local mysql = require "mysql" local nmap = require "nmap" local shortport = require "shortport" local stdnse = require "stdnse" description = [[ Dumps the password hashes from an MySQL server in a format suitable for cracking by tools such as John the Ripper. Appropriate DB privileges (root) are required. The username and password arguments take precedence over credentials discovered by the mysql-brute and mysql-empty-password scripts. ]] --- -- @usage -- nmap -p 3306 --script mysql-dump-hashes --script-args='username=root,password=secret' -- -- @output -- PORT STATE SERVICE -- 3306/tcp open mysql -- | mysql-dump-hashes: -- | root:*9B500343BC52E2911172EB52AE5CF4847604C6E5 -- | debian-sys-maint:*92357EE43977D9228AC9C0D60BB4B4479BD7A337 -- |_ toor:*14E65567ABDB5135D0CFD9A70B3032C179A49EE7 -- -- @args username the username to use to connect to the server -- @args password the password to use to connect to the server -- author = "Patrik Karlsson" license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html" categories = {"auth", "discovery", "safe"} dependencies = {"mysql-empty-password", "mysql-brute"} portrule = shortport.port_or_service(3306, "mysql") local arg_username = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".username") local arg_password = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. ".password") or "" local function fail(err) return ("\n ERROR: %s"):format(err or "") end local function getCredentials() -- first, let's see if the script has any credentials as arguments? if ( arg_username ) then return { [arg_username] = arg_password } -- next, let's see if mysql-brute or mysql-empty-password brought us anything elseif nmap.registry.mysqlusers then -- do we have root credentials? if nmap.registry.mysqlusers['root'] then return { ['root'] = nmap.registry.mysqlusers['root'] } else -- we didn't have root, so let's make sure we loop over them all return nmap.registry.mysqlusers end -- last, no dice, we don't have any credentials at all end end local function mysqlLogin(socket, username, password) local status, response = mysql.receiveGreeting( socket ) if ( not(status) ) then return response end return mysql.loginRequest( socket, { authversion = "post41", charset = response.charset }, username, password, response.salt ) end action = function(host, port) local creds = getCredentials() if ( not(creds) ) then stdnse.debug2("No credentials were supplied, aborting ...") return end local result = {} for username, password in pairs(creds) do local socket = nmap.new_socket() if ( not(socket:connect(host, port)) ) then return fail("Failed to connect to server") end local status, response = mysqlLogin(socket, username, password) if ( status ) then local query = "SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(user, ':', password) FROM mysql.user WHERE password <> ''" local status, rows = mysql.sqlQuery( socket, query ) socket:close() if ( status ) then result = mysql.formatResultset(rows, { noheaders = true }) break end else socket:close() end end if ( result ) then return stdnse.format_output(true, result) end end