg.Cs(lpeg.V "quot" * lpeg.Cs((lpeg.V "simple_char" + lpeg.V "noesc" + lpeg.V "unesc")^0) * lpeg.V "quot"), quot = lpeg.P(quot)/"", esc = lpeg.P(esc), simple_char = (lpeg.P(1) - (lpeg.V "quot" + lpeg.V "esc")), unesc = (lpeg.V "esc" * lpeg.C( lpeg.V "esc" + lpeg.P(quot) ))/"%1", noesc = lpeg.V "esc" * lpeg.V "simple_char" } end --- -- Adds hooks to a grammar to print debugging information -- -- Debugging LPeg grammars can be difficult. Calling this function on your -- grammmar will cause it to print ENTER and LEAVE statements for each rule, as -- well as position and subject after each successful rule match. -- -- For convenience, the modified grammar is returned; a copy is not made -- though, and the original grammar is modified as well. -- -- @param grammar The LPeg grammar to modify -- @param printer A printf-style formatting printer function to use. -- Default: stdnse.debug1 -- @return The modified grammar. function debug (grammar, printer) printer = printer or stdnse.debug1 -- Original code credit: http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2009-10/msg00774.html for k, p in pairs(grammar) do local enter = lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.P(true), function(s, p, ...) printer("ENTER %s", k) return p end) local leave = lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.P(true), function(s, p, ...) printer("LEAVE %s", k) return p end) * (lpeg.P("k") - lpeg.P "k"); grammar[k] = lpeg.Cmt(enter * p + leave, function(s, p, ...) printer("---%s---", k) printer("pos: %d, [%s]", p, s:sub(1, p-1)) return p end) end return grammar end do -- Cache the returned pattern local getquote = escaped_quote() -- Substitution pattern to unescape a string local unescape = lpeg.P { -- Substitute captures lpeg.Cs((lpeg.V "simple_char" + lpeg.V "unesc")^0), -- Escape char is '\' esc = lpeg.P "\\", -- Simple char is anything but escape char simple_char = lpeg.P(1) - lpeg.V "esc", -- If we hit an escape, process specials or hex code, otherwise remove the escape unesc = (lpeg.V "esc" * lpeg.Cs( lpeg.V "specials" + lpeg.V "code" + lpeg.P(1) ))/"%1", -- single-char escapes. These are the only ones service_scan uses specials = lpeg.S "trn0" / {t="\t", r="\r", n="\n", ["0"]="\0"}, -- hex escape: convert to char code = (lpeg.P "x" * lpeg.C(lpeg.S "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"^-2))/function(c) return string.char(tonumber(c,16)) end, } --- Turn the service fingerprint reply to a probe into a binary blob function get_response (fp, probe) fp = string.gsub(fp, "\nSF:", "") local i, e = string.find(fp, string.format("%s,%%x+,", probe)) if i == nil then return nil end return unescape:match(getquote:match(fp, e+1)) end end return _ENV