--- -- This module was written by Patrik Karlsson and facilitates communication -- with the Citrix XML Service. It is not feature complete and is missing several -- functions and parameters. -- -- The library makes little or no effort to verify that the parameters submitted -- to each function are compliant with the DTD -- -- As all functions handling requests take their parameters in the form of tables, -- additional functionality can be added while not breaking existing scripts -- -- Details regarding the requests/responses and their parameters can be found in -- the NFuse.DTD included with Citrix MetaFrame/Xenapp -- -- This code is based on the information available in: -- NFuse.DTD - Version 5.0 (draft 1) 24 January 2008 -- local http = require "http" local stdnse = require "stdnse" local string = require "string" local table = require "table" _ENV = stdnse.module("citrixxml", stdnse.seeall) --- Decodes html-entities to chars eg. => -- -- @param xmldata string to convert -- @return string an e function decode_xml_document(xmldata) local hexval if not xmldata then return "" end local newstr = xmldata local escaped_val while string.match(newstr, "(&#%d+;)" ) do escaped_val = string.match(newstr, "(&#%d+;)") hexval = escaped_val:match("(%d+)") if ( hexval ) then newstr = newstr:gsub(escaped_val, string.char(hexval)) end end return newstr end --- Sends the request to the server using the http lib -- -- @param host string or host table of the remote server -- @param port number or port table of the remote server -- @param xmldata string, the HTTP data part of the request as XML -- -- @return string with the response body -- function send_citrix_xml_request(host, port, xmldata) local response = http.post( host, port, "/scripts/WPnBr.dll", { header={["Content-Type"]="text/xml"}}, nil, xmldata) -- this is *probably* not the right way to do stuff -- decoding should *probably* only be done on XML-values -- this is *probably* defined in the standard, for anyone interested return decode_xml_document(response.body) end --- Request information about the Citrix Server Farm -- -- Consult the NFuse.DTD for a complete list of supported parameters -- This function implements all the supported parameters described in: -- Version 5.0 (draft 1) 24 January 2008 -- -- @param host string or host table of the remote server -- @param port number or port table of the remote server -- @return string HTTP response data -- function request_server_farm_data( host, port ) local xmldata = "\r\n\z \r\n\z \z \z \r\n" return send_citrix_xml_request(host, port, xmldata) end --- Parses the response from the request_server_farm_data request -- @param response string with the XML response -- @return table containing server farm names -- function parse_server_farm_data_response( response ) local farms = {} response = response:gsub("\r?\n","") for farm in response:gmatch("([^<]+)") do table.insert(farms, farm) end return farms end --- Sends a request for application data to the Citrix XML service -- -- Consult the NFuse.DTD for a complete list of supported parameters -- This function does NOT implement all the supported parameters -- -- Supported parameters are Scope, ServerType, ClientType, DesiredDetails -- -- @param host string or host table which is to be queried -- @param port number or port table of the XML service -- @param params table with parameters -- @return string HTTP response data -- function request_appdata(host, port, params) -- setup the mandatory parameters if they're missing local scope = params['Scope'] or "onelevel" local server_type = params['ServerType'] or "all" local client_type = params['ClientType'] or "ica30" local desired_details = params['DesiredDetails'] or nil local xmldata = { '\r\n\z \r\n\z ', server_type, "", client_type, "" } if desired_details then if type(desired_details) == "string" then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. desired_details .. "" elseif type(desired_details) == "table" then for _, v in ipairs(desired_details) do xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. v .. "" end else assert(desired_details) end end xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "\r\n" return send_citrix_xml_request(host, port, table.concat(xmldata)) end --- Extracts the Accesslist section of the XML response -- -- @param xmldata string containing results from the request app data request -- @return table containing settings extracted from the accesslist section of the response local function extract_appdata_acls(xmldata) local acls = {} local users = {} local groups = {} for acl in xmldata:gmatch("(.-)") do if acl:match("AnonymousUser") then table.insert(users, "Anonymous") else for user in acl:gmatch("(.-)") do local user_name = user:match("(.-)") or "" local domain_name = user:match("(.-)") or "" if user_name:len() > 0 then if domain_name:len() > 0 then domain_name = domain_name .. "\\" end table.insert(users, domain_name .. user_name) end end for group in acl:gmatch("(.-)") do local group_name = group:match("(.-)") or "" local domain_name = group:match("(.-)") or "" if group_name:len() > 0 then if domain_name:len() > 0 then domain_name = domain_name .. "\\" end table.insert(groups, domain_name .. group_name) end end end if #users> 0 then acls['User'] = users end if #groups>0 then acls['Group'] = groups end end return acls end --- Extracts the settings section of the XML response -- -- @param xmldata string containing results from the request app data request -- @return table containing settings extracted from the settings section of the response local function extract_appdata_settings(xmldata) local settings = {} settings['appisdisabled'] = xmldata:match("") settings['appisdesktop'] = xmldata:match("") for s in xmldata:gmatch("(.-)") do settings['Encryption'] = s:match("(.-)") settings['EncryptionEnforced'] = s:match("") settings['AppOnDesktop'] = s:match("") settings['AppInStartmenu'] = s:match("") settings['PublisherName'] = s:match("(.-)") settings['SSLEnabled'] = s:match("(.-)") settings['RemoteAccessEnabled'] = s:match("(.-)") end return settings end --- Parses the appdata XML response -- -- @param xmldata string response from request_appdata -- @return table containing nestled tables closely resembling the DOM model of the XML response function parse_appdata_response(xmldata) local apps = {} xmldata = xmldata:gsub("\r?\n",""):gsub(">%s+<", "><") for AppData in xmldata:gmatch("(.-)") do local app_name = AppData:match("(.-)") or "" local app = {} app['FName'] = app_name app['AccessList'] = extract_appdata_acls(AppData) app['Settings'] = extract_appdata_settings(AppData) table.insert(apps, app) end return apps end -- -- -- @param flags string, should be any of following: alt-addr, no-load-bias -- function request_address(host, port, flags, appname) local xmldata = { '\r\n\z \r\n\z ' } if flags then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. flags .. "" end if appname then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. appname .. "" end xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "\r\n" return send_citrix_xml_request(host, port, table.concat(xmldata)) end --- Request information about the Citrix protocol -- -- Consult the NFuse.DTD for a complete list of supported parameters -- This function implements all the supported parameters described in: -- Version 5.0 (draft 1) 24 January 2008 -- -- @param host string or host table which is to be queried -- @param port number or port table of the XML service -- @param params table with parameters -- @return string HTTP response data -- function request_server_data(host, port, params) local params = params or {} local server_type = params.ServerType or {"all"} local client_type = params.ClientType or {"all"} local xmldata = { '\r\n\z \r\n\z ' } for _, srvtype in pairs(server_type) do xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. srvtype .. "" end for _, clitype in pairs(client_type) do xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. clitype .. "" end xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "\r\n" return send_citrix_xml_request(host, port, table.concat(xmldata)) end --- Parses the response from the request_server_data request -- @param response string with the XML response -- @return table containing the server names -- function parse_server_data_response(response) local servers = {} response = response:gsub("\r?\n","") for s in response:gmatch("([^<]+)") do table.insert(servers, s) end return servers end --- Request information about the Citrix protocol -- -- Consult the NFuse.DTD for a complete list of supported parameters -- This function implements all the supported parameters described in: -- Version 5.0 (draft 1) 24 January 2008 -- -- @param host string or host table which is to be queried -- @param port number or port table of the XML service -- @param params table with parameters -- @return string HTTP response data -- function request_protocol_info( host, port, params ) local params = params or {} local xmldata = { '\r\n\z \r\n\z ' } if params['ServerAddress'] then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = ('' .. params['ServerAddress'] .. "") end xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "\r\n" return send_citrix_xml_request(host, port, table.concat(xmldata)) end --- Request capability information -- -- Consult the NFuse.DTD for a complete list of supported parameters -- This function implements all the supported parameters described in: -- Version 5.0 (draft 1) 24 January 2008 -- -- @param host string or host table which is to be queried -- @param port number or port table of the XML service -- @return string HTTP response data -- function request_capabilities( host, port ) local xmldata = '\r\n\z \r\n\z \z \r\n' return send_citrix_xml_request(host, port, xmldata) end --- Parses the response from the request_capabilities request -- @param response string with the XML response -- @return table containing the server capabilities -- function parse_capabilities_response(response) local servers = {} response = response:gsub("\r?\n","") for s in response:gmatch("([^<]+)") do table.insert(servers, s) end return servers end --- Tries to validate user credentials against the XML service -- -- Consult the NFuse.DTD for a complete list of supported parameters -- This function implements all the supported parameters described in: -- Version 5.0 (draft 1) 24 January 2008 -- -- -- @param host string or host table which is to be queried -- @param port number or port table of the XML service -- @param params table with parameters -- @return string HTTP response data -- function request_validate_credentials(host, port, params ) local params = params or {} local credentials = params['Credentials'] or {} local xmldata = { '\r\n\z \r\n\z ' } if credentials['UserName'] then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. credentials['UserName'] .. "" end if credentials['Password'] then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = '' .. credentials['Password'] .. "" end if credentials['Domain'] then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = '' .. credentials['Domain'] .. "" end xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "\r\n" return send_citrix_xml_request(host, port, table.concat(xmldata)) end --- Parses the response from request_validate_credentials -- @param response string with the XML response -- @return table containing the results -- function parse_validate_credentials_response(response) local tblResult = {} response = response:gsub("\r?\n","") tblResult['DaysUntilPasswordExpiry'] = response:match("(.+)") tblResult['ShowPasswordExpiryWarning'] = response:match("(.+)") tblResult['ErrorId'] = response:match("(.+)") return tblResult end --- Sends a request to reconnect session data -- -- Consult the NFuse.DTD for a complete list of supported parameters -- This function does NOT implement all the supported parameters ---- -- @param host string or host table which is to be queried -- @param port number or port table of the XML service -- @param params table with parameters -- function request_reconnect_session_data(host, port, params) local params = params or {} local Credentials = params.Credentials or {} params.ServerType = params.ServerType or {} params.ClientType = params.ClientType or {} local xmldata = { '\r\n\z \r\n\z ' } if Credentials.UserName then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. Credentials.UserName .. "" end if Credentials.Password then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = '' .. Credentials.Password .. "" end if Credentials.Domain then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = '' .. Credentials.Domain .. "" end xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" if params.ClientName then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. params.ClientName .. "" end if params.DeviceId then xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. params.DeviceId .. "" end for _, srvtype in pairs(params.ServerType) do xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. srvtype .. "" end for _, clitype in pairs(params.ClientType) do xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "" .. clitype .. "" end xmldata[#xmldata+1] = "\r\n" return send_citrix_xml_request(host, port, table.concat(xmldata)) end return _ENV;